Original Post — Direct link

What’s up Reddit.

We thought we’d kick 2019 off right and start making weekly threads that let you know what we’re up to! Thanks u/azor4lion for planting the idea seed in our collective brains.

Let this be known as the first Weekly Thread! Feel free to ask questions, and use this as a place for discussion with the Royale team. We’ll be monitoring the thread & replying.


This week the whole team was fully back together after the holiday break so first things first - planning for the year ahead.

Main things we discussed this week:

  • Delivering something ENTIRELY NEW. A new way to play Royale?
  • Clan Wars 2.0
  • Fixing all the cool stuff we already have and making our existing features as good as they can be
  • Trade Token UI
  • Optional update to fix some bugs


The first three bullet points are all high level plans at the moment (we have no idea what Clan Wars 2.0 is but know that we have a load of ideas that we want to work on) and therefore are not set in stone.

Oh yeh, our first update of 2019 will be dropping end of Jan/start of Feb.

Happy Friday!

  • The Clash Royale Team

FYI: The way we work when coming up with new ideas for Royale is pretty fluid. We are constantly discussing and evolving update ideas, and will only settle on an update when we are 100% convinced it is best for the game. If the above ideas don’t end up making their way into the game, it’s because we thought of something better!

External link →
about 6 years ago - /u/ClashRoyale - Direct link

Originally posted by pugowar

are you guys aware of the 86% lag issue...is anything going to be done about it? My game lags so much now I cannot play. I cant help my clan do wars or anything. Please see why the ram required changed in the last update and revert it back if possible. Thank you. I love this game and want to play.

yep we are - this is one of the bugs we are looking into tackling in the optional update. we know from community reports that a workaround involves spectating a match or a replay, so that was a jumping off point for a fix for us.

- Drew

about 6 years ago - /u/ClashRoyale - Direct link

Originally posted by Blunt-Smoke

Ya’ll should add a 2v2 ranking system.

we've been chatting about it!

- Drew