9 months ago - Clash Royale - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s I wish I wasn't celebrating Clash Ra's
3s 8ighth birthday
6s alone wait a minute you're invited to
9s our first ever Community event for the
12s next 10 days we have a bunch of gifts
14s for you to celebrate our birthday but
16s there's a catch you have to play against
18s Mega Knight in every game just kidding
22s from March 1st to March 10th you can
23s earn crowns to charge up these rewards
26s the new birthday Tower skin a magic
28s chest daily Gold Rush
30s a new Electro birthday emote a champion
33s chest Canon a giant chest and a wild
38s Evolution Shard the more crowns you earn
40s the more rewards you will unlock simple
42s birthdays are better when you spend them
45s together hey Goblin you got any
51s jokes