But why would I request for a account deletion on an account I have been playing for over 2 yrs, it doesn't seem right pls help
I don't know. The only other option than you requesting your account to be deleted is that someone had access to your phone or account and did the deletion request on your behalf. Unfortunately when something is "GDPR deleted" it's gone for good.
I'll see if I can dig out some details.
For anyone else reading, don't worry! What happened is very uncommon and unlikely to happen. As long as you don't share your account details with anyone and don't give your phone to people you can't trust, your 100% fine.
One more thing for anyone reading this. If you want to take a break from Royale or if you want to quit. Don't ask for permanent deletion. Save your progress with SC ID and delete the app, this way, in the very likely scenario ;) that you will return, you will have your account back in no time.
EDIT 26.4.2020: (I DMed some additional info to OP)