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over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

This account was banned from contacting support (almost two years ago) due to ongoing use of extremely offensive and derogatory language in a hostile manner towards our support agents (including homophobic slurs).

We always warn players multiple times before we resort to banning the player from contacting support. Additionally I want to point out that you really have to be extremely nasty to get banned from support, so don't worry if you happen to express yourself with a couple of expletives mixed in, when contacting us.

I agree that the way it's displayed here, without any context, makes it look very out of place and even rude.

Thanks for the feedback! We'll look into improving the text and automation.


over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by Dont-duck-with-me

Maybe you were offensive before and thats why they dont respond

"It's a bingo"

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by Astralpower94

While you're at it, disable closing conversations. I'm a paying customer. U can't just shut ppl out like that. If your customer support can't solve issues then tell them to get help from the devs. Oh wait the devs can't be arsed based on the lacklustre big update after 2yrs. Just great. Sometimes your sparky bot doesn't understand the question and keeps saying we can't help u any further. Ridiculous.

Ok. Could you share your player tag or player ID (DM me) and a couple of examples of what went wrong? We'll try to figure out what specifically is not working as intended.

I get the frustration. For what it's worth, we (CR team) are trying our best to do what's best for the game and best for our players! Hopefully whatever comes next will be received better here on Reddit.

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by Astralpower94

Dmed. I've just concluded that the support staff aren't paid enough so they don't go the extra mile to ask a higher up to help with an issue. Or the higher ups don't like it when they get bothered too much so the support staff try to stay away. Just my theory

Also, pls advice your staff to not spam template answers unnecessarily. Relevant template answers are fine but often it goes on and on without actually answering the question or solving the problem.


Most companies that (are lucky enough to) deal with high volumes of player(customer) contacts have to construct a quite elaborate operation and use multiple external companies to support it.

Don't get me wrong, its totally doable to make everything work great, but it's not simple. Just know that we do try to improve our customer service constantly. Really sorry that you've had a bad experience.

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by MrGummyDeathTryant

Just wait. You'll be banned in a week for account sharing.

Lets hope not, but the fact that it seems that he is unaware of why he can't contact us makes me a little suspicious...

That or then there was a great opportunity to score some internet points.

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by LCDCMetaux

the fact that you are on reddit is great honestly, feel more alive and yeah this is basically a need when post like these are posted, unfortunaly the best thing is to take it down because if somebody just scroll and see this, and scroll again they juste think "supercell bad".

Continue the good work !


You have a point, but I don't think it's cool if we start censoring posts that make us look bad. I think the Sparky message is genuinely confusing and we'll make it better thanks to this post.

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by LCDCMetaux

That’s also true but this one is intentionally malicious it’s like like other post when they have « update is bad » « I got banned because they reported me because i said update bad » he knew why he got banned, posted his new message and then posted here.

But you have a point of not censoring things that don’t make supercell look good. (maybe add flair that say « read comments for more info » ?)

Anyway have a good day at being paid browsing reddit ahah

Haha, thanks!

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Hey everyone,

I wanted to follop up on this and give you an update just in case anyone is wondering or if this pops up somewhere else. It turns out that OP did actually NOT get banned from contacting player support, it was the previous owner of the account. Sorry OP for calling you out on saying horrible things to support, my bad.

However, as we have detected that the account in question was transferred from one user to another, we have permanently banned the account as this is a serious violation of our ToS.

Please remember to keep your accounts safe, don't share your login details with anyone and don't start playing on an account that isn't yours.

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by ClashRoyaleSupport

Hey everyone,

I wanted to follop up on this and give you an update just in case anyone is wondering or if this pops up somewhere else. It turns out that OP did actually NOT get banned from contacting player support, it was the previous owner of the account. Sorry OP for calling you out on saying horrible things to support, my bad.

However, as we have detected that the account in question was transferred from one user to another, we have permanently banned the account as this is a serious violation of our ToS.

Please remember to keep your accounts safe, don't share your login details with anyone and don't start playing on an account that isn't yours.

You might think that it's not fair. Why did you only go after this guy?

We do constantly monitor things like account sharing, bot usage, account pushing and win sharing. We've been, and still are constantly improving on automatically catching these things.

This case was quite old, so it slipped to the cracks originally.

If someone contacts us and there is reasonable doubt, that something 'bad' is happening, we will check, rather than turn a blind eye to it.

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by Galse22

If you needed to change your e-mail for personal reasons you can right? Like, not related at all to the update.

Absolutely you can!

over 4 years ago - /u/ClashRoyaleSupport - Direct link

Originally posted by spacingaxis2

First comment in over a year? This must’ve really made you angry that someone was lying about this. I would be too.

No, it's just business. Nothing personal against any of our players, ever.

I've just been a little bit too inactive on Reddit. Focus has been elsewhere.