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I just watched the final games to see the top finishers of this season and I hate how unfair and disrespectful these "top" finishers are. I witnessed anaban win trade twice, once with his own china account, and another with phat cat to give him the number one spot. I also saw little enn win his games fairly and clearly against hajime and boeufmac respectively and get his number two spot.

Little enn needed 20 trophies to reach the number one spot and he best bouefmac while boeufmac had a hard counter with sparky goblin giant to his mortar, miner deck. He only ended up getting 18 trophies and sadly got the number two spot to cheating anabans number one spot. I have video proof of it and if there is enough response and interest I can upload it. I just hope he doesn't get a feature on CWA for it or something because I don't consider that a real number one finisher, I saw little enn try his ass off as well as other top finishers such as hajime and lemontree.

I understand win trading may not be in terms of service but I at least want to make the community aware of what happened on top ladder and not to put blind faith in certain people you may have looked up to. Maybe supercell can see if anabans china account has been traded around but yes that's it.

P.S. supercell,

PUBG has been loaded out to RUBEN for pushing WERO has been pushing nightrider I believe

Idgaf if I sound like a snitch, I hate heaters and these guys all hang out and act so cool

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

i'll be looking into this. thanks for posting.