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Topic: Ideas To Further Broaden the Already Diverse Meta

Since we are already approaching the latter half of the brief 4-week Season 7 and u/Supercell_Seth inquiring the community regarding the settled meta it's the perfect opportunity to share your balance ideas/suggestions! Thus far it seems like the meta has taken quite a turn from the EG-centric meta not too long ago.

Notable nearly every win-con is viable, and every mini-tank - which was formerly a daunting task to establish any form of equilibrium with - seems to have a defining niche in the meta. As always, however, there are quite a few outliers, ranging from just being a tad overshadowed (Cannon Cart, Flying Machine) to fundamentally broken cards worthy of a substantial rework (Heal, Rage, etc.). The intention of this post is to encourage centralized discussion regarding these cards, and to spur ideas that could ultimately help the balance team to determine the ideal course of action for a specific card.


Example to post:

Mega Minion: Damage +7% (258 -> 276)

Though still relevant this unit has certainly taken a decline since its range reduction. This buff will ideally bring this card to the forefront of the meta while being a much better check to the omnipresent Miner-WallBreakers combo. Hopefully Mega Minion will also make Golem a tad more viable in the midst of many high-pressure decks that are very popular currently.


  • It will add to the lacking counterplay Wall-Breakers currently have, ideally lessening their usage rates by a good deal.
  • It will make Golem a smidge more popular, which can use a little assistance to remain viable.


  • It would be very polarizing change, since many consider Mega Minion to be one of the most balanced cards of all time, even through its 4 impactful nerfs.
  • It could potentially ruin the mini-tank equilibrium if it inevitably joins the ranks of the top-tier support cards again.

NOTE: Exemplary comments that best demonstrate the nature of this post WILL be awarded, so don't be afraid to elaborate on your ideas!


Discussion Questions:

  • What cards/s do you think could use a buff/nerf?
    • How can your change be a positive contribution to the meta?
      • How does your change address some of the flaws in the meta?
      • If applicable, could your change revive the usage of a currently underused card?
  • What card is best suited for a rework in Season 8?
    • How is your choice for a rework the most fitting for the current meta?
    • How can your rework be a positive contribution to the meta short-term/long-term?
      • What new archetypes/card synergies could your rework establish that would ideally expand and diversify the meta?
    • How does your rework remedy the primary issues of your chosen card?
      • If applicable, would your rework change the identity of the card?
      • Why do you think this would be the correct course of action
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almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell-Seth - Direct link

So far there doesn't seem to be many outlier cards. Almost everything is within expected ranges, and the cards that are above that range aren't urgent / could be benefiting from the meta.

If things stay the same, you can expect an all-buff sort of balance update. Though we have reduced the amount of 'rework' level of changes that are coming up, the cards that needed reworks will probably end up with buffs. Here's one we have been playing with that will probably ship in February (as always, nothing is final / everything can change):


Lifetime Reduced 60s -> 50s

Spawn Time Reduces 13.5s -> 12.5s

Added Death Spawn of 2 Barbarians (1 wave)

The reduced lifetime and added Death Spawn work out to the same number of spawns, but the building becomes a bit more Spell resistant (since there is no way to remove the Death Spawn by damaging the building). The waves also end up closer together with a shorter spawn time, providing more defense/offense. It's also nice for the meta that Barb Hut would not survive as long, spawner spam is usually not a fun meta so we wanted to ensure a better Barb Hut didn't clog up the board for a full minute.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell-Seth - Direct link

Originally posted by Royalelvl1challenge

Seth. One of the biggest complaints I have against the developers is that regret cards (aka spawner metas) are just made to be useless (I define as under 40pct win rate in GC + under 4pct use rate in GC).

It would be a revolutionary idea to Archive those cards. Refund back the gold value and upgrade value of those cards, and that would help the game balance. If a card makes meta either too boring or cant be balanced properly (zappies per your notes before), Archive them.

The chests haven't been buffed to account for the rise in new cards either. This would add some flexibility.

Plenty of casual players really enjoy their spawner cards / decks, especially 2v2 only players. Just because a card isn't competitively viable doesn't mean it needs to be deleted, plenty of cards exist for non-competitive play and we think that's fine for the game overall.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell-Seth - Direct link

Originally posted by Manu_Erre

Hey seth. What happened to the rework to the heal spell? You've said you had something really cool planned for it. Is that still on the table or it was dismissed?

Still coming - the mechanics are finalized, just waiting on some assets :)