over 1 year ago - Clash Royale - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this holiday season clashmost is coming
3s to clash Royale and things you're gonna
6s be getting updated starring everybody's
9s favorites emote wish list have you been
12s waiting for that twerking hog emote all
15s year get notified when the emote you
17s want are in the shop balance changes
19s Goblin hut is all the rage Phoenix and
23s monk are so last season
26s leaderboard updates the information you
29s want to see where you want to see it
31s clan gifts share the classmates cheer
35s review Clan and making their classmates
38s debut card boost potion boosted levels
43s for cards of your choice
47s introducing super hog rider deliver
50s gifts to your enemies
52s [Music]
54s keep that change you filthy log me
57s players
57s [Music]