almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Daria - Direct link

Hey there!

With the new Season and Balance Update around the corner, let’s step back and take a look at the May Balance Update. Did it breathe new life into underused cards? Did the changes shift the meta? Did they break the game?!

Universally speaking, our balance changes pursue several goals: make unpopular cards more viable, tweak the extremes (if there are any) and overall provide more interesting choices for your decks. Our overall goal is to make the game more diverse and therefore, more fun.


Dark Prince

Dark Prince is hands down the all-star of this month. The buff to his Attack Range and Area Damage Radius made him less susceptible to troop attacks, and this is reflected in the stats.

Dark Prince has received a huge boost in usage throughout all the game modes, climbing from 4% to 12% usage in Classic Challenges and up to 16% in Grand Challenges.

Although the card’s win rate is around 49-50% in Ladder, it’s a bit on the strong side in Challenges, reaching a 55-57% win rate. So we’ll be keeping an eye on the Dark Prince to make sure he doesn’t become a problem!

Three Musketeers

As we had hoped, this iconic trio has indeed made a comeback - this card is now used 3x as often in Classic Challenges and nearly 5x as often in Grand Challenges!

But it is still a niche, Elixir-heavy card, used in 2-3% of the games. Provided that its win rate has also improved significantly, now hovering around 50-52%, we believe that Three Musketeers has found its place in meta.

It has become a more viable card than before without ‘breaking’ the Ladder, so we’re happy with its current state.

Princess & Goblin Barrel

These two cards faced pretty much the same result: they were good before and still are. The recent changes haven’t shaken things up for them but rather reinforced them in the roles they have been already fulfilling. Both cards are now picked more often in all modes, seeing a usage increase from 13% to 15%.

Their win rate has also improved: from 42% to 48% for Princess and from 40% to 44% for Goblin Barrel. We consider these numbers to be within the acceptable range as they make the Log Bait a viable deck but not too powerful.


The Hitpoints buff made Bomber bite a bit harder, and the card is played in 4-5% of decks up to 6000 trophies with a solid 49% win rate. Although it is still on a weaker side in Challenges, the card win rate has improved (41% and 34% in Classic and Grand Challenges respectively) and made it a bit more popular than before.

We have no plans to rebalance this card further as it is already a great counter to ground troops and can be dangerous enough with the support of an ait troop counter.

Wall Breakers

The Damage buff has helped these little guys (their win rate has improved across all game modes, reaching 36-37%) but it is still among the least used cards in the game. Interestingly enough, Wall Breakers shows a solid 45% win rate in the 6000+ trophy range. The card indicates further potential, but nevertheless, we’ll give it some more time.

Overall, we are satisfied with how the balance changes have affected the usage and the win rate of the cards.

Have you started using any of those cards in your decks during this month? How do you find them in different modes?

June Balance Changes will be announced on Friday as usual!

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Daria - Direct link

Originally posted by happymancr

I thought trophy progression was modified so a playet wins more than they lose in 1v1. My experience has been opposite. In app customer service is really bad. They just ignore

Have you reached the Legendary Arena? Trophy Gates work up to 4000 Trophies.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Daria - Direct link

Originally posted by MM_Dyslexic

The other players are probably over leveled. Prince might be slightly powerful, though, and I could see like a 1-2% nerf to him

Agree with /u/MM_Dyslexic, these cards have a win rate of 49-50% throughout the Ladder. They are a bit over-leveled in comparison to others, but ever so slightly.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Daria - Direct link

Originally posted by PUSHAxC

I always find it interesting looking at certain cards' win rates. Classic logbait seems like a fairly solid deck, but princess & gob barrel don't have that high of win rates respectively. However, I play enough very random decks that just have goblin barrel or princess, without having other log bait cards, which must skew the data at least a little bit. Using gob barrel alone, more so than princess I'd say, is a great way to lose. It's essentially giving your opponent a +1 trade every time it's thrown haphazardly at the *princess tower. I know we have sites like royaleapi, but I'd love to see the official SC win rate for a deck like classic logbait.

With all that being said, the princess buff is definitely very noticeable. I had almost completely forgotten about the gob barrel buff, although I guess it's helped a little bit at least

Edit: princess, not king

The Log Bait win rate depends on the League: it's a bit strong in the lower tiers (around 52-54%) but after 5000 — perfect 49-50%.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Daria - Direct link

Originally posted by I_Knew_This_Dictator

What do you and the dev team think of Barbarian Hut? It's been one of, if not, the least used card in the game, with an abysmal win and usage rate in the top 200 and Grand Challenges.

Yes, you are right, Barbarian Hut is indeed one of the least popular cards, and we think that it requires a proper rework to become playable and interesting. What do you think?

almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Daria - Direct link

Originally posted by Teto-

I see that you take into consideration the stats of the ladder + classic + grand challenge.

Some cards, because of their concept, are obsolete in competition (bad synergy, replaceable by better cards) like bomber, wizard, witch, and many others and are therefore a problem for the lowest leagues for players who have not acquired the mechanics to counter them and after all we are not all equal, is that buff constantly this kind of card is a good strategy to have, knowing that there is little chance to see a day these cards having a real place in challenge ?

I agree with you that not all cards are supposed to make it to the competitive modes, they should be solid choices for the Ladder in the first place. However, I still think that the improvement (even a small one) of their performance in Classic and Grand Challenges is an indicator that we have succeeded at rebalancing them.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Daria - Direct link

Originally posted by PricelessValkyrie

First of all I approve this Deep Dive so much, you do the job so great no upvote can express how grateful I am!

Dark Prince

☆ this one made him glorious, I face him so often now and I he's my requested card on Epic Sundays now. I always liked him, I just decided for me back then I max my very first Epic ever before all others: The Prince. My only maxed out Epics are Prince and Hunter (which mechanics I love and he got inspired by WubWub back in the days on the old forums, I have a memory like an elefant if it goes to creator credits (I inspired the Executioner myself back in June 2016 and was amazed seeing him as birthday present six months later in January somehow, I screamed!)) so I really love to see either a Hunter tweak making him more wow or a me tweak making my "fit-him-in-your-deck-skill" better. My only maxed Rares are Valkyrie (my favourite card since day one) and Zappies (I put all my hopes in this card being loved again) so Dark Prince really scares me a bit now, because he got rather useless buffs in the past, which makes him now with the kind of buff he really needed even stronger. We'll see him on stage 😉

Three Musketeers

☆ No long comment here, I don't use Fireball, but because I suggested exactly this buff before (you might saw it, I can't tell fore sure) I am perfectly fine with it. It made things right again. Just the single Musketeer annoys me and I wish me a nudge for her, which doesn't affect Three Musketeers. It offers too much value, especially in the eyesore called Hog Cycle deck 🙈

Princess & Goblin Barrel

☆ very good feedback I can give you for Princess, very good indeed! Her faster travel speed worked out even better as I imagined. It really buffs some neat interactions, not just hitting very fast troops, much more, but not too heavy, which is great, just great!

☆ towards Goblin Barrel I really have to say I miss the old times, they felt much better. Now with all those 2 Elixir Spells (which offer to my pitty far too much value and need a special balance plan on their own, if there's ever a free spot for something like this in your team call me, I even applied for Supercell Support in HQ Helsinki. I got no answer yet, which is why I'll go find out your phone number and show some more interest 😜) it needs a change and Skeleton Barrel works pretty amazing for me so I think we really should bring its damage back, just damage, no special effect, and make it 4 elixir again. Not the 50 damage it had before, 80 damage on level 9 should be fine.


☆ I really thought he was getting op with this change, but it was pretty decent, everyone has to be wrong from time to time I guess... Nevertheless his usage gets improved day by day and I really fear him a bit, because I see what many others underestimate, his range of possibilities, his powerful arsenal of bombs... You know what I mean, you are a dedicated Bomber player yourself 🤗

Wall Breakers

☆ I really WANT to use them. The only reson is I tried them out many times with frustration, because I have them level 11 in 5600-5900 trophy range which is just way too low. Two moments are fixed in my head: An amazing 3 star attack, because they blow up an entire Minion Horde played as defense, which made it possible for my LJ to get the cups, I was srunned, literally stunned. And then... I. Laughed. Out. Loud. So hard! It was my best Wall Breaker moment ever. The other one was I blew up an defending Hunter all at once, but I lost the game anyways so... meh.

So this took pretty much time... But it's just once a months, so I'm fine. I am only on reddit since 100 days or so... how ironic, exactly that long was my Clash Royale winter break... I had so many problems in my real life, they took my full attention. Well... Then I came back in first third February and guess what? I missed all the free stuff. Lol. And many many new things awaited me, it took me two days to understand all changes, I am honest, I first thought the game took me for a ride and smashed my braincells. All right, gtg now, hope you monitore my pawsome posts in here 😉 I wait for Friday, the changes are already fixed so I wait until after the changes to suggest new stuff which fits just perfect. Bug out :)

Thanks for your feedback! Good luck with your application! It's gonna take some time but don't get discouraged :) Cheers!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell_Daria - Direct link

Originally posted by Mew_Pur_Pur

Love this transparency, u/Supercell_Daria! I'm a sucker for this data and looking forward to more of it.

We have no plans to rebalance this card further as it is already a great counter to ground troops and can be dangerous enough with the support of an ait troop counter.

This one disappointed me hard >_<

Please reconsider it! Sure, it is a great counter to ground troops, but I don't want such a card to just exist, I hoped that it would also be viable. There are more ways to tackle it, please revisit it sometime

I feel you, I love this card so much I want to give it every buff imaginable lol. Still, it's in a fragile state that it can easily become OP if tweaked incorrectly. We'll see!