over 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Check out the balance changes coming to Season 14!

These changes go live in-game on Tuesday, 4th August.



  • Sight Range -20%
  • Projectile Range +25%
  • Hitpoints +8%


The idea behind this rework is to make Bowler a bit more viable in offense, while keeping his defensive potential strong enough. Now he can reach the opponent’s Princess Tower right after crossing the bridge, but he has to be a bit closer to enemies to score a strike!



The following Spells now deal 30% of their total Damage to Crown Towers (Crown Tower Damage) instead of 35%:


Giant Snowball






The Log



  • Crown Tower Damage 35% > 30%



  • Crown Tower Damage 35% > 30%


Spells have been the most popular and effective cards in the game since time immemorial. While we think it’s cool for spells to have really healthy use rates, they provide a bit too much value if used to destroy a Troop next to the opponent’s tower. This, coupled with the creation of sometimes stale and frustrating ‘Spell Cycle’ strategies, sees them get a slight reduction to Crown Tower Damage this Season.

Miner is often used for his Crown Tower Damage which was recently reduced to be in-line with Spells. Keeping with this thinking, Miner has also been affected by this change.



  • Damage +8%


Now these clumsy inexperienced fellas can destroy Spear Goblins with 1 hit.



  • Hit Speed 1.1sec > 1.3sec (slower Damage Per Second)


Cheap. Fast. High DPS. Bats have been one of the most used cards for a long time and maybe it’s because they give just a little bit too much value for 2 Elixir.



  • Projectile Range -9%


Like Bats, The Log has been a strong leader in Challenge use rate, putting it far ahead of any other card. Even though we don’t want to touch one of the few Legendary spells in the game too much, we thought it would make sense to up its skill-cap slightly. Now in order to hit the opponent’s Tower, The Log should be deployed on the very top row of tiles.



  • Knockback removed
  • Royal Recruit Damage +8% (the same buff as the Royal Recruits card)


Royal Delivery has been a jack of all trades. It hits both ground and air, deals significant Damage, spawns a defensive Troop AND re-targets many Troops with its Knockback. Since the Royal Recruit inside is getting a Damage buff, we think it’s the right time to make Royal Delivery less of an answer to every kind of push.


Season 14 starts on Monday 3rd August and the balance changes go live on Tuesday August 4th.

Let us know what you think about these changes below!

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over 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by onohegotdieded

Isn’t the graveyard also a legendary spell

good point! edited. i always forget that graveyard is a spell

over 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Joe4913

The knock back was the only thing that made the card good. Really confused about why they are killing it like this

we asked some pros about this before we committed and this was their feedback too. atm it's overly strong ad needed something done to it, but we like the fact it deals a ton of damage when it drops, so we didn't want to touch that.

we will be monitoring how it performs without the knockback, as having a buffed recruit doesnt mean much if it just gets swarmed instantly.

possible future buff would be its deploy time.

over 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Bright_Dude

I think it was because log was just a better option when compared to other small spells like arrows or snowball, the use rates in decks and win rates must have been pretty high. I think log will survive though, it still has a lot of uses in many many decks

bingo! log is really versatile, and maybe we will see more 2 cost spells taking larger roles in decks where people relied on log before.

over 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Royalelvl1challenge

Oof. That hurts. So many nerfs. Drew I hope you'll answer my curiosity, which is why SC is focused on nerfing the top used cards instead of more buffs for the under used cards ? Buffs make people feel good while naturally reducing use rates of popular cards, whereas nerfs always make you feel like you lost something in a card you spent tons of time and gold and money leveling.

u/Mew_Pur_Pur nailed it with the crown tower comment and u/lucho3766 followed up with another good comment that has an explanation.

over 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by htnaanth

Is everyone ignoring the fact EQ hasn’t been nerfed...

earthquake is a spell specifically designed to damage buildings, so we wanted it to keep that uniqueness as a potential reason to pick it over other spells!