3 months
ago -
Clash Royale
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | did you know the Mega Knight has a |
2s | secret even though he's huge he has |
4s | incredibly small and beautifully |
6s | delicate hands which resulted in the |
8s | mega knite being bullied at night school |
10s | as every yearbook would show his |
12s | pristine fingers in order to hide his |
14s | shame he decided to always wear a helmet |
16s | and giant wrecking ball as a result no |
19s | one recognized him also he gained |
21s | incredible destructive power sometimes |
23s | he would forget the wrecking balls were |
25s | on his hands and he would give the most |
27s | dangerous high fives and even rip toilet |
29s | doors off by AC Mega Knight graduated |
31s | from night school after only a week |
34s | simply because it was too dangerous for |
35s | the other students and teachers to have |
37s | him there in the arena he rose to fame |
40s | however one day he found out there still |
42s | existed one copy of his night school |
44s | yearbook painting which led to the mega |
46s | KN night becoming enraged jumping wildly |
48s | in the arena determined to find the |
50s | owner of that embarrassing picture |