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over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

just to respond to comments on this post

  • this is by design (it's also in the patch notes and videos)
  • it's not a bug
  • yes we play clash royale

the thinking is this (i will use OP's situation as an example):

if you come last and get put down a league, you will face easier opponents (gold league) while the other clans in your river race will still be facing legendary opponents.

this means you theoretically have a better chance of changing your finishing position during this current river race. as you have easier battles than the other boats.

if you stay in gold throughout this clan wars season, then when next season starts you will be paired with 5 other gold league clan boats.

this first clan war season will take a bit of time for everyone to separate into different leagues so we have to see how it plays out and then adjust accordingly if there are issues.

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by waitthisisntmtg

I'm sorry but this logic does not follow at all. What if your clan is just way less active than the other clans? You won't stand a chance even if you get put into bronze league and they're in legendary.

How is that issue going to be addressed? Are we just hoping next month people will get better matchups?

if your clan is way less active than other clans that is a separate issue to this one being discussed, which is getting matched against the same clans in a season.

and yes in theory the next month the match ups will be better

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by HaydenJnr14

Hey Drew, can see the developers view on this. Should fame points be altered to reward victories more? This would help fix the issue that the smaller/inactive clans are having with this idea?

you mean for smaller clans only?

there is already feedback that players are finishing the river race too quickly, so increasing fame from victories overall doesn't seem necessary

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by dlsgy

If one of the clan has much less active members, then this clan will always be 5th.

to play devils advocate here (i know the sub won't like this opinion) but shouldn't the solution here lie with the clan themselves?

if you have an inactive clan maybe the clan needs a shake up and more active members?

just asking some hard questions that i would like some opinions on!

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by flavioluis99

What a crappy excuse. If your clan has 20 people but you’re against clans of 50 players then you’re screwed for the rest of the war season. Regardless of how much “better” you can do if you face more “fair” opponents.

explanations are not excuses, by the way. i am explaining our rationale behind these choices (it is fine if you don't agree, but it doesn't mean i'm making excuses)

question for you: do you think the solution here is to open the clan to more members?

i am collecting feedback to present to the team about clan sizes etc but i am just wondering if there is a reason for identifying this issue but not solving it from the player side.

  • simply can't get more players?
  • don't want a bigger clan?
  • want to keep clan private?

info and feedback like this goes a long way into what we should focus on. clan tools, better recruitment options etc etc. thanks for any feedback

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by That_Guy_KC

“It’s in the patch notes...”

Well great for the notes. My clan isn’t even getting screwed by this (yet). But it’s hard not to be irritated at this response. Obviously, you should have spelled it out for people that they’d be reamed for the next month by the same clans. For some reason, people seem to have been naively assuming your team would look out for them, and not have them hate this new game mode for a month straight immediately after it’s release. I think almost anyone in their right mind would have expected this.

This is just getting sad. Clash Royale has lost the faith of the community. I don’t know how there haven’t been resignations out of pure shame. I don’t know how you have the guts to tell us how great your small team is, while putting out such a garbage update. The only way I can imagine Clash recovering is a total overhaul of the team.


Edit: the comment about how SuperCell should have spelled out for these clans ahead of time that they were going to be screwed for a full month after the brand new and exciting update was me being sarcastic...

> Obviously, you should have spelled it out for people

i mentioned the patch notes and video because this apparently came as a surprise to people on this sub. i don't personally think it's a reason to be irritated by my response when it has been mentioned to players.

unfortunately no matter how much you write or tell people they will always blast through tutorials etc.

there comes a point where you can't do any more than you already have, bar putting a pop-up on screen that doesn't go away for 10 seconds. which is a terrible user experience

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by krakilin0405

Can't you do the same thing but with matching up the clans every week instead?

after this first clan war season this is something that we can look into for sure.

at the end of the day it's all about having the best experience, and if this is the better experience (and moving up and down leagues doesn't cut it) then the discussion will be had for a future update.

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by TheGuyintheNextStall

To play devil's advocate to your devil's advocate, might it be difficult to find active players without a clan when the game is dying and more people are leaving than joining?

Should supercell be putting the onus on us to make their game work properly when they seem to be doing everything possible to make the gaming experience unpleasant?

Also tough questions.

the game isn't dying and more people aren't leaving than joining though. according to this sub, the game has been a dead game for the last 4 years.

i am legitimately trying to help and get some qualitative feedback from the community and so i'm just going to call out that these sort of responses aren't great for that.

if you have some constructive feedback/criticism i would love to hear it though. i'm sorry that you don't like the update. but you can help shape future updates with constructive feedback on this current update

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Amirkashef20

Hi Drew, why didn't you think of deleting the old information of the clan war in profile, for example, deleting it and giving a reward instead, like deleting the legendary trophy? And also an idea to record the honors of the clan wars 2 in profile? If the basis for accepting a player in our clan is war, how do we know if the player is active or inactive? I will be happy if you answer I also commented but I did not receive a reply. I sometimes think that my message is not read by you, so why not calm the player down with even a short reply?

people did not want to lose their old stats, so we didn't want to delete them

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by That_Guy_KC

Then doesn’t there need to be a faster way of allowing that clan to drop to a lower tier, so they can compete in wars again?

Also, this comes down to communication and forethought by the Clash Royale team. Small clans, which might have been able to compete in Legendary Clan Wars 1 could legitimately be stuck getting destroyed for the next year to fall into a league that’s more competitive for their size.

Also, clan leaders didn’t even know what clan wars was going to look like until a few weeks ago. Do you know how long it takes to fill most clans? Those clans were not prepared. Then, the Clash Royale team, who knew Clan Wars 2 was going to be largely impacted by clan size, didn’t tell anyone, then is seemingly unsympathetic to the frustration.

Then doesn’t there need to be a faster way of allowing that clan to drop to a lower tier, so they can compete in wars again?

yes this is looking like it's a good idea

the Clash Royale team... is seemingly unsympathetic to the frustration.

we aren't unsympathetic, i'm sorry if this question made you feel this way. playing devils advocate means to ask a question that you don't necessarily agree with to get more information/a different viewpoint.

i'm asking this to understand where the frustration is coming from and how people who are frustrated would fix the issue

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Juurdd

I see your point, however there is a lot of clans out there who are more casual and just like to tip away at playing the game, the clan chest and CW1 allowed for this to happen however in CW2 your essentially making it less enjoyable for casual clans and most likely deterring the clan from pushing on.

On a side note, I've a super active clan and the feedback has been super negative so far. There seems to be no competitive edge to CW2, at least with war days in CW1 there was pressure to get a win and crowns.

thanks for the feedback.

what would you say isn't competitive about CW2?

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by barokas

The problem is with inactive clans. My clan has around 15-20 active members, we could barely get halfway through the race, so we will be stuck with boot rewards forever at this rate.

No one joins a losing clan, and we should not feel forced to abandon clans where we play with close friends. It's a lose-lose situation. Sure we get the daily gold but there's no other point to it.

Even the original clan chest was better than this because at least some players could overcompensate for the inactive ones.

Even the original clan chest was better than this because at least some players could overcompensate for the inactive ones.

this is a good point, thanks for the feedback.

questions for you:

if you could change your clan size or make a clan with a fixed size of 10 or 25 members would this be something you'd be interested in?

and would this be because you don't want to/can't grow the clan?

thanks again for the feedback and if you answer these questions

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Stannisinchains

I’m in a clan of 45, ranging from fully-maxed 6k+ ladder players all the way down to level 9 friends and family members. With CW1 the lower level members were happy to sit out War until we had secured a 1st place, we would subsequently allow all to take part to share the spoils.

In CW2 the only solution to maintain our rewards is to kick the lower level players. That doesn’t sit right with any of us.

understandable, thanks for the feedback

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by LKN-115

Unrelated, but I really wish you guys had made the change so that more than 1 person could attack in war at once. With everyone having 4 battles to do each day, and a lot of us in the same time zone with similar schedules, its making it very cluttered and awkward. I've had members who come online, see that someone else is doing their battles, and then simply go off-line again, not to be seen till the next day. There goes 200-300 fame minimum.

also good feedback! i agree with this, it's not ideal when you have to wait around for a clan mate especially during duels which are much longer than a 2-3min battle

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by --Roark--

Hi Drew, would it be possible for clans to get a better reward if they are in first position, but don't cross the finish line? We were about 13000 ahead of the next clan, but only got the boot. No boats crossed the line and we all looked like small clans. I'm not expecting the same as a 1st place finisher, as we didn't finish. It just seems a bit harsh to only get the boot even though we were clearly in the lead and it's tough to get to the line in a small clan.

thanks for the feedback. i'm hearing a lot of similar things from small clans.

i think the main thing that will be interesting about this is to see how smaller clans can adapt during this first clan war season.

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by UglyGekko

Please read Drew. I'm trying to give real feedback here but how can we grow the clan when there is no good ingame option to recruit new members? I have been a clan leader of a semi casual clan for 2 years and here are some experiences I've had to deal with due to the "recruitment" system ingame (a summary and response to your questions at the end):

  • About 3 months in a recently promoted co-leader kicked everyone except myself and other co-leaders from the clan. The issue here is self explanatory and I think this issue could have been fixed a long time ago. Imagine this hapening midway through a clan war now? That is 1 month of 5th place guaranteed! Is the answer just why dont u have more members?

  • Trying to re-invite everyone when there is no in-game mail system is challenging. There is also no in game way to properly advertise your clan. All you can do is "open" and wait.

  • Once "open" you can't even see the people who want to join until they have joined at which point you need to go over the new recruits and kick them one by one if they don't meet requirements. In most games they have an application system that fixes this issue.

  • About 4 months ago we were recruiting with an "open" clan and somebody joined who did not meet our personal best trophy requirements (which at the moment is the only real ingame way you can measure card levels at a glance which is very important especially with the new CW needing 32 maxed cards). That person was not happy about being kicked and decided to join the clan every day and spam insults and emotes non-stop every single day for over a month! We all kicked him repeatedly, reported him, and i even made a ticket with CR and nothing changed. Supercell's official response was: "you can set your clan to invite only". Considering your response above, how am i supposed to grow my clan if i cant do anything about trolls like this apart from not having my clan as "open" which is also the ONLY way to recruit members ingame?

  • Now a few members want to leave because they have 1 maxed deck and feel like they can no longer contribute to our clan enough since the update. I have been playing with these members for over a year and it is heartbreaking to see them feel like they are letting the clan down.

  • P.S: I know that there are 3rd party tools and recruitment forums out there that could help with some of these issues, but as a semi-casual clan (which make up the majority of people who play CR) we shouldn't have to rely on 3rd party tools, especially after 4 years of ingame improvements.

TLDR: clan management, clan QOL and the recruitment systems in CR are (apologies in advance) very bad. If these systems were improved then I would agree with you, but as it stands it is almost insulting to say that the fault lies with the clans and to "just recruit new members".

One last thing: there are also bugs with the formatting of text in the clan description (large space after emotes/icons) and you are not able to amend text without re-writing the whole thing. This is another example of QOL issues with clan management.

thanks for this feedback! super, SUPER valuable.

my reply is small but i have the whole of your comment and saved it in my feedback doc.

i can agree with you that 3rd party tools aren't the answer and these tools should exist in-app, as well as the other improvements you mentioned (blocking clan members etc)

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Nagemasu

f you come last and get put down a league, you will face easier opponents (gold league) while the other clans in your river race will still be facing legendary opponents.

lol except those high level clans in your race are still attacking you and causing you to come in last place for 5 weeks in a row. gg.

why would the high level players attack the boat trailing in last place?

surely it makes more sense for the clans fighting for top position to attack each other rather than the boat that poses no threat

and yes, the 'opponents' i refer to are only Duel & Battle opponents, not river race

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by LKN-115

Thanks, appreciate the response. Are there plans to improve on this at any point in the future?

too early to say anything right now!

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Valibak

CW2 should revolve around boat battles, not a fame collection race through duels and battles. why ? it will make war strategy more rewarding instead of fame grinding, and it will make wars last longer since all the boats will be wrecked most of the time and you get small windows to push your fame. CW2 now is about 50 member clans, who have 4 maxed decks and have early deck cooldown reset time, which isn't healthy since it doesn't promote skill, strategy or even comittment.

this is a really interesting take. i dig it!

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by gsg23

We have a clan that is heads and shoulders above the rest and finished in two days, so they just attack other boats for fun. You seem to have an assumption that these wars are equal with many clans battling it out close together, but that's not the experience many of us are having. There was no "fighting for top position". It was over before it started.

that sounds like a bug, clans that have finished the race should not be able to attack other clan boats. will get the team to look into it and see if there are widespread cases of this happening

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by dash_hhh

Hi Drew, is there a possibility that there will be new game modes (doesn't necessarily have to be capped ones) in CW2? Right now it really doesn't feel fun to play. We have 1v1 classic which is basically ladder and Duels, which is without exaggeration 1v1 3 times. Maybe adding more game modes might make it fun?

yes there will be more river tasks in the future, 2v2 is something we want to add for sure

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by LiPSTiCkOnUrFaCe

Bigger clans would be nice ..Or u can do something like clan wars 1 where if 40 member clan gets matched with 50 member clan then "LEADERS" gets to decide 10 people in clan getting extra battles .

this is a really cool idea. like certain people get extra free war deck resets. thanks for sharing

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by WhiteStripesWS6

I’m in a small clan of real life friends. We are an open clan who has a revolving door of random members but our core has always been like the 10 of us that know each other personally. We like it that way since we’re all grown adults with kids and jobs and busy lives. In CW1 while it did feel bad to not make WAR days sometimes because of even one of our core members being too busy to play at least when we made a WAR day we had a really good shot at getting first. Now we spend a week in first place but don’t finish and now get a boot.

Just stop for a minute and think about those gamers who’s lives no longer have the ability to revolve around games. That’s still a huge chunk of your customers in the mobile market. I was on board with everything you guys have done with CW2 until this moment. Just giving everyone a boot though for not finishing is an extremely inconsiderate design choice.

Small clans are a thing and they’re a thing for a reason. To be punished for that feels like yet another example of a game dev forcing you to play the game their way.

thanks for your insight, i appreciate the anecdotal 'real life' perspective about rewards and clan playstyle

from a data driven perspective, after this fist week we should also have a lot of data on how many clans didn't finish/got the reward boot etc as well so we will be using that to make changes if necessary.

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by flavioluis99

My clan does not have the “small clan issue”. The only issue we have right now is not being fully maxed as we keep facing opponents of the same king tower level (13) but max level cards, while we have level 12/11 etc.

Our clan is open and we promote players based on how active they are. If the player hasn’t played for a while (a week or so) and has no excuse as to why they didn’t play, then we kick them. It’s always been like this, even in CW1. So in short we are strict but we are also human.

Clan wars 2 brought the issue of not being to manage the clan as easily (can’t see how long they’ve been inactive and donations without tapping their profile, major issue). Can’t exactly know how much the player has contributed just by taking a look at their collected fame - huge issue too, low level players may play just as much but the fame they collect will be much lower.

I can’t even keep track of all the issues.

Solution is to:

  • implement clan size matchmaking

  • league level caps

  • remove fame dependent on levels

  • allow players to battle all at once (I need to wait until the player is done with his battle? What a drag)

  • do something about the time zone cool down issue (race is a huge problem, even if you implement a global cooldown, some people may still be in school or at work, etc. My solution is to just scratch the whole race concept and make it about who collected most fame in a week or something like that)

  • let clans face different clans each week (cmon you can’t let low level clans get screwed over the course of 5 weeks)

  • bring back tournament standard game modes for those who prefer it (the game should be about skill!! Not about how maxed you are)

I may have forgotten a few things but here you have a list of how to improve some major problems, thanks for your attention

(Edit)I forgot to add a few things. Matchmaking shouldn’t punish clans that:

  • choose to be private

  • clans that are not chosen by players due to their lower ranking (means less members)

The afore mentioned solutions should put an end to most of the clan size issues.

If there are players in clan sizes of 10 members and face the issue of not having good enough matchmaking, then it would be nice to advice those players into joining a bigger clan (they’re not stupid, they should have a sense they’re missing out)

Oh, one last thing, the removal of quests makes rewards decrease for most of the player base. Bring quests back, and if you think they weren’t that good enough then do something about it (but they were very nice)

I hope I covered enough to solve issues for both high level clans and low level clans, I wanted to point out as much as I could to make the game fair for everyone

(Edit 2)

Here’s a few ideas for other different ways of profiting:

  • skin previews (2D or 3D, you decide)

  • card skins for when you’re not yet maxed. have you ever played a game you wish you could have that skin you love, you would pay for it but there’s no way and you could only get it when you’re max level? That’s it.

Max players enjoy (not many ideas sorry):

  • Competition!!! They don’t care much about ladder (much less those rewards) they want to compete! King of the hill or some kinds of game modes that would get those max level players something to do.

Edit: guys look for the repost of my comment in this post and upvote it, it will be more visible to most, thanks

thanks for the list and your perspective as an active clan leader! much appreciated

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by shinyodds

Drew, I want to play in my current clan that is made up of people that I know in real life (or people that my friends know in real life). That's about 20-25 people.

I don't want to have to artificially fill that clan with another 25 random people from the Internet that are unreliable, immature, or just plain strangers.

But it's nearly impossible for my clan to even finish the clan race with 20-25 without requiring a ridiculous amount of daily commitment.

So if Clans are supposed to be fun social experiences where I can chat gossip and have fun with my friends, then Clan Wars 2 doesn't work for that. If Clan Wars 2 is supposed to be filled with anonymous clans of people I don't know, but need in order to get 50 active clans, I guess CW2 is great for that. But not for me as a player then.

thanks for your viewpoint and feedback

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by omarpower123

Drew, I think CR needs a better recruitment system like CoC where you can easily find new recruits with personalized badges and traits.


over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by peterpaulrubens

Just be aware that every time you ask a Devil’s Advocate question, you look just a teensy bit like an asshole, and your company doesn’t really have asshole capital to spare right now.

i have learnt today that a vast majority of people don't know what playing devil's advocate means

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by ItaGuy21

Hey drew, so I'll write down here too some very important thinghs I think got worse with this update.

Edit: I'll add this on top. I commented in a more disruptive way the past 2 days. I don't want to ruin your mood, I hope it didn't happen. So I'll copy paste a comment I already copied a couple times, I should have polished it from bad words and "aggressiveness".

1) Gaining trophies is way slower than before, you only get 20 trophies at most per week, and every 5 week you get 100, assuming you always win. Before, you could get 100 every 2 days. So, in 10 weeks, in CW1 you could get 3500 trophies (100 every 2 days = 700 in 2 weeks = 3500 in 10 weeks), while in CW2 you can only get 360 (20×4+100 is 5 weeks, assuming the fifht is coliseum, I still didn't understand, so by 10 weeks you get up to 360). That is ~90% less, so 10 TIMES slower.

2) You have no trophy wins. This right here is pretty much the most important. In CW1 you would get a trophy for each win in war day. This has some big consequences: a 3rd place would GIVE you trophies, as it was -25, but an active clan would definitely have at least 40 players, and getting 25 victories was not that big of a deal. Even if you didn't get to 25 wins, you would still lose much less than 25 trophies, and this is true for any other place, also for the best places. So, I actually have to correct the previous point, and, assuming a clan that reaches 25 wins on average, will get 125 trophies from a #1 place. That means we do not get 3500 war trophies each 10 weeks, but 4735, and 360 is only 7,6%, that is MORE THAN 13 TIMES slower. Let's not forget this is only true in a positive way: growing was easier, going down was more difficult.

3) No trophy wins = negative net gain. So, now if you place 3rd you will lose trophies no matter what, so 3 out of 5 clans each week will lose trophies, this is bad, isn't it. As of now during river race you have in order from 1st to 5th: +20, +10, -5, -10, -20, in Coliseum: +100, +50, -25, -50, -100. This also means that if you always win in races, but come 5th in coliseum, you actually lose 20 trophies. For just one loss. Before each war was equal, a win is a win, a loss is a loss. Let's not forget that you get matched with at least equally skilled clan in the long run, as you get matched with clans that have similar results. So always winning is not an option usually. And a 3rd place is BAD, not even a net.

4) Countless clans got resetted from 2999 or so to 1500 trophies. This also applies to other leagues, but let's take this example first, as it is the one that hits the most. So, a clan that pretty much had legendary league in check, and could probably manage to get a 1st place there in 14 days, is now doomed to be in gold league for, at the very least 43 WEEKS (180 trophies in 5 weeks, 180×8=1440, add up 20+20+20 and here we go, 5×8+3=43). Those are 301 days, or 10 MONTHS. This is very dishearthening. And this is assuming winning every single war for 10 months, it is ridiculous, especially with the new system. Before, there were clan with 10k trophies that had a safe spot and could get 1st place easily (at least once every 14 days), and grab the full rewards. Now, they are likely to get 3rd place or worse, fall down in gold, and be there for who knows how much time.

5) So the conclusion is: vast majority of the community, so the ones that actually need resources (gold and cards), will definitely not get more rewards. And because these rewards got concentrated in wars, you are also losing on the previous ones you could get freely by playing quests.

6) Quests. One thing that is being completely ignored, is that you could skip quests and pretty much only do them when they gave out some solid gold or nice amounts of gems (like 25 gems, so a lot). That was A MASSIVE income value. But, there is more. Since trophy road, you are removing "chests rewards" and been replacing them with something else, claiming the new system to be better. It never was. One, because math doesn't check out, two, because EVERY CHEST has a % to give you a legendary. Getting a legendary is a BIG DEAL, because its value is insane in the game (literally, 20k gold if you have it maxed, or you know, one of the rarest thing to get and upgrade anyway, and you can save 40k not buying in the shop). Furhtermore the more legendaries are added, the higher the chances are to get them from EVERY chest. This is the ultimate reason why, when you removed the free chests, it was bad. Replacing seasonal chest with trophy road is bad (it had better value anyway, especially for an average player who needed much less of a grind toget better prizes), and now removing quests is another HUGE hit to the odds of getting a legendary out of a chest. Because, you simply open so many less chests than before. Those odds adds up to a very big number of lost legendaries in the long term (and well, progression in clash royale is a VERY LONG term, actually much more than 10 YEARS, and this is even paying for pass royale).

7) As a side note, the bug preventing a player to claim a free card stack in the shop is causing him/her to lose a valuable amount of gold. The only work around is to use a trade token, take the card, and cancel the trade. But to be honest, I think most of the actual community will not even know this, as reddit is not the biggest chunk of it, and even here so many people doesn't know about it. I myself didn't think about it until I saw it, fortunately before losing any gold from it. But realistically there are hundreds of thousands people losing big gold amounts. That adds for a huge gold loss in the community overall. Also, the button swap, costed so many gems to so many people. I know clan mates and friend that took it wrong 3+ times, losing 36+ gems (to the lucky ones that got silver chests wrong), but an unlucky guy I know lost 140 gems gemming a legendary chest. I doubt he is the only one. I doubt there is no one else that clicked the wrong button more than once losing valuable gems.

I think point 1 to 5 are the most important, as I don't think quests are coming back, even tho I'd say that we really need to add new ways of progression instead of just changing them. Also, "chests rewards" are far better imo, considering the legendary odds always there, and increasing with each new legendary released. Anyway, I explained what I think are some of the most critical issues here. I think war trophy gain/loss should be much faster, and change the gain/loss balance (talking about the 3rd place not being a net, and that we have no more "win trophies" to mitigate losses and boost wins). Also, as I just understood today, we face the same clans for the whole 5 weeks, and I think this is awful. I thought that "during the whole river race" meant for a week, given a river race lasts a week only. It's awful especially given the point 1-5, meaning many clans, that previously could do very well in CW1 are going to go down and down. I saw dozens of clans at 10-30k trophies that had 15 to 30 active players, they could do well and stay in legendary. And during 2 weeks, they could always get a 1st place eventually. Right now it is very different as explained above.

I play since game launch and bought each and every pass royale (never spent anything before), and I'll admit it, I only did it because progression is really, really slow. I'd never buy it if this wasn't the case. But maybe I'd have spent some in cosmetics if I could actually play the game to its fullest, which I am still not able to do, as after all this time, and dedication, and way over the average result I have, I am still at only 59% gold progression to max. I would like to feel free in ladder, to experiment new decks, try out each aspect of the meta, and also invent some of mine. Instead, I'm growing old, and losing interest. I feel attached mostly for my clanmates and the actual time and resources spent than the actual game. I want it to feel good again, and I want it since 2 years. Not being able to play every card and decks really is an handicap, I could be so much of a better player, I could hit 7k seasons ago perhaps, while rn I could only see it close, and then lose and lose and lose till I fell down to 6600 again. And not getting higher is also slowing progression once again. This, is the most frustrating aspect of the entire game, and is not related to the update.

I don't know if you or anyone else will actually read it, or think about it, but I wish. If you did, thanks for reading through here.

thanks for the edit at the top - it's cool to see you've put a lot of thought into this constructive criticism so i've replied point by point

  1. trophies aren't the same as the old system. this system is not related in any way to the old system - i know that's hard transition to make but it's something player should get used to over time. maybe we should have introduced new trophies to make that clearer.
  2. same as the above
  3. what would your solution to this be? i can only thing to have 3rd place be 0 rather than -5?
  4. feedback has been noted, thanks
  5. i am hearing this feedback a lot, especially from smaller clans. thanks
  6. you are one of the few players who realised that the 25gem for quests was actually a great return on investment. unfortunately to make these reward more accessible to others this had to change. your second point that you started here said the 'math doesn't check out' (when it does), so i can't really comment on this properly.
  7. this is being fixed already - it only occurs for level 13 players currently (which still isn't good) but it isn't affecting everyone. the button swap is also being fixed and gems for first time chest spends returned to players (with the optional update)

overall thank you for your feedback it is appreciated