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Topic: Heal to be replaced or removed in March Balance Changes. What do you think it will be replaced with?

As we move more towards the middle of February, it has come to attention that the February reworks have been rather successful for Barbarian Hut (7% usage, 52% win rate in Grand Challenges according to Royaleapi) and Zappies (3% usage, 54% win rate), seamlessly reviving the cards for now. So only time will tell for what the SuperCell team has in store for us in the next balance changes, specifically what card will be reworked next. The balance team has since been working on cards that have low statistics according to challenges, examples as seen with Witch, Executioner, and now Barbarian Hut and Zappies. Of course, this is not the end for potential reworks to cards in the future, or certain major changes to cards that will heavily affect how Clash Royale works as a whole.

This was one of the many topics brought up approximately a week ago in the interview KFC had with Drew, to which upon asked the popular question "What is the team's stance on deleting cards from the game?", the conversation immediately turned towards the Heal Spell. This was an interesting topic because, as said in the interview, Supercell first said they were never going to release a Heal type card, then suddenly out of nowhere the Heal card was released, and has become "...so hard to balance, and therefore leading into an unhealthy meta". Drew went on to say, "We are changing Heal, we are actually going to change Heal into a new card, which is the first time we have ever done something like that in Clash Royale... not removing it, just replacing it, and you will get to keep all copies of that Heal, and will be transferred into this new card". This is massive news, since, as Drew said, this has never happened in the history of Clash Royale!


Heal Spell Information

"Heal your troops to keep them in the fight! Friendly troops are healed over time while in the target area. Doesn't affect buildings"

  • Rare Card Unlocked in Hog Mountain or Arena 10
  • Costs 1 elixir to deploy
  • 4 block Radius
  • 2 second duration
Level Heal per second
3 37
4 40
5 44
6 49
7 54
8 59
9 65
10 72
11 78
12 86
13 94


History of Heal Spell

  • Heal Spell was added on 4/5/2017
  • Balance Update 6/12/17, multiple Heals can stack
  • Balance Update 8/11/17, duration decreased (3 sec-2.5 sec), pulses exactly 5 times, fixing its 6th/7th inconsistent pulse
  • Balance Update 6/20/18, increased Heal's radius (3-4), Arena unlock moved (Arena 7-Arena 10)
  • Balance Update 1/7/19, decreased Heal’s Elixir cost (3-1), duration decreased (2.5-2), reduced healing/sec by 63% (106 HPS-65 HPS)
  • On 11/4/19, moved arena to unlock card (Arena 7-Arena 10)


Current Statistics (According to RoyaleAPI)

  • Grand Challenges:
    • 0% Usage Rate
    • 30% Win Rate
  • Ladder:
    • 0% Usage Rate
    • 28% Win Rate

Discussion Questions:

  • What are your thoughts on the current Heal spell?
    • What ways do you think can revive/rework the Heal spell if not removed or replaced?
  • What kind of card do you think Heal will be replaced with?
    • How do you think this type of card will contribute to the meta?
    • How does this card differ from the Heal card we have now?
  • How will cards that have been affected by Heal in the past (ex. 3 Muskateers, Minion Horde, Battle Healer, etc), be affected by the replacement of Heal?
    • How similar will this kind of card be compared to similar cards, like Freeze, or Battle Healer?
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almost 5 years ago - /u/Supercell-Seth - Direct link

Whoa whoa whoa - I said *maybe* March :) Just to keep y'all updated, it will DEFINITELY be April. We have something else planned for March now.

But I'll give you a hint - the rework was ALREADY discovered on social media. We watch activity from around the world, and one lucky person figured it out already :)