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Next Part: Arenas 4-6 Balance Change Suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/c2rdo1/ver_2_part_3_clash_royale_balance_all_cards_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app Previous Part: Ladder Fix, Gameplay Change, And Training Camp Balance Change Suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/c2rday/ver_2_part_1_clash_royale_balance_all_cards_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app

Goblin Stadium:

Spear Goblins: Balanced, no changes

Goblins: This Card is kinda pointless due to cards similar to it such as skeletons (cheaper for the same role), goblin gang (more damage and hits air for one extra elixir), and guards (slightly less damage but with spell immunity and extra range for one extra elixir). And if we buff them regularly, Goblin Gang will get buffed and it’s fine already. Remember when Goblin Gang used to have 3 spear goblins before it got nerfed, well, I think we should use that. Say one of the spear goblins “left” and then joined to be a regular goblin with the 2 elixir goblins. Basically I suggest we add an extra Goblin to 1) increase stats without buffing the cards related to it, 2) making it have its own role as cheap dps, and 3) just being kinda funny how it works out in a way

Goblin Hut: Subjectively I would Revert it’s 5% hp buff it got 2 years ago, but it’s not used a lot so Balanced, no changes

Hog Rider (For Consistency sake, I would move him To Hog Mountain and switch it for Bomb Tower): It May seem op on ladder when levels are uneven, but when looking at the stats for StatsRoyale and RoyaleAPI, it’s actually the worst win condition (besides wall breakers) in the game. When and/or if my Ladder Level Limitations System happens, I think it should get a small rework. Make the first hit slower at 1.8-2.0 seconds (from 1.7 seconds), but make its overall hit speed faster at 1.5 seconds (from 1.6 seconds). This change will make it harder for him to lock onto buildings/towers in the first place, but when he does, he will get more consistent damage. Kinda like chipping off at the tower slowly but surely (I use hog and actually think this would be better for him in tournament standards)

Goblin Barrel: Balanced, no changes (maybe give it’s impact damage back, it only kills skeletons/bats, but probably not. It’s Balanced)

Hunter: Hunter is well known for being a a very high skill cap Card, like magic archer, but may be it too high. It deals more damage than a Pekka (per hit, not for long), kills swarms, is ranged, and can survive a poison for its full duration. Its so versatile I don’t get why it’s not used a lot. The only things holding it back is it’s slow attack speed. I think it just needs a small hitspeed buff to 2.0 seconds (from 2.2 seconds) to make more usable for lower skill players but still be very high skill based. I also have an idea where we make it 5 elixir, but keep the hitspeed buff (2.0 seconds from 2.2 seconds) and also buff damage to 74 (from 69, one shot skeletons that are 1 level higher than him) and buff hp to 759 (from 696, same as the new Witch change I’m suggesting). Which would you guys want: 4 elixir with only hitspeed buff, or 5 elixir with damage, hp, and hitspeed buff?

Bone Pit:

Bomber: I like what Supercell is trying to do with Bomber, be more tanky, but I don’t think it will actually help. I think it’s better to make him a bait card, Nerfing Hp to 216 (from 311), Make him hit faster at 1.7 seconds (from 1.9 seconds), Buff range to 5.5 (from 5.0 tiles), nerf damage to 366 (from 398, interactions stay the same), and make his first attack extremely quick (not sure on the specifics, but it needs to be much faster for this to work). When I say faster first hit, I mean almost instant damage, so the 1v1 interactions will remain the same (2 bombs on Princess tower, etc). If they don’t want to make him a bait card, then just do the hitspeed buff and damage nerf and let’s see what happens. I want this card to actually be used (I don’t use it, I just want it to)

Skeletons:bRiNg BaCk ThE fOuRtH lArRy SuPeRcElL Balanced, no changes

Tombstone: Balanced, no changes

Valkyrie (For Consistency sake, I would move it to Goblin Stadium in place of Hog Rider, then Move Hog Rider to Hog Mountain In place of Bomb Tower. It makes the most sense) : I don’t necessarily think she needs any big changes, she has lower health per elixir cost unlike knight and ice golem and lower dps. It’s mainly just her Splash Radius that’s the “issue”. Subjectively I would say she is Balanced, but a small nerf to 216 damage (from 220) and a very small radius nerf (don’t know the exact radius of her attack) would be a nice way to slightly nerf this card.

Giant Skeleton: We all know This Card is scary because of its crazy death bomb, but it’s still a cards that’s easily taken out. The first hit buff it got was definitely a step in the right direction, but I think it could use more than that. Why not lower his actual Hit Speed to 1.3 seconds (from 1.5 seconds), this way he can clear stuff faster while still being easy to take out because of how slow he is. Also, make the “Sight Radius” (a hidden stat in game that is basically a radius around a troop/building. Once a troop/building is in the radius, the troop will walk to/attack it) slightly smaller so he have an easier time not be distracted as much.

Witch: I hear all of you and agree: Witch needs a nerf, or in my case, a rework. I don’t think she needs much though, just lower her spawn raise of skeletons to 6 seconds (from 5 seconds), nerf HP to 759 (from 787, Will die exactly to an equal level Poison if in the full duration+zap/snowball), and get rid of her death skeletons. But also make her hit faster at 0.8 seconds (from 1.0 seconds) AND/OR buff damage to 74 (from 69, one shot skeletons/bats 1 level higher than her). These changes will make her much less annoying for destroying ground pushes with her skeletons, but will make her better against air troops

Barbarian Bowl:

Cannon: Balanced, no changes (a slightly faster first hit would be nice, but not needed)

Barbarians: Hear me out: Barbarians are Balanced, bait it self is “broken” because unless you have lots of spells, there’s no easy counter to it and it can screw your over. The only thing I could see happening is making them 4 elixir but getting rid of 1 Barbarian, but that’s not going to happen because then they would be useless (I think)

Barbarian Hut Speaking Of Barbarians, This Hut is now completely useless because of the HP nerf to barbs. I think it needs a rework: Make it 6 elixir, but nerf it’s hp a lot (to 1600, still the tankiest building in the game) and make it either spawn 5 waves of Barbs instead of 6 or make it spawn 10 waves with 1 Barb per wave (still last the same amount of time) I think this change will make it much more useable after its nerf, lets just hope Spawner decks don’t come back into the meta

Battle Ram: I cant believe this card is still used as much as it is after so many indirect and direct nerds. But honestly, it’s only thing that’s “broken” about is that if you place your mini tank late and it connects to the tower, one barb will always connect and hit the tower. I think the Ram itself could get maybe a small Hp nerf (still more health than a Musketeer, but still charges to the tower of left ignored). Other than that OPTIONAL change, it’s Balanced

Barbarian Barrel: What can I say, this card is still op even after many many nerfs after its many many buffs. Supercell completely goofed on nerfing it, it just screwed over the F2P players who have underleveled cards. I honestly think the Barbarian should just spawn a little slower AND/OR roll less tiles at 4.5 tiles (from 5.0 tiles) but buff it’s damage back to 243 (from 219). Make it so it will now only get one hit on the tower instead of 2 if left ignored when rolled directly at the bridge.

Golem: Balanced, no changes. (I would subjectively say lower HP, but he does not really need it. Looking at the stats shows how it’s balanced on ladder and challenges)

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Goblins: I have to agree, there are too many better alternatives to this card. I think it's in our 'think about it' folder. Spear Goblin may spice this card up!

Hog Rider: that's a tricky one. Overall, the card has very healthy win rate and is quite popular throughout the ladder. At the same time, some popular decks with Hog Rider are extremely strong (up to 64% in some cases) and other are extremely weak (37%!). It is one of the most controversial cards in the game, but we are content with it right now. I think it's important to track its performance if we tweak/rework other cards in these super strong/weak decks.

Hunter: I think its high skill cap is its blessing and curse. Hunter shows great performance in the Challenges, especially Grand Challenges but like you've said, falls back in use % on Ladder. I'd say this card is not the priority for us atm but we may look into it later.

Bomber: this card is a solid choice up to 5500 Trophies and its stats for the Challenges have improved quite a bit but it is still falling behind in the high Trophy range. I believe that not every card has to be viable in competitive play (=Challenges) but I'd love to see Bomber there!

Witch: it's an extremely popular card in 3000-5500 Trophy range (where it shows 48-51% win rate depending on the Arena) but then it just plummets into oblivion. We'll keep an eye on it but any change about this card would require a looooot of testing since there are so many things that can be changed.

Barbarian Hut: well, that's a card in a dire need for rework. Eventually, we'll get to it.

Barbarian Barrel: I have to agree, this card is already a meme in our team. We want to keep it viable but make not as popular in the higher Leagues. Hopefully, we can achieve this with small tweaks rather than a full rework.