Supercell has slowly been removing several features in the game that used to help Free-to-Play Players and low spenders while just trying to increase their profits. Supercell has made these changes without any explanation from any of the several Community Managers.
1) Tournaments: The Clash Royale team has been reducing rewards in Global Tournaments over time. As noted earlier in this post, gold rewards have been reduced from 10,000 to 5,000 gold in recent tournaments. Also, 250 gem entry fees have seem to stopped, and the recent Global Tournament have cost 500 gems for less rewards. Side Note: When first added, Global Tournament were shown to have free emotes as rewards, but this has never happened in the actual game.
2) Emotes: Supercell ended the $2.99 Emote packs without any explanation a few updates ago. No emote packs have been offered in the shop for many months. Now the only way to buy is one emote for 250 gems. This equals $2.50 dollars (in gems) for ONE emote instead of FOUR emotes for $2.99. Supercell has basically increased the price of emotes nearly four times! (4 for $2.99 to 1 for $2.50 = 250 gems). While the option to buy for gems is no necessarily bad, the huge price increase is unacceptable, and there is no reason to not keep the old $2.99 emote packs too.
3) Gem Rush: Seriously! What happened to Gem Rush? Gem Rush used to be one of the best events for Free-to-Play players. Maybe Supercell thought it was giving away too many gems, but the Gem Rush event has completely disappeared. Again, there has been little to no explanation on the absence of Gem Rush by Supercell.
These are just some examples in Clash Royale that I could think of of that have not been addressed. Supercell must communicate all changes to the community, and be more open about what their reasoning is. While Supercell has been making some positive updates to help the game overall, these hidden changes to the game that have hurt us players and have not been explained to the community at all are unacceptable.
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