4 months ago - Clash Royale - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s did you know goblins love putting
2s themselves in danger firing themselves
4s from mortars or Rockets is one of their
6s favorite pastimes but the problem is
9s there's only room for one Goblin on a
11s rocket or a cannonball so the Goblins
14s invented the goblin Barrel so they could
16s launch into the air next to their
18s friends but quickly the goblin Barrel
20s became the vein of the kids which meant
22s as soon as they would land they would be
24s hit by a zap arrows or even a fireball
27s but the Goblins came up with a plan
29s creating an additional barrel with dummy
31s goblins they could fire a fake Barrel as
34s a decoy to defi the king's attention and
36s increase their chances of success and
39s that's how the evolved Goblin Barrel
41s entered the arena