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Play in the #ClashFest Sudden Death Challenge while waiting for the #CRL22 World Finals to kick off at 13.00 UTC! 👁️👄👁️ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FdVWKLtWQAAWIKm.jpg
30 minutes! #CRL22 Predictions close soon ➡️ https://t.co/em7ndemePg https://t.co/RxtW25kKDS
2 HP!?!?!? The craziest ending of #CRL22 World Finals so far! @Keef_CR barely hangs on and keeps his Championship hopes alive! https://t.co/Dq4ENdPgTg
We start Day 2 tomorrow in the Upper Bracket! #CRL22 | #ClashFest https://t.co/ZjII5oKrue