about 6 years
ago -
Clash Royale
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | welcome back to TV Royale 2018 was a |
3s | huge year in clash Royale history and |
6s | it's all thanks to you guys so today |
8s | we'd like to recap 2018 and all of clash |
10s | rails biggest hits and biggish so let's |
14s | take a look at all of the things that |
15s | happened in clash Royale this year 2018 |
22s | added clan wars ton of cool emotes we |
27s | added star levels allowing you to pimp |
29s | out your favorite cards we added global |
31s | tournaments allowing millions of players |
32s | around the globe to play in the same |
34s | tournament season 1 of the clash royale |
37s | League drew over 25 million players to |
39s | competition not over 20 pro eSport teams |
42s | in CRO and they recruited a hundred crl |
45s | players from a pool of over 25 million |
47s | combatants Nova won the first ever Sarah |
50s | wild finals stay tuned for more eSports |
52s | news in 2019 ten new cards entered the |
56s | arena Royals what's your dragon roll |
58s | goes dub enjoy my snowball ramrod magic |
59s | are over Kramer open trade tokens came |
62s | to clash Royale |
65s | and we kind of broke trade tokens but |
67s | we're fixing them again next year |
69s | monthly balance updates gave you new |
70s | reasons to Mon its F on Twitter TV |
73s | Royale got two new hosts and one of them |
75s | finally got a haircut |
79s | okay that's what we were up to in 2018 |
82s | here's what you were doing there were 36 |
84s | billion battles played this year 89 |
87s | billion towers were destroyed that's |
89s | more than 10 towers for every man woman |
91s | child and Goblin on earth you know seven |
94s | point nine billion rockets the lavas |
96s | played 39 billion times over seven |
99s | million billion elixir was pumped that |
102s | is a real number we introduced barbarian |
104s | barrel and then buffed it and then |
105s | buffed it and then buffed it and then |
107s | nerfed it and then nerd I put on 20 |
110s | pounds this year we allowed you to buy |
112s | emotes and we also allowed you to |
114s | permanently mute them we wanted to give |
117s | a huge shout-out to the class for |
119s | hunting crazed you're amazing thank you |
121s | that's been 2018 and here's the 2019 so |
124s | thanks for watching this episode of TB |
126s | royale |
127s | we'll see you in the new year |
128s | [Music] |