about 1 year ago - Clash Royale - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s it's an update for losers
2s get more crowns and brand new season
5s tokens even if you lose a battle
7s use season tokens to get items from the
10s new season shop the season shop lets you
12s choose the rewards you need making
14s rewards more rewarding both emotionally
17s and fiscally
19s there's a new even step with new
20s challenges dropping every season here
23s you'll be able to choose from multiple
24s events there's the main challenge 1v1
26s modes and 2v2 modes to keep things fresh
32s is getting a much needed update we now
35s have three passes three gold and diamond
38s and way more reward tears the new
42s diamond pass provides a whole bunch of
44s unique cosmetics and rewards including
46s animated battle banners I'm more of a
48s free guy myself
49s as we already mentioned this is the
52s update for losers now losing a battle
54s will net you more rewards and you'll
56s earn crowns from destroying and
58s defending Crown Towers