about 1 month
ago -
Clash Royale
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | did you know the prince is a complete |
2s | wimp before each battle he gets so |
4s | scared he is Frozen with fear the real |
7s | hero is Trusty |
9s | Pony pony has dreams of being promoted |
11s | and becoming a prince one day following |
14s | in the footsteps of the Dark Prince Who |
16s | Rose through the ranks on his combat |
17s | prowess alone so the pony charges into |
20s | battle all on his own running at any |
22s | opponent he gets near unfortunately by |
25s | the time the Battle Is Over the prince |
27s | wakes up and takes all the glory for |
29s | himself hope hopefully one day the pony |
31s | will get the credit he deserves |