So after the season ended yesterday I did not get my draft chest so I messaged support asking where it is
Alex replied to me saying that I infact did get my draft chest and proceeded to list the contents First message about chest contents
But this was supposed to be a draft chest why did I not get to choose my cards? Not to worry I though as the cards I received were pretty decent.
I come out of the support section and go a look at my cards but hold up I did not get the cards Alex said I did 100 fireball and 20 poisons are very noticeable. Not to worry I go back into support and let Alex know that I did no in fact get the cards he said I did he replied with this: Unhelpful supercell support
VERY HELPFUL THANKYOU ALEX! And every support ticket after this got instantly closed without a response UNTILL this morning I log on and Zoe has been kind enough to reply to my ticket
But wait whats this the content of the chest has magicly changed over night! So I do the same thing as I did when Alex told me what cards I received, I back out and went to go check I look at my royal ghost still sat at 1/10.
I have not bothered to reply back as they are been very unhelpful so I thought I would write a reddit post to see if the power of reddit will get me my season end draft chest.
Please reddit help me get my season end draft chest.
Thank you for your time
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