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I gotta say I mostly visit this sub to check the comments for more pearls like this. XD

As many players mentioned before, there are lots of things wrong with this update such as the level dependent fame points, lack of variety, matchmaking and different reset time depending on the region. But I think they got the message and I also feel we should give them some time to fix it.

Drew is probably in a stressful position at the moment and I hope he doesn’t take this meme too personally, but it’s very funny! It’s always complicated to communicate with a fanbase. But in the future, putting the blame on the players after a flawed update (to say the least) is not the best idea...

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over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

to play devils advocate here (i know the sub won't like this opinion) but playing devil's advocate is a hypothetical situation and not indicative of a person's real feelings.

if i got some really great responses and feedback to a situation that i needed more information and a fresh perspective on, then is that a bad thing?

just asking some hard questions that i would like some opinions on!


all memes aside, it does bother me to see people taking me playing devil's advocate as me being defensive, unsympathetic or 'pointing the finger at clients'. playing devil's advocate is literally creating a hypothetical question/scenario and isn't reflective of a person's own views.

below i'm gonna link you all the answers from that devil's advocate question that i collected feedback from and ended up as part of my presentation our next update dev roadmap planning session yesterday:








thanks to all these commenters for replying and giving their viewpoint that i needed.

if i hadn't asked this question so directly and bluntly, i wouldn't have got this feedback. so even though the comment was misunderstood by a lot of people as me being rude or insensitive, the ones that understood what it meant gave really great and insightful feedback that has helped to shape the upcoming update.

over 3 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by emperor000

First, I'll start by saying that, all things considered, you're not doing a horrible job, despite the reaction you're getting. So don't let people or things like this copypasta get to you too much. I think most people, at some level at least, know that a lot of their gripes aren't your fault and that you are just the messenger getting shot at and that your job is really tough, at least in situations like this.

Anyway, I think you are looking at it this specific thing the wrong way. It wasn't that you asked a question or asked for feedback. It was how you asked it.

You posed it as "isn't it kind of your fault? Now prove how it isn't" or something like that. No matter what, that's going to rub people, especially already frustrated people, the wrong way. Call it, not knowing your audience, or not reading the room, or whatever.

You're kind of missing the fact that people don't generally like to git hit with a devil's advocate argument in general. It's usually pretty annoying. Then add on top of that the fact that this one was kind of blaming the players for a part of the game that they don't like and have been begging to get attention. And then add on top of that the overall response from Supercell/you about the dissatisfaction in the update.

A much more effective way to ask would have been to actually ask bluntly, with no hypotheticals or devil's advocates or anything like that, how people think it can be fixed or ideas they might have to make it better and so on.

thanks for some solid feedback on why it would be misunderstood.

i can understand that for sure.

i usually use devil's advocates in the workplace a lot as it can help stop us from making bad decisions (inb4 lol didn't stop clan wars 2 lollolol) so that's why i used it here.

totally understand though, the question was framed very much like you said as IT'S YOUR FAULT, HOW WOULD YOU FIX IT? so even though it was hypothetical i deserve some flak for that.

thanks for the insight man, i appreciate it!