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over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Heya, aren't you just talking about how many people with pre-release/beta accounts used VPNs and made accounts in different countries, so now their prices on those accounts are stuck at whatever that country was? Or are you talking about something different?

If it is that, we don't consider that bug and we aren't able to fix that. Your account was created in that region so it is will remain that way based on your Google/Apple accounts setting. We have no way to change that other than just suggesting a new account is made in the correct region. Sorry.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by TheGreatDyneAmmoYT

But I get to chat with people in my country in world chat. That is why I'm confused.

Basically what Xyrothegod said, your world chat and matchmaking are based on your location while your pricing is going to be based on your Google or Apple account. If that account was made and set to a different region, which many did during the beta, then it is going to still be registering the store prices for that region.