over 1 year ago - Call of Duty: Mobile - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s this season is actually insane i
4s i'm not over it yet it's a good thing it
6s just started
8s and welcome back to beat talks the show
10s where you get to see all of your
11s favorite moments from your favorite
12s streamers boiled into one video it has
16s been an absolutely amazing start to
18s season seven because we did get a
21s collaboration with ghost in the shell
23s standalone complex 2045 one of the
25s biggest projects that call of duty
27s mobile has pulled off if you're living
29s under a rock there's a lot of things
30s that you need to go and explore to the
32s neo cyberpunk theme of new vision city
34s and vr i definitely jump in there every
36s time i play br it's absolutely amazing
38s there's so much things to explore there
40s and i spend way too much time there
42s y'all you got characters from ghost in
44s the shell you got major motoko you got
45s bato you also have togesa and last but
49s not least the very cute tachoma don't
51s forget to like this video and subscribe
53s to this channel as well and thank you so
55s much call of duty mobile for getting me
56s again yes just like the past two beef
58s talks videos we are gonna choose the
60s beefiest play of the week at the very
62s end but before we get there let's start
64s with the first highlight where i show
66s you what this weapon looks like and well
68s it's undoubtedly the best gun in the
70s game and i can already see in the future
72s that i'm gonna rage quit against the ksp
75s one burst capabilities very low recoil
77s and you can cross map like it's a
79s goddamn marchman rifle it hasn't
81s happened yet before you know it this
82s thing will be everywhere
86s it looks it reminds me like yeah it
88s looks like the ump
97s stop shooting and now let's head into vr
100s where you can completely immerse
102s yourself in ghosts in the shells if you
104s go into the new vision city here in
106s isolated
109s it's gonna be hot drop skis i think i'm
111s gonna instant die
112s this is uh
114s this is an ai which you kill and he
116s gives you a cyber word look cc he gives
119s you cyber parts later on this cyber
121s parts you can exchange to ability
125s um i usually go on this little ledge i
128s love this ledge so much oh rpd no no oh
132s no oh no
138s speaking of the switchblade x9 we're
140s moving on into this new weapon
142s introduced to us for this season
144s definitely a cool looking gun so we're
147s going to check it out guys
148s it's displayed
150s when you aim down side
152s kill effect
158s starting to see
162s the switchblade x9 has also recently
164s received the buff an increased range
166s damage a decrease sprint of fire delay
168s and increased arm damage multiplier and
171s an extended mag capacity which makes
173s this gun a very viable choice when it
175s comes to your ranked games
177s and for the beefiest play of the week we
179s are going to stick with the switchblade
181s x9 where we get to see hawksnest have
183s his live stream take over in the call of
185s duty mobile youtube chat before we go on
187s i do want to go check on the uh smg
190s because i am serious
192s so i should already have it unlocked
194s yeah switchblade x9
196s based on what i've heard from people in
198s the community like bobby plays i'm
199s pretty sure the switchblade is kind of
201s like similar to the qq9 in the way that
203s it plays it's a solid gun a really cool
205s gun i would say like the aesthetic of
206s its
207s visual parts are really cool in terms of
209s performance i would say it's
211s basically a cucumber
212s [Music]
223s season seven is definitely one for the
225s books and not just that we're heading
227s into stage four as well so a lot of
229s really exciting things coming for call
231s of duty mobile thank you for reaching
233s the very end of this video there's
234s definitely been a lot of highlights and
236s we're only just starting this season so
238s far let us know what you think of the
240s highlights that we showed here today and
242s what your thoughts are about the new
243s season because there's definitely a lot
245s of things to talk about again it has
246s been beef mommy here your guide for
248s everything and anything call of duty
250s mobile and i'll see you in the next
252s video
253s [Music]
255s and cut okay
257s it's definitely time for me to grind
258s ranked as major motoko let's go