almost 2 years ago - Call of Duty: Mobile - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s what's the beef here's the beef beef
2s talks is finally here welcome
6s it's just so weird this is so weird
9s hey there everybody it's your girl beef
11s mommy here and welcome to beef talks
13s where we talk about a lot of different
15s things happening in the community from
18s highlights of your favorite streamers
19s that i handpicked myself to questions
22s personal questions from the call of duty
24s mobile team that i'll be answering and
26s thank you again call of duty mobile for
28s sponsoring this video if you guys want
30s more content don't forget to like and
32s subscribe to this channel and as you
34s guys know this is my first video as a
37s partner for call of duty mobile so a lot
39s of good things today
41s okay so before we move on to the
43s highlights of the week let's step back
46s just a little bit i did mention a while
48s ago that i'll be answering some
49s questions so i'ma pull that up right now
52s what or who inspired you to become a
54s content creator esports broadcaster so i
58s feel like there was no one person that
60s inspired me to become a broadcaster it
62s was just like a multitude of people that
64s i watched i mean not to be biased okay
66s not to be biased but call of duty mobile
68s is quite literally the reason why i went
70s into esports broadcasting
73s favorite call of duty mobile mode and
75s why so
76s this is hard because i like two if i
79s just want to chill out i definitely do
81s crop hunt i love prop on so much who
83s doesn't want to be a chair i want to be
85s a chair
87s okay third question
89s do you have pets mr brown i call him
92s bucky he's sleeping right now do i show
95s him do i disturb his sleep and show the
97s camera the world even my sleeping rat
101s yeah
103s my true love oh hi
105s say hi to everyone bucky send some
107s cuddles in the chat for bucky
109s off to the next adventure
111s alright
112s we are off to the last question
115s craziest moment you've had as a caster
118s easy call of duty mobile eastern
120s championships blacklist international
122s versus almighty and i lost
124s my head casting that alright now we are
127s finally done with the questions so let's
130s move on to the top plays of the week but
132s obviously we do have the beefiest play
135s of the week which will be crowded later
137s on at the end of this video so watch out
139s for that
140s [Music]
141s so starting things off with the first
143s highlight of the day the rpd is probably
144s something that you've been seeing
146s everywhere in the lobbies especially
148s with the cooling compressor barrel
150s attachment it has been shredding
155s oh it's infinite
157s it's infinite ammo
159s my bullet spread accuracy and then throw
161s on disable
162s dude this build is gonna be naughty so
165s nuking is definitely a big deal in the
166s call of duty mobile community but these
168s content creators they serve it to us
170s left and right done and easy and
173s speaking of the rpd noah's here to show
176s us how it's
178s [Music]
183s get pushed done
189s oh my god that was the nuke right there
193s that's cool
196s nice
199s hey yo let's go
202s as if one wasn't enough aerith is here
204s to show us how double nuking is done
214s [Music]
223s [Music]
227s so before we move on to the beefiest
229s play of the week let's go to parker the
231s slayer where he gives away 10 000 cod
234s points
235s if you find him
238s [Music]
252s oh my god
258s i honestly just felt so tense the whole
261s time i was watching this stream parker i
263s don't know how you do it
270s so now that we are at the realm of
272s battle royale remember when i said that
274s my favorite game mode was prop hunt
276s well our beefiest play of the week is
278s aerith and danu's livestream takeover of
280s the call of duty mobile channel
284s [Music]
288s oh my god run i went through special
291s chairs this is a big rain
293s this is a big brain this is this is
295s massive iq
296s this is so great to see because the
298s queen of br meets the queen of
301s multiplayer in call of duty mobile danu
303s definitely a really talented vr player
306s gets to see how call of duty mobile
308s treats it especially with a really fun
310s game like prop hunt
316s is this nice
319s that is all for today folks here in beef
321s talks if you want to see your favorite
323s clip make sure to comment it down below
325s and maybe we'll include it in the next
327s show anyway it has been beef mommy
329s always giving you the beef and i'll see
331s you guys next time
333s bye
341s you