about 1 year ago - Call of Duty: Mobile - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
14s thank you
16s [Music]
25s how long do that night last in the dark
29s backward time was Stars staying true to
32s heart never giving up
36s how many new start on our only Road
41s with a brave is strong standing on the
43s road Never Letting Go
51s [Music]
56s away
59s [Music]
71s [Music]
81s [Music]
89s let my heart believe to the fights I see
93s all the memories
100s [Music]
101s [Applause]
103s [Music]
112s [Music]
123s [Music]
125s Fly Away
136s Splash through my eyes
139s [Music]
147s flash through my eyes
150s [Music]
164s foreign
171s [Music]
207s [Music]
210s let my heart believe you are next for me
216s to the fights I sing and a memory
221s [Music]
229s [Music]