over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link


January Public Test Builds
Another build is here today and this time around we may have several more dropping throughout the month as we lead up to the next release. These tests are all more technical in nature and will have smaller participation caps than usual. With that said, they are first come, first served, and we are grateful for any assistance with testing any of these builds.

  • Begins today on January 11th (PT)
    • Test end date not specified
  • Available for Android devices only
  • Download Size: 2 gigabytes, Wifi connection is highly recommended
  • For the first version of this test the limit will be around 5000 players
  • Content suited for ages 16+
  • All information and player data collected during this test will be deleted

This test is a bit of odd one since unlike the others you all helped with last month, this one is primarily testing functionality with various core aspects of how the game works, like some updates to the login process. Sure, this might seem minor but we are pushing this test out because these updates can have a massive impact. For instance, say the Call of Duty login option breaks as a result of this update and now suddenly millions of players cannot login.

Hopefully, that conveys why it is so important we test this now and why we also greatly appreciate anyone who takes the time to go through this process. In addition to that, we also have a new mode in this test, Attack of the Undead 20, which is an amped version of that well known mode.


Some general tips for downloading this rather large file:

  • Do your best to make sure you on a secure uninterrupted connection so that the whole package is downloaded without any issues
  • Try to turn off or stop your device from going into any kind of rest mode
  • If you are running into issues download the file, try using a different browser
  • Make sure you have 5-6 gigabytes of data free on your device

This file and build is independent of the main build, you do not need to remove or do anything with your main CODM application. It will install as another application that is executed separately.

Lastly, for all of you iOS players out there you’ll be happy to know we are looking into some options around adding that to the mix for future tests. No promises yet, but we are working on it! Thank you to everyone who takes the time to assist us with this test and if you have any questions or inquiries feel free to reach out and ask!

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over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Xtormiken

Love ya!

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by G33eneks3

more features is gonna be available on week two? I guess thats the perfect time to dowbload it

Possibly! It depends on how this first version goes and what kind of results we find there. Sometimes we find issues, then create a fix, and have to put out a new version just to test that important fix. We shall see.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by CODMCIRCLEmaskedv2

How do u install this? I downloaded the file and open it but it says “staging app” for a while

Sounds normal. Staging app is kind of the equivalent of setting up the program just to install in the first place. We'd recommend just giving it some time to do that and it should eventually go from staging to install. However, if it gets stuck on Staging App that means you probably don't have enough free space on your drive/storage to unpack the file.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Hellfire_07

Hey devs, what about releasing a new lmg next season? It has been a long time since a new lmg has been released.

Heya, we are afraid to report that neither of the new two weapons next season are LMGs. However, they are both interesting on their own and one of them isn't an assault rifle haha.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by maverickbluezero

odd question but will their be a new pilot skin in the next season update? Is it a reskin or a new design one?

Definitely an odd question, but we'll oblige! There actually was a new pilot operator/skin at one point, but they got pushed out to another season. Looks like this season will be pilot-less. However, there are one or two characters that have a similar aesthetic so hopefully you appreciate them

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by donapapataya

Please be assault rifle called lynx cq300 please bro, im desperate

Ah, the infamous Honey Badger haha. Afraid not, it is not that AR.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Shanilkagimhan

Can you add skip option to directly go to lobby after match. Its annoying to click battle pass and other things after every match.

Very possible yes. We are considering that one for a future update. No definitive answer yet though, but hopefully it is something you see in an upcoming update.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by SSK0908

Hey devs. Love the game. Any news for the comp side yet??

Heya, do you mean the World Championship (or an equivalent) or Ranked Mode?

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Intelligent_Sleep378

I downloaded the test build and straight from the start, all weapons have no firing sound, neither in mp nor br. I already reported that in the bug report.

Yeah we know about that and it is actually just very quiet (still technically there). We will adjust that for any future version of this test build.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Longjumping_Good7879

Hey CODM will there ever be an opportunity for people on this subreddit to submit skin ideas that we could vote on and have implemented into BPs or Crates?

Heya, do you mean like entirely new skin ideas or just voting to put pre-existing but no longer available skins back into the store (like we did with the community voting for our 1 Year Anniversary season). For entirely new skins, generally no because we would have to do it very far in advance based on how far out the team designs those. In addition we would specifically need to make it something free, not paid, if it was a community design skin. There are a lot of complexities there.