almost 2 years ago - Call of Duty: Mobile - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
5s i will do this beat
7s all right
9s i think we're live
10s hopefully i'm gonna wait a sec before i
12s start talking to reading chat just be
13s sure
17s yes we are good okay cool
18s [Music]
21s i always have to be sure because
24s as some of you know it's not a hawk
25s sunstream without a technical difficulty
27s even if it's on the official play god
28s mobile channel
31s call of duty mobile channel i said play
33s card mobile because i just made a tweet
34s about it and that's their hat
38s right sick i think we're good to go
40s welcome welcome everyone
44s so
44s today's a stream on the official cod
46s mobile channel what we're going to be
48s doing is playing a little bit of cod
49s mobile to start the stream probably some
52s ranked s d or some ground wars something
54s like that not entirely sure we'll see
56s maybe what you guys want to what you
57s guys want to see uh and then about 10 to
59s 15 minutes into the stream we're going
61s to be revealing the first ever developer
63s ask me anything or developer ama um
66s which i actually haven't even seen yet i
68s do have the the footage and the actual
70s ama but i am waiting to like you know
72s watch it to
74s i'm waiting to watch it so i can see it
76s alongside you guys for the first time
78s and then after that you know kind of
79s react to it uh get my own personal
80s thoughts on it and then ask you guys you
82s know what you guys thought of it as well
83s so
84s yeah uh before we get into the ama
86s though obviously i want to get a little
88s bit of gameplay in and then after the
90s ama will also be playing for a little
91s while as well uh but yeah i think maybe
94s we'll we'll start with an sd just
95s because
96s i i've been enjoying sd the most inside
98s of ranked and it also gives us a good
100s amount of time to like prep before we
102s get into the ama kind of kind of get a
104s warm up if you will
106s and i think inside of it as well i was
108s thinking about doing shotgunning just
109s because i like shotgunning
112s but
112s now that i'm thinking about it
115s i feel like i'm gonna get bodied doing
117s that like i enjoy shotguning a lot but
118s inside of snd it's typically not the
120s move we could do like respawn
122s shotgunning that's always fun
125s now let's do here here let's do let's do
127s something kind of off meta
129s so we're gonna go ahead and do number
130s three we'll do my skin and then for the
133s weapon we'll do
135s something kind of off meta that works
137s decently
140s i saw the icr this thing got buffed kind
141s of recently and i haven't used it since
143s the buff
144s should be a pretty solid s d gun too
146s just because the the recoil is so low on
148s this thing you can beam people off
149s headies as long as you're accurate
154s uh for the build we'll do the ykm
156s integral
157s uh definitely don't need no stock i
158s don't need that much mobility
160s we'll do steady stock
162s granulated 40 round extended owc laser
165s that's gonna give us
167s minus four percent ads time uh we are
170s losing some strafe speed which i think
171s we're losing on the
173s integral no definitely not that
175s granulated yeah
176s that's minus four percent
179s where's the other 12
183s oh yeah steady stock yeah yeah yeah of
185s course
186s um
188s let's do the light stock then because
189s surfing is pretty important inside s d
193s i will call that good
195s uh and then obviously since it's s d
197s we'll do dead silence
201s uh
202s quick fix
205s [Music]
208s i'm gonna play kinda aggressive so i'm
210s down to do quick fix but if we're being
212s smart we'd do toughness
215s ah we'll do we'll do quick fix we'll do
216s quick fix
220s uh not gonna do lightweight though
226s probably do
228s let's do skulker max drape speed
233s uh again a reminder for anyone that's
234s joining the stream right now there is
235s gonna be a developer ama that's coming
237s up in about 10 to 15 minutes that'll be
239s playing for you guys um i won't be
241s reacting live to it because i want you
242s guys to be able to see the whole thing
243s without you know my face cam covering it
245s uh but afterwards you know i'll kind of
247s get my reaction to it because it will be
248s my first time seeing it as well as you
250s know your guys's first time uh and then
253s you know we can all kind of react to it
254s and see what we think about it
255s afterwards uh but for now we're just
257s kind of you know getting the stream a
258s little bit warmed up with some gameplay
262s uh for the build though i think we're
263s good i don't really care about the
265s secondary too much molotov trophy should
267s be fine uh score 6 uav shock rc uh
270s advanced obviously advanced doesn't
271s matter uh uav shock rc should work
274s and yeah i think we're think we're good
275s to go so i'm gonna go ahead and start
277s with a ranked snd
278s [Music]
281s by the way the music that we're playing
282s in the background if you guys were
283s curious uh it's just a call of duty
286s mobile lo-fi
287s what you guys can find obviously on the
288s official cod mobile channel
291s and for anyone asking what a developer
292s ama is a ama is ask me anything so
295s essentially it's um
297s the developers were asked a bunch of
299s questions and gave answers and then
300s there's a video of that and i'll be
302s showing you guys the video so you can
303s see you know the answers to all your
305s guys's burning questions
314s all right let's get into it
317s though cause i am parched
326s yo what up d-dad
330s call of duty mobile said there is a
332s response in the ama about zombies ooh
335s ooh
336s interesting
338s i'm actually really excited to see it
339s again i haven't seen it yet i just left
340s it like
341s to to watch with you guys so curious to
344s see you know what what the i'm sure
346s there's going to be a question about you
346s know again zombies uh persistence
349s probably will come up even though we we
351s kind of already know what's going on
352s with that if you guys have been paying
353s like a lot of attention to
356s the different changes that will be
357s coming up but i'm not gonna you know
359s talk about that too much since should be
360s answered in the amen
362s what else could be what else can we talk
364s about in the ama what are some questions
367s you guys have if you want to drop it in
368s chat obviously i can't answer them but
369s i'd be curious to see you know what your
371s guys's questions are
374s what are some guesses you guys have for
375s some of the questions that'll pop up in
376s the ama rather
378s actually have a couple questions already
380s popping up
382s a lot of people asking about tournament
383s mode
384s i honestly have no questions about it i
386s pretty much understand it so i'm
388s curious to see uh if there's anything
389s inside the ama
392s all right anyway getting into snd
394s we are rocking the icr so
397s not a super good uh aggressive weapon
400s we could use it aggressively as long as
401s we have good movement but
406s enemy contact
409s let me get warmed up here my name is
410s trash
412s all right there's one
416s game one dude
417s gotta get warmed up here
419s nice dude we bodied them i chose s b
423s because i thought it'd be a good like
424s amount of time like a you know eight
426s minute game and then we could get into
427s the ama
428s but
429s this actually might go really fast who
431s might have to play
435s the two
438s dude my my aim was chalked on that guy
442s my sense feels super high
446s i'm gonna get a little bit more
447s aggressive because
449s my accuracy at range right now is not it
452s nice
452s [Music]
454s it wasn't that good on that guy but it
455s was better
457s the enemy has the ball
459s gonna fight this guy
462s nice take his ride tech
465s he dropped the bomb right there
467s i just camped this
469s guy below
471s i'm here in the enemy right
473s oh yeah they got him one left
477s we're running through them right now
482s okay yeah we might have to play two
484s games before getting into the uh the ama
486s or ask me anything rather sorry
489s will adrenaline adrenaline shots ever
491s returned to battle royale that's a good
492s question i don't think that one will be
494s answered it seems like it's a little bit
495s more of an obscure question but hey you
496s never know it might
498s actually what's the length of the ama
499s i'll go ahead and let you guys know that
500s real quick
503s um
504s hey guys
506s you didn't hear that
507s bobby is not in it
509s it's a 10 minute ama if you guys are
510s curious which is really long actually
512s for a friend ask me anything
515s assuming the uh the answers aren't like
517s you know super long that's a
520s pretty good amount of questions
523s called
525s actually let me mute my phone
528s all right one guy left dude we're gonna
531s we're gonna win this uh beat these guys
533s in like
533s two minutes
535s these lobbies are going so quick for
536s these rounds
540s last guys over here you push up
544s oh dude finish the mission why does my
547s sense feel so high right now
550s oh dude okay i was just talking smack
552s against these guys and they're going to
552s beat us
554s lol
555s i'm gonna kill
556s i feel like this guy probably got like
558s changing mag cover me all of three i'm
560s not sure if that's uh yeah i feel like
562s he just got all three this round i don't
564s know if we've died a single time before
566s this enemy he could potentially have
567s four kills not quite the ace assuming he
569s got you know the free this round which i
571s think he did
572s enemy contact believing
575s got a head shot 30 seconds
577s we're on defense bro you could just run
579s the bomb somewhere else
581s he's going to take the gunfight
582s obviously but
583s nice okay cool
586s the 5.0 is still possible
589s the wipe is still possible
598s to get more accurate here with the icr
600s miami's been booty cheeks
603s yes i did say booty cheeks on the
605s official cod mobile channel
610s let's get a slight peak here
611s there's one there's two
614s enemies
617s let me get aggressive here
619s about to get pinched
622s enemy contact
625s never get a shot off
626s i got shot
627s changing mag 3v4 here
631s bomb is not down
636s all right
637s i'm sure where the sniper went i assume
639s we just backed off damn
641s yeah one guy left
643s we're definitely playing two snds before
644s we uh before we play the video
651s where's this guy
654s he's hiding oh he made he up top
656s cover
657s i'm gonna assume so unless my teammate's
659s just shooting at nothing
662s nice
663s nice work
665s yeah this might be a record pace for an
666s smd if that one round wasn't as like
670s wasn't as a
672s contested by that one guy or just if the
675s round wasn't as long as what i'm trying
676s to say
677s then this would have been a super fast
679s game
680s depending on how this round goes
681s obviously but i think we could
684s wipe them kind of quick
688s i'm gonna assume there's not a sniper
689s here but could be wrong we'll see
694s sniper
697s someone's i gotta sneak up behind me
715s oh did we just get collated
718s wait i'm so confused what just happened
721s dude my teammate was on my right and he
723s was on the
724s i'm so confused what just happened
727s chad did we get collated or was because
729s there was one guy left
731s yeah we had to have
734s i want to go back and look at that i i
736s didn't register what just happened at
737s all
744s dude there's so many people here
751s we got the bomb
753s see that plug off that point and then
755s i'm gonna rotate around
761s wow
761s these guys just flipped a switch
765s i have to flip a switch myself here
767s enemy inside sniper i'm dead
784s and then
785s thumpered
786s they do not come back destroy the
789s objective i kind of want them to just so
791s cause it'd be kind of funny if i was
793s talking all this smack saying it's about
794s to be the fastest game ever and then we
796s lose
796s but
798s let's try to make sure that doesn't
800s happen even though it would be kind of
801s funny
803s there's a guy over here
806s i need to be playing with my teammates
809s i kind of forgot this is s d enemy
811s contact
812s all right that could have been bad
817s they hit a mac 10 out of icr close range
819s and i won that sheesh
821s three to three i'm gonna rotate to my
822s teammates though
824s reloading all the way around here
829s somebody clipped that nobody clipped
830s that nobody clipped that
832s dog it's insane
834s i was not prepared for that guy get down
837s nice
838s mag 10 beautiful
841s that smells like the mac tennis looks
842s pretty cold on the icr
843s i know crazy
850s he's under attack need backup i'm
852s attacking bomb has been planted
860s they did not come back
862s that would have been embarrassing
865s what's the best lo-fi remix actually
867s hold on what one do i put on here
868s inside
877s season one new order this one's cool
880s it's kind of like a
881s cyberpunk aesthetic kind of
885s awesome
886s so yeah that that was a lot quicker than
888s i uh expected
890s well actually no that was no never mind
892s it's 5 16. yeah it's pretty good
895s because we want i wanted to you know
897s play the uh the ama or ask me anything
899s around the 15 minute mark so yeah we're
901s 16 minutes into the stream
902s i say we get into it so again for
904s anybody curious
906s uh call of duty mobile did do a ama if
909s you don't know what an ama is it's
910s basically ask me anything so there's
912s going to be a bunch of questions that
913s they were asked and then obviously their
915s answers as well so i think without
918s further ado we just we go ahead and hop
919s into that so again i'll be seeing it for
921s the first time but i won't be on camera
923s to experience it with you guys but i
925s will be here behind the camera but i
927s didn't want to you know put my face cam
929s and cover anything just so you guys can
930s get the full experience but uh
932s yep
933s also season three is our favorite remix
935s from the lo-fi video okay
936s when we're when we're done watching this
938s video uh and we get back into gameplay i
940s definitely will check out the season
941s three one but yeah without further ado
943s let's go ahead and check out the first
945s ever very first ever todd mobile ask me
948s anything or ama let's get into it
951s hey guys bobby plays here today we had
953s fans submit some of their most burning
955s questions about call of duty mobile
957s let's go ahead and hop into it
963s question you guys asked was will you
964s remove persistence let's see what they
966s had to say we're not removing
968s persistence just yet but we are making
970s some pretty significant changes to it
971s very soon for starters while you'll
973s still be able to keep your scorestreak
975s progression after death you'll now need
977s to choose three specific score streaks
979s to apply persistence to
981s all score streaks will be placed into
983s one of three different scoring pockets
985s low medium and high
987s the uav would be an example of a low
989s cost score streak and the chopper gunner
992s would be an example of a high cost score
993s streak
994s we're also changing persistence from
996s being a red category perk to a blue
999s category perk
1000s next up will there ever be more major
1002s tournaments in cod mobile outside of
1004s just one per year
1005s so for right now we're focusing a bit
1007s more on some one-off tournaments an
1009s event similar to our battle royale
1011s world's invitational or throwback
1013s throwdown from last year to go along
1015s with of course our world championship
1017s programming for this year so keep an eye
1019s out for that stuff it's going to be
1020s awesome next thing you asked was what
1022s are some updates and features that cod
1023s mobile content creators can look forward
1025s to in the future i like this one
1038s thing you asked was what's the hardest
1040s thing about designing a new character in
1042s cod mobile i think the hard part with
1044s designing a new operator is just
1046s this character needs to live and have a
1048s lifespan in the game you need to be able
1049s to have
1050s more skins for this character going
1052s forward we want a strong narrative and
1053s they have to fit in the broader scope of
1055s all the operators that we have right so
1057s we have an existing kind of long time
1060s fan favorite with um
1063s gunzo gunzo's
1065s got plethora of skins he's a he's one of
1067s my favorite character designs and
1070s operators in the game super fun to work
1072s with but we can't have just like a
1073s multitude of clown type characters right
1076s so we think about
1077s how does this character fit into the
1079s what is their hook what is interesting
1080s about them in particular we write a
1082s narrative about them right you think
1084s about the story and you know who they
1086s are
1087s get details about their personality
1089s um what faction are they aligned with
1091s and how can they fit in with the
1092s narrative that we're trying to tell can
1094s we write them into the comic narrative
1096s that we're trying to tell how can we you
1098s know tell a story that a grander story
1100s for this character's evolution for like
1102s example like templar as far as the
1104s easiest part about designing
1106s new operators i would say there really
1109s isn't an easy part about it i think the
1111s easiest part is once we've watched the
1112s operator be honest and we can see the
1114s fans reaction to it and
1116s it's just amazing to see how
1119s um you know what fans do and
1121s their their
1123s reaction to something that that we spend
1125s so many times so much time and
1127s and thought and effort putting put into
1129s it you know over the span of like eight
1131s months and we watch this content and
1133s it's out in the wild we get to see
1136s everyone's reaction to it and that's
1137s just that's probably the easiest part of
1139s the job is just seeing how it how it
1141s performs and how
1143s how people react to it the positive
1145s reactions is great
1146s next you guys ask what's your favorite
1148s operator in the game favorite operator
1150s in the game i'm gonna go with spectre my
1152s favorite operator is helen park's glam
1154s skin uh she's been my favorite operator
1157s since she came out in black ops cold war
1159s and i was super excited when we finally
1160s added her to goddamn i like all of our
1163s unique to call of duty mobile operators
1165s the best but my favorite of these has to
1167s be ether my favorite operator is dukedoc
1171s snoop dizzle reporting for duty
1174s next up you guys asked what's your
1176s approach when it comes to balance
1177s changes for different guns and perks in
1179s the game and with the new signature
1180s attachments what's the thought process
1182s behind adding them and can we look
1184s forward to more in the future seasons
1186s when evaluating the strengths of a gun
1188s we not only look at the peak rate and
1190s the graduation but also have more
1192s detailed data such as
1194s telescope rates
1196s kelly ratio at different distances
1198s to assist us in making
1200s decisions in all aspects so when doing
1203s the analysis we will look at the
1205s performance of the gown in each mode
1207s which is of course challenge we may
1210s strengthen some very wisconsin points
1212s which leads to this can be too powerful
1215s in search and destroy and frontline mode
1217s for vr players call of duty mobile has
1219s really taken their game up to stage two
1221s over the past year what are some big
1222s changes that we can look forward to in
1224s the next year for call of duty mobile br
1227s what we hear the most from our br
1229s players when we talk to them about what
1230s they'd like to see
1232s is more variety in the gameplay that
1234s takes place on the map
1235s and so what we're doing is looking to
1237s pair our new br content with
1241s major holidays or our battle pass season
1244s themes hi goddamn demp team i have two
1246s questions that relate to zombies first
1249s question is will we get round based
1250s zombies maps like we had a few seasons
1252s ago with shino numa and secondly would
1254s it be possible to add takio's voice i
1257s know tom kane was forced into an early
1259s retirement but would he be okay with
1261s synthesizing his voice for use in the
1263s game it feels off having dempsey
1265s richtofen and nikolai but not having
1267s takeo thanks i know we have a lot of
1269s hardcore zombies fans out there
1272s we are looking at bringing the classic
1275s version of zombies uh back to our game
1277s the version that's uh currently live in
1279s the version in china um it's not quite
1282s as simple as just flipping a switch it
1283s is a lot more complex than that but it
1284s is something that we're looking at
1286s as far as takeo's voice
1289s we don't have any plans right now to
1290s bring those characters back into the
1292s game but that is a really interesting
1293s idea about synthesizing his voice
1295s guns and weapons are always getting
1297s buffed in nerf how do you guys decide
1299s how much a weapon needs to get buffed or
1301s nerfed or even whether it needs to
1302s happen at all the core goal of our gun
1305s banners is to have more guns on the
1307s field
1308s so you can see that while we continue to
1310s design new guns we are also continuing
1313s to pass otherwise
1314s and the number of enhancements are
1316s gradually increasing
1318s we want a player to use their favorite
1320s weapons without getting frustrated by
1323s the gaps between guns
1325s since our goal is to get more weapons on
1326s the field pickerage
1329s is a key indicator make sense
1331s my question is what are the game's
1333s future plans to maintain stable
1335s competition for call of duty mobile with
1337s so many new games entering the
1339s competition this year
1340s buy and convey my greetings to ghost
1343s that's a big question
1344s the mobile shooter market grows bigger
1346s every year and it's important for us to
1348s continue to look at what makes our game
1350s fun and fair
1351s and i think that means looking at the
1353s specific needs of our various player
1355s groups within the game that meaning
1357s multiplayer battle royale and ranked
1361s for multiplayer i think that's going to
1362s look like an increased focus on weapon
1364s balancing and trying new modes to keep
1366s the experience fresh
1368s we were really excited to see the early
1370s positive reception of ground war and we
1372s look forward to improving it even more
1374s in the future
1376s for battle royale i think that means
1377s you'll continue to see new and thematic
1379s gameplay that involves the br experience
1381s overall sometimes that'll be tied to our
1384s battle past season themes and sometimes
1386s that'll be tied to major holidays so are
1389s you guys considering plans to optimize
1391s the game's storage size by maybe
1393s adjusting some of the file sizes for
1395s different characters and weapons
1397s so this is something we are looking to
1399s add some new features to try to optimize
1402s the content that is on the device to try
1403s to you know sort of reduce the size of
1405s the footprint
1407s but the best thing that you can do here
1408s is to look
1410s in the download manager
1412s because there are lots of tools in there
1414s where you can
1415s you can delete content that you're not
1417s using to reduce the amount of space that
1420s the game is taking up on your phone and
1421s that's really the best options that we
1423s have right now for players to take
1424s advantage of what exactly is your guys
1427s dev team experience on a day-to-day
1429s basis how does the dev team come up with
1431s ideas about the game and then make it
1432s happen in the game so on a day-to-day
1434s basis um i usually start off in the
1436s morning i come in and i look
1438s at how the game's been performing over
1440s the last day
1441s and then you know i also like to spend
1443s some time during the day going and
1446s reading comments from players that i see
1448s online uh you know whether it's like on
1451s reddit or our reviews to try to get a
1453s sense of what it is that our players are
1455s looking for and any issues that they're
1457s currently having to make sure that we
1458s get those uh on our roadmap
1461s and then at the end of the day we
1463s usually end up having calls with the
1465s development team
1466s at timmy in china since it'll be the
1469s start of their day right at the end of
1470s our day to make sure that we're all in
1472s sync about what it is we're trying to
1474s accomplish further down the road when it
1476s comes to due season generally the team
1479s will come up with system things first
1481s because we're really having a strong
1483s thing
1484s that can kick up when you see them can
1486s bring some new individual elements like
1489s our current reticle rate season
1491s um the kv drill is very common for which
1494s is a little different from what we
1496s usually do
1498s and also we extend the theme elements to
1500s make the gameplay experience to the game
1504s once we have some solid game ideas we
1506s went from player surveys
1508s because we like to hear feedback from
1510s players all over the world
1513s after we locked the uh the design
1516s the engineers will do the magic and make
1519s it work in the game
1520s we will have many around all play tests
1524s with the team make sure everything is
1525s working make sure the mode is fun enough
1528s to play
1528s and more importantly there are no bugs
1531s thanks everyone for submitting your
1532s questions we're excited to see the
1533s future of cod mobile
1541s awesome all right let me get the music
1544s okay season three first off is what i
1546s want to switch to
1547s i don't know if i can find that right
1548s now here we'll just we'll put the music
1549s on
1552s oh yeah that was awesome
1554s so a couple notes that i was jotting
1555s down while i was uh while i was watching
1557s some of the things i really liked about
1558s it number one the persistence buff or
1561s not
1562s persistent buff persistence no the
1564s persistence nerf that's one thing that i
1566s mean as a
1567s multiplayer player
1570s i've been wanting forever and i'm sure a
1571s lot of people have and i think it's
1572s really really well executed on so for
1575s anyone that is just now joining and
1576s maybe you missed the beginning of that
1578s ama or ask me anything obviously you can
1580s go back in the stream to check it out uh
1582s but one of the things that they did talk
1583s about was the persistence nerf that will
1585s be coming i don't think they talked
1586s about exactly when but it is coming um
1588s essentially the way that it works is
1590s that uh streaks will now be put into
1593s three different tiers there's a low
1594s medium and high tier so for example a
1597s uav is in the low tier um and here let
1600s me go pull up a couple different streaks
1601s here
1603s okay so like uav for example would be in
1605s the uh low tier one that would be in the
1607s medium tier would be something like a
1609s sentry gun or lightning strike i believe
1610s i don't have like all the tears in front
1611s of me but uh you know based on the
1613s streaks that we have here it makes sense
1614s that the landing strike would be in the
1615s middle and then you'd have a high tier
1617s streak like a vtol and essentially with
1619s persistence you only get one of each so
1622s you can't go ahead and get like you know
1624s uh swarm napalm vtol so there's gonna be
1627s no more persistence uh users that are
1629s gonna be dropping all three in one match
1631s it's gonna be one of a low one of a
1632s medium and one of a high
1635s and then also turn down the music
1638s and then the second part of that is that
1640s persistence is also going to be changed
1642s from a red streak to a blue streak which
1645s i think is really really really good
1647s because another problem that we had with
1648s persistence before was there currently
1651s still because it hasn't been actually
1652s nerfed is that persistence could be
1654s paired with so if i go and put up put on
1656s persistence it could be paired with
1658s hardline which would would essentially
1660s make it so that it's even easier to get
1662s to those streaks so like you know a vtol
1664s or whatever would be
1665s uh 25 easier to get so now you can't
1668s actually pair it because persistence
1670s will be a blue string you're forced to
1671s either choose hardline or persistence so
1673s i think that actually is the most
1675s underrated part of the nerf because
1676s again it's now 25 harder and that in
1679s itself is a nerf and a pretty
1680s substantial one but again also having it
1683s be uh
1684s tiered is gonna help a ton as well so
1687s really good nerf to persistence i think
1688s super well executed on we're obviously
1690s gonna have to see how it is when it
1691s actually does release inside of the game
1692s but again i loved it another thing that
1694s i also thought was really cool to see
1696s the developers talk about was uh the
1698s fact that pick rates uh really like
1701s affect the the buffs and nerfs of
1703s weapons uh and like the weapon pool
1705s which i think is really good because
1707s it's really hard to balance a weapon
1709s by just looking at you know the stats of
1711s it or whatever how good it is based on
1712s you know the damage time to kill and all
1714s that the community really will be uh the
1716s best determining factor of how good a
1718s weapon is if a gun is really good it's
1720s going to be used a lot if a gun is
1722s really bad it's not going to be used a
1723s lot so it's good to see you know what
1725s the pick rates are what the typical map
1726s pool is and the closer we can get to
1728s every weapon having the exact same pit
1730s pick rate the closer we are to having
1732s the most balanced metal we could
1733s possibly have so it was cool to see them
1735s kind of mention that and then the third
1736s thing i thought was really cool that you
1737s never really see from developer amas
1739s right that i never really see
1741s was the fact that there was different
1742s developers from like each different uh
1745s section of cod mobile uh the developer
1747s team so obviously you know there's
1748s people working on skins people working
1750s on balance people working on future
1751s future content coming into the game uh
1754s so it's really cool to see people from
1755s you know each kind of sector so a lot of
1758s other cool stuff in there as well again
1759s if you didn't see it i'd recommend going
1761s back in the stream and checking it out a
1763s lot of other stuff was pertaining to
1764s like you know br uh there's some stuff
1766s about zombies uh some stuff about
1768s tournaments like one of the questions
1769s was um is there gonna be more than just
1771s one major tournament per year and the
1773s developer talked about how we're gonna
1774s have a similar system as last year where
1776s there's gonna be some smaller
1777s tournaments one smaller than you know
1779s the world championship but still you
1781s know a pretty solid size tournament uh
1783s such as like the throwback throwdown
1784s that happened last year which i
1786s fortunately was a caster for
1787s um not fortunately but you know
1790s i was i was caster i don't know i don't
1792s know if it's fortunately just i you know
1794s was given the opportunity um
1796s but yeah so that's that's pretty much it
1798s uh for my personal thoughts uh you know
1800s let me know what uh you guys thought
1802s inside of the the chat
1803s i'll probably read through that as we're
1804s kind of playing the game uh but yeah for
1806s the rest of the stream we're just gonna
1807s be you know playing some ranked maybe do
1809s a little bit of ground war i wanted to
1810s do some br but i kind of want to stick
1812s with multiplayer at the moment
1814s so i think we'll probably hop into
1816s another sd i do want to try my icr build
1818s again because
1819s game one was okay but it was still a
1821s warm up i didn't quite get what i wanted
1824s we also gotta put our perks back on the
1825s what we had before
1828s i'm not gonna do school girl though i'm
1829s gonna do lightweight just because
1830s skulker i feel like i was almost
1831s striking too fast
1835s obviously dead silence
1837s and yeah i think we're good to go
1841s and then while we're queuing up too i
1842s want to go ahead and see if i can find
1843s the uh the season three low five because
1845s god mobile said that's the most popular
1846s one
1848s i don't think there's oh there's
1850s timestamps
1852s oh but it's not a
1854s title based on the season number it's
1855s based on the season name
1857s let me try to find this real quick
1858s [Music]
1860s oh tokyo escape
1862s oh yeah for sure of course this is the
1863s the most popular one
1869s the provides
1872s yeah this is a super cool one
1874s i love this one playing in the
1875s background where we loading
1880s i agree with jay glad to see the
1882s questions answered so well yeah i think
1883s they answered them really well sometimes
1885s you'll see with some developer ask me
1886s any things i can amaze
1888s uh one thing you'll see is that answers
1890s will be very vague and they won't
1893s touch on things it'll just be like
1894s you'll hear it and you're like that
1895s wasn't even really an answer that's just
1896s like the question but like rephrased but
1898s i think every single question that they
1900s had was um
1901s answered to a point where he was like
1904s uh a satisfactory answer i guess that
1906s actually like went a little bit more in
1908s depth into the topic that was uh asked
1914s crossfire better than terminal
1917s uh i think it depends on the mode uh for
1918s smd
1921s ah i see them pretty
1924s pretty equally to be honest i don't
1925s think i prefer one over the other i
1927s think i voted terminal not entirely sure
1929s for like a mode like hardpoint though
1931s 100 crossfire is better
1933s i really dislike a terminal for
1935s hardpoint
1937s does anyone know if hardpoint was uh out
1940s when uh terminal first released which i
1942s think was modern warfare 2
1945s it's another question i have is it was
1946s it modern warfare two or three
1949s i'm pretty sure it wasn't before too
1951s could be wrong i didn't really play
1952s modern warfare i was a black ops player
1954s treyarch player
1956s did i miss it there yeah yeah but you
1958s can go back like 10 15 minutes in the
1959s stream and you'll be able to see it
1971s i think that was a double headshot not a
1972s triple
1973s it's close though
1975s 36 damage to the head so i might have
1977s been a three shot
1979s 36 plus 36 is 72 so i'd only need 28
1981s damage so
1983s now i think i
1984s i either triple headshot or four shot
1987s i'm not sure you can uh three shot with
1988s two
1989s 36 36 72 you need 28 damage i don't
1992s think this thing deals 28 damage unless
1993s you had a headshot
1995s it's been a while though since i've used
1996s this thing it might be 28.
1999s i'll pay attention next time i have a
2000s body shot we'll see
2004s i uh did not do that slide correctly
2008s two thermites
2010s always chill
2016s was that 26 or 28 i wasn't really paying
2018s attention
2021s 28 okay and 30. so yeah definitely this
2022s thing can i definitely three shot then
2026s i just got the bomb
2028s it's the last guy and we're just gonna
2029s push him sure my teammate's about to
2030s kill him talk is inside contact with the
2032s enemy
2036s this is like the same as last game bro
2038s we're just running through it
2040s what that means is we're gonna get to uh
2042s four round wins and then they're gonna
2043s have two two rounds where they just like
2046s absolutely destroy us
2049s and then we'll beat them it's gonna be
2050s the exact same as before
2052s all right once again we're gonna get
2054s aggressive here
2055s slide around the corner
2058s [Music]
2060s someone has a sniper i don't really want
2062s to peak that again because they're going
2063s to be looking
2064s i did shoot silence so maybe not
2069s i mean a little bit low
2072s dog is inside
2074s nice playing this head glitch
2076s three left
2078s contact with the enemy
2080s box bro
2081s hit your shots dude
2084s dang i whiffed on that guy
2088s yeah i feel like i'm over aiming right
2089s now
2099s 2v2
2101s guy does have a heartbeat
2106s geeky positions here like will hurt
2108s someone below him i'm not sure if that
2110s was yeah yeah there's two
2113s all right we got bftp
2115s i believe he has a sniper and a
2116s heartbeat sensor oh he's one
2118s other one's on his left i think
2120s oh he's going for the flank no way he
2122s gets this
2123s they have to expect this right yeah
2125s oh oh you still got him dude
2128s all right 1v1
2131s i can't believe he got him
2133s picks up the bk got 33 seconds bomb is
2136s down he's got the heartbeat oh he's set
2138s up
2140s oh he hears him too
2142s i'll just ads that oh dude you gotta
2145s pre-aim that you just the only way he's
2147s gonna be behind you is if he comes up
2148s and you'd hear him do that because he
2150s heard footsteps so
2152s in that situation just ads ahead of you
2154s get with a seat like
2155s get behind the seat so you're kind of
2157s like head glitching it and then just
2158s hold that
2159s that is a very easy one
2163s all right
2164s maybe this is gonna be a little bit more
2165s competitive than last time
2172s do we get aggressive here
2175s you may miss a shot
2178s sniper
2180s nice
2187s i try to back up and i was like caught
2189s in between like right here
2192s luckily got him and i think on the hip
2193s fire too
2194s got him in contact
2196s damn it you guys got him right bomb spot
2198s it's good
2199s stuff nice work yeah definitely pre-aim
2201s and pre-fire that you don't even have to
2203s pre-fire necessarily just pre-aim at
2204s least
2207s so again chad if you don't know what
2208s we're talking about with pre-aim or
2209s pre-fire i mean it's kind of
2210s self-explanatory it's kind of in the
2212s name but like pre aim
2216s that's the best way i can describe it
2219s holy
2225s regent
2232s nice
2235s oh
2236s dude i'm whipping
2239s all right 2v3
2247s [Music]
2249s so this is what he should have done
2250s right here
2251s even though i think they're rotating so
2253s i'm just gonna peek
2257s try to get to my teammate here
2260s where
2262s they got one you dumb chuck them nice
2266s open the plane
2268s nice
2269s i just jumped out get ready for the next
2272s round that's a jump scare yeah
2275s thumbs can't pre-aim
2277s what what do you mean
2280s yeah you can you can as long as if
2281s you're playing thumbs you have an 80s
2282s button you can still pre-aim
2285s as long yeah you have an 80s button just
2287s just press the edges button it's a
2288s little harder but it still still can be
2290s done
2291s i knew that was going to happen i like
2293s peaked to the right and then immediately
2294s was like wait this guy on my left and
2295s try to like run away
2297s yeah and he got me
2299s i should have expected the guy on the
2300s left
2302s i need to start going right side left
2303s side is pretty bad to go if you don't
2304s have a sniper it's fun to go over there
2306s if you have a sniper but i do not
2311s kind of want my team to lose just so i
2312s don't end on a death like that but
2314s you know what i wouldn't mind either way
2317s just hop into another one after
2320s enemy contact
2326s screen went black
2328s uh hopefully it didn't if it did that's
2330s because my um capture card disconnected
2332s occasionally it'll do that
2334s if i like bump my wire
2336s ah okay
2338s we have another opportunity here to
2340s clutch up
2342s or at least not die in the way that i
2343s did
2345s bro premium is easy or just build fast
2347s 80s movement builds and stay ats
2349s uh yeah
2350s you know pre-aim is literally just
2351s pressing the ads button and looking
2353s where people are going to be going to be
2357s not a super complicated concept but it's
2359s one that uh some people overlook
2363s definitely something that can set you up
2365s apart from the i'm dead
2367s i'm not
2369s oh i thought that would make me burn a
2370s little longer i guess it's a thermite so
2372s i would have been stuck i think it's
2373s inside
2380s enemy contact oh you got turned on
2382s i could have sworn this guy was over
2384s here
2385s all right only two left
2387s do not have a heartbeat sensor so i have
2389s no
2390s but then no way of telling where they
2391s are but
2392s i guess that's one way to tell
2395s there they are
2397s we can still seahawks all right perfect
2398s perfect
2399s again it's not a hawkson stream without
2401s technical difficulties so i always have
2403s to
2404s stay on my toes stay on my toes
2409s bring it back to season three
2415s yo cod mobile i it's weird to like call
2417s you that but i earlier you said that the
2419s season three uh lo-fi beat was the best
2421s performing one does that just mean when
2422s you go to the youtube the the videos
2424s where tension you can like see that that
2426s one is played the most
2428s all right like
2430s how do you know it's the best performing
2431s one because you guys uploaded it only
2432s like combined right there's no like way
2434s to see them individually i don't
2435s understand if there's like individual
2436s uploads and that one had the most views
2437s but if they're all combined i'd assume
2439s just looking at like what viewers are
2442s staying for
2443s i assume this one probably has the
2444s highest retention
2446s that'd be an interesting graph to look
2447s at because typically with the youtube
2448s video uh their audience retention graph
2450s will start high and go low so people
2452s will obviously everyone will watch the
2454s start of a video because
2456s that's just how it works when you open a
2457s video you start at the start and then
2458s it'll like taper off and people will
2460s start dropping off as they watch the
2461s video but with something like this where
2463s it's like you know
2464s songs and like people skip to what they
2466s want to hear it'd be kind of interesting
2467s to see if the graph is like you know
2469s like going up and down and stuff
2471s be curious to see what that looks like
2472s if you can give me that screenshot i'd
2474s actually love to see that
2477s all right let's do something a little
2479s bit more creative then we had 16 kills
2482s icr is a little a little too plain for
2484s my taste a little too basic i kind of
2486s want to go shotgun
2488s yeah let's do it we're going to do dead
2489s silence obviously and then i think
2491s everything else should be good
2494s yeah we'll do quick fix just because
2496s it's going to be helpful because i'm
2497s going to be getting in people's faces
2498s and you know potentially fighting like
2500s three people at once lightweight to get
2502s to places first uh hso builds already
2504s the way i like it
2505s uh renee if i need to pull something out
2507s for a little bit longer ranges i
2508s probably should do like a crossbow but
2509s yeah it's fine
2511s and then we'll throw on a shock rc to
2513s pair with the uav
2516s nade trophy do i want to do trophy or
2519s smoke or something
2522s let's do concussion actually
2523s i never really rocked this but i feel
2525s like with a shoddy it should be pretty
2526s solid
2530s combat axe let's do it
2532s just for the memes
2535s [Music]
2537s we'll check that and see all right cool
2538s cool
2540s oh we just met personally our team uh
2542s said it was our favorite but uh
2543s interesting suggestion slash idea or
2545s suggestions last question oh gotcha
2546s gotcha yeah
2548s i do know it it's probably the most
2550s popular one among people too like if you
2552s had
2552s uh if you pulled a hundred people and
2554s said what one was your favorite i'm sure
2555s this one would come up as you know the
2557s highest percentage but again it's hard
2558s to gauge what is someone's favorite um
2562s without you know like a direct poll or
2565s uh individual uploads even with
2566s individual uploads like the youtube
2568s algorithm could be different for each or
2569s something so it's hard to say for sure
2571s but a poll would be a pretty good way
2573s retention is another
2575s the thing that's weird about retention
2576s though with this is like when people
2577s open the video like i said they're it's
2578s 100 at the start and then at the end
2580s it's you know going to be way lower so
2582s i'm sure you know songs at the start of
2584s the video are going to have a lot more
2585s preference in the uh audience retention
2587s but i'll just be interested to see in
2588s the great if the graph is you know going
2590s up and down and there's these hills and
2591s valleys i'm sure like at the start of a
2593s song it's up and a song down
2595s all right we're playing aussie end this
2596s map's pretty damn big to be running
2598s around with the shotty but we are going
2599s to try to make it work
2607s there's four people left
2611s if this guy hops down
2613s oh he's going this way
2615s teammates low
2616s kill him
2617s nice
2628s didn't think i would i got regen real
2630s quick there's only two left no one's
2632s over here i don't know where the second
2633s is
2637s dang this map is not really the move
2641s for uh for shotgunning
2646s and it's s d
2647s we'll rock the shoddy a little bit more
2648s but i might have to pivot to something
2650s else
2651s let's see if shield midden here can
2652s clutch up
2654s oh that's a tough fight m13 versus uh
2656s qq9
2658s that kind of range like you're gonna get
2659s bodied every time
2662s if you guys want to see the developer
2663s ama or ask me anything you can go back
2665s uh
2666s about 20 minutes ago i think
2668s i started it at 5 16 my time and that
2671s was 30 minutes ago so yeah go back 30
2673s minutes ago and you'll be able to see
2674s the start of it
2676s there's uh you know stuff talking about
2678s persistence uh brs zombies
2681s weapon balancing i
2683s flushed the bomb
2684s and my embodied me there oh and he did
2687s it with that reticle too
2689s i'm embarrassed
2691s yeah i probably shouldn't have gone
2692s there that's a super long lane trying to
2694s use a gun that only works within you
2695s know five to ten meters
2697s uh in a
2699s super long alley or lane
2702s not to
2703s move angel you're getting chased i don't
2705s know if you know that enemy contact okay
2707s but he's behind you
2710s all right i don't know about shotty i i
2712s would have been down to do it on a
2713s better map not a better map but like a
2715s more fitting map
2717s but i think we might have to go back to
2718s the icr for this one
2720s they got snipers too and i know there's
2722s a sniper that goes mid at least unless
2724s he's gonna you know go somewhere else
2725s but he got to kill
2726s that round and then they won so i'm
2728s assuming he's gonna do it again so
2730s i think maybe we just go for an a play
2742s do a bomb
2745s to be kind of kind of goofy here with my
2747s strats
2748s reloading
2750s enemy contract enemy down
2753s reloading got to run through but on the
2755s way contact
2757s it seems like it's paid off
2762s got an outlaw i know that
2764s i'll just go bomb plant here
2771s one guy left nice i had to move all the
2773s way around wait
2775s i just did a full circle all right we're
2777s just we're going this way
2778s i don't know this map well enough
2781s all right my teammates killed him
2783s i didn't know how to get out of there i
2784s thought there was going to be like a
2785s door right there and i could just walk
2786s through but i think you got to go like
2788s all the way to the edge
2789s i think the only side door is the uh the
2792s one like through mid
2794s let's go right side i've been going left
2796s every time i'm acquired
2799s uh now i'll play with my teammates are
2800s going left side
2802s we'll try to play around mid
2811s enemy
2812s hello
2813s take his mag 10 bombs down try
2831s oh dude i thought he was focusing my uh
2834s my teammate
2836s oh no he just switched
2839s damn i'm surprised he didn't stick with
2840s the other guy
2841s i mean it was a good decision to switch
2843s to me but
2845s kind of unfortunate
2848s all right this game is going a little
2849s different than the past one we gotta
2850s step it up
2852s what am i doing wrong right now what can
2853s i correct
2855s i mean considering the weapon that i'm
2857s using i gotta play around the strengths
2858s of it a little bit better
2860s i'm playing it like it's a uh i lost
2862s that round but it's not over yet
2864s i'm not quite playing it like it's an
2865s smg but i'm playing it like it's a more
2867s aggressive ar
2868s and it's not an aggressive ar it's a
2870s very you know uh sit back at them not
2872s back in the map but you know sit a
2873s little further back on a head glitch
2874s type of weapon so i feel like we got to
2876s play it like that a little bit more
2878s obviously it's a little bit more of a
2879s boring play style to watch but if we're
2882s trying to win games
2884s that's how you do it i'm dead
2891s hawks come on
2894s pretty lucky i didn't die there to be
2895s honest
2911s got you
2922s that's how you play a gun like this
2924s that's one thing i'd say like as a
2925s general tip is if you're not doing good
2928s think about the weapon that you're using
2929s and think about what the best play style
2931s would be with that like why or how is
2933s that weapon truly played to its best
2936s potential
2937s and then correct
2939s i know it's pretty basic tip but again
2940s it's one that people might not actually
2942s consider they might think you could just
2943s kind of play the same with any weapon
2944s but you know weapons have strength and
2946s you gotta play to those strengths
2953s i hide my laser
2963s [Music]
2969s i don't want to hear it i was just
2971s painting i was betting yep see it was
2972s from my teammate that was on purpose
2974s made him think he had a shot and then he
2975s chased me
2976s all part of the plan
2977s [Laughter]
2981s nice teammates
2983s and we're all tied up just like that
2985s last round
2987s nobody clipped that nobody saw that it
2988s didn't happen it wasn't actually it did
2990s happen and clipped it because it was on
2992s purpose it's 200 iq
2996s i'm feeling like my sense is really i
2997s might have to lower it a tad bit a few
2999s points
3008s oh no no no no no
3011s i can't believe i got away from that
3017s should have expected that i saw his head
3019s for a split second
3020s i'm gonna rotate today though no point
3022s in being here hopefully my teammate has
3023s the same plan
3038s nice
3052s no
3057s that's like the worst possible thing
3058s that i could be in that situation
3063s because he's right in my face i probably
3064s should have backed off
3065s i should have hit the diffuse while he
3066s was fighting the other guy i was kind of
3068s torn between you know obviously
3070s diffusing and not
3072s let's focus though this is a big round
3073s here big round
3075s this is to tie things up
3091s so you can't wallbang that it appears
3105s boys we have to have some defense on b
3108s enemy
3112s no i double headshot him teammates i'm
3114s so sorry
3116s clutch up
3117s how we have everyone on a what kind of
3119s defense is that
3121s gonna be on bianda
3124s dang it man report he's a noob i don't
3127s think you can report people for just not
3129s being good
3130s nice
3130s 2v3
3134s report that guy
3136s he's
3137s noob the bomb has been planted
3139s oh my goodness
3142s that was uh quit the display get down
3145s ooh clutch 1v2
3147s it's possible
3149s oh he's getting on the back
3151s oh don't peek that no he's he's not
3153s pushing you don't have to peek
3156s i know i didn't play good but there were
3157s some players there that were oh very
3160s questionable very questionable
3164s nice mvp moment
3167s oh dude that's so sad you ran on the
3169s maid
3172s [Music]
3174s all right redemption game
3177s i'll keep the shotgun
3179s ready if we get a good map but
3181s oceana again not a good map or uh china
3183s shotgun
3186s yeah we underperformed pretty heavily
3187s there
3188s they were playing so aggressive and had
3190s an icr
3192s that was what was so tough
3194s again i probably should have positioned
3195s a little bit more back
3196s i play styles a little bit more in their
3198s face so it was tough to adapt i mean all
3200s in all we didn't do that bad 1.6 katy 8
3202s kills like it wasn't bad but it could
3204s have been much better much better for
3205s the official goddamn channel
3209s all right i'm going to keep the same hso
3211s build
3212s [Music]
3213s again hopefully a better map though for
3215s a shoddy
3216s [Music]
3218s just one more 39 headshot low yeah
3220s it is what it is
3224s kind of choked and a joke
3227s i'm still really bummed about that uh
3228s the fight on the bomb dude that one was
3230s sad
3232s like with the guy with the kimbo fennick
3234s like i tried to defuse them like now
3235s he's going to push me off that i should
3237s have defused when he was fighting i feel
3238s like i would have stuck it but again it
3239s would have been tight
3241s the smarter thing would have been you
3242s know
3243s fight the guy and do it from a little
3245s bit longer of a distance but i feel like
3247s i could have stuck the the diffuse tough
3250s to say for sure
3252s imagine not killing an enemy with 39
3253s damage little
3255s see vacant would be a great shotgun map
3257s crossfire actually not that bad because
3259s you could play in like the um
3261s the building be dom building but vacant
3263s is so
3264s like
3266s such a tight map i guess it's all like
3268s little corridors and rooms and stuff so
3271s again crossfire should be fun
3273s got ma four on our team this time which
3275s is nice because he was against us last
3276s time and he got mvp so this time mvp is
3280s on our side
3281s i like the song yeah this is the uh
3284s this is the spurned and burned one
3286s season four
3289s that's what a lot too season three and
3290s four were really cool
3292s [Music]
3296s probably some of the best consecutive
3297s seasons
3300s they were consecutive right season three
3301s and four
3303s i know it sounds obvious but like
3304s obviously there's different like you
3305s know there's been multiple season threes
3307s and fours um
3309s no i think that makes sense because we
3311s went into
3313s yeah because uh spurned and burned was
3315s the second cowboy theme season or
3317s western season the first one was uh
3318s season six when we got like the uh
3323s uh saloon
3324s outlaw
3325s hortonite
3327s 1v1 mode
3328s still my favorite season of all time
3330s without a doubt
3333s [Music]
3339s didn't even remember yes season 3 tokyo
3340s skate was awesome yeah i liked it a lot
3343s yeah overkill would be sick overkill was
3345s in the test server at one point
3347s eventually we might get it i'm not
3348s entirely sure but maybe eventually the
3350s thing is it's just that
3352s it completely changes the way the game
3354s is
3354s for the way that the the play of the
3356s game works so it's something that has to
3358s be really finely
3359s [Music]
3360s you know adjusted and thought about
3362s before it's put into the game
3363s we want to you know make sure we don't
3364s have a situation where it's uh
3367s uh
3369s you know like overused and way too op
3372s and it takes a while to
3374s actually get adjusted so it's better to
3375s you know get it right before releasing
3377s i'd rather have not have it and then get
3379s it when it's properly balanced
3383s he said ggs yeah
3398s i think there's one up here
3406s enemy contact
3408s targets in sight i love how you can hit
3410s fire this thing and just
3411s want that people like that
3416s oh another thing too actually
3417s persistence was a red perk
3420s when it uh you know was in the test
3421s server
3422s and so you either had to choose between
3424s that and persistence obviously but now
3425s persistence is a blueprint so that makes
3426s it uh
3428s oh
3429s thank god that guy's reaction speed was
3430s so slow contact with the enemy
3433s damn how many did we have was that four
3435s nice
3437s last round but yeah um persistence red
3439s perk
3440s overkill red perk so you kind of had to
3442s choose but now persistence is gonna be a
3444s blue perk so
3445s imagine someone with overkill and
3446s persistence so that's one thing to think
3448s about too
3450s i'm happy persistence is a blueprint the
3451s blue perks have always been pretty like
3452s uh you know kind of dead silence or
3454s hardline and that's it
3458s i think that's a really good uh move to
3460s make it a blue perk really solid nerf
3462s like when everyone was discussing how it
3463s should be nerfed it was more about like
3464s a how do we
3466s make it you know not perform as well
3468s or like how do we you know do stuff but
3470s i think what they did was a really
3471s creative way that also is very effective
3473s at uh you know doing its job of
3476s actually nerfing it and making it
3478s not it's not as blissed
3486s we'll see
3489s we think this guy's sitting up here
3490s again nope
3492s do you have a concussion
3494s i haven't used this thing once
3496s enemy inside enemy contact
3499s the bomb has been planted
3511s i don't know what happened there but
3512s thank you ma for the uh the defuse
3515s four piece nice thank you thank you
3517s nice
3519s 20 20 x-men theme has been stuck in my
3520s head for ages now yeah ages 20 20
3523s christmas damn
3525s well not two years since then
3527s a couple months away from that obviously
3528s but in there
3532s chat trust
3534s it's happening
3539s 39.39
3542s get down
3543s i blame you
3547s no particular reason other than the fact
3549s that earlier you uh
3551s you said something about 39 damage
3553s contact with enemy
3554s targets
3555s there's still four people left i'm
3556s running around like there's one
3559s why did i think it was like almost over
3562s because my entire squad is in their
3563s spawn right now that's why
3565s are they like
3566s b-sides
3567s they gotta be about to plant b or a
3568s sorry
3581s enemy contact
3582s enemy contact
3588s bb3
3590s enemy contact enemy contact
3592s enemy contact
3597s where's this
3599s guy like the other ones over here i'm in
3601s a little 1v1 with this guy just wait
3606s tip top
3611s back up i don't think that'll hit him
3621s well he's just chilling up here i can
3622s just wait
3626s don't
3629s i'm just waiting bro
3632s i have to plant so if we want to win the
3634s round i just sit in the corner and wait
3635s three seconds
3636s i want the kill though ready
3643s i don't know what he was doing bro
3645s guarantee i mean kd i guess he's playing
3647s for kd didn't want to die
3650s i just wasn't paying attention to time
3651s not a lot of players really do to be
3652s honest
3655s nice defend the objective all right
3657s what's the move here what's the move
3658s i said we just go b
3660s so we ah i kind of want to go a can i
3662s cross
3663s risky cross contact oh we made it
3668s enemy goats
3680s i don't know where that guy is
3682s hey oh
3683s how did that not kill him
3686s bro
3687s how did the trip might not kill that guy
3688s [Music]
3690s and number one i died in numchuck's not
3692s the trip man but still i'm very confused
3701s i'm glad to be in the top three
3704s oh the pharaoh pharaoh a classic a
3707s recoil classic
3710s it's in a 1v3 with the pharah what do i
3712s do if he if he pulls this off got to be
3715s something special
3722s this is the the chance for us to get our
3724s 5-0 all in the hand we're not getting
3726s okay never mind it's lost
3728s but it's not over yet
3730s dang
3732s today
3733s what's up
3738s all right we're doing decent we're doing
3739s decent
3742s so we just go ahead
3744s i'm sure there's going to be a couple
3745s people that come here should be able to
3746s get like two kills off the rip
3748s it's coming through
3750s no dude i had my finger in the wrong
3752s spot i wasn't prepared to shoot
3754s i'll still get him no worries
3756s what if this guy's running circles on me
3759s i'm i'm getting numbed
3762s have some faith chad have some faith
3765s i have my audio cut out can you guys see
3767s i just killed a guy
3769s dang well go back on the hand cam and
3771s you can see what happened i i bumped my
3772s wire
3776s uh and it's gonna crash
3779s rip
3781s yeah if i bump my uh my wire it'll like
3783s uh go black screen and then crash my
3785s game which
3786s is pretty unfortunate
3802s ah see that is uh
3804s not what i wanted
3808s connect game
3810s i got to get a new wire so that doesn't
3812s happen like it's pretty annoying
3816s and we still won nice nice work
3818s so when that does happen uh i can still
3820s play the game it's just i lose all my
3822s audio and you guys can't see uh and then
3824s when i like reconnect it'll uh crash my
3826s game
3827s nice no problem with my uh whatever
3830s hey who just said nice
3832s that was a character but like that
3833s almost sounded like like a discord
3837s if somebody was like in call me inside
3840s bro
3846s he's already up top
3848s oh man i couldn't hear nothing because
3849s uh this like suppressed audio from
3852s having
3852s low hp
3854s gang scuffed around scuffed around
3857s i blame the crash
3858s throw me off enemy contact
3861s target down
3862s report afk hawks yeah i'm feeding
3866s i'm at right now
3867s here we go we're not doing bad we're not
3869s doing bad
3872s i was pretty good he knows what he's
3873s doing
3874s he's in a 2v3
3876s there's one's behind him the other two i
3877s have no idea where they are
3879s i said wtf no camping bro where
3882s where are they
3884s we're camping just as much as they are
3886s we're like mid-map i wouldn't say
3888s camping is being mid-map
3894s okay i don't know if i can watch this
3895s guy
3896s this is like kind of painful
3898s i'm acquired
3899s i'm watching yeah watching ma
3902s with the ak-117 vhs a glitch with a red
3905s dot
3906s 2v1 now actually i just realized
3908s target's inside
3910s wait target in sight
3914s and smart plant
3916s i have no idea where i got that target
3917s insight call out from
3923s all right it's seeming like this is
3924s gonna be uh the end of the game so we're
3926s gonna be finishing with 10 kills
3928s unless somehow they choke
3931s it's gonna be a pretty tough uh
3934s pretty tough joke but
3936s yeah okay
3939s here we go
3941s so what it seems like is we either kind
3942s of like stomp the lobby
3945s or we get stomped
3949s because when we lost that game it wasn't
3950s close right it was like we kind of got
3952s molly lops
3955s let's go
3956s easy kills
3959s all right i think it might be time for
3960s some uh some respawn
3962s because i want to use the shotgun and s
3964s d shotgunning is like it's okay but
3967s not nearly as fun as uh running around
3968s in a response with one
3969s [Music]
3973s yeah this is a banger beat i like this
3975s one a lot actually probably my favorite
3978s yeah the season three one's really good
3980s but
3981s i don't know why i just i really like
3982s the vibes of like the uh the cowboy one
3985s and whatever that instrument is i think
3986s a violin
3988s i don't know actually i don't really
3989s know much about instruments
3992s nice ten and two
3994s i wish i showed you that deaths so you
3996s didn't have to like do the kd math in
3997s your head to figure out how many deaths
3998s you had but
3999s a 5kd you know 10 divided by five pretty
4001s easy
4004s all right so let's go ahead and copy my
4006s number 10 build to number nine and then
4008s just change up the uh perks so it's more
4009s of a respawn build
4011s which pretty much is just going to be
4013s hardline instead of dead silence and
4014s then
4016s i that's literally it
4018s start on a trophy as well because we're
4019s going to be playing uh objective
4022s i mean like i never used a concussion in
4023s that game
4025s i completely forgot i had one i never
4027s used a concussion so it's like not even
4028s in my
4029s my mind that i have it in my back pocket
4031s [Music]
4033s the hard point as well just because it
4034s fits better with shotgun
4037s [Music]
4040s what rank am i actually hold on let me
4042s check
4044s uh grandmaster two okay gotcha
4047s almost legendary we're getting there
4053s i was just trying to think of my lobby
4055s skill set
4056s feels like it was a little bit less than
4058s grand master
4059s [Music]
4061s oh crash crash is going to be pretty fun
4062s with the shotty
4064s [Music]
4066s song bumps absolutely
4068s [Music]
4072s all right
4073s so this is going to be our last game by
4074s the way
4075s and we're going to be hopping off but
4077s for anyone curious about the ama if you
4078s guys want to go check it out you can do
4080s so by going back into the stream about i
4082s believe
4084s 50 minutes ago
4087s no uh
4088s an hour 54.
4090s yeah if you go back in the stream 54
4092s minutes ago uh you can see the beginning
4093s of the developer ask me anything or
4095s developer ama uh there's uh questions uh
4098s are there answers about persistence uh
4101s br uh
4103s tournaments uh skins and the way that uh
4106s seasons are developed
4108s uh
4109s what else what else weapon balance if i
4111s didn't already mention that
4114s where's this guy
4117s oh dude i'm so excited for respawn
4120s he's running around shotgunning the
4121s whole game is gonna be mad fun enemy
4123s contact
4124s oh dude even if i got a hit marker on
4126s that thought i'm beautiful
4128s going up
4132s dude i like your skin i can't even be
4134s mad
4135s he's got the skin that i helped design
4138s that was like my skin for a while and
4139s then i actually got my skin
4142s i love that for fun the
4145s memes gotta get some hardpoint time
4148s better be a good teammate
4154s no i probably should 80s that too that
4156s wasn't very smart
4158s yeah actually not the best map for uh
4159s shotgunning i mean to be fair this is
4161s probably the worst point to be running
4162s around with a shotgun but um
4165s like the next one is gonna be really
4166s good
4173s identifying there's one
4176s i don't remember the ads keep forgetting
4178s don't really have to with hso but
4180s definitely helps
4187s on my left i don't know what a why went
4188s right
4192s no dude oh i got hit with the thermite
4195s yeah probably not the smartest pick i
4196s was hoping i could like
4197s shoot and then slide back
4201s it's
4202s forget the breach here start with the
4203s tomahawk kill
4206s unforged back off go to the heady
4210s target's inside enemy
4213s nice
4214s you guys are sitting in the corner i
4215s gotta remedy him
4216s [Laughter]
4218s oh my god he's sitting there lining up
4221s that shot
4222s i can't really do a lot about that
4225s oh
4226s these ranges man i gotta be ads'ing but
4230s i do not like these ranges we're getting
4231s stuck at uh with
4233s contact with enemy nice
4235s that's what i have to be doing right
4236s there eds
4239s spawning my right right
4252s is
4261s i should have tucked away in the corner
4262s i didn't think you'd have an angle on me
4263s there heads up enemy uav
4266s oh dude i could have killed that guy
4268s 100.
4271s nice gotta play the proper ranges here
4274s i'm trying to use this thing at way too
4276s far of a range
4277s all boils down to positioning
4281s set yourself up for success
4284s oh i killed that guy
4287s no
4288s idia said yes eddie said yes press the
4290s edius button press the ads button
4295s oh that's a teammate i don't know why i
4297s thought that was an enemy
4305s no there's a guy up there
4307s was he there the whole time and i just
4309s didn't like pay attention
4313s disconnects
4326s nice
4327s i think my movement is what's actually
4329s really killing my shotgun skills right
4330s now
4332s bro what are you doing
4336s sitting up there man
4341s okay it's standing still
4345s i don't have any way to get them
4345s reloading
4347s let's go talk is inside talk is inside
4350s oh
4351s i can't
4352s contact with enemy
4355s i'll blow up the car that'll be the
4356s straw i'll just blow it up from here
4361s and i have at least some kind of range
4368s too close
4370s no damn
4372s misplayed that i gotta be like slide
4374s cancelling and stuff
4375s better nice
4381s all right now we pop off trust
4384s i do better with an advanced uh
4386s i counter you maybe not in advance sorry
4388s i performed better surprisingly
4391s [Music]
4395s nope okay whatever i said was complete
4396s lie i'm trash should have shotgun that
4399s guy i can't use renee for my life for
4400s the life of me
4403s that's teammates
4405s 39 bro
4407s nothing but 39's this stream nothing
4412s they're just barely winning right now
4414s they're really focused on obj
4418s i'm so sad why am i so bad with this
4421s thing right now
4422s it's one of those guns where you have to
4424s be playing at your best for this thing
4425s to work properly
4427s there's no cushion
4429s you can see you you have to one shot
4431s otherwise you're dead
4432s there's just no option
4434s eight seconds if we just got a player
4436s next
4438s they're getting constant counters
4445s all right this is my spot
4450s heads up enemy uav spotted
4453s there where are they spawning me coming
4455s around here
4458s nice getting that guy off that was
4459s pretty huge
4463s i'm very dead
4465s no rip
4467s trying to play obj oh they got an
4468s airstrike down too
4470s that's not a persistence they're saying
4471s is it it'll be very sad if it is
4475s not too sad though because we know it's
4476s getting nerfed
4479s yeah yeah dude running around with the
4480s shotty is just not i was hoping i'd have
4482s more fun but not on this map
4487s it's gonna be in situations where it's
4488s they're too far
4494s nice
4508s what
4513s no
4514s all right um uh give me something else
4517s give me something else to win
4519s get on the point we have four seconds
4521s we're on the lk24 i don't know if this
4522s is a good build but we're gonna use it
4526s nice nice nice nice size
4528s but the pivot we had to pivot
4535s nice we're winning this game
4536s we're winning this game we gotta hold
4538s this point
4539s no dude i looked in my mind we're gonna
4541s lose we're gonna lose we're gonna lose
4542s because i look at my mini map
4543s don't look at oh no no team let's go
4544s let's go
4546s enemy in sight
4548s no we lost oh
4551s dude i looked at my mini-map and then
4552s the guy peaked
4555s oh that is terrible timing
4558s i respect though the guy that one was
4559s using the skin that i helped design so
4561s even when i lose i win
4563s dang okay well
4565s what i learned from that is that i have
4566s forgotten how to use a shotgun
4571s honestly though again that was just not
4573s not a really good map to be using it
4576s oh yeah he deserved the win that was
4577s clean
4582s all right well
4583s gg's kind of choked but uh
4585s famous last words i am so excited to use
4588s the shotgun this game i am so excited i
4590s said and then nope not at all
4594s [Music]
4595s and he's got that emote okay i like this
4597s guy
4599s he was lucky yeah i disagree
4602s another uav thing he was lucky
4603s absolutely he was dead if i was looking
4605s at uh him
4607s i peeked in my uav for a split second
4608s and i looked back and i was dead
4610s it was just it was bad timing on my part
4615s yeah we kind of got farmed not gonna lie
4618s again i'm running around with a shoddy
4619s there's only so much i can do
4621s but yeah hope you guys enjoyed today's
4622s stream again if you want to check out
4623s the ask me anything or ama from the
4625s developers you can go back to about 15
4627s minutes into the stream which is roughly
4628s an hour ago uh check it out and yeah
4631s that being said i hope you guys enjoyed
4632s and i will see you guys later check out
4635s my channel if you'd like as well just
4636s talks nest make sure to subscribe to the
4638s official call of duty mobile channel and
4639s yeah see you guys later thanks for
4640s watching