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over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by CrazyAmount5

More info on this bug:

  1. On your own screen, your character is gliding but enemies will see your character on the ground, not gliding. The enemies can easily kill you if they are nearby
  2. This bug happens more often when exiting a chopper. Also happens on motorcycle, ATV and ORV.
  3. I've noticed this bug since season 2. This bug doesn't happen much but on season 9, I'm getting this bug more often.
  4. Seems to be occuring more often when I'm rush landing the helicopter and quickly getting out of it.

This is based on my experience playing BR.

Thank you for all of those notes. We'll test that out and see if we can replicate it. Also, what device are you playing on and are you using default HUD/UI or custom?