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Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! This week we have a light community update for you all since we are all hard at work on preparing the next seasonal release. Speaking of which, unless there are unexpected issues, the next time we put out a community update it should be announcing and revealing everything about Season 10!

Speaking of which, there are no more teasers on the way for Season 10. Instead, from today on, we will be revealing new content every single day until release! We are starting that off right now by officially announcing that the well-known and beloved Multiplayer map Terminal will released with Season 10. You all have been asking for this one basically since COD: Mobile released back in October of 2019 and we are thrilled to be able to bring it now to mobile.


We’ll have more screenshots and the usual flythrough video of Terminal soon, so keep an eye on all of our social media channels for that 😉. Here is one more screenshot just because we love you all and we are proud of just how amazing this map looks in-game.


No more Terminal for now, but let’s jump into this update, go over the schedule of events that are ending soon, and cover a few topics before we enter the weekend.


Here is the full look at recently released events or those running until the end of the season:

  • 9/04 ~ Attack of the Undead (MP)
  • 9/04 ~ 10 Men Regiment Event (MP)
    • Focused entirely on 10v10 mode and with 4 weapons up for grabs
  • 9/04 ~ 10v10 Shipment Playlist (MP)
  • 9/04 ~ Pistols, Sticks, and Snipers (MP Playlist)
  • 9/04 ~ Survival Skills Event (BR)
    • Acquire a variety of cosmetic rewards for completing BR specific tasks
  • 9/04 - 9/06 ~ BR Warfare Mode
  • 9/04 - 9/06 ~ Double Battle Pass XP activated
  • All Seasonal Events Ending Soon

*All Dates UTC

All of those events, modes, or bonuses launched yesterday and you can find them in-game right now. Speaking of which, this is a last chance to get in on all of those unique seasonal challenges still active, like Assault Rifle Expert, Survival Kit, and Rocket Arm. Through those events you can grab unique blueprints, a perk, camos, or much needed Battle Pass XP for anyone struggling to finish in this last stretch.


Make sure to jump in and check everything out in this last week of Season 9: Conquest!

World Championship – Stage 4 Regional Playoffs
Stage 3B is well underway at the moment and congrats to the teams in Latin America, Japan, and in the Other Regions who have already won their matches and progressed to Stage 4! We recently announced the dates for the Regional Playoffs. Here is that information:


For those in “Other Regions” don’t worry, you also have a playoff and you can find more details about on our World Championship website. We know there are still questions about the regional playoffs and we’ll have more information about all of this coming out closer to the start dates. Also, if you are qualified for these stages make sure to keep an eye out for in-game messages with additional details about your region.

Attack of the Undead
A quick shout-out to mention that the unique Multiplayer mode Attack of the Undead mode has returned! This is the first time it has been back since it was originally released in Season 7: Radioactive Agent. This mode brings that unique friend-becomes-foe style of gameplay where you are constantly fighting against the clock to survive. Try it out now before Season 10 arrives!


10v10 Shipment 1944 Arrives
This potentially incredibly painful or rewarding playlist is out now and is perfect for leveling up your weapons, completing seasonal challenges for MP, completing camo requirements, or just raking in those kills. This frantic and intense playlist won’t be around forever though, so jump in now and get lost in the chaos! Also, please no breaking your phone or smashing controllers as a result of 10v10 Shipment 😋 .


Wrath Redux Draw
We are nearing the end of Season 9 and that means this is the last lucky draw of the season. Wrath Redux brings back some old favorites like the AK-47 - Wrath Black & Gold, Outrider - Mystic, the Razorback - Wrath Black & Gold, and various other items. Find that live on the store and in-game now!


Also, we’ve already had a few questions about why do a Redux draw? Well, while many people in this community have been long-time players (which we love you for) there is a constant flow of new players coming in and trying the game.

Additionally, when these items came up the first-time players may have not been able to grab them. It is similar to how our Credit Store is always cycling in previously released event rewards, weapons, and items. It is all meant to give people a second chance or for new players a first one.


We are keeping everything light and quick this week since a new season is about to drop, so there are only two feedback topics we’d like to bring up and no updates on anything related to bugs. We should have far more on all of that in the coming weeks.

Spectrum Draw Redux Duplicates
About one month ago we released our first Redux draw and with that came some unintended issues, like people spending CP and receiving duplicates of items they already owned. We put out some messaging shortly after the draw came out to say we were working on it and our team has been here, in the background, continually working away on that.

If you received duplicates, you’ll have received an in-game message this week with CP compensating you for any duplicates you drew from the Spectrum Draw. Thank you all for the warm reception to this, for talking to us patiently about it when it first happened, and for recognizing that sometimes something like sending out compensation for an issue may not be as quick or easy as it seems.

UI Updates and Loadout Changes
Ever since we released Gunsmith and Season 9, we’ve seen a wide variety of feedback about the new changes, especially regarding all of the changes to loadouts and the UI. While we don’t have any specific topics to bring up to say we are specifically fixing or changing X thing, we just wanted to let you know we do see the feedback and by no means are we done tweaking any of that. Keep an eye out and thank you for all of the discussions around these topics.


This week we want to highlight something that we’ve never been able to do before - a player made video! This video made by Reddit user u/Foreign-gamer141 is one of the best hype videos we’ve seen for COD: Mobile in a long time. They made it with the intent to welcome new players to the community and to just show off some great Battle Royale action. Check it out:


Head on over to that thread if you want to join in on the 200 comment strong discussion that is still going on. Thanks to the community for supporting this type of content, for recognizing the quality behind it, and for supporting each others creative efforts in all things, whether it is fan art, videos, weapon designs, or all of those night mode recreations we see every week 😉.

That is it for this update and we’ll see you all back next week with plenty of notes, event highlights, videos, and more about Season 10 of Call of Duty: Mobile! Be safe and have a great weekend.

-The Call of Duty: Mobile Team

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over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by ihavenotusernames

what about Pine map?

There is indeed a map called Pine that exists in the Call of Duty universe 😉 , but keep an eye out this weekend for news about the other MP map (not Terminal) releasing in Season 10.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by hamidb2000

Any leaks you can share about what is the final tier camo gonna be?😉

Haha, no not yet. Hopefully that is something that will be in our next major update, which should be in October, but we won't be able to share anything until we can confirm that and there aren't any possibilities of it moving or changing.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Mateus_CB

When do you guys post a trailer for what's to come in the battle pass? greetings from Ecuador 🇪🇨🔥

Greetings and that should be earlier next week! Just keep an eye out.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by theDeviL4522912

Hey codm, requesting minor ui tweaks. 1. Have a "donot disturb" kinda button , so when on, no invites pop up. Gets really annoying when u r makin a loadout and accidentally click accept to an inv

  1. Make the default lobby status "not ready" as soon as u join a lobby or return to lobby after finishing a game.

  2. Remove The BP screens after every match. Maybe make it the same "auto-claim" like uve done on the events or seasonals.

  3. The item scrolling , its tedious as of rn...maybe make it rows and columns instead of just a single row. Also new items go to the absolute far back, so maybe just rework that scroll thing entirely. Idk.

  4. A "clear notifications" button. All those yellow exclamations in loadout.

The major problems and bugs are always spammed on the sub, so i won't mention those. But just wanted to say, appreciate all the good work. And when the bugs and problems are fixed itll be a masterpiece of a game. Id also encourage anyone to further add to my list of minute changes, which could help make a cleaner ui and provide a efficient fun experience.

Edit: haha i thought bout no.5 waay before writing the comment but forgot to put it in there

Heya, thanks for all of those and for the wonderful attitude. It is hard for us to respond to that type of feedback since we can't promise it will happen and the best we can do is silently share it with our team just to say, "hey look at this and think about the reasons behind why they are asking for this."

However, even if we don't always respond to these it doesn't mean our team, or other CODM teams who lurk on Reddit, don't see it. Appreciate you taking the time to write all of that up.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by bredb97

  1. Add epic gun skins that we already possess to the br. it makes no sense to not be able to use a product that I bought or earned in the game, limiting me to an airdrop which after all doesn’t contain all my weapon skins.
  2. Make 10v10 permanent and for gods sake remove the vtol from it. I can’t do anything if I get spam trapped all the time by some skill less blokes who think spamming vtol in a grind -wise map will suddenly make them gods of the game.
  3. Please update championship phantom voice to match the original skin voice, just like you did with the going dark pmc, it’s the same skin after all. Thanks for the content

Heya, some quick fire responses!

  1. Yeah we mentioned something about this last week and how we are looking into options around that. Hopefully you'll see some changes around that coming in the next major update.
  2. Haha, we appreciate that you must love 10v10 mode to want it to be permanent. No news on that one at the moment, but it is always a possibility with anything depending on the community reception and how often it is played.
  3. That's an interesting one we haven't heard about. That may be intentional, but that would be odd and we'll check with our VO team.
over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by jcxharris

Any comment on why you’re re-releasing the AK47 - Wrath Black & Gold as a lucky draw that would cost me 11,830CP (137,98€) if I were to pull for it? Obviously I’m not pulling for it because I bought it in a bundle back in April (S5) when you were doing the “bundle test” for merely 2400CP (27,99€) <- as shown on the attached link. I think it’s very ridiculous, to say the least, that you’re releasing it for such a steep price instead of releasing it in a bundle as it was for me, but for everyone. Because you cannot possibly, in any way, shape, or form justify its cost when it was for 2400CP. There’s no way. Care to comment?

Heya, one of the main differences between those two is that Lucky Draws offer far more items than a bundle and usually all at epic or higher rarity. To our designers that make and value those items, they are all some of the highest value items in that season.

So, if you are going for the AK47 - Wrath Black & Gold it isn't that the AK47 alone costs the entire lucky draw just for that one item, but all of those items together are valued at that price. Obviously, that doesn't help if you are just wanting that single item, but that's why we occasionally offer items directly through the store or have bundles in the first place.

If you want to look at it as that AK47 alone costs 2400 CP that might be fair and similar to how we look at it too, but saying it costs the entire lucky draw is ignoring every single item in the lucky draw, including characters which we may place a higher value on.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Hoozah1

Any hits about next season's new weapon? Will it be a shotgun?

Sure why not, it is a shotgun! A potentially very powerful one. We'll have some news about it early next week.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by squ4r3

Hey devs! Can't wait to see the next season! But are there any news on the "final" grindable camo? (The one that comes after Platinum)

Heya, nope nothing we can share back on that one yet. Hopefully we'll be able to give some hints or info on that early in Season 10, but it isn't part of that Season 10 release.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by EsO1VORTEX1

Y’all said y’all wouldn’t change the bp price until season 10 so if I’m correct will this be the season y’all change the price🥺?

Haha, we aren't sure why every season people ask if we are going to change the Battle Price after not changing it for many seasons now, but nope no news about any price changes there.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Noviinha

What day is the next bundle going to be released?

Heya, one should have released yesterday and the next one should be releasing next Thursday (PT), like normal.