over 1 year ago - Call of Duty: Mobile - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
6s Hey Driver I recognize you aren't you
9s Dutch Evans the famous Call of Duty
11s mobile Champion that's right kid few
13s years back I had the bull by the horns
16s they weren't for that awful hitchhiking
18s accident I'd still be competing dang so
22s Fonzy what's the deal where are you
23s taking us in this busted Square bus well
26s I have had my eye on each of you for a
28s while now you folks have been playing
30s together online for months but if you
32s want to taste it a big time you're gonna
34s need to come together as a real team I
37s am talking a lean mean fighting machine
40s now we got one more stop up ahead to
43s grab the rest of the crib private jet
46s dang
47s whoa Ballers
50s they're here
56s oh no don't tell me
59s nothing's we made it
61s oh boy
64s gosh like actual trash
68s finally after all this time playing
70s together online you get to meet in
73s person I mean it just melts my heart oh
75s my God Rose
77s so you're rich
79s yep okay all right gang enough with the
83s grab ass we got a long journey ahead now
85s this group has what it takes to become a
88s top-notch championship level team but
91s it's gonna take a ton of practice to get
93s us there as you know only five players
96s can make the final roster to compete in
98s the world championships and there's 10
100s of you here so you do the math those who
103s don't make the final team will help
105s support the rest of the crew with zero
108s hard failings you got it now buckle up
111s chuckleheads want to guess where our
113s first stop on the road to Gloria is the
117s Call of Duty mobile weapons lab
120s oh yeah
123s well there you have it the table is set
126s the rules are clear and we're ready for
129s adventure wanna see the weapons are rag
131s tanks God gets their hands on of the
133s weapons lab
135s stay tuned for the next installment of
138s the Call of Duty mobile Multiverse