over 1 year ago - Call of Duty: Mobile - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s welcome to another uh oh
5s what the hell are we supposed to do
7s something you're out there to see how
9s you handle the pressure in the middle of
10s some of History's War th firefights and
13s it's go time
15s they didn't give us gas masks
18s get out here in the open man get us the
20s hell out of here
23s okay well that was uh something but
27s let's try a different angle here let's
29s test out those skills and some more
31s recognizable locations
33s oh hell yeah I love rust look man I'm a
38s fly when this map was released I wasn't
40s even born yet
43s Icebreaker I see Karma be a crew
46s mistress Give Me Your Best Shot you a
49s cursed map
52s curses yet another icy grave for your
55s captain
57s standoff I gotta be honest I never much
59s cared for this stupid map
62s yeah
64s okay Squad I know that didn't go as well
67s as we hope but we had to start somewhere
69s right
70s didn't go well we got humiliated out
73s there yeah man I I don't know about all
76s this
77s well I'm frozen to the Bone
80s luck I get it you're all a little butt
83s hurt today was tough but are we gonna
86s let that stop us did a couple of waves
88s slow down Christopher Columbus no did a
90s few waterfalls ruin everything for Lewis
92s and Clark no did a few bullets scare
95s away Davy Crockett and his men at the
97s Alamo no they stayed and they fought and
100s they won
102s um and that is exactly what we're gonna
104s do we are just gonna practice our butts
106s off to get where we want to go we're
108s gonna sharpen our skills hone our craft
111s now when I look around this room what do
113s I see I see a bunch of animals I see 10
117s crafty little critters that are more
119s cunning and smarter than any squad I
121s have ever seen now are we gonna sit
123s around feeling sorry for ourselves are
125s we gonna climb back in the saddle and
127s ride cause I'm ready to ride Connie are
130s you ready to ride with me yeah fly are
133s you ready to ride yeah alien thing are
137s you ready to ride
140s that's right yeah sure uh whatever I
142s knew there was rough stuff inside these
144s doggy bags so grab those mobile devices
147s because it is time to get mean well
151s there you have it The Show Must Go On
153s team doggy bags lives to fight another
156s day
158s but can practice make perfect can they
161s improve enough in time for the World
162s Championships can we think of a better
165s name than alien thingy
167s answers to these questions and more
169s await you in the next episode of the
172s Call of Duty mobile Multiverse