over 1 year ago - Call of Duty: Mobile - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
5s [Music]
11s next Journey Through the Call of Duty
13s mobile Multiverse we take you back 65
16s million years when dinosaurs ruled the
20s Earth
20s you may think you're a pro but these
23s Old-Timers will melt you down to fossil
26s fuels here we find one of the more Agro
30s Dinosaurs the dilophosaurus was the OG
34s rage quitter back in the Cretaceous
37s Period dinosaurs couldn't blame their
39s failing KD ratio on lag
42s like your mom calling her home for
44s dinner all good things must come to an
47s end the ultimate apex predators now
50s confronted with the most existential
53s threat like Icarus these dinosaurs flew
56s too close to the Sun alas they seemed
60s Invincible they thought their ranked
62s status would live on forever and their
65s collection of Mythic weapons sure don't
67s mean Jack squat when history ain't on
70s your side nothing matters then we're all
74s just dust blowing in the wind
82s pardon me uh where were we oh yes all of
86s our players have been introduced but
87s what happens now where were their shared
90s love for Call of Duty mobile transport
91s them next no prize is more elusive than
94s taking home first place in the world
96s championship so let's get these
98s Knuckleheads together and see what
100s they've got
104s [Music]