Transcript (by Youtube)

4s all
5s right me make sure we're
8s live uh let me also take off my flip
11s flops can't play uh with shoes on just
15s physically can't do
18s it uh music might be a tad too loud let
21s me know if it is I had to play around
23s with settings recently because I
24s switched obs's cuz my last OBS was
26s giving me issues but I think we are now
28s live on the official Call of Duty mobile
30s Channel again I'm going to wait for sure
32s my flip flops all right for sure the for
34s sure is hit now welcome everyone welcome
35s welcome welcome to the official Call of
37s Duty mobile Channel my name is hawk nest
40s uh we are currently doing a live stream
41s checking out the brand new season 9
44s update I say brand new it's actually
46s been out for a little bit but there's uh
47s brand new content coming out right now
50s um for the midseason updates so we'll be
52s checking out stuff like that uh we will
54s be live for right around 3 hours uh but
57s before we get into the actual live
59s stream I would like like to make sure
61s that all things are good in terms of
63s audio and video can you guys see me can
66s you see my gameplay uh can you hear the
67s music in the background and can you hear
69s the gameplay if any of those were a no
72s please let me know which one it was and
73s we can address it because if you guys
75s have watched my streams before you would
77s know it is not a Haw stream without a
79s technical difficulty but I'm H I'm
82s hoping to break that curse today I know
84s it's a Halloween Stream So the curses
86s are you know typically a little bit more
88s common but maybe hey maybe we we'll
90s break that we'll see but Cod Mobile in
93s the chat says we're golden fam so I
94s think we're good to go again hopefully
96s no issues we'll see again maybe it's
98s like an opposite day situation with the
100s whole Halloween theme maybe actually
102s being the day that there is no
104s curses uh but yeah again brand new
108s season 9 graveyard shift update um so I
111s think for the start of the stream um
114s we'll kind of there's a lot of things we
116s could do I know uh zombies uh we've had
119s classic zombies for a bit but but I
120s believe Undead Siege is getting added I
122s don't think it's out at this very moment
124s but we are getting it very very soon I
126s don't know if that's a Midstream thing
128s um cob mobile if you could let me know
129s exactly when it comes out sure a lot of
131s people are very curious of that but
133s maybe we'll be checking that out during
135s the stream I think maybe 4 5:00 p.m PST
137s is when it drops if it drops today then
140s we'll be able to do that um outside of
142s that we could check out other things
144s like the brand new Henda uh refresh type
147s of thing that they did where essentially
149s they turned the map Henda into haunted
151s Henda which is just a more Halloween
154s themed version of it obviously as the uh
156s the name implies um I'm going to turn
159s down the music I don't think it's too
162s loud for you guys but for me it's like
163s blasting in my
166s ears uh is it good for you guys Undead
170s Siege uh Undead zombies drops at 5:00
172s pm. PST presumably today so yeah that
174s means in 2 hours so again this is going
176s to be a 3-hour live stream so uh in
179s about 2 hours when it hits 5:00 we can
181s go ahead and check that out for about
182s probably the last hour or so we could
184s also do some classic zombies as well not
186s entirely sure if we will uh we'll see
188s cuz obviously that's not you know super
190s new Undead Siege is also not super new
192s but it's coming back so that's new um
195s which I also am curious in COD mobile
197s you could maybe let me know does that
198s also mean that the amethyst camo is
201s coming back for us to you know get on
203s weapons cuz when Undead Siege was
205s originally out uh I got it on a few
208s weapons but I wasn't able to get it on
210s all the weapons that I'd like to and
211s I've always regretted not doing that but
213s with it coming back I would assume that
215s we can now do that so I think for
216s example like I should think I have the
219s Dr I think this is one of the ones I
221s have yeah okay so this was a bad example
223s but you can see the amethyst camo on
225s this blueprint um this blueprint isn't a
227s great example because the colors just
229s don't Mash uh mesh super well but I
231s think if we do something
232s like uh actually I know one would look
236s good cyber security would probably look
238s good let me check that out real quick
240s yeah that's a solid one so that is the
242s amethyst camo uh a weapon made from
244s either crystals exclusively for those
246s who have survived every battle that's
248s the description of it when you already
249s have it but when you don't have it uh I
251s think it does say exactly what you need
252s to get so again the qq9 I think I also
255s have it I think actually not sure oh no
258s I don't Okay cool so yeah killed 25
260s zombies in a completed Undead Siege
261s match hard or nightmare six times to
264s unlock um so that is with the qq9 and it
268s has to be in hard or nightmare mode so
270s that is how you get amethyst uh but
272s again it hasn't been out for a while so
274s I'm actually super excited to get it now
276s because also I have the Mythic qq9 and
278s that's as you can tell like a perfect
281s pair other cam look solid on this I'm a
283s big like color matching guy I'm a very
285s like I do a lot of graphic stuff so
288s color theory and all that matters to me
289s a little more than it should for like a
291s video game um but yeah like that just
294s goes with it so well there's also other
296s seasonal camos that look good too but oh
299s carbon fiber actually
300s yeah that matches super well as well the
303s the newest uh tournament camo which it
305s is uh I don't think it's called yeah
306s it's called a Sal pattern not a carbon
308s fiber but it's a carbon fiber aesthetic
311s uh that's the newest one that you guys
312s can get in the current uh tournament um
315s in game seasonal tournaments which is
316s every weekend um and I like it a lot
319s it's it looks kind of plain right here
321s cuz it's small but when you get in game
322s and actually have it in your hands it
324s has this really cool carbon fiber
326s aesthetic very metallic um it just looks
329s super sick on a lot of different
331s blueprints it's it's kind of plain on
333s basic guns cuz basic guns are plain to
335s be expected but when you start putting
337s it on epics legendaries mythics looks
340s great amethyst cam bro is a bo3 fanboy
343s is it not called amethyst oh ather
345s Crystal oh
347s okay that's my bad I think we can
350s understand why I made that mistake very
352s similar I apologize thank you boom for
354s telling me but yeah either Crystal very
357s eh Crystal again they're close might be
361s might be on that one uh but yeah so
364s that's that's the basics I do want to
366s see if haunted Henda is already out is
369s there like a mode or something we can
370s play with
372s it um we do have Patrol which is the new
375s mode which is basically hardpoint except
377s for the hardpoint is constantly moving
379s it doesn't just switch between them
380s still Cod yeah okay Cod mobile said it's
382s fine it's fine um but yeah there is
385s Patrol um so we could probably play that
387s I played it recently super fun mode
389s especially in like customs with viewers
390s and all that so maybe potentially we
392s could do that attack of the undead is
394s kind of on a Halloween theme so we could
395s check that out Coastal 2.0 was the uh
397s current or most recent refresh of
399s coastal where they just kind of changed
401s the map in a few gameplay orientated
403s ways it's not like where they made it
404s you know from Henda haunted Henda it's
407s just you know they're like oh this
409s should be a more open thing where people
410s can walk through so they did that little
412s changes like that um outside of that
416s haunted I assume a lot of the updates
418s that uh we want to check out in today's
419s stream will will come around 5:00 p.m.
421s PST when we actually get the update so
423s like haunted hen for example I doubt
425s it's in privates I think that'll come
427s with the update uh but I do want to
429s check and cod mobile if you could give
430s me insights on what's out right now that
432s would be a great thing to check out I
433s would love that uh but let me go ahead
435s and Peep like hardpoint cuz I have to
438s assume if it's here it would be here oh
442s it is here nice haed aenda so is the
444s only way to play it in customs cuz I
446s have to assume it's also not in ranked
448s maybe it is though actually maybe they
450s just changed like swapped it
455s out
456s um hardpoint I forget I forget the map
460s rotation I'm not sure if uh haen is even
462s in the pool at the moment I'm not seeing
465s haunted Henda though so or or even
467s normal Henda so probably not do that for
470s now yeah yeah in two hours from now chat
472s so Undead Siege comes out in 2 hours
474s along with some other stuff uh we also
476s will be getting a uh sneak peek today at
478s the uh the upcoming Odin legendary skin
481s um I'm not entirely sure when that drops
483s officially but I can tell you for sure
485s today we will be able to show it off um
487s and then you guys could obviously pick
488s it up when it does come out which might
490s be today or might be in a few days
491s there's still some things I'm a little
493s iffy on uh but I'll let you know as as
495s soon as I know for sure I don't want to
496s tell you anything I don't know for
498s sure not in ranked yeah I didn't see it
500s anywhere 1 hour and 20 minutes exactly
503s well 5:00 p.m. PST so yeah just to
505s clarify with time zones I assume since
507s you said an hour and 20 minutes from now
509s you're probably India cuz India has
511s their time zone is like a half hour
513s difference I think it's one of the only
514s time zones that is a half hour different
517s from the other time zones uh but at 5:00
519s p.m PST uh which is in an hour and 50
522s minutes that's when the update drops so
524s just for Clarity on that you do have to
526s remember it's PST not I believe IST for
528s uh you know Indian Standard
531s Time what up Eli I like your name bro I
534s like your name uh we'll probably just be
536s playing solo for the most part on the
537s stream if we do play with um you guys
539s it'll it'll probably be more of a custom
541s or private match environment um I also
544s want to make
546s sure that I put out the tweet for this
549s stream I forgotten to do that before I
551s only forgot for 10 minutes this time not
554s three hours so we got that out good on
556s me pat on the back for that one doing
560s the the basics pat on the
562s back um also uh a quick note as well um
566s we are doing watch uh watch rewards for
568s this stream so if you guys do watch the
570s stream inside of the game you will be
572s getting rewards based on how long you
574s watch for so that should be out right
576s now for me to show you and if it's not I
578s might have to just restart the game to
579s get it to come up because I had the game
581s open before that thing was enabled so
583s really quickly I'll switch over to the
585s camera um and I'll restart the game and
587s explain the rewards and then I'll be
589s able to actually show them to you when
590s we get into that uh but if you are
592s curious of the rewards um we do have for
595s uh 15 minutes of watching in game we
597s have the call-in card reclaimed for an
599s an hour of watching we have another
600s Callin card Hill of Bones and then for
602s the 2hour one we have MC 5 blood in the
605s water which I'm very excited to check
608s that one out I forget exactly which MK 5
610s it is but if it's the one I'm thinking
611s of super good reward you guys are
613s definitely going to like that one but
615s again you have to watch for two hours
616s and it's going to be a three- hour
617s stream so I'll definitely switch over to
620s the app and start watching there uh to
621s make sure you're claiming these rewards
623s and then for 2 hours and 50 minutes
625s which is I mean almost the entire stream
628s obviously we have a three-hour stream so
629s you have 10 minutes to spare and I think
631s we're now 11 minutes into the stream so
633s I would get on that ASAP and I'll make
635s sure to start streaming or I'll I'll
636s stream a couple extra minutes over 3
638s hours so that anyone that's switched
639s right now can get that but if you want
641s to get the final reward which is the
643s nuclear fallout knife again watching The
645s Stream So speaking of all those rewards
648s um I can now show you exactly what they
649s look like by switching over to the game
653s there's the stream and then if we click
654s at this little crate on the right we can
656s see all of the rewards so they are blue
658s tier rewards up until till the final
660s which is the nuclear fallout knife uh
662s but again we have this calling card the
663s reclaimed can't really okay that's the
666s best I can do for a closeup um yeah you
668s can see and then credits at 30 minutes
670s and 90 minutes and then 150 so a little
672s in betweeners but those are the main
674s rewards and then MK five blood in the
675s water it's not the exact one I was
677s thinking of but still Merk 5 skins
678s always sick and totally free just have
680s to watch for two hours so Bada Bing b
683s boom um outside of that let me put up my
685s brightness a little bit and I think we
687s can start hopping into some gameplay out
690s of curiosity from your guys's
691s perspective what would you like to watch
693s the most and also Cod mobile is there
696s anything you would prefer me to do yeah
698s throwback rewards from season 9 conqu I
700s didn't know that that's actually super
701s sick yeah so these are the uh the
703s throwback all the rewards that we have
704s right now come from season 9 Conquest
707s 2020 so we are now looking at three year
710s almost exactly well no because it
712s wouldn't have been Halloween at that
713s time but three years ago these rewards
715s dropped so they are exclusive rewards in
718s the sense that you know the only people
719s that have them got them three years ago
721s haven't had any capability to get them
723s since then so I would definitely watch
724s the stream to to pick him up and make
727s yourself look like an OG and if you are
729s an OG and missed it now's your time to
731s have a chance to get him back or not get
733s him back but you know go back in time
737s and get
740s them all right uh Patrol plus
742s headquarters it's a good display for
744s unfamiliar Minds I like that I like how
747s you didn't just say it you also gave me
748s a reason on why I should do it now I
750s have to do that cuz you actually
752s provided a
754s reason uh yeah let's hop into that we'll
756s do Patrol for now and then we'll hop
757s into some more specific uh seasonal
759s related things this is still seasonal
760s related because it just dropped with
762s season 9 I'm like 99% sure uh but then
765s we'll get into more like thematic stuff
767s like the Halloween based so um in terms
769s of the weapon I'm not super warmed up
771s right now so I don't know about sniping
774s uh the grow is always a safe bet just
775s considering it is one of the best
777s weapons at the moment and very easy to
778s use if you guys haven't got it yet I
780s would recommend ranking up inside of uh
782s ranked multiplayer because when you hit
784s I believe grandmas 4 right around there
787s uh you do get a super sick free
789s blueprint which I'll actually show off
791s right now which is something that I'm
792s really pumped actually getting um to
794s show off at some point yeah this one the
796s groud 556 the inevitable Grandmaster 3
799s was close um you get it and then uh you
801s could throw camos on it and all that but
803s this is easily one of the best free
804s skins we have in the game and definitely
806s the best
807s um rank reward besides the one that I
810s helped design with Bobby and fer that
813s one's still better I'm sorry I have to
814s say this is a great one though yeah for
817s now we'll just use the basic uh grow and
819s hop it into some Patrol so equip also
822s got the davra recently made a short on
824s this if you guys want to copy this load
826s out highly recommend it it's like
828s basically a primary weapon and in the
830s secondary slot it's
832s insane yeah let's go ahead and go to
833s featured and then go to patrol here's
835s the maps firing range shoot house Dome
838s confirm I'm also uh I live in um North
841s America um on the west coast so if you
843s guys are in that same area you'd like to
845s queue up and try to get in my games feel
847s free outside of that let's get into it I
849s recommend warming up with burst rifles
851s it's very easy to Branch from the
852s swordfish to a dlq or M16 to a bison
855s that's an interesting thought process
857s it's very interesting thought
859s process I hate burst weapons but also at
862s the same time warming up with things you
863s hate is a good way to do it if you can
865s handle the mental anguish of it because
868s uh it's kind of like you know lifting
870s heavy weights like you don't prep to
873s lift something light with something
874s light you prep to lift something light
876s with something heavy by getting stronger
878s so by using you know first weapons and
881s something you don't like you can both
883s improve with those and also carry that
885s Improvement into other aspects cuz now
887s the other things are so much easier so
890s yeah for now Patrol again we have the
892s hard point it's going to be roaming
893s around the map I did play this on uh my
896s stream we got to warm up the aim here
898s and uh one one thing I learned about
899s this mode is it's very different from
901s normal hardpoint in the sense of
903s positioning in this mode your
905s positioning is
906s not okay hold on I'm kind of touching my
909s screen a little weird right now um You
911s don't want to really position like
913s behind the point I guess you want to
915s position to where it's going you don't
917s want to chase it you want to look at
918s where it's going to go to and position
920s in that spot cuz that way you're
922s basically holding it as it comes to you
924s you know what I mean you can cover the
925s front um I say that from the perspective
927s of how I like to play it but you want
929s people to be on either side to keep the
931s back and front covered cuz you're
933s basically protecting the point as like
936s it's almost like protect the president I
937s guess like you're you're making sure
939s they can travel to where they need to go
942s and you're staying covering all angles
943s of it but I think the front is if you're
945s the best player on the team you'd be the
947s the leader of it you
950s know and I don't mean to toot my own
952s horn but when I'm playing with
954s randoms or Bots you know I would assume
957s I'm the best player in the lobby
960s I don't know though if you guys want to
961s get my lobbies and prove me wrong I
963s would have no problem being the
965s Caboose I will follow you whatever needs
968s to be done to to win the
970s game one thing is I don't fully I
972s haven't learned the path of the
974s hardpoint though or the control Point
976s whatever the hell you call it so I don't
977s know exactly always where it's going but
979s luckily it does have that little arrow
980s to at least show you where it's going at
982s the moment I just don't know where that
983s eventually leads
985s into also you can tell like right now
988s they keep spawning and oh another thing
990s too with leading is you're giving your
991s team a spawn that is prepared for
993s wherever it's going like right now if I
995s you know my teammates died they would
997s hopefully spawn on me and then they
999s would already be prepared to just turn
1001s around and walk up to the point with a
1002s free path to it as I cover
1005s them definitely need to pop this
1007s Advanced setting up sentries for it all
1010s that perfect team is playing it
1012s flawlessly but yeah the strategy in this
1015s mode it does differ from normal Hardo a
1017s decent amount you anchor four forward
1019s not
1020s backwards well I guess you do that in
1021s normal hardpoint as well well yeah yeah
1023s you definitely do that I don't know why
1024s I said that anchor still anchor in
1027s normal hardpoint will typically try to
1029s um get in between the current point and
1031s the next point which is the same concept
1033s to make sure their team is spawning
1034s prepared for the next but in this it's
1036s just you're doing that like all the time
1039s I guess whereas in other hardpoint it's
1040s only like the last half or less quarter
1043s of the hard points duration that you
1045s need to do
1047s that also apologies for not really
1050s reading the chat too much as I play I am
1052s on a nuke streak so I want to hit this
1054s real quick and then I'll try to focus on
1057s what you guys are saying a little bit
1059s more I also only have the do for now but
1061s this thing is
1063s insane except my teammate with the
1068s Vall as I say it's insane yo
1072s that's bro that timing I promise you
1076s it's insane that was a bad example
1080s the bot aim botted me bro W ah all right
1083s all right
1085s buddy go quick 150 oans Bots let's go
1089s that was a little too easy until it
1092s wasn't and I got killed by a
1095s butt I almost played Spotify that would
1098s be the incorrect thing to play it's out
1100s a
1101s habit what is it coming I assume you're
1103s talking about Undead Siege and it would
1104s be in an hour and 40 minutes exactly
1107s well an hour and 39 minutes with delay
1109s for the time that it takes you to
1112s hear Bros upload schedule is like him
1115s nuking almost never happens but it's
1116s surprising when it
1118s does and it's always very exciting when
1120s it does right right also it's a very
1123s good feeling for everyone involved
1125s except the people getting
1128s nuked who are the people getting nuked
1130s when I
1131s upload who's the other five people that
1133s have to
1135s suffer I don't know five people that
1138s dislike every video video that I do I
1139s don't know Actually I don't even know if
1141s there's five people they hit dislikes I
1143s don't I don't know what my dislike ratio
1144s is anymore I will say when YouTube um
1147s remove the dislike counter the amount of
1149s dislikes that videos got on average went
1151s way down cuz I think the thing is before
1154s with dislikes it would be like you'd
1155s have a couple people that just had this
1157s this darkness and evil inside of them
1159s where when they saw a video had 100%
1161s likes they were
1163s like time to ruin something time to just
1166s obliterate this perfect perfect thing
1169s and they would click dislike and even if
1171s it was like 99% you'd have someone
1173s that's like ooh something that's almost
1174s perfect let me make it even further from
1176s Perfection dislike now you're at 98% but
1179s now with the dislikes hidden nobody sees
1182s the Perfection and what they can't see
1184s they can't destroy so now dislikes are
1187s actually like really rare and I think
1189s dislikes are only when people actually
1190s dislike the video and not just for that
1193s reason there is a Chrome extension for
1195s people to check the dislike counter that
1196s is a good point so those people still do
1198s exist they found workarounds shoot if
1202s you have that I'm I'm not saying that
1203s you're one of those people the dislike
1205s counter was very useful when you were
1206s looking up tutorials and you're like oh
1208s this is a garbage tutorial cuz it's 90%
1210s dislikes there is absolutely a use for
1212s that but you know there's different
1216s people I was also one of those people
1219s one of the ones that destroy the perfect
1221s no the um one of the people that check
1223s for um you know tutorials cuz I look up
1225s a lot of tutorials all the time
1226s especially Tech stuff and you'll get a
1228s lot of scam ones and whatnot that are
1229s like just trying to scam you so it was
1233s useful before and then they removed it
1234s for whatever
1235s reason I don't know if it was to make
1237s creators feel better or what I don't
1239s know if you felt bad about that and if
1241s you had that many dislikes there's
1243s probably something you should have been
1244s looking at but I don't know as a Creator
1246s I still don't fully understand the
1247s perspective but again average likes did
1249s go up a little bit not enough for me to
1251s car though if it wasn't enough for me to
1253s care again there was probably something
1257s wrong actually know I don't know let's
1259s we don't got to talk about dislikes too
1260s much let's go ahead and do Patrol again
1262s um Cod mobile I would like to check can
1263s we do custom Patrol with viewers or
1265s should we stick to public matches I will
1267s queue up for a public right now just
1269s because there's delay and I don't want
1270s to keep you guys waiting but I would
1272s like to know uh for the following
1274s matches what's your favorite gun this
1276s season I've been liking the growl
1277s because it's just real easy real safe
1282s um I always love sniping koska Mythic
1286s dlq is always fun to pull out Locus is
1288s always a favorite sniping in general
1290s with bolts is a good
1291s time um depends also if you're talking
1294s best weapon or like what I enjoy the
1295s most The Argus has been a great time cuz
1298s obviously it was um not the most recent
1300s new weapon that cuz that's the CX9 but
1302s the weapon uh from last season but it's
1304s still very fresh where it's a really fun
1306s one to use and it's just if your aim is
1308s on it's broken like it is a pocket
1312s Marksman rifle that can also hit fire at
1314s close range and all that granted the hit
1316s fire up close is definitely not as good
1317s as like you know other shies
1320s but still that's definitely been a a
1322s really fun one to use over the past
1324s month or so all right so the point's
1326s going that way so I need to lead it like
1329s I was saying
1331s before there's a guy right
1335s here
1338s okay hey we got some some Lads in here
1342s not sure if they're viewers or not also
1344s Cod mobile did send a message let me
1347s check and Les bro Customs Are a Go sweet
1351s H yeah we'll run some Patrol Customs if
1352s you guys would
1354s like oh could have aim locked on me
1357s there that would have been no
1360s bueno my
1362s left oh hard left pop this cuz I'm not
1365s sure where people
1367s are one should be coming here nice we
1371s got the advanced ammo counts looking
1375s decent yeah see the grow is just so it's
1378s very very very versatile it's it's a a
1380s better like M4 you can just pick it up
1382s and do anything with
1384s it and it also is really good at range
1387s and all that like it's it's super solid
1389s close but it's also like goated long
1393s although I just got be by fafar fafar is
1395s a fun weapon too to use this season also
1397s it's like my favorite Mythic weapon in
1399s the game up there with the
1401s doq A's a little
1404s bad Undead Siege dropping today at 5:00
1406s p.m. PST if you guys didn't know that
1408s for show for show is a legendary grow
1411s worth buying I uh I didn't even I don't
1413s have the legendary grow and okay they
1415s were all on that
1416s point I have no Insight on that i' would
1419s have
1419s to I'd have to look oh he was prepared
1423s he kill me with the gr yeah the the
1425s battle pass
1426s one I should probably get the legendary
1429s grow if I still can I assume it I can I
1431s assume it's still in the game if people
1432s are asking if it's worth it to buy you
1434s can't really buy something that you
1436s can't buy so I'm going to assume
1439s Cod mobile do we have Insight on that
1441s the Mythic gr or legendary grow is that
1443s something something I could go get right
1445s now let the viewers know what I think of
1448s it
1450s dog oh no no no I don't know where the
1452s dog is I got a dip I got a dip I got a
1454s dip
1456s no I thought that guy spawned in the dog
1459s but it didn't die when I killed him so
1460s it was someone else that spawned it and
1461s then I couldn't see
1464s it yo this dog is freaking me out bro he
1467s keeps like running at me and then Shing
1469s me see now he's coming now he's going up
1471s the
1474s stairs yeah slob is definitely a lot
1476s sweatier than the last one we are
1477s playing PBS so as sweaty as you can get
1479s in the
1480s pub go through the door peek me on the
1483s door I think he's going
1486s left got the points here they're on it
1489s we try to
1490s prep bro these guys play the point very
1495s well got a martydom guy
1500s oh my
1502s gosh throw the RC down doesn't change
1505s irons on it yeah that is one unfortunate
1506s thing about the grow so well not not
1509s specifically the grow I guess but okay
1511s let me try to explain this for people
1512s that don't know the grow is one of the
1514s only weapons in the game where when you
1516s change the barrels you get different
1517s iron sights for each Barrel but the
1519s problem is that with um blueprints so
1522s like epics legendaries and all that um
1524s they don't change the barrel you just
1526s have one fixed barrel with that um skin
1528s and that's the only one you can use
1529s hopefully if we get a Mythic with this
1531s weapon one day it would change which I
1532s assume it would just cuz it would make
1535s sense with a Mythic um but yeah at the
1538s moment it does not change but if the
1539s iron sights are already good that's not
1540s a problem it's just the thing is with
1542s this gun um the Archangel Barrel is one
1545s of the best barrels for it if not the
1546s best especially after the recent buff to
1548s it and they're just super clean irons
1551s like I'm using it right now it's um
1553s comes from Modern Warfare 2019 I believe
1555s and it was what I used all the time in
1557s war zone just cuz it's so clean like at
1559s Range close range like whatever kind of
1560s fight you're taking you have a perfect
1563s sight for that
1565s so if you prefer this site over the
1567s default one on whatever blueprint or
1571s yeah whatever blueprint you're trying to
1572s use well you're out ack you can't switch
1576s it not yet hopefully one die that is a a
1579s thing I'm sure a lot of people will
1581s request especially with the uh the grow
1582s being arguably a top five weapon right
1585s now I don't even know if arguably it I
1587s think it's is a top five I don't know if
1590s it's arguable that it's
1597s not slid into that very poorly that was
1600s bad
1601s movement did he come
1603s through oh that was H respect respect he
1607s took a 2V1 where I shot him first and he
1609s won and killed both of us I will say the
1611s growl again it's really solid close
1613s range but against the fafar
1615s it's not really a contest if that player
1617s has good
1619s especially if you have bad
1622s a no no no no
1626s no oh thank God for kinetic bro okay
1629s well that's going behind me does that
1630s mean someone's right behind does thank
1632s you shock RC saved my life have a fat
1635s lead I'm going to play obj now for the
1636s most part I've just been running and
1637s gunning clearly that's not the recipe
1640s for Success at the
1642s moment we got to lead it like I was
1645s saying lead it so it's going this way so
1648s first of all kill this
1649s guy and then I should have stay ahead of
1654s it let's going all the way around I
1657s don't have teammates really standing on
1658s it though so I might have to be that
1660s guy okay we got a teammate standing on
1663s it just try to
1665s cover I'm assume they're going to start
1667s coming this way so again we're going to
1668s set up so that as they come
1672s through we can um stop
1674s them this Crouch anle kind of tough
1678s y guys stand on it bro I know I'm not
1681s standing on it either but I it's cuz I'm
1683s doing
1687s something did
1689s he did he um hit marker on me with a
1692s sniper or what happened
1699s there I do
1702s it see what I'm saying bro you're
1706s insane
1708s I'm taking these
1713s fights I can't take that yeah that was
1716s really dumb and I got caught reloading I
1717s should have waited for that shock RC to
1719s hit him it's fine we're now
1724s behind Okay points in here there's a guy
1727s in the building on my right about to
1732s tie that guy's got that covered St
1736s top let me get my
1739s and we're going to stay on
1744s it it's going all the way around I'm
1746s going to try to beat them to this angle
1748s I can't really beat them they're already
1750s here but I
1751s me oh dude sick
1753s snipe I don't have time to check it out
1755s though we're too close I do think that
1757s probably a hit fire
1759s though it's just about to say they're
1761s not even standing on it then they did so
1763s I could not say that cuz it would be
1765s indeed not true I don't know I said
1768s indeed that's opposite of not
1773s true I got to focus on the guy that has
1776s the sniper he's a better player more of
1778s a threat no I knew there was a guy I was
1781s just hoping I could get around quick
1782s enough didn't want to take the
1784s Chow all right they're about to win I
1786s got to go question is do I go I can't
1789s worry about that guy I got to go all the
1791s way
1792s around what yo dude siid are insane no
1797s yeah I'm not we we lose unless I can do
1799s something insane
1802s here well we want to talk about what's
1804s not
1808s insane talk about what's
1817s insane
1825s okay no no no no no no no no no guys
1828s guys guys get on it
1829s GG ah I choked it I choked it I choked
1833s the
1834s clutch damn it dude it was 149 I stalled
1838s him out after whiffing all my
1840s shots yeah the aim is not super clean
1842s right now I got to clean it up we should
1843s have won that the biggest mistake there
1845s in 100% was me not playing obj early
1848s they got up to like 120 and we were like
1850s 50 I kind of forgot they were
1854s good forgot they were actually focusing
1856s on obj and the whole reason I was
1857s getting kills is cuz I was
1859s not HW so good
1862s man rip lost a
1865s pub it's a shame it's a damn
1869s shame all right well now that you guys
1871s know the basics of
1872s Patrol
1880s oh oh battle
1883s pass I forgot I didn't max out the
1885s battle pass this season okay I was very
1887s confused typically every season I maxed
1889s out the battle pass this time I didn't
1891s cuz I wanted to like earn it wanted to
1892s go through the progression and that's
1894s what earning it looks like tier surprise
1897s had no
1899s idea um yeah now let's go ahead and hop
1902s into Customs uh for patrol so if you
1906s guys would like to join this is how you
1907s do it you go to the main menu the main
1908s screen whatever this one then you go to
1911s multiplayer then you go to the three
1912s lines on the top right and you click
1914s private then you'll see a screen like
1916s this then you click the House icon with
1918s the magnifying glass you can see me
1919s clicking get on the top right um left of
1923s the top right and then you want to type
1924s in the private room ID for the private
1927s room ID you can see it right up there it
1930s is one if you guys want to switch to the
1932s game and keep the stream up so you can
1934s hear my uh my voice I'll give it a few
1936s seconds so you guys can hear me say it
1938s um but the code is I'll say it a couple
1941s times 1 2 9
1946s 39
1952s 42490 I had just switch to patrol to
1954s make sure we're set up for that uh in
1956s terms of Spectators I'm going to go no
1959s Spectators and then uh yeah one more
1962s time on the code it is 1 2
1965s 93
1966s 94 2 4 9
1971s 0 one more time 129 394 249
1981s zero and for the maps that we will play
1984s uh we got sud house we got Dome we got
1985s firing range we'll just go ahead and do
1986s random terms of the weapon I'm going to
1988s attempt to snipe since we are playing
1990s with viewers reasonable chance that we
1992s end up getting um someone else's server
1996s for the Ping so I'm not entirely sure my
1998s ping will be good enough to snipe but
2000s we'll give it a shot and switch if we
2002s need to but uh yeah good luck if you
2004s guys want to play in these again I
2005s explained how earlier um you just go to
2007s the main menu you go to multiplayer you
2009s press three lens on the top right you
2010s press private then you'll be in a
2011s private room then you press the house
2013s icon with the uh little magnifying glass
2015s you click that type in the private room
2017s code which is now in the chat and one
2018s more time it is 129 394 2490 um we might
2022s change the room code as we do new
2024s Customs so that new people can join uh
2026s but I think we'll go for about two games
2029s per group of people so yeah um also we
2032s are using the Locust metal whiskers this
2034s is a uh brand oh dude sick nade glad I
2037s did the inspect otherwise i' would have
2038s been dead um the brand new Locus that is
2042s out legendary um you guys can pick it up
2044s if you'd like
2046s to as you can see sick at the effect
2048s even though I flick away every time I
2050s get a kill so you can't see
2051s it oh rip do is also a tough map this
2055s night again the tougher the better it is
2057s to improve your skills cuz you're
2059s putting yourself at a disadvantage and
2060s you have to learn how to dis overcome
2062s that
2065s disadvantage but yeah it's going to be
2070s tough I'm dead it's just too close
2073s quarter combat
2074s bro again it's good practice for like
2076s flicks in close range but if we're
2078s playing for a dub here I would not be
2079s using this so we're going to say that
2081s we're playing for fun so that I have an
2083s excuse if and maybe when I
2086s lose mate I need you to this guy's
2089s moving is
2094s sced it does suck cuz they know who I am
2096s so I'm going to assume they're going to
2097s f Focus me a little harder than my
2099s teammates especially a panda I know he
2100s likes killing my
2104s ass try to oh wait it's going this way I
2107s was going to say lead the point but I
2108s was looking the wrong
2111s way
2113s trust
2115s oh I actually hit that damn all right
2118s they are on the
2125s point oh my God that was a sick shot I'm
2128s sorry a panda well actually not in the
2129s slightest am I sorry but I'll say it to
2132s seem like a nice
2135s guy tror
2141s again give me
2145s the I got to reload no dude I was clean
2149s with it for a second there again this
2151s close quarter situation it's good
2153s practice we also are melee swapping with
2156s the fan which is new with as well it's
2157s in a crate I don't think there's a way
2159s to get it for free at the moment but uh
2162s it's not the greatest melee swapping
2163s weapon cuz of the visibility like watch
2165s when I pull it out like look in the
2167s middle of my screen if I was looking at
2168s someone like say that was someone boom
2171s they're gone so we're at all the
2173s disadvantages right
2176s now nice that would have been a head
2178s shot teammate's goed though they guy up
2182s top
2186s nope
2198s scared spooked no bro of course he got a
2203s peri no sores here yeah I don't say
2206s sorry they say sorry I don't say
2212s sorry oh come on why was that a hit
2214s marker bro I got stopping power might
2217s have been a wall bang and reduced damage
2218s on the fence or something I'm not sure
2221s might have just nicked the fence a
2222s little
2225s bit nice teammates okay I'm not playing
2228s obj at all it's very hard to play obj
2230s with a sniper but I need to I
2232s must good slides that's why you always
2234s slide around a corner right
2236s there I would have killed him easily if
2238s you
2241s didn't okay never mind there's no easy
2243s here with me everything is difficult for
2245s hawk nest
2253s now I even got my ping too so I can't do
2254s my excuse that I was planning on doing
2257s should have slid around the corner like
2258s I said
2260s before nice I knew he was reloading that
2262s was all strategy all part of my
2266s plan bro teammate I yo
2270s help we're enemy focus on my teammate
2272s what are you doing focusing on
2274s me set up oh they're going to come from
2276s behind rip
2286s give me all head
2288s shot have my laser a little bit there's
2289s someone in here I think
2297s nope oh got to hit
2300s those damn it bro this little Corridor
2303s man we're hitting either like no shots
2304s or insane shots there's no in between
2306s right now
2313s they're
2314s coming I'm
2318s dead no if I somehow pulled that off
2321s there was three of them dude I could
2322s have just kept it
2323s going we're actually kind of tight right
2325s now score-wise this is this is good I
2327s thought we were way down so we got Teddy
2329s with the CLA going
2331s insane I know what is is insane though
2333s bro my shots right now
2336s jeez
2338s I get on the point any points count
2339s right now any points I thought I had a
2350s trophy no I should have expected that
2353s respect that panda with the Biser
2355s respect nothing
2360s but I can run I don't care if he hears
2362s me we'll take the
2365s Chow
2373s I need to pull up the
2375s Argus oh dude he slid perfectly all
2378s right what's the lead they got 10 points
2380s on us this game might come down to
2383s the this game might come down to the um
2386s the timer to be honest people don't
2387s really sit on the point a lot in this
2389s I've noticed last time I played it too I
2391s think on my stream I don't think I think
2394s it came down to the timer
2395s too I already killed
2401s him I'm going to get Kill from behind H
2404s rip okay okay that Got U
2408s uavs sniping is tough right
2411s now we're going to have to make it work
2412s though no never mind he killed me with
2415s my own Locus dude that has such
2422s disrespect nice no
2425s again y y I'm getting shatted on it's
2428s cuz I'm trying to run at obj now it's
2430s not
2434s working oh my God I might have to switch
2436s for the D no no no we're committed we're
2437s committed next game I might switch but I
2439s need to I need to make the locus
2442s work so I need to open a window in here
2444s dude we're getting so
2455s hot no we good good
2458s shots all right what do I want to do
2460s here I want to win the game how do I win
2462s the game I get on the point how do I get
2463s on the point I hit my shots how do I hit
2465s my shots by not being
2468s garbage tips and tricks with Hawk that's
2471s a claw damn this Royce guy got me
2473s numbered bro he knows how to kill me
2475s every time okay this is coming this way
2478s so if I just set up here get all my
2484s shots good slide that was terrible yeah
2489s that was all around a bad idea put the
2491s shield in the worst place possible and
2493s then miss my
2495s shots can little set up for this point
2502s though please kill
2504s him get on the point get on the point we
2507s always hold this point location I've
2514s noticed I don't know what I'm doing bro
2516s I'm just doing
2520s 360s all right they got a fat lead now
2522s they're 50% ahead of us see cbrs but
2525s cbr's not really met anymore
2529s fellas
2531s nice I should not be
2535s alive little B skip
2540s there me on the point just for a little
2545s bit
2550s oh a timer see yeah I was about to say
2552s they didn't get to 150 what the hell
2553s just happened uh GG's good first game we
2557s had a couple fun Snipes there but just
2559s too too hard on that map bro with people
2561s running all over the map with
2564s Patrol oh I got kill camed don't give me
2566s two kill cams okay I only died on one of
2575s them all right we will do one more
2578s Patrol with viewers on a different map
2580s or with this group of viewers
2582s specifically also Teddy respect brother
2584s 47 and 20 good looks also the best
2589s you're chilling bro might want to change
2591s your name but no worries that was a
2593s tough
2594s Lobby um I'm going to go grow for safety
2598s on this one cuz now I have to win um
2600s we'll go one more with this group and
2602s we'll make sure to do a map we haven't
2603s done yet which would be shoot house and
2606s then next game we'll probably make a new
2608s Lobby and um maybe uh maybe do Patrol
2613s again I'm not entirely sure I'd like to
2615s go a couple more patrols but then we
2616s might start switching things up uh we
2618s are now currently 45 minutes into the
2621s stream I
2623s believe um so everyone can be ready up
2625s by the way so we can start uh but 45
2632s minutes okay yeah we'll probably go
2635s couple more games two or three more
2636s games
2637s games so probably one more with this
2640s group and then two with the next group
2641s then we'll do some other stuff and then
2642s we might come back to customs later if
2644s you guys would like to join uh quick
2645s note too if you guys didn't know uh this
2647s stream is a in-game stream that you can
2649s watch as well and if you watch inside of
2651s the game which I can show how to do
2653s after this uh you can gain in-game
2655s rewards uh that were featured in season
2657s 9 2020 so three years ago so some oji
2660s rewards including a epic uh nuclear
2662s fallout knife at uh an hour and 50
2664s minutes of watching or 2 hours and 50
2666s minutes something like that I forgot
2668s exactly um you also got a break five
2670s skin blood in the water you got a couple
2672s calling cards you got credits so a lot
2674s of rewards you guys can get by just
2676s simply watching in game um the best I'll
2678s need you to ready up ASAP probably give
2680s you about 10 more seconds before I kick
2681s and someone else joins
2683s though just click that to let them
2685s know again I can show you how to see
2687s that but basically you go to the main
2689s menu of the game uh it's either main
2691s menu or multiplayer but you're looking
2692s for a little yellow like play button on
2695s the top middle of your screen little
2696s yellow play button you click that you
2698s can see the stream and as long as you're
2699s watching there you can uh track your
2701s progress to see how close you are to
2702s rewards and all that but yeah appreciate
2704s everyone that's watching how's the music
2707s career going good good I do have a
2708s guitar that I want to start learning
2710s I've never played the guitar but my
2711s buddy gave me one or let me borrow his
2713s um and I'm going to I think today or
2715s tomorrow I'm actually going to start
2717s watching YouTube videos I'm trying to
2718s learn it we'll see how that goes I think
2720s it'd be a fun little task to fun little
2723s skill to
2725s build I do like music a lot I'm not very
2728s musically inclined
2729s though but I would like to be to learn
2732s as many things as I can to apply to
2734s different things I feel like you can
2735s learn if you learn music even just in
2737s the basics of it you can apply core
2739s mechanics and ideas and stuff to other
2742s things you do like video creation and
2743s whatnot like sound editing sound design
2745s how you do music in your videos um
2748s understanding what is satisfying to
2750s people um through different mediums can
2754s apply to video as
2755s well understanding flow and I don't know
2758s just Rhythm Rhythm you can apply in
2760s video
2763s 100% frequency tone all that oh I forgot
2766s I just I just quick scoped with the
2768s grow I thought I had the locus dude the
2771s muscle memory just kicked in I was
2773s talking about Rhythm and all that and
2775s quick scop someone with a
2776s grow about the opposite of
2779s Rhythm about as the opposite of Rhythm
2781s as you can get all right like I said
2783s we're going to lead the pain lead the
2785s pain
2793s I shouldn't have Chow that he got me
2794s pretty low I was hoping I could just
2795s keep it going we do have my ping right
2797s now 63 so I need to play good cuz I
2800s don't have
2805s excuses Point moves so fast
2810s bro hard
2812s PE
2815s nice
2817s nice still one more you got a sniper you
2819s guys got him
2820s nope I was assuming they're going to
2822s come from that way oh they are nice
2824s teammates are
2829s frying Tri M work damn
2832s it see again I'm trying to hold thee of
2835s the point but now they're coming from
2836s behind so I'm going to
2837s switch I think that was a panda nice try
2844s buddy Dr the kinetic they are all
2846s leading
2847s it and I oh dude that guy had such a
2850s good head glitch I couldn't fit my shots
2853s through the
2857s window oh I don't want to go this way I
2859s got teammates coming from that way try
2860s to get a more diverse positioning from
2862s my
2863s teammates rep Peak that bro you're 34 HP
2866s against me what are you doing bro
2869s challenging me I don't think you
2871s understand my
2875s style I should stop this why I don't
2878s stream
2881s much cap that's not
2886s why I'm doing it I'm attempting it it
2890s worked what oh no what are you doing
2895s don't do that
2898s no rotate cuz it's coming this way set
2901s up boom make sure they don't try to
2902s steal it from us actually he's got a
2904s death machine bro yeah I should have
2906s turn he had a death machine if I trusted
2907s Teddy which I should have cuz he's been
2909s F frying um I would have turned around
2911s and let him cover that while I cover the
2913s back so why trust in your teammates
2915s matters and if you don't have it good
2918s luck Teddy fried though last game no
2921s reason I shouldn't have trusted
2923s him all right Point's going all the way
2925s around let me hit a UAV and Chase the
2926s point my teammates already leading
2929s it oh he's got the Bro do I have an
2931s Argus build I need to pull up the Argus
2933s I think it might be
2935s time
2936s oh they are all over
2944s there good job teammates yo their team
2947s is playing clean right
2950s now
2954s behind that's a terrible
2962s Peak oh he's got a
2965s per
2966s I don't know if he's going to chase me
2967s with the per yeah he did Rip I was
2969s hoping to get the
2970s cover yeah CBR lce is sick the CBR did
2973s get Nerf though it's not as met anymore
2974s still usable for sure but I heard like
2976s Bobby recently say that cordite is a
2978s better longrange SMG option
2981s so nice no not nice all right
2985s positioning is not great we are winning
2986s right now so we have a cushion we have
2988s time to correct but what I'm not doing
2991s right is positioning
2995s mostly if he went through the door I'm
2996s just going to go all the way
3004s around see that's set up right there
3006s that's good
3008s positioning you feel like you're doing
3009s bad and your aim is good look at your
3012s positioning you trust your teammates
3014s that's a great
3015s question I shouldn't have read it as I
3017s was taking a fight but yeah everyone go
3020s answer the poll if you can if you're on
3021s YouTube there's a poll up right now
3022s question is do you trust your teammates
3023s and there's with my life bro nah hope
3025s they don't see this what team LOL but
3027s one would I
3029s put what team LOL that's what I would
3033s answer all right I'm chasing the point
3035s right now I got to be the Caboose we
3037s have teammates trying to push up the
3038s front that's going to be mean the enemy
3040s team is distracted or totally locked in
3043s and focused do they have an UAV now they
3046s do damn he just knew hey Panda turn off
3049s the stream bro put away the stream play
3051s the
3052s game I'll chat right now if you're
3054s watching the stream I know you you are I
3056s know you are bro yo I'm getting beam
3059s right now okay I got to clean up bro I I
3060s I completely lost Focus got him
3063s distracted me too
3066s much
3068s yo all right lock in lock
3072s in immune oh he has the kinetic that has
3075s the Templar skin you can't really tell
3077s when they have that
3080s on see this one you can tell blatantly
3084s though
3089s okay aim got to clean up
3096s aim okay we got this area unlocked
3098s they're going to start coming from
3099s behind I'm going to cover where we're
3100s going though that
3103s ahead cuz I think yeah teammates got
3106s behind no they don't should
3114s have
3118s this is fine we got the
3121s point um I'm going to have to yeah
3122s they're already setting up for next kill
3124s the guy on the left
3127s first we're not yeah we're good we're
3133s good you're going to kill him right
3135s teammate nice nice nice now just hold
3138s this
3140s area I don't know if that was behind yep
3143s contact n to the face to the face damn D
3146s I was hoping that wasn't a contact
3147s natives I saw it flying at me and then
3149s when it got close enough it was too late
3151s I already
3152s knew not
3154s die I need to trip switch from Trip Mine
3157s to be
3160s honest when in doubt spray it
3163s out watch this is going to hit someone
3165s I'm going to get a hit marker oh man
3170s S no good kills Nano good
3174s kills
3176s we have a solid lead right now the point
3177s is going I'm going to where it's going
3180s so we need to set up
3182s here cuz they'll have to push through
3184s here on it and I'll know they're on it
3185s if they're on the
3187s point I CH that with the
3189s kinetic oh they got a kinetic
3196s too nice they're still coming from
3198s behind got my teammate to bait for me
3200s this guy will come
3204s through
3209s that was clean and I'm not dead either
3211s nice that was perfect I get my regen
3213s then I'll Peak
3215s this
3217s now I get on this heady cuz they're
3218s going to try to come from behind good
3220s slide beautiful slide I knew he was
3223s coming but I didn't see
3226s him perfect that again that's why your
3228s slide Corners is right there Prime
3231s examples going hard left try to get
3233s ahead of it try to get behind them and
3236s ahead of it oh wait it's going this way
3237s oops does it sometimes turn around or am
3239s I just dumb or both both could certainly
3242s be
3246s options he's going up the thing if there
3248s was a guy
3252s there that's why I never
3264s prone I'm about to get shot I don't know
3267s from where but I'm about
3275s to follow the
3279s RC he's coming I just didn't know where
3282s didn't know from
3283s where clean Little Feed right there
3285s though we also have a solid lead here
3287s try to maintain it if it all
3290s possible he's not coming
3294s around
3301s game over there we go we couldn't hit
3302s the 150 but we'll take
3308s that Hawk took a fat pump before no that
3311s just that's caffeine and my Stream
3313s Energy My Stream Energy goes
3316s insane oh I haven't been recording that
3318s sucks I wanted to use some of the patrol
3320s footage I'll tone it down I'll tone it
3322s down this is just what is what happens
3324s when you have 250 milligrams of caffeine
3327s similar
3330s effect uh let me chug down some water
3333s though I am
3337s parched all right
3341s um was that two with this
3344s group yeah because the the code is
3348s 90 um now we'll do we'll just make a
3351s whole new Lobby to be honest make it a
3353s little simpler so if you guys want to
3355s join this this is how you do it you go
3356s to multiplayer go to the three lines on
3358s the top right you click private and then
3360s uh you click the house icon and type in
3362s the code and for the room code it is
3365s 1109
3367s 3324
3369s 32 yeah big dubs on that one the team
3372s play was
3373s impeccable and also me not using a
3379s sniper um we will do Patrol again we'll
3382s probably go again two more patrols Maybe
3385s or two I don't really know and then
3386s after that uh we'll check out some other
3388s season 9 related content I really hope
3391s the Mythic dlq will return soon I would
3393s assume it'll return at some point I
3395s don't know about soon but a lot of
3398s mythics have been Redux so I don't think
3400s it's out of the realm of possibility at
3404s all oh all right we'll do shoot house
3408s again I'm mad you actually know how many
3410s milligrams of caffeine you had well I
3412s know I've had 200 for sure and then it
3415s just depends on the percentage of the
3417s can on my left which this seems about
3420s 60% which would be 120 so 120 plus 200
3424s what about 320 milligrams of
3427s caffeine check your mail Hawks heard you
3429s needed a legendary
3434s grow got something a little spicy in the
3436s mail right now is that what I'm
3438s hearing well the timing on that was a
3440s little unfortunate cuz now I have to sit
3441s here throughout this entire game like
3443s the Night Before Christmas just waiting
3444s to open my presence but uh it will be
3449s worth
3450s it we'll play this one out though with
3452s the
3455s grow do it no he did it too soon y'all
3460s need teammates not going to
3461s lie oh yeah based on the poll results
3464s what team L 52%
3468s nice damn teammates I think when your
3470s teammates are ahead of you and you're
3471s aimed at someone I think a assist turns
3474s off pretty pretty sure that's why the
3477s aim felt a little shakier right there
3479s it's also just harder to track someone
3481s you can't
3484s see try to set up for where the point is
3487s going not where it
3490s is nice free grow is really good when
3493s you're shooting multiple people I've
3495s noticed I don't know if it's just the
3496s damage profile or the um penetration
3498s rate on it or a combination of both but
3502s also 680 away
3504s from uh whatever it's called Advanced
3507s play a little smart here just a little
3508s smart not too
3512s smart being on the point right now is
3514s not smart for trying to get streaks
3516s though 384 please give me an assist I'm
3520s getting UAV assist
3523s too should be peeking that all right
3525s teamate spawn on the right we're safe
3527s from that
3530s direction not for much longer though I
3532s assume they're going to start
3534s spawning dude 131 still the UAV I might
3537s just wait for teammates to get
3539s assist ammo Count's getting a little
3549s low don't even care if I die don't even
3552s care if I die got the advanced it's all
3555s I wanted the nuke would have been cool
3557s but Advance was the priority there for
3564s sure come
3566s through now they're going all the way
3568s over here
3570s nice nice dude this Advance is coming in
3574s clutch dude we're not letting them
3581s breathe Advance
3585s Dead Oh last
3593s bullet nice dude we are not letting him
3595s breathe this team is
3599s goated one thing that makes the teams a
3601s little unbalanced is the fact that the
3602s people with the faster fingers join the
3604s lobby quicker and faster fingers in this
3606s game likely means better player so it's
3609s very easy for me to get a stack
3616s team we are on a pretty decent streak
3618s right now I think
3622s too he spawn that was a new guy
3626s I just shouldn't even be here they're
3628s also not playing around the point at all
3630s I don't know why they're sitting there I
3632s know there's a guy behind me had to
3634s trust you'd whiff sometimes it's not
3636s about trusting your teammates it's about
3637s trusting that enemies are
3647s worse PE the worst possible
3650s time look viewers I really don't want to
3653s have to do it but if I have opportunity
3655s to Nuke you I
3659s will I will bro getting low on ammo 21
3663s bullets with the advance I got to make
3664s this
3669s count oh my trip my kicked
3673s in no playing it
3679s safe of course he's holding the knife
3681s and they get the kill the guy's on a 20
3682s kill streak wait he might get a nuke
3687s oh wait we just f advanced rip I don't
3689s know what to do here I need a gun at
3691s least we have an advanced so I don't
3692s have to really worry about getting
3698s shot I'm so
3701s close they might get double nuked I'm so
3703s sorry viewers I'm so
3707s sorry wait wait where where do they die
3709s I need to pick up a
3713s gun
3720s pick up the damn
3724s gun he's got a laser on this it's kind
3726s of
3733s unfortunate viewers um did they back out
3736s respect for not backing out please don't
3738s win the game
3741s though please don't win the
3743s game
3763s wait shoot how close am
3765s I where are they spawning one below
3773s totic
3775s can't take that shell got time we have
3779s this window High Ground should be
3785s good I'm so sorry viewers I'm so sorry
3788s it had to happen I'm so sorry it had to
3791s happen this way
3795s dude
3798s damn oh no I don't want to pull up their
3801s names I don't want to show I don't want
3803s to be
3803s mean
3808s yo who is the other guy that got the
3809s nuke let's go let's go
3811s bro let's end it too I don't know if
3815s I've died no I did die once I got the
3816s first advance to set up my teammate for
3818s his nuke and then he got me advanced so
3820s to set up for my nuke it was the perfect
3826s execution GG all right let me stop
3828s recording just in case I want to post
3831s that damn
3833s damn did we just end on that one I don't
3836s think it's fair to run this team back it
3839s doesn't seem
3843s nice nuk symbols in the chat let's see
3845s it let's see it run it up run it
3848s [Music]
3851s up uh the viewers always represent the
3859s creative what do you mean by
3862s that respect for not leaving the game
3864s full respect full respect see chat they
3866s were doing that on purpose for the
3869s content look it they didn't even leave
3871s before this was over Dude
3876s respect poor aelon dude he's
3881s legendary I'm
3883s Pro yeah was it no time or Mr Wonderful
3886s that got the nuke I would assume Mr
3887s Wonderful based on his 34 and
3891s six yeah that was um tough tough
3896s accuracy 19% that's pretty poor to be
3898s fair though I did use the akimbo um
3900s thing and the fafar for a lot of it my
3902s grow accuracy was probably a lot higher
3905s 19 KD though
3908s nice all right we're only doing one with
3910s that group I I'm sorry that was enough
3913s game for it for the time being enough
3917s gameplay um so now I think what we'll do
3921s real quick is well number one again I
3924s heard something might be in my mailbox
3926s so let's go ahead and peep that real
3928s quick see what's under the
3930s tree handles bro the
3933s message that's crazy to just see one
3936s little item there and then handles
3938s bre oh K of I appreciate that legendary
3942s growl baby now I don't have to use my
3945s default ass
3946s growl and we can throw gold on this too
3948s to see what it looks like the burn Soul
3951s well there you go I knew someone earlier
3953s was asking if it's wor worth it if
3955s you're getting it for free in your mail
3957s and it says handles brother then that
3958s yes that's definitely worth it but in
3960s terms of actually picking it up let's go
3962s ah and take take a look real quick iron
3964s sights is my biggest thing make sure to
3966s sync all the
3967s attachments iron sights look really
3969s clean I will say already right off the
3972s bat they look like they're going to be
3973s really easy to use they look more
3974s reminiscent of like the Nexus Barrel
3976s though than the Archangel I do hope if
3978s we get a Mythic one day with this again
3979s the barrels are just different but if
3981s they aren't I hope it's more of the
3982s Archangel Vibe cuz that's just my
3983s favorite iron it but uh yeah it does
3985s look like it's a little bit more
3987s nexy uh quick check on this um and then
3990s as we're loading into that let me go
3991s ahead and pull up something I want to
3994s show you guys real
3996s quick and that would
3998s [Music]
3999s be one
4005s sec hold on hold on hold
4013s on boom boom boom bo boom boom boom
4017s [Music]
4019s boom all right I got that pulled up for
4022s in a second but for now what we're going
4023s to do uh is check out the legendary
4025s growl which again I'm not entirely sure
4027s if you can pick it up right now I'll
4028s have to go check to see if it's in a
4029s draw but in terms of the irons oh yeah I
4033s mean very very nice I still don't think
4037s as good as the Archangel just cuz
4038s archangel's like just stupidly clean the
4041s thinnest iron sight in the game and
4042s really narrow just everything you want
4044s in IR side to be honest or at least
4045s everything I want but this is this is
4048s incredible too I'd say this is better
4050s than any of the other
4052s barrels then it' go Nexus right behind
4055s this should throw gold on it as well but
4058s as I'm doing that I do want to show you
4060s guys something real quick and that is
4061s the season 9 gr uh graveyard shift
4064s trailer so again season 9 just dropped a
4067s couple weeks ago uh we are kind of in
4068s that midseason area uh but the battle
4071s pass is still available and you're about
4073s to see all the items in that and then I
4074s I think the trailer might also show you
4075s some of the other content outside the
4077s battle pass uh as well actually might
4079s show more stuff than cuz this isn't the
4081s battle pass trailer specific I don't
4082s know let's see what let's see what it is
4084s let's find out together so let me go
4086s ahead and shift over to display and here
4089s we go hopefully you guys can hear it
4091s there is going to be some music in the
4092s background but I think if I turn this up
4093s loud enough it'll be
4103s okay
4114s L the
4121s [Music]
4127s Odin nice so that be the trailer oh take
4133s over there we go couldn't figure out
4134s which button to click um so that is the
4138s trailer for the new season 9ine uh you
4140s did see at one point in there I tried to
4141s call it out but it was damn loud um the
4144s legendary Odin which I believe in
4146s today's stream will be able to pick up
4148s and and show you guys um I said pickup
4150s but I think we're getting gifted a
4152s temporary version of it or something to
4153s show off as a preview not entirely sure
4156s if it's coming today Cod mobile if you
4157s could verify when it releases I would
4159s appreciate that and I'm sure the viewers
4161s would as well uh but yeah make sure to
4163s check out the battle pass and all the
4165s new content this season which again this
4166s stream is kind of focused on us showing
4168s off which obviously um we have checked
4171s out Patrol now which is new at this
4173s season um there is stuff in the battle
4176s pass that we could check out there is a
4177s Mythic draw for the CX9 SMG which we
4180s could pull up and play with a little bit
4181s as well I actually think I already have
4183s a setup there um in terms of the the
4185s grow um again iron sights are great on
4187s it gold on it it's doesn't cover it in
4189s the way that I would like fully but with
4191s diamond it looks super Sleek so I'm
4193s already kind of close to Diamond not
4194s close but I've made some progress so
4196s that'll be something I grind later again
4198s especially with the grow being as good
4199s as it is this season carbon fiber on
4201s this looks mad clean so we'll definitely
4203s equip that and Amethyst is actually
4205s pretty solid too and then the water one
4207s is not as good as these
4209s two yeah there is that um again if you
4214s guys weren't here earlier a couple quick
4215s notes in about um 49
4220s minutes I did math correctly in 49
4223s minutes uh the the update will drop and
4225s that will include Undead Siege um one of
4227s the uh zombie modes we've had it in the
4229s past but it is now returning for season
4231s 9 2023 and uh with that we should be
4234s able now to get um either Crystal which
4237s is a camo that came out originally with
4239s Undead Siege but then when it went away
4240s there was no way to get that camo but
4242s with it coming back I'm like 90% sure
4244s we'll be able to get this camo again
4245s which is super sick cuz it is easily one
4247s of if not the best camos in the game
4249s especially when you pair it with the
4250s right blueprints cuz it also has this
4252s really cool in-game like coating Shader
4255s mechanic where like they the crystal
4257s effect on it is based on when you move
4258s which gives it this really cool depth to
4260s it it's hard to explain exactly without
4262s getting into the nitty-gritty of
4264s texturing and shading but for anyone
4265s that likes that stuff go ahead and look
4267s at that and think about how you would
4268s approach making
4269s that based on UV coordinates and
4272s rotation and all that I believe I don't
4273s know I don't make games but do know a
4275s little bit and I just know that this
4276s looks super sick with its very subtle
4278s movement to give that Crystal effect but
4281s yeah there's that uh um again the CX9
4286s I'm sure I have it set up
4288s somewhere okay we got a base one here
4290s but I also do have the Mythic I believe
4292s I was testing both to see which iron
4293s sets I preferred uh but we'll go ahead
4295s and switch over to the Mythic one and
4297s get some gameplay with that so again
4299s this is the CX9 it's very similar to
4301s like the sx9 the switchblade um I
4304s believe name in itself is close um the
4308s Mythic is currently available inside of
4311s the hollow flight Mythic draw which
4313s obviously we've already done so won't be
4314s able to show that off uh we did get some
4316s gameplay with the locus earlier and then
4318s there's the air mcha I assume the word
4321s is Macha right it's it Machina or Mo
4324s like
4325s X dox makina or whatever I don't
4329s know which this has the oh this is a
4332s Redux yeah so this has the BK the elar
4336s secondary and Alias roboti so that's a
4339s yeah Redux from an old one that we've
4341s had um so I guess the grow is actually
4343s not able to get anymore unless it was
4345s put in the store for the 4 you or
4349s something synaptic crash oh that's
4353s I yeah I'm not actually
4356s sure explain either crystals I don't
4358s know too much about it when we get into
4359s Undead well I do I used to know when
4361s Undead Siege was out I knew like
4362s everything about it I've kind of
4364s Forgotten since it's been a while so
4366s I'll let you know uh when we get into
4367s that game
4368s mode uh also Hawks you know that you can
4371s view that trailer at any time from
4372s within the game right oh that's that's
4374s from I did know that actually I didn't
4376s think about that but yeah if you click
4377s this announcement button and then you go
4380s to oh maybe I don't know maybe I thought
4383s I did and I
4385s don't oh actually is it this you click
4387s go and then you go to the
4388s trailer like that's the battle pass
4390s trailer though that's different than the
4391s seasonal one
4394s right again as a reminder also we are
4396s there is rewards for the stream um if
4398s you want to get those rewards uh
4400s basically all you have to do is watch uh
4402s this stream from inside the game which
4404s uh you go to the main menu you click
4405s that little yellow play button then you
4408s click play on the stream and to see your
4409s progress on the wards you click the
4410s little crate on the bottom right and you
4412s can see how many minutes you have and
4413s how close you are to the next reward uh
4415s got a couple calling cards Merk 5 skin
4418s and at the end a uh nuclear fall a knife
4420s skin from three years ago so it's mocka
4425s LOL thank you km thank you for the
4427s clarification I appreciate that very
4431s much um okay it's got the CX9 we still
4435s got 45 minutes until the update with the
4438s new content Henda haunted and all
4441s that
4442s um we could do more Customs or we could
4446s run up a quick ranked match we'll just
4448s do a little solo ranked with the CX9 and
4450s then uh go from there so actually what
4453s I'm going to do is I'm going to do snd
4455s because we've done a lot of really high
4457s paac modes specifically
4459s Patrol and we can check out k k
4461s Metropolis that's actually sick I
4463s haven't played this um map yet and
4464s ranked so ranked snd on this is going to
4466s be a really good change of pace also
4469s great map for the CX9 very close
4473s quarters yep in those rewards I was just
4475s showing our throwback rewards from
4477s season 9 Conquest 2020 three years ago
4481s not exactly but seasonal wise exactly
4483s three uh three years ago those all
4486s dropped so if you want to get some oji
4488s OG items in the game now's your chance
4491s and the time is dwindling you can
4493s actually watch the stream later I forgot
4495s to mention this earlier I believe you
4497s have 24 hours after I finish the stream
4500s to watch the stream so even if you can't
4502s watch it now you could go back and watch
4503s the stream back in the game and get
4505s those rewards and get your time up and
4507s all that
4507s so definitely could do that um I do have
4511s to remember this CX9 is a very close
4514s quarter combat weapon so let's not try
4515s to play range with this also I got to
4519s try to remember the map layout it's very
4521s complex intricate type map
4526s hold
4526s on okay well this might be kind of an
4530s easy
4532s game hopefully we'll run through it kind
4534s of
4536s quick that might be a good thing to Pin
4539s C him little walk through on that I'm
4541s sure people ask a lot yeah Dolan
4544s unfortunately I didn't pay attention but
4546s I see that now hey guys do you want my
4550s Mythic
4552s guys
4554s guys do you want my you want to
4556s try I paid a lot of do you
4559s want okay all
4562s right I was hoping they' take it but I
4564s guess
4567s not I don't know where this guy died
4575s from you little bit of a whiff l lol l
4578s killer is that a b name chat is that a b
4582s name
4587s hopefully after this we won't get these
4588s super easy lobbies if you know what I
4590s mean I don't think we will um as long as
4593s we win which would be wild if we didn't
4602s win that oh Mosen thank you I I was not
4606s aware I did not
4609s know what's my secondary oh yeah the
4612s pistol that comes in this draw it's the
4613s rtic
4615s oh I missed all my slides right there I
4618s should be like 10 ft ahead of where I am
4619s right
4621s now God I keep missing slides so I'm not
4625s kicking into the
4629s Sprint at the Angelic
4633s stemmy nice we'll try to get it through
4636s here
4637s quick bro is the Annoying rich kid who
4639s tries to buy
4642s friends d Mig of coffee more for the
4644s boys I keep sipping on it bro we're
4646s shooting for four
4647s hundo wired granted the first one I had
4651s was this morning so it's not like it's
4652s just slammed 400 milligrams of caffeine
4655s but yeah we are you can tell we're a
4657s little
4660s wired I don't really drink coffee though
4663s don't love the flavor it's only when I
4665s have to not a bitter guy I don't really
4668s like bitter
4669s flavors more of a
4672s citrus
4676s oh my God are we going to ace oh my God
4678s yo no I almost got a Tik Tok clip out of
4682s that one that would have been
4683s insane must be something in the water
4685s today yeah
4687s caffeine 400 milligrams of it
4690s bro no we're not at that high
4693s yet we not that high in terms of amount
4696s of um
4700s caffeine although I guess technically
4702s physically speaking it's a chemical I
4704s don't know what the definition of high
4705s is but I feel like when you injest
4707s caffeine it is technically a I don't
4709s know this is not a conversation for the
4711s c channel you know what I'm
4714s saying I am curious is caffeine outlawed
4717s in any
4718s places like is there any countries that
4720s are like nope can't have caffeine cuz it
4722s is a it's a stimulant also every single
4725s shot was a headshot on that
4729s guy all right quick fibo thank you
4734s I need to stop sipping on this thing
4735s we're now at our
4746s threshold uh actually yeah like Cleo
4748s said make sure to subscribe to the uh
4750s official cotum Channel if you guys
4751s haven't already you can do so on YouTube
4753s if you're watching inside the game you
4754s might have to leave the platform hop on
4756s YouTube and click the sub button and
4758s also while you're there might be a good
4760s idea to check out my channel Hawk nness
4761s And subscribe if you'd like to to see my
4763s streams and my videos when I do
4767s them again channel name Haw Nest you can
4769s see it on the bottom with all the
4771s socials um I will say a little
4773s correction on that is uh the Instagram
4774s is HW Nest YT because some guy that uh
4777s posts pictures of birds sold my
4779s Instagram handle um like 15 years ago
4783s and then five years after he made that
4785s account when I made my account I dm'd
4786s him and I said hey man I noticed you
4788s haven't posted for 5 years would it be
4790s possible that I could buy this account
4791s from you or get the name or like
4793s anything like that then about 2 years
4795s after that message he responded saying
4799s hello that was it said hello then I
4803s immediately responded and said hello can
4805s I buy this from you hello man what's
4806s going on hey dude where'd you go it's
4809s been six years since not a word not a
4812s peep so if you look that up and you find
4814s a guy that post bird bird pictures just
4817s know that's unfortunately not me it's
4819s not I would like to be the guy that does
4820s that but that's thatd be someone
4823s different
4826s you meant subscribe to the official
4827s kotom Channel well I said that first did
4829s I say the did I flip the words around or
4831s something but afterwards I'm in my
4833s account as
4834s well come to BR I'm not sure I want to
4838s do that at the moment more of a MP guy
4842s myself snap track and Pro Series ends in
4845s 37 minutes I did not know that was
4846s active right
4848s now what's your favorite bird
4851s Hawks wasn't that didn't you answer the
4854s question in the
4856s question what's your favorite bird oh no
4859s you were asking oh I see you're saying
4860s what's your favorite bird comma Haw
4864s question mark the answer is yes Haw Dash
4871s Hawks oh the caffeine's
4874s kicking all right what are we going to
4875s do here what do we want to what do we
4877s want to switch to how far are we into
4880s the stream let me check the run time
4881s right quick we are an hour and 20
4886s minutes which also means that we are now
4888s 37 minutes away from um the update with
4891s Undead Siege and um other content as
4893s well I I believe including uh haunted
4896s Henda the the new map refresh for
4900s Henda
4903s um an hour and 20 would be 83
4912s minutes
4913s um let me check my mail real quick there
4915s might be something something in here
4918s okay not yet there is something we're
4919s going to check out very soon in the
4920s Stream I'm acting like it's a surprise
4923s but I've said it about 20 times now
4924s already um the legendary Odin which
4927s again I don't know when that drops
4929s officially but at least I know for sure
4931s today we will be uh checking that
4934s out hold on the themed music changed got
4937s really
4938s loud uh we will be checking out the uh
4940s legendary I might have said Mythic
4942s earlier I if I did the legendary Odin
4945s gripped chaos um which will be coming in
4947s the mail somewhat soon and then I can
4948s show it off but in terms of the official
4950s drop codm is going to have to let us
4952s know the specifics on that but until we
4954s get that and are able to show it off I
4955s think maybe we'll uh just hop into
4957s another ranked snd because the last one
4961s was you know a little bit of a Bobby
4965s Lobby Crower legit looking to get one
4967s tatted on my hand I actually do want to
4970s get a I have an idea for a tat that
4972s relates to swords and
4974s Hawks I'd have to show you the mood
4976s board for it cuz I I don't know exactly
4978s what it would look like but I have ideas
4980s I would have to go find that and I'm not
4982s really I don't want to do that right now
4985s what time Undead ET 36 minutes from now
4989s which would be 8 p.m. EST or just ET I
4994s don't know if we're in standard time or
4995s not right
4996s now does anyone know actually I'd like
4998s to know that for my own sake are we ET
5001s or P um
5004s EST or PT PST for
5011s me Mr uh
5013s wonderful are you saying good morning or
5016s good night you said good night Hawks
5018s what's good it's like a buy and then a
5020s hello did you mean byy or did you mean
5023s Hello EST is APM yeah yeah yeah 35
5027s minutes what skins do you have I have a
5029s lot I got a
5030s lot okay we're pte right now got it
5034s we're not in the S
5036s phase is it coming out for all time
5038s zones or just certain ones um I can't
5041s speak on this definitively but I'm about
5043s 99% sure so as definitively as I can get
5046s um that when something drops in the
5048s global version of the game it drops at
5050s the same time for
5052s everyone in physical time not in time
5054s zone
5056s time so that means in 35 minutes from
5059s now everyone in the world will be able
5061s to play Undead Siege everyone in the
5065s world on the global version of kodm
5066s there is different versions of kodm
5067s granted there's Arina there's Global and
5071s then I think there's maybe one or two
5072s other ones um for like Korea and China I
5075s think there's like different clients uh
5077s but for the global version which
5079s presumably if you don't know which one
5080s you are solid chance you're in the
5082s global version if you live in Southeast
5084s Asia it might be Gina um they sometimes
5088s will have updates at different times but
5089s at Global 35 minutes now from now Undead
5091s siege for sure comes out
5093s I can speak on the other ones for sure
5095s Cod might be able to give insight
5098s there sub to both appreciate you cleos
5101s appreciate you again official kodm
5103s Channel make sure to sub on YouTube if
5104s you haven't already and my channel if
5105s you'd like to if you're enjoying the
5107s stream I'd
5110s appreciate I hope it's a new zombies
5112s battle pass o c him can we we have
5114s Insight on
5116s that cuz there is a zombies battle pass
5118s but I don't know if um with the new
5120s Undead Siege drop if that future an
5123s update there or anything I also don't
5124s know if the undead Siege and the classic
5126s zombies battle pass are tied into each
5129s other zombies and Undead Siege is a
5131s different thing classic zombie
5139s specifically oh my do
5144s dude he killed himself I sprayed and
5147s prayed for like 30 seconds and then he
5149s kills himself with a nade by blowing up
5151s car
5155s these guys are
5158s moving it's a 1 V4 sick the one
5163s kill my God okay these guys are decent
5165s we got a lock
5167s in I was about to say the one guy if I
5170s got the ace that I or if I got the four
5172s piece the one guy that I missed out on
5174s was someone that killed themselves but
5176s it's fine I died immediately
5178s after funny how I'm talking about an ace
5181s and I literally am didn't even get one
5185s kill get a little gredy right now
5187s dropping my gun or
5192s not I need to take the laser off this
5194s especially if we're playing
5197s sndd look at
5203s that doing some Parkour right now
5205s Hardcore
5206s Parkour oh you can't make it up here I
5208s did not know that dude I'm floor is lava
5212s right right now
5214s dude no dead
5216s lava two left I have to assume one's in
5225s here
5227s nice no Corbin you can't you can't get
5230s one of
5231s those I was try Harding against bot
5233s these aren't Bots bro I didn't we didn't
5235s get five OED by
5239s Bots last game yes
5241s maybe
5244s I'm in a lower rank right now by the way
5247s although season reset very recently so I
5249s think I have it just
5252s excuse is that guy
5255s sniping there's the inspect on this if
5257s you guys wanted to see it wait I could
5265s Ace can I still I
5268s can't yeah you
5271s thought
5273s yeah I got a vulture and a laser on this
5274s this is not very snd of
5279s Me no corpin you can't you can't get any
5281s of those things what's your favorite
5283s skin from this season or in general
5285s don't say your skin damn it oh the k44
5288s skin that I help
5290s design uh Merc 5 also the one that I
5293s help design that is genuinely like my
5296s favorite though besides my
5299s own okay this guy's doing pretty good
5302s against me or this woman sorry sorry
5304s might
5310s be through the SM
5313s smor caffeine's kicking boys through the
5316s smor report Hawks how I somehow combine
5319s report and smoke
5322s smor through the smoke report Hawks yeah
5325s yeah yeah yeah yeah I read that right
5326s the first time yeah yeah yeah yeah just
5329s wanted to know how I can get a Prestige
5330s weapon um so
5333s each new season I believe ranked season
5335s there's a new Prestige weapon and to
5337s unlock that you have to get the final
5339s tier or final reward in three lucky
5348s draws oh I didn't know if I accidentally
5350s blew up the
5352s van but why did I click the button
5355s again damn we ran through them
5360s there yeah um I believe it's three final
5364s rewards and then I think if you get to
5366s Fourth you get a uh custom calling card
5369s maybe I'll have to go clarify on that
5371s it's I I've checked out the prestige
5372s thing a few times but I don't know for
5377s sure that was a really dumb Peak I have
5379s an SMG and they are sniping an
5384s lmg I just seen your whole channel is
5386s about using the
5389s Jackal huh what we don't even have a
5393s jackal in this game what do and I don't
5397s use anything I'm very
5401s confused Corbin I will give you one as
5403s Hawks won't all right Shiloh will give
5404s you
5406s one might be talking to someone else
5408s about the Jackal thing I'm very confused
5409s what that
5412s meant all right let me stop being
5418s greedy
5420s trust damn
5435s oh teammate bro I saw him through the
5438s wall and it kind of messed up my vision
5440s I was a necessary bait whatever it's all
5442s part of the plan use secondary weapon
5444s only if we did that we would do the um
5448s the dabra cuz dabra is insane I just
5451s recently posted a short on my um my T
5455s talk and my uh YouTube channel and
5458s Twitter X um of using that a Kimbo uh
5464s build so if you guys want to check out a
5465s really nice super fun very easy to use
5468s ridiculously good close range uh
5471s secondary um do build you can check out
5474s that video yet short form
5479s video hey master who would have
5483s thought I mean that would probably be
5486s now a good indicator that we should
5488s switch from uh rank to maybe something
5490s else I am curious also if we have
5494s something in our mail we do we have a
5496s nice little charm very nice nice little
5499s season five charm I do need to get the
5500s grandmas to get the uh the grow skin for
5503s sure even though now I have the
5505s legendary thank you got
5508s him also I know this is a um this is a
5511s Halloween beat but I'm not feeling the
5514s spooky Halloween Vibe yet maybe at 5:00
5517s P p.m. when we do haunted Henda we'll do
5519s that but until then we're going to do
5521s the uh the going dark remix it's more
5525s trap I like this Vibe it's good balance
5527s of spooky but
5533s hard uh again chat we have 27 minutes
5536s until 5:00 PST when we get all the fun
5539s all the fun stuff the fun Halloween
5541s stuff
5543s um for now though I want to check so if
5544s we go to zombies and we go to zombies
5548s classic the beat down is a little too
5550s loud um and we go to level 25 yeah so
5554s this is the zombies battle pass so as
5556s you can tell I have not maxed this out I
5558s got work to do
5559s here um I don't know if this resets on
5562s this today's update I don't think it
5564s will but I'm not entirely sure it would
5567s be sick to see some new
5569s um like a new j358 scorpion like a
5571s different scorpion variant like grow
5573s scorpion I don't know Chad if you could
5575s have any gun with the Scorpion type
5577s blueprint like looks like this but on a
5579s different gun what do you think would be
5580s the best
5582s fit cuz this is a super sick combo and
5585s I'm sure if you put either Crystal on it
5586s it's even
5587s better we could do private haunted game
5590s mode haunted game mode or haunted Henda
5593s I looked at privates earlier and I
5595s didn't see haunted Henda in the mix not
5598s sure if there's a specific mode I would
5599s have to peep uh now we have attack on
5601s the dead and all that which is kind of
5603s Halloween themed but if we're
5605s specifically talking haunted aend I
5606s don't know if we can do
5611s that kilo Locust grow kilo would be
5615s good I think you're also saying that
5617s because we have a lot of skins that look
5619s like that already with the kilo I can
5621s think of about two or three skins that
5622s fit that vibe pretty heavily so I think
5624s it's just associative like you're like
5625s oh I know it'll be good so the kilo but
5627s since we already have those would we
5629s really want another one on the kilo or
5630s would we want a different weapon that
5632s that fits it like the locus actually
5635s never mind the locus is the same thing
5636s we have like three skins that look like
5638s that what's a gun that doesn't have a
5640s spooky like like spikes type of vibe to
5644s it or a gun that doesn't have one a skin
5647s that has that kind of vibe to it but
5648s would fit I think the qq9 would be solid
5651s we already have really we already have
5652s mythics for the qq9 so I don't know if
5653s I'd want another skin like that cuz I
5656s already would be using the Mythic if I'm
5657s going to use that gun Peacekeeper I
5659s could see that being sick the dlq we
5661s already the Mythic would be cool
5665s though AK-47 we have so many skins I
5668s also want a gun how to use ul736 I could
5670s see that
5672s cbr4 we have the lattice the legendary
5675s one with Messi that one's already so
5677s good that I don't know if I'd need a
5678s switch but I could see that being cool
5680s the knen would be sick actually yeah the
5682s K cuz Ken also is in a really good state
5685s right now where it's it's meta enough
5686s that like not everyone uses it but you
5688s can pull it out and it'll compete
5690s perfectly fine but the vibe of the kayen
5692s I think is already so mean and
5696s Halloweeny I guess that I could see a
5699s skin like that fitting really well
5702s switchblade
5704s maybe Man of War I feel like we have one
5706s kind of similar
5708s already grows obviously would be
5711s decent km we have the eagle claw which
5713s is maybe I don't
5715s know a lot of lot of
5718s options I think if I had to pick one
5720s though I'd probably say the Canen
5722s there might already be a Ken wolf yeah
5724s isn't the man of war wolf I think that's
5726s the one I was thinking of ffr that' be
5729s cool Maddox oh actually oh the Maddox
5732s would be killer we we don't really have
5734s a Maddox skin right now that I like love
5737s like there's some cool ones but I don't
5738s have one that I think is
5740s like my favorite I don't know I think
5743s that's cuz the irons I don't here let me
5744s look cuz the madx is actually easily one
5746s of the most underrated guns especially
5747s for skillful players we do have the
5749s Avalanche which is sick and aerodynamics
5752s is pretty sick
5754s too yeah we have cool skins for this
5756s it's just we don't have that many I
5757s guess um Avalanche is also actually a
5760s lot sicker than I was imagining
5762s especially if you put on like uh oh yeah
5765s the turn season 8 gam looks sick with
5768s that carbon fibers are right diamond is
5771s pretty Sleek the white snow looks cool
5773s with that platinum's
5777s cool
5778s n
5780s n and these two fit really well carbon's
5783s also all
5784s right I think we're going to pull out
5786s the Maddox actually for a little bit cuz
5788s first off this is not my build oh shoot
5791s do I have to make my
5794s build I think I have it saved in a
5796s different slot let me
5799s check madx again I think is one of the
5801s most underrated weapons it's one of the
5803s fastest killing guns but you need to be
5804s pretty skillful with how you use
5806s it um and it does kick heavily
5810s vertically so that makes it tough but
5812s again very high uh highrisk High reward
5814s type weapon I think it's very underrated
5816s and it's also not that hard to
5818s use like it's not insanely hard it's
5820s just you got to pull it out on better
5824s days love the default madx irons yeah
5826s it's all right they are definitely solid
5828s I think the Avalanche has the best
5830s though but yeah let's build this thing
5832s out real quick I made a whole guide on
5833s this gun like one of my favorite guides
5835s I've ever made so I got to try to
5836s remember when I was making it what was I
5838s thinking for each like attachment I know
5841s I want to do Echo fire cuz this is the
5842s one that makes it have insane time to
5844s kill potential uh I don't do an optic I
5846s think stockwise I don't want to do a
5848s Sprint fire delay
5850s one which they all
5852s are I guess I could do Agile though
5855s because it has other benefits but we're
5857s going to skip that for
5858s now uh
5863s ammunition I think I just like the fast
5866s reload I don't think I needed a big mag
5867s with
5869s this remember disabl was was good and
5872s then they nerfed it in a certain way
5873s that made it so you don't want to hit
5874s leg shots anymore so disable became not
5875s as good long shot is decent just to
5879s boost the range if you need a fifth
5881s attachment uh laser I pre- aim a lot so
5884s I got to be careful with lasers rear
5886s grip this definitely
5888s matters you don't want to do lightweight
5891s because you don't have horizontal recoil
5892s with the echo Fire or the task force or
5895s the task force Quick Draw so that leaves
5896s us fast which is ADS time that would
5898s definitely help sturdy horizontal don't
5901s need that or Hollow which was movement
5905s speed just Mobility all around for adus
5908s bullet spread for the range that I would
5910s use this though does ADS bullet spread
5911s really
5912s [Music]
5915s matter I don't think so so we're going
5916s to do
5918s that and then we have one more
5921s attachment what are our lasers I'm not
5923s going to hit fire much with Echo fire I
5925s got to be careful showing my lasers but
5927s I just got to be disciplined with
5929s it hold on what was that stock one more
5932s time does it give me ads movement speed
5934s it does all right I'm doing that one so
5936s I can strafe pre aim and strafe it's a
5939s good way to play this weapon so I think
5940s this is my main build um and then
5943s lightweight I'm actually going to switch
5944s that to skullers so I can again strafe
5946s really fast Quick Fix is good with this
5948s too toughness wouldn't be awful for a
5950s little bit better range capabilities and
5951s then dead silence is a must so that'll
5954s be our setup and then uh we'll hop into
5957s a couple quick ranked matches in um
5959s hardpoint to kind of show this thing off
5961s hopefully we can make it work pretty
5964s well P my madx was there a free MAX
5968s skin um I saw one in there that I don't
5970s have that one might have been free oh no
5973s I do have it yeah like menacing champ
5976s has a little S3 icon so I assume this
5977s was like the uh season 3 reward irons
5980s are the basic irons though sick custom
5983s geometry on it though I will say
5984s probably look sick with like diamond or
5986s carbon fiber or
5988s something aerodynamics is also sick
5990s aerodynamics with carbon fiber might be
5992s Sleek hold on I'm going to I got to go
5996s quick oh carbon fiber on that sick but
5998s do and diamond is also dope I got a
6000s switch
6004s pack yeah so the madx if you didn't know
6006s with the echo fire mod it makes it a
6007s two- round burst weapon but it doubles
6010s your vertical recoil maybe even more
6012s than doubles it I forget exactly and
6014s then eliminates your horizontal recoil
6015s so your gun just kicks straight up very
6018s fast but then it's a two- round burst
6020s and with the two round burst it makes it
6021s so that you're time to kill at certain
6023s ranges and if you're hitting certain
6024s parts of the body and when I say certain
6026s it's not like you have to be super
6027s specific you just got to generally aim
6028s higher and generally be closer range if
6031s you can do those two things you get a
6034s absurd time to kill so what that means
6036s with this gun is that you want to be ads
6040s to make sure you're hitting those shots
6041s and you want to pre- aim to make sure
6042s you're lined up and play around corners
6045s and all that to catch people off guard
6047s and just delete them so this is a really
6049s good gun for um playing just outside of
6052s a hard point where you kind of find
6053s choke points where people are going to
6054s enter cuz then you just hold that lane
6057s and as people come through you just
6058s delete them delete them delete them
6059s delete them delete them um but then also
6062s like obviously you could do that with
6063s like an Argus or a shotgun or whatever
6064s but obviously this is a fully automatic
6067s it's a burst but you know an automatic
6069s weapon so that you can fight multiple
6071s ene enemies at once or play at uh longer
6074s ranges it still can do that a lot of
6076s other shotguns can't I mean The Argus
6078s can but yeah it's it's really good close
6080s range but still has that longer range
6082s versatility that's what I like about
6084s it it is a high skill Gap weapon but I
6088s think it's also one of the most unique
6089s weapons which makes it a fun time to
6090s pull out too if you getting kind of
6092s bored or just running full auto ARS SMGs
6094s or whatever or you also don't like burst
6096s guns typically like a
6099s uh I don't know like an M16 swordfish or
6101s whatever this doesn't feel like a burst
6104s just feels like a slow firing gun cuz
6106s the burst it's like like that like
6108s instantly change your character skin to
6111s match this is one of my favorite
6112s character
6114s skins oh unfortunate
6125s timing will you play Undead Siege yeah
6128s yeah yeah
6129s yeah also I've been sitting on my foot
6132s now for about 15 minutes so I might have
6135s lost
6136s it oh we might need to have a Halloween
6139s themed
6140s amputation ah pins and needles
6145s bro now I sit on the other
6147s foot it's all about balance chat it's
6150s all about balance in life if you're in
6152s pain on one side of you make the other
6155s side of you on pain it'll make the red
6156s side or the other side feel
6170s better
6182s okay on had to read a
6188s message all right we got a little oh
6190s yeah dude my right foot is completely
6192s deleted right now start recording all
6195s right the madx let's run
6199s it some on the point I don't have a
6201s laser so I
6203s can just going to push this
6207s guy okay the vertical recoil on this got
6209s to get used to you can already see the
6210s time to kill on this
6216s thing just got to control the
6219s recoil play choke
6226s points you see that bro it's
6228s insane no I walked into a Molly please
6230s don't die no
6232s man oh dude my right foot
6235s hurts my whole leg it's the numbness is
6238s going up
6239s it all right I'm sure they're going to
6241s try to chase my
6243s teammate you got to pull down so
6245s aggressively with
6249s this
6251s deleted all right so a good choke point
6252s on this I'll kind of walk you through
6254s the hard points is right
6257s here see just gone cuz you can also
6260s switch turn and play whatever side you
6263s want and just keep this area unlocked
6264s and hopefully your team can dis
6272s Point gone no that EMP actually was
6276s perfect not that guy was there cuz of
6280s that then again I'll try to show you the
6282s range capabilities of this I see it I
6284s mean he was already kind of hit so not
6286s the greatest
6290s example but just leading
6294s people one point
6299s crap where we going where we
6303s going
6305s nice dude my teammates are getting all
6307s the kills can't be mad though which
6309s means my teammates are
6312s good yeah the way I play with this gun I
6314s feel like my win rate is very high cuz I
6316s just really lock in on playing around
6318s the hard point obviously objective P
6320s results in
6321s wins in objective
6323s modes dude look at it it's just would
6326s you just look at the just look at it
6329s it's
6332s insane yep go next should have rotated
6335s next cuz again I'm kind of playing in
6337s Anchor roll I got to make sure my team
6339s is positioned
6341s good little bit of a choke thank you
6344s teammate oh I got
6349s him
6353s play down here as a CH
6360s Point still in here
6365s dude great jump that was perfect
6367s prediction I don't know does he have a
6370s UAV yeah they knew I was there I
6372s shouldn't have slow played it like that
6374s I should have expected a
6375s push oh why the little red thing wasn't
6379s showing
6387s oh oh yo they were full in there all
6389s right just go
6390s next what's the choke point I want to
6392s hold on this one ideally boxes over
6395s there let me set up before they get beat
6396s me to
6398s it oh okay rip I un ads accidentally and
6402s that screwed me
6404s up it works at range but it's not great
6406s you got to keep that in
6408s mind actually it is actually great at
6410s range if you just it's it's just hard to
6411s use cuz you got to pull down so much
6413s there's no room for
6416s error re aim as much as I
6423s can see if that does
6427s anything give me on this choke give me
6429s on this
6435s choke oh dude damn bro that smoke
6438s screwed me up I would have been set up
6440s on boxes
6450s good a I should have known he was up
6454s there kitchen gun uh for the first
6458s point just inside I
6462s think yo I didn't know way to swarm good
6465s looks or up here even oh this would be
6469s good
6471s n not really too much range I think down
6473s here is the
6478s best there you go pull down we got red
6481s side covered just hold the left choke
6483s point now they might come
6487s behind oh we're
6492s good do that to kind of cover my body a
6494s little bit more so they have a tough
6495s time hitting
6496s me good from
6499s behind good we're good might even start
6502s holding this area to set up for
6509s next someone coming from
6512s behind RC lead the
6519s way okay we're go next they're going to
6521s start coming from mid whatever you call
6526s this no we're good all right I'm just
6528s going to my my choke point holding this
6530s we're Five Points off as long as I just
6531s hold this we
6535s win I get on the
6538s point did you
6540s just I almost just AFK and saw a guy
6543s running
6545s up all nice yeah that's the
6548s Maddox so I mean I could have done a
6550s little better but I feel like that was a
6551s good example of it it's definitely a fun
6553s one to use I enjoy pulling it out cuz
6554s it's it's something you got to it's just
6557s a change of play like I also like it cuz
6560s I know what I'm doing with my play style
6561s like I have a very specific way of
6563s playing it and it's fun to like have
6565s that objective and you know how you did
6567s on that specific objective as opposed to
6569s picking up a gun and kind of running
6570s around blindly like I because I again I
6573s spent so much time studying this weapon
6574s that I and made a video guide for it
6576s that I just every time I pull it out
6577s it's
6578s like I just think back to the guide you
6581s guys would like to check that out it's
6582s on my hawkon channel very proud of that
6587s video all right we're almost it's almost
6591s there chat 9 minutes until Undead Siege
6593s until then though there might be
6594s something there might be something I can
6596s check out and if it is what I think it
6599s is and it is where I think it is we'll
6602s uh we'll be doing customs with it there
6604s it is nice all right chat so light them
6607s up we got the legendary Odin which will
6610s be coming out later
6614s um uh tomorrow at 500 p.m. okay so in 24
6618s hours and 9 Minutes the Odin grip chaos
6621s will release and you guys will be able
6622s to pick it up uh but if you're curious
6624s what it looks like before then we have
6626s it right here and I will be able to get
6627s gameplay with it uh but the gameplay
6629s will have to be inside of custom games I
6631s will say also the two discs on the side
6633s like radiating energy that looks wild I
6636s always like Symmetry and this is
6638s something that's really I also like
6639s things that are unique and so unique
6641s symmetry I'm digging this irons on it
6643s look like they're a little intrusive on
6645s the front we'll see how that plays um in
6647s game um it is the Odin slower fire ing
6650s weapon something to keep in mind um I
6653s forget how to build this exactly but I
6654s also would predict with gold or Diamond
6656s this would look Sleek anything black and
6659s gold already fits the aesthetic for
6661s diamond or gold so we'll go ahead and
6663s Peep this real quick km I appreciate you
6666s guys thank you for sending it over um
6668s again we'll we'll check it out in
6669s customs so before I check out the gold
6672s and diamond and build it uh I should
6674s probably put a custom together so you
6675s guys can join because I want to try to
6677s play this game and then when it's over
6678s we can go right into Undead Siege so
6680s we'll try to time this out pretty well
6682s uh so if you guys want to play we're
6683s going to do Patrol
6685s um we'll do
6687s Dome Dome would be fine with Odin um and
6691s we'll go score 150 300 seconds because
6694s that's five minutes so if we start in 2
6696s minutes perfect timing uh and the code
6698s is
6699s 246
6702s 8308
6704s 344 didn't really read that in the
6707s cleanest of ways I'll do it one more
6708s time 2 46 8 830
6713s 8344 um while you guys are joining up me
6716s leave the code open I'm I'm about to
6717s close the code so screenshot this do
6719s whatever you need to do pause there it
6721s is and let me go ahead and set up this
6731s Odin okay now how do we build this
6733s sucker that's the question and before I
6736s do that what does it look like with
6737s diamond and
6739s gold it is very reminiscent of the uh
6742s Mythic Templar bison forget the name of
6745s that but looks very
6747s similar pretty solid pretty solid
6749s seasonal camos am withth this is Okay
6752s lava matches really well carbon fiber
6758s Sleek oh this one's all right I like
6762s that all
6763s right like ather a lot like carbon fiber
6767s a lot that's probably looks really cool
6768s in
6769s game
6771s I think I probably prefer gold over
6772s Diamond to be
6775s honest platinum's also sick but
6777s platinum's
6778s Platinum all does anyone have an Odin
6781s build that could slide me is Undead
6783s Siege tonight it drops in six minutes
6785s we'll be checking it
6787s out do miss on dead Siege it's been a
6789s long time I remember when I was playing
6791s it at the start like really mastering
6792s how that worked because we did like a
6793s tournament with it so I like really
6795s studied the game mode and how to
6796s optimize it and all that curious how
6798s much of that information I held on to
6800s and will apply in today's game
6804s play all right um feeling like ads
6809s speed range extension here let me get a
6811s quick peek of the stats let's do this
6814s restore
6816s clear um quick stat check with 48 damage
6820s with a 1.2 chest multiplier 1.05 18 M
6825s then goes down to 45 I feel like a
6827s little range
6829s extension ads
6833s speed suppression feel like that's their
6835s our goal here so let's go with
6837s suppressor first I forgot it has so many
6844s suppressors oh my God look at that
6846s suppressor on that
6848s thing I don't think the duplex ammo is
6852s worth try to get some of our ads speed
6855s back via
6859s Barrel
6861s the
6863s light
6868s combat granulated because I probably
6871s murdered my BSA and then we won't waste
6873s any more time we'll just call that good
6875s also combo at Merk 520 21 champ match is
6877s pretty
6878s nice and yeah with that being said I
6880s think we're
6881s good need everyone to ready up and we'll
6883s hop into this game and then as soon as
6885s this game is over we'll be able to go
6887s straight into Undead Siege yeah it does
6890s have a reptile look to it what was the
6892s name of it again wasn't reptilian based
6895s right the suppressor makes it look
6897s horrible it makes it look
6899s huge uh there's the irons I actually no
6901s irons are solid I thought that'd be a
6903s little more intrusive but the gun is so
6904s like thin
6905s looking and like the iron sight in the
6907s front is so thin and the ones on the
6910s side like everything about it is just
6911s very s slin very Sleek slim Sleek thin
6916s which is always what I kind of like in
6917s iron sights so no I like this a lot
6919s actually
6921s we'll see when we actually play how it
6922s feels but just based on looking at it I
6924s don't think this will be intrusive at
6927s all uh so the death effect and the gun
6930s firing noise and the reload and all that
6931s that's what we're looking at I guess
6933s reload is the same sound of
6934s Mythic okay well now we're getting our
6936s matics used on us
6938s rip that's kind of funny
6944s actually quick
6947s inspect o got a sick noise with the
6950s inspect I don't know if you guys could
6951s really hear that on stream
6953s but very dope now the kill effect that's
6956s what I'm looking for I kill someone I'll
6958s try not to look away right after they're
6961s playing Patrol also so this is a roaming
6963s point I got to remember
6970s that o tentacles come up and pull them
6973s down it's pretty sick Al this thing
6974s kicks like a mule with my
6976s build I did just use the madx though so
6978s I should be used to this
6983s it's got that horizontal yeah I might
6985s have to build this a little different I
6987s also never use slower firing
6994s guns the 48's a little unfortunate I'm
6997s not going to
7001s lie I'm going to get shot
7004s back but the car explosion got him
7008s nice
7015s God man I'm not very good with this
7017s thing it's very anti my play
7021s style should play it like I was playing
7023s the madx but it's different in
7027s Patrol okay can you not do that or did I
7029s just whiff it does feel like I probably
7033s whiff so I had to hit the direct chest
7035s to get over 50 damage right to two
7038s shot I feel like this is a um BR long
7042s range gun I feel like we're just playing
7043s this completely
7045s wrong and Dome is a very close quarter
7048s map so let's try to switch up our play
7050s style a little bit the madx was slower
7051s firing but close range like burst type
7054s so it's similar but also very different
7057s head shot are nice though goddamn
7062s 72 I'm going to die from
7066s behind never mind you love to see it
7073s shouldn't have hit that UAV actually we
7074s already had one yeah Brothers ranged on
7077s it's nice you definitely don't build it
7079s for ads speed you build it for reduced
7080s recoil better BSA and play long range I
7082s I built this very not to the way it's
7084s supposed to
7089s be it's fine Undead Siege after this
7092s also say shout out to my team though god
7093s dude they're playing obj like
7098s Champs
7102s no
7103s way 1 minute left it yeah 5:00 it just
7106s hit 5:00 so Undead Siege if you guys
7108s refresh your games should be out as soon
7110s as this game is over though we will
7111s check it out so team I would appreciate
7114s if we end this game cuz I also keep
7116s getting beasted by this guy with the hsl
7118s and I'm not enjoying
7123s that better to play obj for the sake of
7125s you guys watching
7128s Undead right
7132s 91 start coming through here I'm just
7134s set
7135s up oh they not coming
7138s through thank you no time clutch you the
7142s man you the
7148s man I don't know
7152s where oh he's up there that makes sense
7154s in the
7155s dome Undead is back baby yep it's out
7159s it's whatever inan make sure to go check
7161s it out if you guys haven't or if you'd
7162s like to watch me check it out then go
7164s play after you can also do that cuz I'm
7165s sure I'll be able to give you guys some
7166s tips and advice on all that which could
7169s be good to you know watch before you get
7170s into it we can play for a little bit
7172s come back in the Stream cuz the stream
7174s also will be accessible after it's over
7177s for 24 hours in game and then Forever on
7179s the codm YouTube channel so whatever I
7181s talk about you could always access after
7183s so I've been streaming for two hours so
7185s about just skip two hours into the
7187s stream and you'll be able to see
7190s like a weird reload Shake I can't
7192s explain exactly why felt weird a shot in
7195s the back here yep but I didn't die so
7197s we're
7200s fine all right end it come on Five
7202s Points just going to AFK right here then
7204s we'll go straight into
7205s Undead
7209s nice oh I didn't hit the settings button
7211s to back out my
7213s bad trying to rush into Undead here bro
7216s I don't know if I have to restart the
7217s game I don't think I do cuz it's not the
7219s app update I think it's already gotten
7221s all the app updates with the seasonal
7223s update I think now they just had to like
7225s unlock it so uh we'll check if I don't
7228s see anything then we'll
7235s [Music]
7238s restart three minutes Fox this gaml
7240s let's go you mean three hours or did you
7242s mean three minutes I don't know if that
7244s was a joke or you meant hours actually
7245s now that I think about it anyway let's
7248s go ahead and back out of here
7250s go to
7251s zombies get invited and there we go
7254s Undead Siege limited time what do we got
7258s here for the battle pass it seems to be
7261s the
7262s same because I already have progress on
7264s it so that's actually good because I can
7265s keep working on my progression on this
7268s camo rewards this is the thing I'm most
7270s excited for so if you guys didn't know
7271s there is the ather Crystal camos and you
7274s can do it by um acquiring I guess uh six
7276s Aether crystals per weapon that you're
7278s trying to unlock
7280s um and you can get those crystals by
7282s doing
7283s um the objective that is listed so for
7285s like for the Type 25 I have to kill 25
7287s zombies in a completed Undead Siege
7289s match either hard or Nightmare and I
7291s have to do that every time I do that I
7292s get a Nether Crystal and I need six of
7294s them so as you can tell I've done it two
7296s times already when Undead Siege was out
7298s before I need to do it four more times
7300s you do that for each different weapon as
7302s you can tell I do have a couple already
7303s AK
7305s ak117 couple other ones and you can see
7307s the different categories of weapons and
7309s all that I haven't unlocked pistols yet
7311s to do that I need to get to tier 50 and
7314s I assume tier 50 is the battle pass
7316s because I'm at tier
7318s 45 terms of camo Rewards or um tasks you
7321s can complete different tasks to get um
7324s points for your battle pass I believe um
7327s so we have you know a bunch of daily
7328s ones that we can access now challenging
7330s tasks weekly tasks we got a lot
7332s accessible right now got ones for
7334s different weeks I guess this is from the
7336s old ones too I don't know exactly if
7338s this is new or just carried over from
7340s last time but there's a bunch of
7341s different things I can do here so
7343s probably gonna fly through this battle
7345s pass and yeah that's that's it for
7347s rewards got the battle pass and you got
7349s the camos in terms of talent you can
7351s upgrade your different um objects so you
7353s have your turn weapons and all that and
7355s you can upgrade this for each time you
7356s play I think these carry over to each
7358s game I believe that's how it works
7361s um I do already have some Crystal so
7364s there's either crystals and then hold on
7366s let me look at the Battle pass I think
7367s it shows so you have either crystals
7369s that's these big boys and then you have
7370s the ather shards as you unlock those you
7373s can use that inside of your talent trees
7375s to upgrade your different objects so you
7377s can kind of see my progression on that
7379s so I do have a lot of those things so I
7382s can start upgrading stuff just try to
7384s maybe keep them all
7386s equal so you can see it's 20 is Max so I
7389s just leveled it up twice the turn armor
7391s to be 10 out of 20 so I'll just yeah try
7393s to keep these things all fairly in line
7396s with each
7397s other okay I've upgrade I don't have
7399s more materials now so I'll have to play
7401s to get
7405s more did they Max that out like did it
7407s only used to go up to something before
7409s and now it doesn't go as
7411s high tasks we'll claim that which puts
7414s us up in the battle pass got more shards
7417s use the shards on the talent upgrade
7419s that upgrade it again and now they're
7421s all about
7423s 10 and then at level
7426s 10 you can upgrade quick or you get
7428s quick fix
7430s and at level 15 you get okay so these
7431s ones below it are uh extra like bonuses
7434s you get when you get to a certain level
7435s so I got to level 10 so I got quick fix
7437s which increases the attack speed of the
7439s wrench I get to 15 I get that upgrade so
7441s on so forth so that's how that works and
7443s then for notes I believe this is in
7445s gameplay related this is more like lore
7446s and fun stuff you can also see the
7448s turret tree which is pretty cool CU you
7449s can upgrade turrets in certain
7451s directions to make them do certain
7452s things so you start with the normal
7454s Sentry and then you can upgrade that to
7456s either Sentry 2 or grenade Sentry and
7458s then from there you can upgrade your
7459s grenade grenade to or Fire Grenade so on
7461s so forth all that fun stuff then again
7463s stories is lore zombies is the different
7464s types of zombies you can get info on
7466s that you also tell there some rewards on
7468s the bottom right if I kill five of them
7469s I get some
7471s stuff all of that so I think we're good
7473s now I
7474s think um I I think we're good to play
7477s now one thing I do want to check is I
7480s should have hard and Nightmare
7485s unlocked and it does seem like you can
7487s unlock certain stuff so the cr56 aax
7489s dark matter you can get in
7491s this um that's the hardest mode though I
7493s think what we might do is just do hard
7495s mode to try to remember how to play uh
7498s when you first start though I think
7498s you're forced to do the tutorial and
7500s then normal mode and then when you have
7501s to beat like a casual mode AKA normal to
7504s it hard and I think you be hard to
7505s unlock Nightmare and I've already done
7507s this when Undead seeds first came out so
7509s I think we'll go right into hard and the
7511s thing is when you do hard you need to
7513s even casual I think you need to play
7515s with the team so I don't know if I
7518s should invite viewers maybe some friends
7520s on my friends list that have been
7521s inviting
7524s me they go to your mail what do you get
7527s let me check my mail to see if I have
7528s anything in here okay I don't anyway
7531s yeah I remember you had to play with
7535s people let
7538s me all right Teddy's I've been playing
7540s with him he's one of the viewers Teddy
7541s if you could give me leader I'd
7542s appreciate that and then I'm going to
7544s invite some people
7546s here I believe twist played this before
7548s I think I remember playing with
7553s him is it a team of
7556s three nice twist it's team of four so
7558s twist is already here and
7561s then I don't know who else I should
7564s invite um if you guys have played with
7566s me you can request to
7570s join let's do was there
7573s recents yeah let me just Spam invites
7576s here see who
7578s joins
7585s oh Jeff I could invite you Jeff do I
7586s have you added I feel like I do you
7588s could hop
7590s on so I guess I don't have everything
7592s upgraded do I I thought I did did it
7595s reset
7596s me or could it only go up to 10 before
7598s and now it can go up to 20 I don't
7600s really know cuz I thought I had
7601s everything all good my talent level and
7603s all that there's also seasonal events
7606s and all that fun stuff but this doesn't
7608s really relate so we will for the most
7610s part ignore
7614s this dope spec
7616s op oh you're oh yeah you have load out
7618s weapons too I think I remember the scast
7620s being nutty the
7622s RPD the cooling compressing Barrel gives
7624s you infinite ammo yeah that was good you
7627s have your
7628s modules or maybe this all relates to
7630s normal zombies not Undead I kind of
7632s forget how that
7638s works Jeff um did you send me a friend
7640s request ever oh there you go nice that's
7644s perfect all right this will be the
7647s squad do we want to do hard or nightmare
7650s I think hard to start makes sense and
7651s then we'll go nightmare if we can beat a
7652s hard cuz I got to remember how to play
7656s this hurry up stop talking bro I needed
7658s to get a teammate the talking was to
7660s make me hurry
7663s up BR has 120 FPS now so this this mode
7667s might have 120
7670s hopefully we'll
7672s see I'm going to skip this cinematic
7674s just so I can get into
7676s things right off the
7679s start shards over here what is
7683s this man I got to remember how to play
7686s this mode yo my sensitivity is
7689s whack okay so you can buy materials and
7691s all
7692s that off the start I think you just want
7694s to go leave and collect things and kill
7696s zombies but my sense is way too high oh
7698s yeah you want to get perks and all that
7701s too okay hold on why is my sensitivity
7703s so
7710s whack I don't have a zombie sensitivity
7717s saved you guys could protect me so I
7719s don't die I'd appreciate
7723s that all right drive take me wherever we
7726s need to go yeah you you go around the
7728s map collecting stuff you have a
7731s collection phase in the day and then at
7732s night you defend I believe that's how
7734s that
7735s works they okay the XL was just messing
7737s me up I think this is good now I will
7739s have to tweak my sensitivities later oh
7741s my button layout is jacked up too oh no
7744s it's not we're just in the
7746s plane yeah so those big uh purple shards
7748s you see on the map I believe that's
7750s where there's like these crazy zombies
7752s or something and you fight them to get
7756s rewards yeah so daytime loot
7759s and then nighttime fight that's how that
7764s works remember camo grinding was a big
7767s part of what we did right now I'm just
7768s planing to win though so I'm not going
7770s to focus on
7772s that yeah 120 FPS and BR is so
7778s nice it's all SMGs right now oh careful
7781s of those guys they
7782s explode armor plates we have to use
7785s those okay this is All Coming Back to Me
7788s Slowly
7791s El car is in a pistol so I don't want
7793s this thing okay I just pick up another
7795s pistol in
7797s place and you you earn a certain
7799s currency as you kill them I believe too
7801s so the top left you can see I have 615
7803s my teammates have right around
7806s there have 30 seconds in the daytime
7808s night is
7811s approaching I don't think AR is spawn in
7813s the oh never mind dude I keep saying
7815s things and then right then something
7817s else comes out of that
7820s okay then you'll
7822s recall automatically I guess and then
7825s night time will start so quick revive
7827s that's good to revive teammates quicker
7829s don't got to worry about that yet you
7831s can buy items from the control center
7833s this is what you're
7834s defending um ammo you can store stuff in
7838s here for people as
7840s well oh this is just a warehouse I don't
7842s think you buy stuff right you just store
7845s stuff for your teammates to
7847s use
7852s I think head shot do a lot of damage in
7853s this so you got to remember try to aim
7854s high if
7859s possible um turret management so you can
7862s purchase a turret with your essence you
7865s place
7867s those
7870s okay yeah all of this is in here like I
7873s I used to know every little detail of
7874s this I just got to tap back into that
7877s information
7879s so right now we're not going to focus on
7880s anything but just getting through the
7881s night cuz before again there's like
7883s those little intricacies I would try to
7885s focus on like grinding camos as fast as
7887s possible or ending the game as fast as
7889s possible trying to win in a certain
7890s amount of time right now as long as
7892s we're winning that's all I care
7896s about okay so he made his um Sentry into
7899s a grenade launcher one um if I want to
7902s do that I'd walk up to mine no no T
7905s management I think I upgrade from here
7907s so you need pedestals and you need
7908s either Essence to do that so as I'm
7910s looting I need to make sure I'm picking
7911s up pedestals and killing zombies to get
7914s loot those are your two currencies to
7916s focus
7917s on you can also upgrade your weapons or
7920s something like Pack-a-Punch type dealer
7921s I forget what exactly what that
7923s was you registered in the wrong region
7925s oh you're talking to someone else I
7928s assume oh I see yeah you're talking to
7930s aish all right Sunrise we can upgrade
7932s our turn right now if if you are able to
7933s upgrade it you can see that little icon
7935s pops
7937s up
7939s I think I remember just always going
7941s straight to the helicopter and flying to
7942s a different part of the map to
7944s loot cuz I'm pretty sure there's these
7946s zombie locations that spawn a ton of
7948s them when you activate it and you get a
7949s ton of loot out of that when you kill
7951s them all that's where you want to go to
7953s get the best
7955s stuff I don't know if I have Auto loot I
7956s got to remember to loot myself oh no I
7958s have Auto
7960s loot plates I'm going to have to focus
7962s on getting up cuz I have like none I
7963s don't know if that's only a pickup loot
7965s or there's a way to get them outside of
7967s that
7969s see on the map there's that purple thing
7971s what is that
7975s again does it just mean that there's a
7976s lot that spawn here or is there
7978s something you can like activate I
7984s forget definitely need more AR ammo
7988s too yeah those guys spit I
7991s [Music]
7995s forgot can we only have two minutes left
7997s I don't know
8000s here Teddy let me in let me in let me in
8002s take me wherever you want to take me I
8003s don't really
8006s mind there is load out drops on the map
8008s you can see those purple things mean
8011s just high density zombie locations I
8013s think yeah infected areas that's what it
8015s was so I guess we're going to nuclear
8017s for the load
8020s out that shows high value areas yeah
8023s like infected areas
8025s okay was there an upgrading weapon
8027s mechanic I I forget
8030s I feel like there was also feel like
8032s there's a perk that increases your
8033s headshot damage or something and then
8035s you SKS or snipe things in the head and
8037s do Insane damage remember that being a
8041s thing oh
8044s rip how far are we I'm going the wrong
8047s way I don't know if we'll get there in
8049s time I definitely need more plates
8051s too any good tips before jumping into
8053s Undead Siege chat asking for a friend
8055s yeah I am I am that friend
8059s trying to remember dude I'm trying to
8060s remember it's been a
8062s minute our money's at 2,300 Teddy's at
8065s 3,000 he's farming right now got 38
8069s seconds to get to this drop this is
8070s going to be
8071s tight P my wrench to run as fast as
8074s possible I I think we just run faster if
8077s we just run don't slide
8080s cancel going to have to ignore these
8082s guys for
8083s now I think at 15 seconds it calls you
8085s back
8087s automatically
8089s no we're not going to get
8091s there just loot whatever I could no I
8094s don't think I picked up
8095s anything I don't know if there's a way
8097s to cancel that I thought if you had the
8098s wrench out there was a way to cancel it
8100s or something like that I don't
8102s know or maybe you can recall manually if
8105s you have the wrench maybe that's what it
8108s was we'll go normal Sentry since someone
8110s did a
8113s grenade dude yeah this mode with 120 FPS
8116s very nice very happy they did that
8118s this feels more like
8120s MP especially when you go straight from
8122s multiplayer to
8124s this it's more seamless transition
8127s although the sensitivity is I got to get
8128s linked
8130s up yeah you can go out there and just
8132s swing with your wrench that also does
8133s something I don't remember exactly what
8135s hey fellas we can't be letting them in
8139s here wardens have crazy HP remember that
8143s CBR has 100 mag is that a new
8145s update or what are you talking about
8149s trying to hit legendary this season yeah
8150s I
8152s will I will I will I
8155s will ammo is not looking too pretty I'm
8158s holding on to the AK right now cuz
8159s that's my long range hard-hitting gun
8163s and I have very limited ammo you can
8165s also go out you eat a little bit of
8166s damage but I think your HP just regen
8168s when you get back
8169s in 380 HP does it go up yeah it does it
8173s just regen after second like
8175s BR Undead Siege is limited yes so I
8178s would grind it and get all your ather
8180s Crystal camos while you still
8184s can yeah you can run outside the Zone
8186s but you take damage it's like VR but it
8188s going to be worth it to go grab stuff
8197s too how many kns are there
8199s again to to like exit xac Escape
8206s whatever again you could just run out
8208s here and start beating them up with your
8210s wrench which clearly I'm not very good
8212s at I'm just going to rather go out here
8214s for the loot the ammo I always remember
8216s ammo being a big concern
8219s too also got people just dropping loot
8222s I'll take an
8223s RPD thank
8226s you there is an RPD with infinite ammo
8229s so we should probably try to get that
8232s there's these things too you collect the
8233s essence this is
8235s important I think you shoot them you
8237s shoot them then you get yep just loads
8240s of essence and
8243s pedestals right B
8246s here uh so we got drops all over the map
8249s we got infected areas I think that's all
8251s you really need to know I thought there
8253s was like a mega zombie fight to get
8255s stuff maybe that's only on certain
8257s nights
8258s though extract well yeah extract but I
8261s was thinking
8262s X just melee the wardens yeah yeah cuz
8265s wardens don't hit right they're just
8267s tanks that go straight for for the
8269s um the thing the controler Center or
8271s whatever you call it oh control center
8274s moves yeah yeah yeah yeah forgot about
8276s that cuz it's unstable doesn't know
8279s where it's
8284s going don't remember the most efficient
8286s way to get loot I don't remember if it's
8287s like running and just collecting or
8289s either Essence
8293s rather hold on what am I seeing in
8295s here M13 I feel like I need an SMG on
8298s hand to have a diversity of
8303s ammo I'm not finding any SMG ammo right
8306s now look at
8309s the3 I think at the beginning it's more
8311s SMG based and then you move to
8314s um you move to more ARs and whatnot I
8317s think the loot advances as you progress
8319s through the
8322s rounds pop a plate make sure you do the
8324s daytime missions Oh you mean missions
8327s wait what what are we doing what are we
8328s doing oh drop I see um are you talking
8332s about missions in game or are you
8334s talking about the missions that you do
8336s to earn loot outside of the game like
8338s like whatever the mission is it would
8341s show me before the game and I'd have to
8342s be like okay now I'll go in game and do
8343s that talk about
8348s those for far feel like that's pretty
8351s good kind of SMG like
8356s too
8361s you leaving me brother oh no he's not
8362s leaving me sick
8366s appreciate get merked death from above
8369s infinite ammo RPD is the best secondary
8370s for getting
8372s camos yeah yeah I'm trying to remember
8375s how you get the camos
8376s exactly if you use the RPD aren't you
8379s only getting RPD stuff or do you get
8381s them low with RPD and finish them off or
8383s win games with a gun in
8385s hand I think you just need one in hand
8387s right so You' have the RPD to like farm
8390s and then the gun you're working on in
8391s your other slot right something like
8395s that turr management got to redeploy
8398s since we move locations I forget which
8400s way they come from but I also need to
8403s place a couple more turrets so we'll do
8405s one here quick Revival
8409s perk head shot daer this is the one I
8411s I'm up bonus headshot damage that really
8413s comes in handy later Electric Cherry
8416s shocks them while you're reloading
8417s that's good to slow them down especially
8419s if for like an RPD quick Revival 500
8422s might as
8423s well also we can make this a laser
8426s turret foret what the best turrets are I
8428s got probably should go watch videos on
8430s that I know people definitely made
8432s some try to aim high now that we have
8434s headshot dakir farm that headshot
8444s damage getting very low on ammo though
8447s you also want to make sure your team is
8449s not all looking the exact same way I
8451s think they spawn in waves at different
8453s locations but I think you can still have
8454s some that like come from a different way
8455s every once in a while yeah like killing
8459s those necromancers early on is important
8461s as soon as they spawn I
8463s think I don't know if explosives do too
8466s much damage but we're going to lob them
8467s see what
8468s happens cuz I have very low
8472s ammo I think you can buy ammo at the
8474s control
8475s center I think where people have to
8477s store it free
8480s you is there no way to
8482s buy I don't know I have very low ammo
8486s though my Sentry is getting very lit too
8489s please get them
8491s off oh fellas fellas it's not looking
8493s good it's not looking good our control
8495s center is taking mad
8498s damage melee these guys yeah again you
8501s can melee those guys cuz they don't hit
8505s you oh they hit you you just got to be
8507s be
8509s careful yeah my Sensers are getting
8512s merked wait vending machine I saw
8515s vending machine pop
8520s up shoot dude I'm confused and I'm kind
8522s of being useless with my
8524s ammo heavy gunners are tough got to
8527s headshot them I think with the SKS head
8528s shots do crazy damage
8530s too I only have five bullets so shoot
8533s okay hold on hold on where's the vending
8534s machine vending machine here we go
8540s okay okay okay okay
8542s okay I had to remember that
8549s part electric Cher is kind of useless
8552s yeah I could see
8554s that all right that was a little we took
8556s it a little hit not going to
8560s lie new Mission found oh daytime
8563s missions yeah that's the mission you're
8564s talking about isn't it should have
8567s bought sniper ammo we can do that later
8568s though RPD ammo should be
8571s plenty so there's a vending machine and
8573s then there's the control center where
8574s you dump the loot that you have I forgot
8576s that there's two separate
8578s sections go go go go go go go go go go
8581s go go
8588s go okay what is this Mission this seems
8591s new I thought it was like a big bad guy
8592s that you fight oh we're protecting the
8594s truck oh okay I see this is new right I
8597s don't I think I've ever seen
8600s this oh we don't I thought we break the
8603s they only come from behind or should I
8605s cover every
8608s angle I'm hearing
8611s zombies okay the Zone gets different
8614s colored when they're inside too so if
8615s you ever see it get a different colored
8616s look all
8625s over here's what we get get out of
8631s this oh no I'm getting spawned can I get
8634s in the truck at all or no I'd love to
8635s just fire out of
8637s it no I keep getting glitched through
8646s though Keep It Coming Keep It Coming do
8648s we need to move stuff out of the way
8650s assum probably not I feel like could
8651s tell
8656s you
8661s looking good looking
8663s good yeah if you get too close it like
8665s kind of pulls you out the turrets got it
8667s the rest of the way
8670s though nice and we get some loot from
8674s that definitely have to upgrade my
8676s turrets I feel like I haven't been doing
8678s that enough it's the warehouse the
8681s vending machine I
8683s need my joystick lock needs to be
8685s changed I keep accidentally Joys
8686s sticking too much
8688s okay you can't buy sniper ammo I guess
8690s that's
8692s interesting am I tripping or is there no
8694s way
8695s to get that do you just have to buy a
8698s new sniper every
8707s time hold on so when you go up these
8710s things you can move it but to repair it
8714s how do you do
8715s that we'll go on this
8718s one also place down another one
8722s maybe that's got a lot I'll just keep it
8725s looking this way I
8727s guess so when they get upgraded they get
8729s fixed right I don't think you have to do
8732s that I would go three missile turrets
8734s one Thunder I forget the tree I forget
8736s which direction to go with that we'll
8738s look
8740s later and why is my team over
8745s there yeah Chad is there any any way to
8747s get more sniper ammo from my SKS or is
8749s it just based on what you start with and
8751s then when you run out you're screwed
8753s might be that cuz I feel like snipers
8754s are kind of busted so that's like a
8756s balance for it or
8759s something 6
8764s seconds beat with the
8767s wrench what do you mean exactly oh
8769s that's how you heal it oh yeah yeah yeah
8771s or you upgrade it
8772s right accelerated upgrade oh you can do
8775s that too I see got it
8778s I guess that makes
8781s sense there's no way to upgrade guns
8783s right I don't now that I'm thinking
8784s about I don't think you can I don't
8785s think there's like a
8790s pack-a-punch these are just wardens I
8792s can
8794s just damn that does so much
8799s damage just got to be careful of your
8801s health and them exploding in your faces
8802s and whatnot too I think if they're on
8803s fire they might explode no maybe
8806s not
8808s not really eating any damage though I
8809s guess I was just on the brink of
8811s it oh one of my things is getting beat
8815s on okay this is when we head shot them
8818s with
8822s ses oh or do they just obliterate them
8825s with the no I'm doing that too just
8828s headshotting those guys destroys
8832s them I think the headshot multiplier on
8834s that snipers and SKS is just insane so
8836s you add that to headshot d or whatever
8837s and it's like one two
8843s tap ammo counts looking pretty solid I
8846s do got to fix my turrets though I forget
8849s how to tell which of yours guess the
8851s icon on the
8852s top or can you beat your teammates too I
8855s assume you can beat your teammates I
8856s think my teammates have been keeping
8857s mind
8861s good upgrade when I can whenever I see
8863s that icon pop
8865s up I I feel like I want to save my SKS
8868s ammo for when I need it when I need to
8869s headshot them cuz RPD ammo heavy ammo is
8871s easy to come
8873s by destroy the necr maners as fast as
8875s you can cuz I think they spawn stuff in
8878s heavy gunners these guys are tough I
8879s think if you just head shot them
8884s though yeah head shots do mad damage
8887s save sast for those bad
8891s boys okay we're getting a little laggy
8893s there's a lot going on with 120
8896s FPS
8903s upgrade this might as
8906s well I'm trying to be a good teammate
8908s and constantly
8910s hitting um sentes you see are low is
8913s important
8914s too Vending Machine Heavy ammo bu two
8919s stacks get back to it Pack-a-Punch also
8921s refills your ammo increases your M
8922s capacity if I remember
8924s correctly Pack-a-Punch in Undead Siege
8927s French is op
8933s yeah yeah oh I was getting beat though
8937s armor is
8940s low how can you tell how far you are in
8942s the night oh yeah the time on the top
8947s the sick do we have somewhere to
8951s go we got a mission that way do we have
8953s a heli we
8956s do
8959s I will
8962s flight okay I think we're
8965s good is it just us three oh no there's
8967s oh three teammates and then me got it
8969s the math this
8971s kid Chad how many Knights are in hard
8973s mode is it eight or am I I just make
8976s that
8986s up
8991s try to park that thing far away so we
8992s don't have to deal with that the
8996s butcher spr the little guys feel like I
8999s can Farm okay we did that super
9003s fast rpds
9006s bro laser mod
9010s nice krm I think is kind of nutty I
9012s think it's a gold one that you can only
9013s find on the ground also M cast is low
9016s ammo so we'll just drop
9017s that then we get back in here and we
9021s go there's a couple um drops over here
9024s so I'm going to go that
9025s way twist we getting in we
9032s go yeah we got three jobs this this away
9036s hopefully my teammates will just kind of
9037s drop out and I'll go to the far one by
9038s sanitarium cuz then we can also Kill the
9040s Zombies over there
9041s too I'm kind of going the wrong
9045s way
9047s can I ping I don't think I can ping drop
9051s out fellas drop out hopefully they know
9052s just drop out nice me and twist will go
9055s get these
9058s beautiful oh actually I guess I'll just
9060s get
9064s this flying is tough when it's this
9073s dark uh there's a spot to go buy stuff
9076s go to the other
9078s side oh the other side of the well no
9081s I've been doing that right the vending
9082s machine I feel like the gr's not worth
9084s it I already have the
9087s RPD we have a minute left this should
9089s give me some time to just mess around at
9091s sanitarium and farm some
9096s Essence oh okay helicopter's
9104s bouncing yeah I need to grab these
9106s things
9107s that's what I think I get the most value
9109s out
9114s of try Harding on these zombies right
9117s now don't mind
9119s me hella ammo ammo is
9124s good and S sanitarium's kind of
9129s wild okay I don't like those blow up
9132s guys going inside there was
9135s tough
9138s wait wait wait wait I wanted to get that
9140s let me get it let me get it let me get
9141s it I don't know if I claimed
9144s it I pop
9150s plates loot what I can there's an outlaw
9154s like Outlaw with a head shot and sniper
9157s ammo don't mind if I do okay it
9159s disappeared
9161s rip plate up got to redeploy cuz we
9165s moved
9167s don't know which directions they'll come
9170s from well here's one
9174s obviously and
9176s then I would assume this way at some
9179s point and we can upgrade this one we'll
9182s go grenade turret we can purchase one
9186s more and I will put that this
9189s way and that one can
9191s upgrade good and then I can hit it to
9194s upgrade
9195s faster okay now we
9198s fight I'm going to play up just to make
9200s sure I don't get merked at some
9207s point I do have a kinetic I think too I
9209s should probably try to pop that I don't
9210s know if I actually bought it earlier or
9212s not
9214s but tur has been damaged my basic one
9217s it's
9221s fine just turret check
9224s everything can you tell they low he oh
9226s they're on the thing I don't know if
9228s there's a way to easily tell if they're
9237s low all right where did I put that
9239s little baby one this
9241s one no I don't know I don't have to
9245s focus on turrets too much right
9250s now I need more
9255s pedestals that we got
9258s that oh he's going out there BR with the
9260s igniters
9264s B yo it gets kind of laggy when they
9266s come through start
9268s exploding go for the
9270s Goliath oh heavy gunner think krm does
9274s much for
9275s them th000 feels pretty
9280s good no we barely touched
9285s her yeah DPS wise I think I'm way better
9287s off this spray with
9290s that I could go Goliath I kind of want
9293s to save it for
9295s later okay there's no Max on ammo I
9297s don't think either maybe a th000 is the
9299s max earlier I held like 400 assuming I
9302s could could go
9306s higher curious to see the stats after
9308s him I don't it feels like I'm playing
9309s bad but I don't really know cuz it's
9310s been so
9313s long heavy gunner definitely need to get
9316s a sniper or something for these guys let
9318s head shot
9328s them no idea if this is
9334s effective turet turrets are getting kind
9337s of
9340s whacked I can't tell which ones need
9342s help oh yeah again there's a health bar
9345s above
9348s okay I don't know if putting them at the
9349s edge of the zone is smart might want to
9350s bring them a little tighter I don't
9359s know I would say the biggest thing in
9361s this is having a good team better
9363s players on your team will make your job
9364s a lot easier especially at the start and
9366s then you kind of learn what you're doing
9367s and what you're going
9370s for and that's it was that that seemed
9373s easy again I I think I just had such a
9375s good team that's played this before for
9376s and has stuff maxed and all that I think
9378s we need we're a nightmare mode
9387s team damn okay so I didn't do I mean
9391s Teddy and Jeff went off they have talent
9393s level 100 damn you guys played like
9395s crazy when it was first out I thought I
9398s maxed out I guess
9401s not got some shards sweet sweet sweet
9405s sweet also thought the music would kind
9407s of build as we got closer it kind of
9409s just
9413s ended Teddy got extra rewards for MVP
9416s okay so that's how that
9418s works we also obviously are going to get
9420s a bunch of stuff for all the challenges
9421s we
9424s completed that's going to throw us up in
9426s the battle pass a few tiers there's also
9429s oh no this is the normal battle pass
9430s what about the zombies
9434s one yeah I feel like we're climbing
9439s nice actually been wanting this the
9441s ather
9444s shorty ni so we went up six tiers there
9447s we might even be able to go
9449s higher I guess it autoc claims
9451s everything so it automatically upgraded
9454s us um Talent we now have all the shards
9458s and stuff to upgrade stuff more weapon
9464s upgrades okay so that's all basic stuff
9468s I don't really know what tree I'd want
9469s to upgrade
9470s but like turret's a good way to go and
9475s weapons too just cuz if I'm trying to
9477s get camos and all
9481s that and I got a lot of stuff to upgrade
9484s here let's try to keep things pacing
9485s pretty evenly
9487s though so yeah your goal is to get to
9489s Talent level 100 that would be five
9492s categories time 20 levels each is level
9495s 100 so that's your max out at 100 and
9497s get everything unlocked so that's also
9499s why like Jeff and um Teddy I think did
9502s so well is cuz they just have so much
9504s more they had twice as much level as me
9506s so as long as I was around half as much
9508s points as them that would check
9511s out um but yeah this is definitely like
9513s a nightmare level
9515s team the rewards that you can get from
9517s this are a little better as well what am
9519s I what I am curious about though is how
9522s to work on camos let me clarify on that
9525s real quick so if you go go
9527s to oh collection I didn't even look at
9531s this so these are rewards that can be
9533s dropped I
9536s guess Rick toan's rewards drops the Dark
9540s Matter on different
9544s stuff and you have these These are
9547s nightmare drops these are hard drops I
9550s just need the
9551s hso more hard drops that's all that okay
9554s so that's all the things you can get
9558s um if I go
9560s to how do I see the camos again is it a
9564s is it a collection is it
9567s notes
9569s no would have thought it'd be
9575s collection oh camera rewards okay all
9578s right so I don't know what one I want to
9580s get ather Crystal on that's what I
9582s should look at next is like what
9583s blueprint I have that would look sick
9585s with ather and then I'd want to start
9586s working on
9588s that so for example with the s36 I'd
9591s want to get an s36 Loadout and bring it
9594s into the game and kill 25 zombies in
9596s that game and I'd have to do it six
9597s times in either hard or nightmare to get
9599s either Crystal unlocked on it so I have
9601s a couple that I've made some progress on
9603s but the question is what one do I want
9605s it
9606s on so if I go to Loadout real quick and
9609s I go to let's do multiplayer just so I
9611s can check a little easier so if we like
9613s swap out the Odin for a dingo just cuz I
9616s just thought of the dingo
9620s blueprint utopian Epoch I don't know
9623s what that's from but gemmed Beast this
9625s with ather Crystal how does that look
9628s see that's pretty sick so this is what I
9629s would do is I'd be looking for like
9631s blueprints I have that would look sick
9632s with either and then I'd start grinding
9634s that weapon inside of um Undead Siege
9639s so I don't think I have the
9642s dlq I don't but like if I wanted that
9645s right there that's that's what I'd start
9646s working
9648s on uh we are we got 18 more minutes till
9651s I'm going to hop off the stream I don't
9653s know how long that game was feel like
9655s half an hour so we could maybe do fit in
9657s one more I don't know if nightmare goes
9659s way longer or not um I feel like the HDR
9664s iridescent with ather could be sick yeah
9667s that's pretty clean I newer weapons also
9669s nobody would have ather on it cuz
9670s they're newer weapons so I feel like
9672s looking at some new guns would be would
9675s be a good idea
9677s especially if they have blueprints that
9678s match we did peep the Maddox earlier
9682s what does this look like with the
9683s other that's all right wait hold on what
9686s is
9688s it what's this one look like oh see
9692s that's pretty
9693s sick should make a video or a short the
9695s best best guns to grind a and then show
9698s Blueprints and their Combos and what
9699s ones I like the
9701s most Mythic faar maybe o carbon fiber is
9705s so Sleek on this it's probably one of
9707s the best carbon fiber ones or assault
9709s pattern aether's pretty Sleek with it
9713s too chat what do you think would look
9714s good with
9719s a can I hide this pole going close the
9722s pull out of my view for a sec SVD is the
9725s best for damage per second that makes
9726s sense probably headshotting too use the
9730s Odin actually I'm speaking of that's a
9732s good point feel like I might have
9733s already looked at this but let's look
9735s again now that we have a frame of mind
9737s on whether or not it's worth
9739s grinding if we do the legendary Odin and
9743s we
9743s do ather Crystal on
9747s that that is pretty
9749s cool I don't know if the Odin came out
9751s after Undead Siege or
9753s not the gold and black guns gold black
9756s and purple maybe are you talking about
9758s the black and gold like blueprint
9762s specifically HDR and outlaws killing one
9764s shot probably depends on what level
9767s you're at though right the grow oh yo I
9771s don't have it yet but the
9773s um the uh ranked blueprint epic
9777s blueprint that could be super sick with
9781s it cuz I do think that one's kind of
9784s purple hso hso would look sick if I had
9787s the song and dance one I don't think I
9789s have that one
9790s though if it's called
9794s that yeah don't
9800s rip
9811s icr yeah I think I have the IC here wait
9815s yeah I have ice
9817s here can you do melees
9821s actually um if I go to here camo I have
9825s pistol unlocked now so I can do these oh
9829s what about the
9836s DOA SKS I think I might already have
9839s this but I can imagine an SKS skin right
9841s now that would look really good Kik you9
9847s obviously
9849s yeah yeah yeah yeah Alo I didn't kill
9852s eight zombies what I felt like I did all
9855s right SKS is one I'm going to work
9860s on the M16 targon knite o I like that
9863s too all right let's set up two things
9865s and then we'll play CX9 what does this
9867s look
9868s like we'll set up two classes to work on
9871s this
9872s game
9875s n um okay we want to go
9879s here quick check on the outlaw cuz
9881s people were talking about the outlaw too
9882s I just want to know what it looks like
9884s eh um M16 targon
9889s knite oh this would look
9891s fire oh that's fire yeah yeah that's one
9894s of my favorites for sure I also have the
9896s fluorescence which looks sick on it
9898s too all right so we'll set up an M16
9901s full auto and we'll set up an SKS and an
9904s SVD so let's do that real quick let's go
9906s to Loadout we already have the RPD
9910s orbit we have an SKS let's modify this
9913s real
9914s quick uh particle splitter looks sick
9917s but I want this one and then the way
9919s that you build this thing I assume is
9922s just like ammo
9925s damage don't need a
9927s suppressor don't need a laser for
9929s accuracy you want the biggest mag
9931s possible slide a hand
9933s probably might as well throw on a mono
9935s for some
9936s range and I mean outside of that it's
9939s probably not too much crossbow crossbow
9942s is probably insane head shot um
9946s M16 targ knite Wildfire is pretty much
9950s all I care about the rest not really a
9952s big deal biggest mag
9955s possible
9957s granulated all right that's
9959s good all right now final check before we
9961s get into the game is
9964s um okay so I need to kill 25 zombies
9967s with the M16 so I'll try to keep track
9969s of that I don't know how hard that is 25
9973s and then on the SKS I think it was like
9975s eight
9978s yeah eight okay eight with the SK 25
9981s with the uh whatever and
9983s then we'll do one last thing the
9990s SVD
9993s sniper any specifics on the
9996s SVD oh tox C would look sick with it too
10000s biggest mag
10002s possible range extension fmg J I
10005s probably want to slide a hand yeah
10009s cool and I assume that's also
10014s eight six no eight eight six times got
10017s it so the snipers are eight 25 with the
10021s M16 and F it we do uh nightmare
10027s mode you already had it I wasn't
10029s watching what were we looking for don't
10031s forget the RPD with the unlimited ammo
10033s well I have that right the cooling
10034s compressor Barrel
10037s I don't think I ever picked it up though
10038s or used
10040s it sers and shotguns give hella damage
10043s to zombies yeah snipers are easier to
10045s head shot with what's up nerd what up
10047s nerd what's up
10049s [Music]
10052s nerd all right does um nightmare mode go
10055s longer nights because we got 11 minutes
10058s till stream you know probably should end
10060s but we could go longer I'm
10064s sure
10068s so with the countdown there's nothing to
10069s do
10075s right restart my recording real quick
10077s also very happy my internet didn't crash
10078s at any
10081s point I'm going straight for the heli
10083s dude I don't know about you
10087s guys f it I'm going alone solo
10093s Doo what s sanitarium sanitarium seemed
10096s kind of
10099s insane I actually don't know if this is
10101s the Strat I don't know if you just want
10102s to stay in the local area and farm and
10106s then everyone gets in heli and dips I
10108s might have just been kind of selfish but
10109s it's also night one so I don't feel like
10111s it matters too
10124s much if I blow up the heli or anything
10126s right I have to assume it doesn't cuz
10128s it's early
10131s on so I can't even get the s or the M16
10134s or anything like that at the start right
10136s cuz it's only SMGs and pistols on the
10139s ground oh man they're coming they're
10142s coming I don't know if they're smart
10143s about their route though oh there's
10149s ARS whenever I get those guns that I'm
10152s trying to farm in hand and need to keep
10155s track of the
10159s kills these stairs are not so
10168s sick damn
10173s bro okay this building is so sketchy
10176s especially when those those ones run at
10178s you blow
10180s up those are really the only ones I'm
10182s worried about come too quick kind kind
10185s of like uh never
10186s mind never
10190s mind forgot this is not a hawk Channel
10194s stream CBR we grinding the CBR to get
10197s amethyst whatever be great got to focus
10200s on getting 25 with
10203s this 25 really doesn't seem that hard
10206s like right there that was
10208s 25 try to get the little guys to
10211s count right like that was 25 right
10215s 29 gun kills no definitely not
10222s 25 30
10225s okay decent amount of ammo
10231s PA actually I feel like we don't need a
10233s Sentry off the bat I don't think you
10234s want to place sentries ideally cuz I
10237s think you just want to farm the gun
10238s camos right if you're going for camos
10241s which it is nightmare mode so it's going
10242s to be a little harder but like still we
10244s should be able to bre through this cuz
10245s hard was very easy for
10253s us that's the warehouse and the vending
10255s machine light
10260s ammo I guess sentes do kind of help to
10262s stop
10266s them yeah I feel like the way that this
10267s worked was like you grinded like five or
10270s six guns per match cuz you get 25 kills
10273s so easily you like with your SMG then
10275s you go like your AR then you go your lmg
10277s and then you go your
10279s Sniper got to get through all
10284s those the vending machine is on the
10286s awkward
10295s side oh they're coming Raging Fire how
10300s was that zombie damage increased but we
10301s be cautious oh they just randomly get a
10303s buff I guess we get perks they get
10311s HKS okay who's got the grenade launcher
10314s what's going on here just blowing
10317s up maybe they don't have a grenade
10319s launcher just feel like they're I guess
10321s we have a grenade launcher sent never
10322s mind
10323s okay it's been a long stream 3 hours
10326s long
10330s stream when the wardens get up close I
10332s think we just beat them up with the
10333s wrench
10335s yeah dude the wrench does so much damage
10337s to
10338s him I don't know if I'm one tapping or
10340s my teammates are hitting them too so it
10341s feels like I'm one tapping but they get
10349s lit all right they just
10351s Dro hel is this way do we have a daytime
10355s mission on this night I don't think
10361s so I have to assume I have 25 five CBR
10365s kills I think I can probably switch from
10367s this thing
10368s right it's got to be safe to assume I'm
10370s done with the CBR kilos ammo is way more
10373s than ak117 and ground Loot and on dead
10374s Siege that's good to know I think I also
10377s already have the ak117 as a ather
10379s Crystal so I'd rather grind
10391s kilo bro baring in
10399s for far I definitely want to get this
10400s thing either pistols go need 25 that's 2
10403s three
10404s 4 oh wait wait wait wait I didn't know
10406s we're getting back
10408s on might be might
10411s be okay Chad let's assume we have five
10415s so I need 20 more so when I get to 88
10417s kills if I'm only using the
10420s farar cuz it's also gun kill so it
10422s doesn't include um turret so
10425s yeah 20 more 88 88 all switch weapons I
10429s remember that being the Strat too you
10430s just you only use one gun and then you
10433s count the kills on that cuz it's hard to
10434s count as you kill
10447s them another forar Don't Mind If I
10452s Do 88 88 88
10457s oh all right that's fine I need zombie
10459s kills
10460s anyway I got a minute left yeah they
10462s have to dip I get it I
10466s understand I just grab everything I can
10468s to be honest I don't think there's a
10473s Max I'm getting damn low on
10477s it feel like I run really fast for some
10480s reason compared to
10483s before
10489s more air ammo please nice can just say
10493s please and then you're
10499s good not approaches loot everything I
10502s can
10505s nice that's we came out of that with
10506s good amount of ammo I can also buy some
10508s when we get
10510s there nice grab that too before we
10513s go go to vending machine buy some heavy
10517s ammo buy that and we're
10519s good all right and then we are now at 85
10523s so get a couple more kills than switch
10524s so actually what I might
10525s do be smart about this
10530s is can't buy custom weapons I can't
10532s scroll for some reason okay I need 25 is
10535s there a gun I can pick up on the ground
10537s no
10538s okay I wanted to just switch as soon as
10541s I got 88 on this probably go like 90
10543s just to be safe though and also if
10544s you're trying to farm the um camos you'd
10546s want to kill the little guys more likely
10548s to get those
10549s kills obviously make sure someone's
10551s hitting the big guys otherwise they're
10552s problem but we probably have a guy
10553s running around meleeing him
10561s ideally I need to get to 2500 to buy a
10564s new custom gun and then we'll probably
10565s go SKS and work on
10568s that cuz I have to assume now we're yeah
10572s we're definitely like done getting 25
10574s with that
10579s FF so I think SKS next and then maybe
10582s SVD and then
10584s RPD we definitely want a sniper in hand
10587s for late
10591s game I we'll start placing turrets for
10594s later in the game right now I don't
10595s think it matters too
10601s much kill the nekomancer that thing is a
10603s problem if you leave it up
10612s here we got
10614s 2500 oh M16 yeah we'll do that
10620s now should probably buy a head shot daer
10622s soon
10624s too just so we can kill these guys
10631s faster okay we're letting these guys get
10633s on it too much
10637s I should probably put my sensories down
10639s I'm getting a little too greedy on the
10640s camos I'm being
10648s honest oh we moved
10652s locations I clicked move wrong button I
10655s don't have okay I got to melee
10660s him 15 seconds they did do a decent
10663s amount of damage to the thing also I
10665s think if you hit the control center you
10666s regen it too think you have to do that
10668s when the night's
10671s over all right they're cranked they're
10673s doing Mad
10675s damage nice nice over though so now hit
10678s it to bring it
10682s back oh no it moves
10690s okay all right yeah we got to put get uh
10693s start putting senters down I'm getting
10694s too little focused on uh I can't talk
10695s I'm getting too focused on doing
10697s camos like that thing got way closer
10700s than it
10702s should so we'll do
10705s centuries
10708s and focus on having good ammo count so
10710s I'm not stuck so I'm not stuck wrenching
10715s them play some rank matches well I think
10717s we're going to do this uh Undead Siege
10718s nightmare game and then we're getting
10720s off after this
10723s so
10727s I also have a mission over here and I
10728s have like no ammo that's unfort it's not
10731s a hard Mission though I
10733s assume I'm going let them do that and
10735s I'm just going to go control
10737s center I'm sure they can handle it three
10741s men I can also come back and help them I
10743s just got to make sure I get
10747s ammo I guess you could just respawn
10749s right the control center just click a
10751s button seems like that's what he just
10753s did Jeff
10758s okay
10761s oh okay we're at 109 so I'd assume we
10764s probably have
10766s Nish so let's just try to get 20 more so
10769s let's try to get to 130ish with the
10772s M16 then that should be good on the camo
10777s Grand hopefully two Manning that truck
10781s fine I have to assume so it was not hard
10784s when we did last time it is Nightmare
10786s though
10790s now oh here's
10792s Pack-a-Punch 2,000 a pack aunch all
10795s right good to know I don't know if that
10797s was in hard mode or I just missed or
10798s what was going
10803s on so all right 20
10806s seconds so I think I said 130 how many I
10810s need to
10813s get
10816s okay head shot daki definitely be a good
10818s idea to get got plenty of ammo on the
10822s M16 probably almost enough
10826s kills truck Mission failed oh rip they
10829s needed us I
10830s guess oops all right well I feel like if
10834s one of us bailed it was fine but you
10836s probably need three people
10838s minimum that sucks my
10842s bad I forget where we got got out of
10844s that it didn't feel like it was that
10852s good BSA
10856s [ __ ] also this day feels really
10862s long which means the night will feel
10869s longer we get one more
10871s zombie nice it's barely
10874s all right 1,200 Essence we need more
10876s than that that's kind of unfortunate
10878s let's um set up our things though be
10881s smart about
10885s this all right I'm very low on
10891s Essence sick and then I feel like
10893s dumping things in the
10895s warehouse is
10899s important if you don't need them or
10901s whatever I'm just going to dump them
10903s then if I need stuff I'll run in there
10904s to grab
10912s it Talent sequel character
10915s Buffs
10918s yes yeah you can use your like character
10920s level or
10921s whatever I doubt this does anything but
10923s we're going to lob it also Electric
10926s Cherry head shot
10928s D yeah I wanted
10933s that
10935s actually probably shouldn't have dumped
10936s that stuff in there for the team feel
10939s like I need to upgrade my sentes they
10940s are useless right
10946s now okay they're doing decent damage to
10950s that I can kind of counter
10958s it D they're doing a lot right now for
10960s this early in the
10963s night
10972s um I lost a turret too
10979s rip um send okay so requesting is the
10982s way to do
10983s that I don't think you dump stuff in the
10985s warehouse until someone requests it's
10986s probably the best way to
10991s go where did I put my Sentry
10996s y don't think we're making it through
10997s the night
11001s boys I'm
11006s lagging it's only day three
11011s too I think we got to give up on the M16
11014s start going guns that are good SVD and
11015s all
11019s that 37
11022s seconds
11024s just request
11031s that I'm not being economically
11034s intelligent right now I'm not going to
11038s lie try to counter that if you guys can
11040s kill the Zombies I can keep it alive a
11041s little longer at 20 seconds it's getting
11045s way too
11051s close 15 seconds
11056s all right I'm healing it I think my
11058s teammates are killing the zombies
11061s fine how long is one game of Undead
11063s Siege I think it's
11065s um I don't know I think it depends on
11067s the mode all we barely made it through
11069s that night
11073s holy let's go hit the heli and go do
11075s some missions shall
11082s we
11088s yeah cuz I got to get my money up
11093s man think that's my biggest problem
11095s right now no
11101s cash butcher just dude the butcher is so
11106s easy loot for um turrets actually I
11109s think is also my bigger problem my
11111s turret play has been
11112s awful
11117s I have an M4 cuz I got to work on that
11119s Chopper actually would be good to work
11120s on too I think we're done with the
11123s M16
11125s sick now we
11130s di I just need ather ass in Span so
11133s probably
11136s Sakura yeah yeah go sakur cuz we got
11139s infected over there and a Loot Crate
11141s think both would be best get get your
11143s money up not your funny up
11147s yeah well it last three day cycles in
11149s game
11150s yeah that's also in nightmare mode just
11153s want to
11155s confirm switch
11157s blade I don't think that's going to be
11158s useful right now and I just want to win
11159s I don't really care about the camo
11160s ground right
11162s now I'm
11165s full how many am I at
11168s 159 160 I assume lmg is 25 kills also
11180s so 1596 185 is kills with the lmg is
11184s what I'm shooting
11188s for y my gun kills are high compared to
11190s theirs jeez I guess they have Sentry
11192s kills more I don't
11196s know also yeah bouncing between loot
11199s crates to get the items for your uh
11201s turrets clearly is very important
11214s I believe I undershot that a little bit
11216s also have a full backpack though so I
11218s don't really care about getting these
11220s things yeah and it's full of those
11223s things so it's not like I need to pick
11224s them up I don't
11231s think I focus on them there's also a
11234s hoger I'd like to pick that up before I
11237s leave hopefully work on both
11244s guns I was 159 so I needed
11247s 185 need like nine more I don't know if
11249s I'm going to be able to get that many
11251s and get the
11255s hoger maybe there's quite a few over
11257s here
11262s actually
11264s 185 oh man we're close I feel like we
11266s might actually have enough I want to get
11268s a few more just to be
11274s safe cuz if I got like 24 kills when I
11276s need 25 that'd be
11281s lame okay it's probably good you can
11285s also see the zombies in the mini map as
11286s little orange
11289s things nice we got the hoger we got the
11292s M4 cool
11295s stamina was probably good movement
11298s speed um ammo wise we're looking pretty
11301s solid and I think just turrets now is
11310s priority and I need a little bit more
11315s Essence okay now I have like no
11320s Essence and we have 188 plus
11326s 25 uh 11
11329s 15ish we'll go
11337s for what off for was that what that
11341s what's up smart ways of getting camos
11343s yeah that's the priority
11348s here B Loves You by the
11352s way
11354s or are you telling fer to tell me I
11356s don't know I don't know what are you're
11357s talking about melee wardens yeah yeah
11359s for
11361s sure hey yo what are we
11363s doing I got to upgrade my turrets for
11369s sure let's do that now uh I don't that
11373s one I don't know what's best there is
11375s definitely a certain set of turrets you
11377s want I don't remember what they are
11382s though
11385s yeah they hit our thing a little bit
11386s we're doing decent
11389s though just clicking upgrade whenever I
11392s can I don't really care about the
11393s direction of it right
11403s now heal this a little bit I'm getting
11406s hit by
11411s something plate real quick
11414s all right well KN four is proving to be
11416s a lot easier no he loves you oh I see I
11419s see my
11420s bad what's up Ben what's up
11426s Ben uh put that that way and
11431s spray I have like no
11433s ammo that's Warehouse people can put
11436s ammo in the warehouse right I have no
11437s cash
11440s either need to get 500 cash might just
11443s have to go out there start
11446s meleeing I'm doing this until I'm about
11448s to die and then I'll
11451s run so far so
11454s good whoever is obliterating these guys
11456s chill oh they're
11462s explosive I almost want to let them just
11465s I kind of just want to keep swinging to
11466s be honest try to get my money up I just
11468s buy a new
11471s gun and farm ammo in the day
11476s time cuz I feel like I'm probably good
11478s with the hoger now right 191 I don't
11481s remember what I needed Chad we got hoger
11485s wise oh well okay I didn't even get a
11487s kill off that turrets will lose signal
11490s need to be replaced in the EMP storm
11493s what the hell one of them looks already
11495s down or something okay I I can't be
11497s doing this I can't be doing what I was
11498s doing I didn't know they were coming
11500s from another
11502s angle
11508s got 8
11510s seconds assume we're probably
11518s chilling nice all right there you
11522s go and that moves which means we go
11532s hel
11533s yo Brothers
11542s relax so I only went to night three
11546s why uh hard mode maybe I think we're in
11548s nightmare mode right now which goes six
11551s or maybe you went normal mode or
11554s casual I think casual only goes a three
11556s I don't know I'm not entirely sure I
11558s have no ammo for this Mission
11561s also can I request ammo was that a
11565s thing I don't think I can pick up some
11569s sniper ammo though cuz I'll probably get
11570s a sniper at some
11572s point AR ammo please just drop a little
11577s bit okay you can one tap those I could
11579s just run around meleeing
11583s him do a little bit of damage to me it's
11592s fine
11594s think I got to get to the control center
11595s here
11598s fellas well actually there's probably
11600s hella of loot in
11603s here um lcus Don't Mind If I
11607s Do Hog's done I want to drop this
11610s thing M4 for now e
11617s it take me
11620s away MP is dominated MP be and zombies
11622s this season it's not that good in mp
11624s anymore I mean it's good it's not meta
11627s though getting ready for KN five if you
11629s don't get a sniper shotgun to kill
11630s necromancers heavy gunners yeah well I
11631s got a Locus now I also can snag a SVD
11634s later I got 10 grand in cash right now
11636s so my turrets is my bigger worry at the
11642s moment already done with the
11646s ffar added nightmare difficulty to
11648s isolated included new control center for
11650s relocation and ISO reset damage
11652s leaderboard so I that's all the changes
11653s you're saying the
11660s difference yeah we're getting mad crates
11662s right now and I keep going to the wrong
11666s direction I got here about the same
11670s time ammo is like all I need right now
11673s to be
11674s honest sniper ammo is pretty hard to
11676s come by
11678s too still got 2 minutes left in the
11680s daytime
11681s jeez
11684s Quick Revive is something I should
11685s probably grab too I assume we might
11686s start going down
11688s potentially say that 10,000 also life be
11692s good
11696s um what else should I spend my money on
11698s turret
11699s upgrades ammo infinite RPD might be the
11702s move
11703s now so I can save my cash for other
11708s stuff also I should just Spam kill
11710s zombies right now with the M4 try to get
11711s this thing up to 25
11713s although I probably have an M4 skin if
11715s I'm being honest let's go kilo
11719s instead three four what are we at 200
11723s all right so let's go 20 um 20ish a
11727s little bit more we like 230 to be
11732s safe y those they sneak up on you
11741s man
11746s this thing's got a big
11752s mag nice
11759s chill find you
11761s brother how much time do we have 23
11769s seconds oh let me kill it before it nice
11775s 222 we should be about there with the
11777s Kila very low on ammo all
11781s good Warehouse don't want to worry about
11783s that at the moment I just want a little
11785s bit ammo got 9,000 still turret redeploy
11788s I don't know which ways they come
11791s from but I'm just going to try to set up
11793s all over the
11795s place did they come from this way do we
11798s think might as well upgrade everything I
11801s can
11806s oh man upgrades cost mad uh whatever
11809s that stuff is
11810s called
11814s Essence yeah I'm going to save the locus
11816s shots for when we get like the heavy
11818s gunners like right
11820s there yo so
11825s laggy I sure every hits a
11829s 9900 oh so laggy
11834s yeah SVD probably would be the best for
11837s this
11842s nice more heavy
11847s gunners I feel like I did more damage
11848s when I hit the body yo wait what 11,800
11852s versus a 9900 head
11854s shot wait wait wait wait what's what's
11856s happening here I don't feel right lucus
11860s is bad for heavy gunner how much damage
11862s should he be dealing
11866s that feels weird to do more damage to
11868s the chest when I have a headshot
11869s multiplier and headshot
11872s that yeah rch is the
11876s best here we're back up to 9,000 we can
11879s upgrade
11880s these and we can place one of
11883s these I don't know the biggest threat
11886s zone put one there cuz it doesn't seem
11888s that
11891s covered
11893s okay I'm just not even aiming for the
11895s body
11896s anymore also cading seems like it
11898s happens I feel like I saw a collat
11905s there all we're cleaning up right now
11909s though earlier nights were way harder I
11911s feel like we corrected pretty quick I
11913s feel like me getting centes also
11917s helps I'm going to get the two grand
11919s also and then replace this
11921s kilo
11924s or do I replace the
11928s locus I need to kill some little zombies
11930s with the locus to farm my
11932s whatever I don't know how many kills I
11934s have with this thing I don't know if I
11935s have the camo ready
11937s yet start quick
11941s scoping oh come on got a hit marker
11949s zombies all right let's replace this
11951s thing
11956s SKS nice I don't have that much ammo
11958s with it
11960s though and then infinite
11963s RPD there we go all right it is it is
11966s infinite in this too that's nice good to
11971s know I use the SK in the daytime to get
11974s 25 kills with it I think oh oops forgot
11977s about
11980s that I feel like I do less damage to the
11982s head I don't know if that's a glitch or
11984s what's going on
11988s there I got to watch the meter with this
11992s it's really not that hard to
11996s do I feel like I only need eight with
11998s this thing too should be able to get the
12000s camos on it pretty quick and then save
12002s it just for actually probably replace it
12004s with an SD later it's probably the most
12005s effective for
12006s late Locus hit marker King
12009s yeah little confused
12014s now Locus is good chill chill chill
12016s chill also yeah we're definitely going a
12018s lot longer than I expected for
12020s this 40 minute
12024s match I'm
12026s dumb all this thing has got to be camo
12029s set
12041s now uh
12048s all right night's just about over I'm
12050s sitting at
12051s 13k don't know exactly what I'm going to
12053s do with that need sniper ammo though and
12056s I don't think I can get it oh that's
12059s game okay
12061s cool need to upgrade your firearm level
12064s yeah there's too much to learn in this
12066s not
12067s really well I don't know I also played
12069s it before and learned that stuff so I'm
12070s kind of tapping back into all that quick
12079s [Music]
12085s all right there you go that I think is
12087s the end I think that's what we're going
12088s to call it we're going to see what our
12089s rewards were real quick and then we'll
12091s Hop Off Make sure to check out Undead
12093s Siege if you guys
12094s haven't um I assume you haven't
12096s literally just dropped an hour and a
12097s half ago um all kinds of uh stuff you
12099s can get for you know BR and multiplayer
12102s as well tons of skins uh camos rewards
12104s all that I'm curious how I did compared
12106s to the team real quick feel like I had
12108s hella gun
12109s kills at one point I was like way up
12112s might have caught up
12113s though yeah see 237 dude I was farming
12116s on that my turret level was pretty good
12118s too 5542 twist head one turret level
12122s three
12124s uh does he not show the score in hard
12127s mode it showed like score or
12129s whatever damage I think they did twice
12132s as much as me again repair I did a lot
12134s of repair ather Essence I got a lot more
12136s ather Essence than me I did feel like I
12138s was poor a lot of
12141s that uh did Teddy get the yo Teddy
12145s unlocked the Dr Dark Matter damn bro
12148s damn
12149s Teddy probably had Teddy to be honest I
12152s got my reward
12153s sucked he went back to back MVP and he
12156s got a good ass reward for it too all
12158s right but yeah if you guys want to get
12160s uh the Aether Crystal again we've been
12161s talking about about this a few times
12162s you'd want to go to um the battle pass
12165s thing and then um I mean I progressed
12169s quite a bit in this so we'll check that
12170s out real
12171s quick Arc matter ax yes
12179s sir nice and then uh camo rewards you
12181s can work on um you know getting ather
12183s Crystal uh it's just like a seasonal
12185s camo or diamond or platinum Damascus you
12187s can put it on all your Blueprints and
12189s whatnot looks super sick on a lot of
12190s different ones the way you unlock it go
12192s to the gun complete the challenges so
12194s with lk24 I'd have to kill 25 zombies in
12197s a hard or nightmare match and win the
12199s match so you'd have to actually escape
12200s and complete the whole thing and you do
12202s that six times so with LK I've already
12204s done it four times um I'm curious how
12207s far along I am with the
12209s SKS o that sucks I didn't get one from
12213s that game I didn't kill eight zombies
12215s with the SKS what I felt like I easily
12219s did what other gun did we use that's new
12221s so I can see if that counts
12223s I feel like the fafar feel like I did
12226s that okay I got one on the fafar that's
12230s good em2 I didn't get I used that for a
12233s little bit but clearly not enough kilo
12235s got one
12238s nice so I guess the aax is when Undead
12241s Siege came out maybe the M13 and I
12243s didn't get any progress on it but I have
12245s progress on the aax I got the ax so
12248s clearly when it first came out ax was
12250s available also makes sense cuz there's a
12251s dark matter
12254s ax heit what up Shady good timing we're
12256s we're hopping off right now bro um chat
12259s what other weapons did I uh do I think
12261s the hoger and the chopper I
12265s believe okay the hoger I'm on two
12268s progress so I've done one before and I
12269s got one more there I think Chopper I
12271s only needed one more which is nice
12273s shotgun I don't think I would have got
12275s any progress but the K orm I used for a
12277s bit yeah not
12279s enough uh M16
12283s yeah five out of six we need one more on
12285s that nice because that'll be good with
12286s the targan knite so that'll be when I
12287s finish
12289s off all right I think that's it though
12293s uh yeah so I hope you guys enjoyed
12295s today's stream we went three and a half
12296s hours I believe uh brand new season 9
12299s update is out I keep saying brand new
12301s it's been out for a few weeks but
12303s midseason update is now out with the um
12307s Undead Siege I don't think we got to
12309s check out a couple of the other things
12310s cuz Undead Siege took a lot of it a lot
12312s of
12314s time oh that was the music like what the
12317s hell is that
12321s sound uh but I believe haunted Henda is
12325s now out probably in a public play match
12327s playlist
12329s whatever
12331s no I don't know I don't know how to
12332s check out haunted haen to be honest I
12334s thought it came out today but I guess
12335s not I guess one way to confirm if it's
12339s out at least in the game would be uh
12341s check to see if it's in like
12344s hardpoint haunted hen ba okay there it
12347s is so it is out um but I
12352s guess not in a featured mode unless it's
12356s in Attack of the undead
12357s 20 no it's not in there headquarters not
12361s in there so I'm not really not really
12363s sure but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed
12364s make sure to subscribe to the official
12366s kodm Channel if you haven't already and
12367s also check out my channel Hawk if you'd
12369s like to also no technical difference
12371s ities today so I guess we kind of broke
12374s the whole you know it's not a hawk
12376s stream without technical difficulties
12377s curse again probably because it's a
12379s Halloween theme stream so whatever
12381s typical curse we have it's the reverse
12384s it's opposite that yeah hope you guys
12386s enjoyed I'm going hop off see you later
12387s thank you for watching thank you to km
12389s for having me thank you to everyone for
12390s watching uh if you didn't know again you
12392s can get rewards uh from watching the
12394s stream and you can still do that even if
12396s you watch the stream recap but the way
12398s that you do that is by going inside of
12399s the game going to this little play icon
12402s on the top middle and then watching the
12404s stream from this interface and you can
12405s see all the rewards that you could get
12407s here um All Season 9 2020 rewards so OG
12411s ones uh from way back when three years
12414s ago we did break the curse yes yeah hope
12417s you guys enjoyed I'll see you later
12418s thank you for
12419s watching peace peace peace peace also
12422s look at my Cod next poster can't really
12424s see it but I posted it on Twitter