Transcript (by Youtube)

1s awesome
5s I can't control myself
13s [Music]
71s [Music]
74s I don't got no stuff
105s I've been lost for so long
112s too strange
130s [Music]
168s foreign
206s I don't know
265s bottles away
278s [Music]
287s foreign
296s how's everyone doing today is everyone
298s having a great day
299s on the official Cod mobile Channel I've
302s been brought back chat I don't know why
303s they've decided to trust me with their
305s uh entire YouTube channel again but you
307s know
308s they give it to me you know clearly I
311s logged in right Como like I'm in the
313s channel where I can see all their
314s analytics chat you know I'm in the back
315s end too like totally
318s what's up chat
320s I hope everyone's having a good day it
322s is the second day of season five get
326s wrecked and the first day I would have
328s streamed the first day chat right and I
330s was actually I think I was intentionally
333s going to stream but uh
335s the dates were kind of mixed up and we
337s thought maybe it was coming out today
338s first but it came out yesterday for the
341s first day of release so I actually went
343s for like number one with the ffar in the
345s global game yesterday got it that'll be
347s a good video coming out soon we're gonna
348s use it today so uh I'll probably I'm not
351s sure if I'll use the same loader as I
353s did when I went for number one I
354s probably will end up using it but I
355s might try out different loadouts here
356s and there and I like the gun I actually
359s enjoy using it I think it's a fun gun to
362s use it's not I don't think it's the best
364s gun in the game like I'll be real with
366s your chat it's not the best but um it is
368s fun to use nonetheless nonetheless
370s what's up Angie how you doing man
372s and it shoots really fast which makes it
375s exciting you know what I mean like it's
377s fun and gear like it's all fun and all
379s they use great guns but when they shoot
380s slow it doesn't get your adrenaline
382s pumping and because the ffaar shits so
385s fast I feel like I'm doing more than
387s what I actually am in the game so I like
390s it
391s far greater than some of the like meta
393s weapons currently like the CBR even the
395s kilo man I I kind of like using it more
397s than the kilo now but it's not a better
399s gun than the kilo I just enjoy myself
401s more when I use the ffar but I don't
404s have it unlocked on this account so
405s we're gonna go ahead and open up the
407s entire battle pass get the ffar and Mike
411s should I you know the drill
412s W stream what's up bansy
415s how you doing brisket they also added a
417s new game mode that I haven't played yet
418s chat called search and rescue and um
422s version rescue I played back in Call of
424s Duty ghosts believe it or not what it's
426s 20 to 23. that game came out in 2013. so
431s yeah it's been like 10 years since I
433s played that mode
435s like 10 years since that mode it was
437s first released in ghost I remember it
439s clear as day like it was in their whole
440s marketing campaign for Call of Duty
442s ghosts and then like there's this new s
444s d Style game mode but you can like
446s respawn if they collect your tag so uh
448s we might do some custom games with that
450s I checked just before I started the
451s stream that it's in custom games so I
453s might invite you guys in for that as
454s well but for now we'll open up the
456s battle pass
458s yeah it opened up obviously the main
460s objective here is just to get the ffar
462s so we're just going to Max it out
463s instantly
465s from Uruguay what's up Martin
468s how are you doing
471s M16 because why not I might use the M16
473s this stream but I'll definitely be using
475s that ffar
477s um
478s mostly yeah and see I heard about that
481s don't worry Cod Mobile's being notified
483s and stuff off what we were talking to
484s well actually Bobby Bobby said I'm not
486s gonna take credit for it I told Bobby
488s said to them straight away so you're all
489s good there man it'll be fixed
491s w gunzo
494s Gonzo is not one of my favorite skins
495s not gonna lie I don't like other skins
498s bro all right speaking of skins let's
501s get some real quick
503s hmm
506s load up the battle passington
510s hold up actually
511s my screen's gonna go black for a second
513s but there's a slight audio delay so I'm
515s gonna fix it real quick there we go
516s we're back we're fixed
518s all right synaptic neutralizer I'm a fan
522s of the skins that are kind of out there
523s this would be out there if it had
526s brighter colors but it is like it's an
528s original looking skin so I'll give it a
529s pass
531s I'll give it a w in my book
535s don't kick me from customers this time I
537s honestly I just remove anyone that has
539s streamer mode on bro
540s I just I'm not trying to deal with
542s stripper mode
545s all right
547s whoa
549s Mothership I actually didn't check out
552s the battle pass when I was using the
553s ffar
554s so this is the first time I've really
557s like I did look at it but I wasn't
559s paying attention properly to it this is
561s the first time I've actually paid
562s attention to opening it up even though
564s it's the second time I've opened it up
566s Rampage is okay
569s I like the pink the color of pink I did
573s I know I'm a guy I meant they're not
574s really Vibe with pink or whatever but I
577s really like bright pink colors I think
579s they're W's
581s I think they're straight W's zrg skin
583s the Holy Roman
585s all right
587s prize Fighters w
591s ow yeah let's be real I'm not playing BR
594s today so
595s the uh
597s the parachute is a pass saying that if I
600s was like five years or five years five
602s bars lit just later to streaming I would
605s be playing BR because I'd be helping on
606s Alcatraz which is back for tournament
608s mode dude chat I was recording right you
611s guys seen on my channel if you're if
613s you've never seen me before in real life
614s you can just ignore this story but if
616s you have and you've subscribe to my
617s channel you'll know that
619s I made a video where I used only snipers
622s in in Alcatraz right and then I was in
624s the process of doing only shotguns and
627s like I missed the deadline they took
629s alcatrazz light and I've been ridden for
631s like three weeks for Alcatraz to come
633s back and I did my dad was messaging me
636s and he was even questioning were they
637s ever gonna bring it back
639s but then they're nice along with season
641s five get wrecked the brand new season
642s that it's gonna be there every weekend
644s this season which is sick
648s also there's gonna be a multiplayer
650s tournament mode alongside the Battle
652s Royale tournament mode the entirety of
654s uh season five which I've never seen
655s before they usually only have one or the
657s other but they're doing both
659s which is a w Battle pass ball I really
661s don't need this because I have yeah I
663s have all let me see this actually
666s yeah I have every battle pass ever
669s cool all right let's get the rest of the
671s tears Bruce yeah
675s freaking still number one contact
677s Creator thanks for the compliment ghosts
678s appreciate it
681s time I have to flex on everyone real
683s quick
687s foreign
693s also some of you guys may have not seen
695s this but the official called mobile
697s Reddit coin was talking and they said
700s that there's gonna be a major update
701s next season that's all I'm saying I'm
703s not gonna talk about too much because
704s we're focused on but I had to say about
706s it because I was excited also hey yo God
710s mobile I have beef
712s we have beef and it needs to be settled
715s but I was recording getting number one
717s with the ffar
719s I uh I didn't realize
722s did that freaking brand new Guardian
724s that you guys added which was first
725s released in Black Ops 2 that came out in
727s 2012 11 years ago and it hits me it hits
731s me like I would I walk in front of it
734s when it's my one it does damage to me my
736s little POG champ and that's not I'm not
738s nah I'm not gonna use it because of that
741s bro if you took away that
743s thing where it didn't do damage to
745s myself you know I would freaking use it
747s but I'm not gonna use it because of that
750s so we have beef until you fix that buddy
753s I know you meant it yeah I know you
756s meant to put it in bruh you meant to
757s give me damage
759s but I started with the community and I
761s think that the guardian should not hit
763s me when I place it down and it's my
764s guardian because it strictly on the
768s premise that it didn't do that in Black
769s Ops 2. that's literally the only thing I
772s can stand on it's because it didn't do
774s it when I used to play like 11 years ago
779s hey yo chat
781s technically actually no because I
784s haven't actually yeah I can say that all
787s right chat so I got number one on Black
789s Ops 2 10 years ago this year
791s so just to have a zero ah bro hey anyway
796s yo like I was gonna say go to Flags got
799s a flex chat you know what I'm saying
801s technically since I got my first called
803s mobile number one 10 years ago right
806s I have been number one on and I got
808s number one this season on COD mobile
810s with the ffar
812s I've been number one on card for over a
814s decade I'm just saying I'm just saying I
818s don't think anyone else can say that
820s I don't think anyone else in the entire
822s planet can say a chat what do we think
824s our our is that Flex good enough
826s obviously it's a brainless and
829s doesn't really like if I was to bring it
831s to the court of law it wouldn't really
832s hold up but like hey it's something that
835s I can say you know if I get roasted in
837s the chat today I'll be like I'd be
838s number one for a decade bro you're on AV
840s chat like what we thinking what are we
841s thinking if somebody comes in and
843s they're like hey
844s you're trash bro I should just hit him
846s with it
847s I should just hit him with it
850s straight up oh is that my juicer
853s I believe it is
856s right there Frank bro Smokey skies I
860s actually like the skin I'll give it a
861s pass
864s I'll give it a passport
866s memories of Black Ops 2 I love that game
868s I was thinking of this before I started
870s the stream chat is like
873s if I could go back to Black Ops 2 me
876s and say like
878s in the years that are about to come up
880s like you're gonna go through a life
882s where
883s you're number one at Black Ops 2 then
885s your parents take away all your devices
887s so you switch to mobile and then call
889s decide to release Call of Duty on mobile
891s and you've not made it like a career and
894s you're back they're like getting number
895s one in the leaderboards again oh my God
897s bro if I could tell my like 13 year old
899s self that that is actually what we were
901s doing
902s man
905s yeah hold up
908s oh that's sick when you open up the
910s global app
912s my skin comes up
915s and it says like see the accident game
918s or on YouTube that's actually fire I've
922s never seen that before so that's sick my
924s nan sent me that
927s popping some more calls I'm streaming
929s today I agree
931s uh chat you gotta say easyw and I'm
933s voting easy W I didn't put that uh yo
935s two two uh two votes voted the same
937s thing chat hey yo who said ask it I'm
940s not even gonna say it because then
941s everyone's gonna vote for it bro
944s I'm not even gonna say it all right
946s let's keep it up
948s okay
950s we're on my mean
956s please reveal the best dlq load I
958s honestly dude
959s is just the fastest one that you can
962s make just get the fastest dlq actually I
965s should have it here if you want to
968s yeah this looks like it no it's not
969s don't copy this
971s you have to put that on oh yeah it also
974s you shouldn't have this on either okay
976s and listen dude oh
981s [Music]
982s throw it off in a tangent here trying to
984s help a boy and chat man I almost give
986s him the complete wrong Loadout you use
988s FMJ
989s or anything here yeah use this
992s there you go bro I seen like
994s I seen the freaking Barrel I was like is
996s that the correct one and it wasn't
998s anyway let's load it up
1000s ffar it's the ffar one but like did it's
1006s the ffar
1008s when you're in MythBusters Lodi yeah
1010s exactly that was a MythBusters Loadout
1011s chat where we're like trying to find
1013s like cool myths to give you guys for uh
1015s I think this is the fourth MythBusters
1017s we'll be making and then we'll do one
1019s more and that will then we'll we'll stop
1020s MythBusters entirely so all right let's
1023s Max it out chat
1025s straight to the max
1027s [Music]
1028s okay where's the task force yeah if
1031s you're not using task force you
1033s shouldn't be using the gun in general
1034s buying like that too little Bandit suck
1037s boom you're going on there's a 38 Ryan
1039s speed remote load mag yes
1042s take that chat I was gonna use I was
1045s gonna use a clip of like hawksness
1047s saying that he didn't like this
1048s attachment from his probable partner
1051s stream like yesterday and then he
1053s privated the stream and I was annoyed
1055s because I said it in my voiceover for
1056s the video I was like and I know that
1059s Hawk Smith said this and then we were
1061s gonna play the clip of him saying like I
1062s don't really like it like I don't like
1064s the minus 10 ads and then I was gonna
1067s say and Bobby said that and like Bobby
1069s was trashing on the gun and stuff and
1071s then I was gonna be like well in fact I
1073s like that attention and I like the gun
1075s you know what I mean but freaking Hogs
1077s Private Industry I know if I went and
1080s asked him he'd probably give me like the
1082s unlisted link but
1083s you know what maybe I will go and ask
1085s him
1086s I'll be real what's your Chase Bruce
1087s yeah
1089s see there's two four grips that I like
1090s to use with this chat
1092s it's the b04 grip
1095s where's the other one
1097s or this one the field engine but I'm
1099s gonna go for the b0
1101s I'm gonna go for the base I don't know
1103s right now I'm a little champs all right
1105s I gotta change all my streaks because we
1107s were doing MythBusters with the wheels
1109s and I never did who uses the Wilson I do
1111s I do and you should actually see I can't
1113s wait for that video to come out because
1114s first off it's partnered by Cod mobile
1116s which is obviously a dub but secondly at
1119s the Wilson you can spam it and you can
1122s like make it [ __ ] really fast so instead
1123s of it [ __ ] bang bang you can make it
1127s [ __ ] like
1127s [Music]
1130s you know what I mean it's actually and
1132s then like if you shoot it super fast you
1133s have a really good trigger finger it
1135s will start like unbalancing itself and
1137s just start shooting in the sky and it
1138s will go like
1140s which it wasn't even a myth but we're
1142s gonna keep it in the video anyway
1143s because it's funny
1145s it was a w hmm it was a little double
1147s okay I didn't realize that these were my
1150s uh Fortress either pinpoint you already
1152s know the Vibes chat we're sticking it on
1154s you
1158s oh MythBusters logo it's not helping me
1160s all right chat
1161s hello kinetic armor
1163s get what
1166s hello
1168s there it is I oh my God chat you did not
1171s see me go past that you EMP grenade no
1173s thanks smoke I'll you know what I'll
1174s stick a smoke on I'm not Noah from or
1177s Noah Sunday he's not newer YouTube no
1179s one from YouTube anymore chat you can't
1181s say it he's newer Sunday
1183s I think I hopped into a stream and he
1186s said that he was basing off another
1188s YouTube channel I'm not gonna say what
1189s it was but it begins with and because
1191s it's 18 plus and you know we're PG here
1193s in these streets of cod mobile even
1195s though the game is a shooter game but
1197s you're throwing [ __ ] yo he was that guy
1200s what would that wasn't me cardboard
1202s wasn't me but uh
1206s yo they're actually gonna hit me okay
1209s but uh yeah he said that he teaches name
1211s to Noah Sunday because
1214s the the feeling that he wants to admit
1217s is the feeling that he feels on Sundays
1218s where he's like relaxed I'm pretty sure
1220s I heard him say that on stream
1223s which is actually a w name change
1224s because like Noah from YouTube doesn't
1226s really I don't know I never liked that
1227s name but I like the name Noah Sunday I
1229s feel like you know W for him
1231s all right John oh yeah also here's a
1234s brand new tournament mode I can't play
1235s it right now but if I was gonna play it
1237s I wouldn't even play multiplayer
1239s I would be playing Battle Royale
1241s for sure because you know I've got a
1243s shotgun only advertise video that we
1245s need to kick up real quick
1249s hey God I'm seeing your boy reggae
1253s no one is relaxed on Sunday though the
1255s real relaxation is on Saturday that you
1257s know what man that's a common actually
1259s no it's
1262s L unfortunately
1264s all right chat first game of the season
1267s on this account we're taking out these
1269s modes because you already know
1271s domination and hardpoint for life please
1273s don't go make me go against tryhards
1274s please don't let me go against tryhard's
1276s first game on
1277s carry all in agreeance
1279s are we all in agreeance
1281s hail also cat I don't know why but
1284s um
1285s call it Cod mobile have like a
1287s partnership with a with this music
1289s company and
1290s they like I went on to the channel and
1294s they have access to use freaking movie
1297s trailer song tracks
1300s and I was kind of skeptical of using it
1302s so this one that I've been playing
1305s this one is from like a a console launch
1309s I'm not gonna say what console is
1311s because you know we're not partnered are
1312s you here
1313s apologies gonna say what console is but
1316s like I have some bangers I don't know
1319s how I get a partnership with this but
1320s like you know what probably you might
1322s not you might need to hook me up
1326s most tryhards and GM already don't worry
1329s that's a fact hopefully
1331s it's all across our fingers and Hope
1333s they're all you know
1335s you know actually I might stick yo we'll
1337s stick on this I just don't want to play
1339s team death match first game on because I
1341s can't warm up in team deathmunch it's
1342s too slow for me to warm up
1344s because you're stressed about Mondays
1346s honestly see what I used to be in school
1347s chat like every day was just the same to
1349s me because I just ended up not going
1351s into school
1354s oh bro yo yo hashtag role model
1357s don't do that chat enter school yeah
1360s degree and uh graduation
1363s like mad man's graduating
1367s this uh this week well finishing this
1370s week oh we all know he's gonna graduate
1372s right chat
1374s um
1378s that's good card bubble is it I feel
1380s like it's kind of like you might pay
1381s like a Reit to do it
1383s right I feel like that might actually be
1385s the way of you like I think it's similar
1387s to one that I have right now with a
1388s different company
1390s hopefully it is if it is then I'm gonna
1392s buy it
1393s an even larger catalog of
1397s music and then just take over
1400s the entire game
1403s Master 3 and the lobbies are hard okay
1406s Jerry I'm not excited I I didn't need
1408s that negative Mojo in my life right here
1410s you're meant to say the lobbies are so
1411s easy
1413s that's what we needed
1416s I'll give it another like 60 seconds and
1418s then if you don't get a game
1420s we will host some costumes and you guys
1422s can join in
1423s it's because even though I haven't
1425s played this season my KD last season was
1427s insane
1428s don't know they only want me to go
1430s against the best
1432s hmm it's your birthday happy birthday
1434s man
1436s hmm
1439s yeah the next stage of the card
1440s championships is on yeah
1442s everyone's like trying to get their 30
1444s wins
1447s everyone's trying to get their 30 wins
1448s well they were
1450s trying to get it for like the last
1452s like a week or so
1454s I'm not gonna lie chat I might as well
1457s I'm going to sit here tribe have
1460s gone team but they're not a nice chick
1464s yo I feel like Tom Holland look at all
1467s this stuff bruh you know what I'm saying
1469s I believe in hell this type of history
1471s and chat but everyone already knows
1474s I'm just not saying who it is
1477s I'm not even gonna tell you what region
1478s it's from chat
1479s that's right you're not getting to see
1481s what region is from
1482s but don't worry
1484s probably will be there hashtag tribe win
1485s you know I'm trying also
1490s if you ever see that there's like a
1491s there's like some strange like a weird
1494s plan or something and uh a few players
1497s have joined it it's called like loser
1498s gaming or something
1500s but uh yeah we don't like those guys
1501s over there you know is tribe went out
1504s here
1505s I'm gonna see babe come into the chase
1508s what
1509s uh
1512s uh
1515s I lose forgiving bro grenade my Global
1518s my little POG champ
1522s I'm on global all right Chad we're going
1523s to do some customs actually you know
1525s what we'll let it queued for mics
1527s because I'm pretty sure when it hits Max
1528s 360 it's gonna get me into a game
1530s automatically is that that's what was
1533s happening when I was going for number
1534s one with the ffr it would like cue the
1537s hallway up to 360 and then it would find
1539s me a match
1542s hmm
1547s and those ones don't count by the way I
1549s think that's what Kyle's gonna say
1551s just saying
1553s just saying
1555s um
1556s I got a shout out when you create a new
1559s video on your channel I mean if you're
1560s in the comment section
1561s sure if I see you in the comments AR
1564s chat we always reply to comments
1566s whether it's on YouTube Shorts YouTube
1569s videos like all the time
1571s we're always there reading comments
1573s replying you know the vibes
1576s all right John we got 120 seconds are we
1578s gonna get it or not
1580s I believe we are
1583s I believe we are
1590s okay
1591s wait there's an icr
1595s interesting
1598s well chat was there an icr skin in the
1600s bottle pass
1601s or is this a brand new icr skin
1603s I forgot I could do loadouts while I do
1605s this actually you know what
1607s I'm gonna just copy that over here
1609s I'm gonna take up a whole load of
1611s loadouts what the FFA are
1618s in the Lucky Draw
1623s oh
1625s how to clean rewards thank you for
1627s watching live it will just
1629s it'll just come into your account I
1630s believe if you're watching live
1631s they're gonna be in traffic videos he is
1633s yeah he still will be yep
1637s yeah sure
1639s all right 60 seconds I'm gonna find the
1641s game right
1644s yeah
1645s okay
1652s I want to say something I can't
1655s take a girl to see if you received
1657s anything new do you think I want to play
1659s a game first okay before I check my mail
1664s all right if it goes to 360 and it says
1665s can't find opponents we're gonna hop
1667s into some private matches and I'll let
1668s you guys join
1671s don't worry man I'm looking at uh I'm
1674s looking at it right now
1677s okay Chad 20 seconds
1680s forward to get a main screen
1681s oh I told you what did I say chat it
1684s always just Waits until the very end
1686s Broski for me I don't know why it does
1688s that I don't know why it does that bro
1691s like I will be sitting here and I bet
1693s you there was hella games bro but
1695s they're like nope
1697s they must be letting all the dibs play
1699s bruh they don't want to see me winning
1702s they don't want to see me you're winning
1709s gotta turn the volume up a little bit
1711s for sure all right first game in the
1714s season
1715s first game of the season on this coin I
1717s should say because you already know
1718s we've been playing
1724s yeah if you're not using the task force
1725s viral for this bad boy right here you're
1727s tripping
1729s okay it's not a long range gun just keep
1731s that in mind like
1738s I definitely didn't die just before like
1740s I didn't die before I got a kill in this
1741s brand new season guys
1751s I seen him from my rear view mirror
1752s because I'm driving a car
1756s okay that's it we're gonna have to sweat
1758s it's time to it's time to sweat chat I'm
1760s annoyed I'm angry not taking that fight
1763s because they just have the
1764s better angle
1770s it is about the road tip
1773s all right we're good
1778s get one you got nimro you know
1787s where are they spawning
1790s foreign
1795s I got you
1806s turned on
1808s I'm dead yeah I missed too many shots on
1811s him
1812s on my little POG champ
1827s all right
1828s yeah
1835s it should be spawning over here
1841s oh I've seen him on the UAV just too
1844s late
1847s I told your guys pretty decent I feel
1849s like what are we saying chat
1853s baby you almost let me die right there
1855s bro
1857s I can't find my need button oh it's
1859s because I was doing Mythbusters
1861s where the hell is my need button
1863s it's not where it usually is brov
1872s it was a weird bug
1879s this guy doesn't like me
1881s the whole garage
1886s I can't challenge that because they have
1888s the Hattie
1908s my name is there the next one's here
1910s though that's why I'm chilling
1922s bubbly
1925s I'll listen real quick
1928s for the one time
1930s I don't get the freaking points we're
1932s capturing the hard but bro I was sitting
1934s in there for a decade
1936s like I went from middle age to pensioner
1939s right there bro
1946s thinks he's him
1952s I'm sorry
1955s I'm not gonna watch your drop though bro
1957s you can
1959s if you want
1964s all right you sniping I don't want that
1965s pipe
1970s but the idea I want that fight
1972s a little long-range cross map
1976s for the first game on
1978s oh there's spawning down here
1984s yo I'm headshotting everyone right now
1988s another guy to collect yikes
1996s hmm I'll knock first game on now
2002s I got a best ffar loadouts Ryan I'm
2004s telling you
2007s the best
2009s yo I wasn't the number one ffar player
2012s for nothing Chad wait bro Broski is not
2014s even using his gun anymore
2017s he's just straight up giving up
2019s here
2021s classic
2023s hey yo we may have died before we got to
2025s kill this game but we did Nook first
2026s game on still
2029s and there's a Broski chilling right here
2035s yep I knew this guy had given up by the
2037s way he was walking into me
2038s I don't want to deal with this anymore
2046s all right
2050s oh he spawned there why
2054s did we were given out the glisenberg
2058s yo that's PG called mobile that flies
2062s that flies because we made the word up
2064s ourselves
2066s just like this well I didn't make up
2068s deadly Ned Flanders was saying deadly
2070s back in like the 80s bro all right
2081s laughs
2083s first game of the season
2085s what we think of FFA are is s tier is it
2088s a tier
2089s I think it's an a tier
2094s Cod mobile I can't officially handled by
2097s a kid you're spitting Fox
2102s yo chat have you ever noticed that like
2104s when people say
2106s like just because this guy said handled
2109s by a kid I'm like yeah I am a kid but I
2112s am also like 23 but in my mind I'm like
2114s I'm a kid you ever noticed when people
2116s like go and they're like I need to find
2117s myself like I need to get myself back
2119s when they say stuff like that all
2121s they're really trying to do is take
2122s themselves back to when they were a kid
2124s bro like everyone's so eager to grow up
2126s and like mature like
2131s I'm not trying to mature
2134s when people say you need to be mature
2136s what they're really saying is you need
2138s to conform to society and be boring
2140s ain't nobody trying to mature in that
2142s way
2143s but I think what they should say is like
2146s you need to have respect for other
2148s people brev like that that part of
2151s maturing sure I can get behind it but
2153s the part of maturing where like you're
2154s you're getting excited or happy about
2156s what you're doing in life hell no I mean
2158s heck no yes PG guys
2161s #called in partner oh the brand new map
2164s guys yo raw Rush
2167s this map also came out in Black Ops 2
2168s but back then you had to pay to get it
2170s and I didn't have any money back in 2013
2171s so I could never buy it I ended up just
2173s uh I ended up just watching YouTubers
2176s play it but like keep in mind this is
2178s like 10 years ago back when Call of Duty
2180s to get new maps you had to pay for them
2182s but not a day you know what I'm saying
2186s the economy has changed and they've
2188s decided to give it to us for free
2191s I'm pretty hyped when I was released
2194s it's an okay map it's not one of my
2196s favorites but like I can get behind it
2198s in ranked I like the way they do that
2200s they like add a map and they bring it
2201s into rank so we actually get to play it
2204s against big competition is that guy
2206s still up there bro I do that every time
2208s see when you see my video where I'm like
2210s did I always think that that the
2212s freaking
2213s the cardboard cutout is a real player
2215s and I always shoot at it bro
2217s dead oh my God bruh it's because it has
2220s the red look it has it's red on the
2223s on the shoulders RAV
2226s so I always think that it's actually a
2228s person
2231s okay buddy
2235s and I it's not even like um
2238s I'm shooting at it like I lock onto it
2241s straight away because it's real
2246s it's a player they might spawn up here
2249s man yeah they are
2253s okay I did not think that that guy would
2256s get around there
2257s okay
2258s whatever I thought he was gonna be a
2261s little bit later
2263s oh even this guy is like looking like a
2265s real player bruh
2268s did my Broski spawn behind me
2270s oh I walked right past him
2273s fair enough
2288s I don't want to hear a chat don't even
2289s want yo my teammate got it bounced
2293s what my team is better than me
2308s that guy with a kilo is like actually a
2311s sweaty super try hard bro
2315s it mighty molotovs
2319s what is that
2325s I don't like it because you're using a
2326s sniper in response and we can never be
2327s friends Mr
2328s yo like bro he's up there again
2332s being all mysterious
2359s brother
2361s I'm dead
2371s actually I played that a guy right there
2373s I'm just saying
2377s I don't want to go through this door
2378s because they're watching it and they
2380s Molotov it
2383s does it this Lobby's obsession with
2385s molotovs is actually disheartening
2388s nobody likes playing against molotovs
2390s man
2410s how could this happen to me
2419s augers
2422s I mean don't blow up that freaking trip
2427s hey guys
2430s I'm surprised that trip mine didn't pop
2432s off and explode on me but here we are
2435s right here living
2446s I don't like this spot it feels too like
2448s congested or something
2450s bro I did it again
2456s that guy's actually good with sniper
2464s foreign
2484s brother
2487s he's so annoying
2493s hi has did I get him I got him at the
2495s near w why did nobody kill a guy I made
2498s him wait twice
2504s I don't even know if he was there or not
2506s we're gonna lose this unless I do
2507s something crazy
2509s this whole like second half is not being
2512s wavy
2521s dude I can't hit him he's headshotted me
2523s every time bro
2528s I don't think that's even gonna make it
2529s three oh it did nice
2533s that their mom it's over ours it's ours
2540s okay teammates for carrying me this game
2549s I kind of kill you oh he must be stream
2552s sniping because he shot my body
2556s I actually hit my life playing against
2558s this guy
2567s thankfully that you're dead
2572s not thankful that I am dead
2591s okay ggs we lost
2608s thank you
2613s I'm dead because of a tempest bro
2617s oh ggs I'm so thankful that game's over
2620s bro that was no fun
2623s oh
2626s I should have thought your guy got a
2629s H it was all over bruh
2632s he was killing me every time
2639s I wonder will I find a game quick again
2643s comeback season nope
2645s did I call it the ballista or the
2646s Tempest again I always call it the
2648s Tempest when it's the ballista but you
2650s guys know exactly what I'm talking about
2651s the thing that wall bangs you
2654s and gives you like wall hacks and stuff
2656s I get it
2665s honestly Chad that map is is uh not bad
2668s for the ffar I just played bad and there
2670s was a sniper that was hitting his shots
2673s we're playing against them again I
2674s wonder why
2676s foreign
2684s nope
2686s I don't think anyone has ever gotten
2688s dick with a need and ranked
2689s I mean if there was something to do
2692s it would be me I've done it with a with
2694s a tomahawk Combat X and a C4 though
2701s okay
2708s team player chat
2722s honestly I thought that
2725s maybe he would have been sniping
2732s there's a guy out there to my left
2736s they're spawning behind because my
2737s teammates on front my teammate killed
2739s him anyway dropped him man
2750s you
2762s I know I tell somebody that uses I'm
2763s dead it uses a Molotov that I don't like
2766s them without being rude about it chat
2772s same goes for respawn snipers how do I
2773s let them know that like
2776s I'd be happier if they weren't in the
2778s game
2779s nicer buddy you know
2800s honestly this guy is streaming something
2803s the crap out of me chat
2806s I can't even Lieber Scott
2811s he's been shooting my body since I first
2812s seen him
2819s hey man you're gonna kill him or are you
2821s gonna let him live again he's letting
2822s him live oh he got him nice
2824s and beside me but
2831s hello
2838s I'd shoot his body back but I just don't
2839s care about his his existence enough to
2841s do it
2852s thankfully it seems like our whole team
2853s is try Harding from the start
2858s Point's really hard to brag though
2860s that's sniper's still alive I'm gonna
2862s smoke him off so that he can't get good
2863s picks
2865s hey man I wonder why you were waiting on
2867s that wall for me man
2869s kinda interesting why you did that
2882s it should be done here
2887s oh there's the lit the sniper guy's
2889s still around the truck I think
2891s yep
2899s all right guys but he pissed me off last
2900s game so I gotta sweat
2904s I mean you peeved me off hey guys
2908s #pg-13 partners
2912s come on
2914s I called in my kinetic because I thought
2916s he was going to do damage to me but he
2918s didn't
2919s oh
2920s they decided to Trimline me
2925s okay no I'm good he's got an annihilator
2931s I would just rather not deal with the
2933s annihilator I'll be real with you
2939s gone now
2942s we'll rotate our way around
2951s this other guy has an annihilator and I
2952s tell you
2954s I don't want to die tune in annihilator
2959s the least fun way to die
2975s oh
2978s my God why
2983s I am playing passive mode because I want
2985s to Nick them but I don't think it's
2986s gonna happen
2996s the guy in the box is the sniper
3001s yep
3003s oh he had a freaking purifier on holy
3006s crap
3015s and take the other fight because the
3017s guy's there
3020s yep there he is
3023s are you being serious
3025s like what did I just say
3028s Rose browser is too excited
3032s he just waited there for me
3035s LOL
3037s Bros if Bros were not stream sniping
3039s Bros would have got nicked that's all I
3040s must say chat
3049s they started just not moving
3052s as soon as my second Advanced topped in
3054s like I know he's running around the map
3056s again because he knew he'd got me off my
3057s street
3058s I guess the first time yeah it is the
3060s first time like I was killed in this
3061s game
3073s I didn't want to take that fight
3075s can I can just kill a guy there
3077s I'm gonna smoke them off
3082s you're bad
3084s give me three rotations in here I think
3086s we'll die
3089s it is easy
3092s thanks for the freeway guys
3097s bruh
3103s I had to sweat chat because they annoyed
3105s me last game
3108s a little coffee you know I'm Cheyenne
3113s I know what you're thinking
3114s ew he's drinking iced coffee not only am
3117s I drinking iced coffee I'm drinking an
3118s iced latte
3120s chat hmm
3125s [Music]
3127s we'll probably play against these guys
3128s again
3130s I love the ffar man it just feels so
3133s exciting to use chat did I not have
3136s kinetic when that guy sniped me on my
3138s street I feel like I had kinetic
3140s I seen him on my advance and I didn't
3143s think he would be able to get me from
3144s there but he got it
3146s because he was just waiting with the
3147s angle
3151s I feel like the new Elijah SKS I
3153s actually haven't used it yet
3156s I like the luminary too much that you
3158s can contemplate oh yes oh no there I
3161s thought they weren't here but they are
3164s oh gosh
3168s not not the move
3171s hmm
3173s [Music]
3184s oh yeah I did lose it from one snipe
3186s yeah I remember now the guy was at the
3188s truck I was the guy that I called out so
3190s I seen the guy on the truck right the
3192s sniper on the truck
3194s and I knew he was watching me bottom
3195s brine I was like this guy's just gonna
3197s win because he's you know he got the
3198s stream up he's gonna wear try and wall
3200s buying me through it because he was it's
3201s not like he was on the box looking
3203s around he was scoped at the wall waiting
3206s for me to move so he would shoot me
3208s through the wall so I didn't go around
3209s that way then I went around back alley
3211s to kill him and he moved up to the van
3213s from the from the box
3215s and he waited for me to like come over
3217s to Yellow then he sniped the kinetic off
3219s and then I walked back out and the guy
3221s spawned up and waited for uh for me and
3223s his spawn like right at the back
3227s because I got the second advanced
3229s I don't restrict this time chat I'm just
3231s not gonna say anything
3239s is there any game rewards I believe
3240s there is yeah
3242s black coffee I have to see I just have a
3244s sweet tooth bro but yo
3247s Sugar's so bad for you bro
3250s you should not be drinking these but
3251s here we are
3253s ffar
3257s excuse is my number one come this these
3259s days yeah I think the SKS is like the
3260s best gun ever but it just requires a
3262s certain type of play style that a lot of
3266s people don't like to do
3267s foreign
3272s nice dude
3282s oh my teammate left
3283s yikes
3289s yep
3290s that was pretty obvious
3296s what what
3299s did my fhjango
3302s my little brewski survived an fhj to the
3304s foot without even receiving a hit marker
3306s hey yo God mobile we need to have words
3308s my little POG champ what was that
3313s what the hell was that
3324s ow
3326s have even aware I got sniped from there
3329s I'm not gonna lie
3332s it might Steve if I can wait a while and
3336s these guys can just go and play against
3338s somebody else bruh
3341s people I play against usually don't use
3343s snipers as much
3351s if we can go against some people that
3352s aren't
3355s sniping and then also doing something
3358s no I'm sure
3378s bye
3386s I think this should provide me Passage
3402s all right
3406s why brosky
3416s bro is watching some weird angles bruh
3418s look
3423s foreign
3456s are you being serious
3458s oh my God he sniped wall banged me
3462s after all that effort
3465s for my streak
3476s I'm good with not getting sniper I'll be
3478s real with you
3482s oh my God
3485s laughs
3490s oh
3499s please
3503s I'm looking for any source of skill
3506s anything please
3508s show me it
3515s I feel like that's the SKS player up
3517s there
3520s okay now the SKS is darn there
3530s I'm dead from behind here
3535s I was gonna die either way
3541s all right
3549s oh my last bullet
3555s mm-hmm
3560s [Music]
3570s foreign
3579s I killed him
3586s bro Chad did you guys see that
3589s you just I need to watch this
3595s I don't know bro the way this guy kills
3597s me it was weird
3598s [Music]
3602s I don't know man like
3606s the way this dude's been killing me
3607s these last like three games has been so
3610s weird
3615s bro just shot a smoke grenade
3630s oh but to yourself
3635s I'm not even gonna peek him
3639s I don't want that smoke
3674s we got him
3683s all right see I heard a guy another
3684s guy's footsteps and I feel like he's
3686s watching where I'm coming out from
3706s come on
3721s foreign
3732s I knew he was there because he was
3734s sitting there the whole time
3736s oh
3738s he picked as soon as I killed his
3740s teammate to call him the freaking
3741s advanced
3743s all right
3749s W I was like I was listening to his
3752s footsteps
3753s because he was below me then he went
3755s around the side I was waiting for him
3756s like and then I decided to shoot his
3758s teammate call in advance
3761s how to join tournament the tournament
3763s opens
3764s um you should go and check it
3765s it opens at like a certain time
3767s depending on what region you are in
3769s yeah sure
3772s let's see if I have anything I have 15
3775s 000 shush
3778s hahaha
3780s 15K though all right well do you like
3783s dick a couple more games
3785s I want to play s s and r I'm gonna say s
3788s and D
3790s but at search and rescue chat new game
3792s out I want to play a little bit of that
3793s you guys can join in too
3795s crosshairs allowed I mean apparently so
3797s yeah
3798s [Music]
3799s um
3800s we took him down again chat
3804s start gaming around
3809s um
3822s and then where are those calling cards
3824s are they from the battle pass
3827s this is the one I'm using right now
3837s yeah sure
3842s it's pretty good I like it a lot
3844s I have been testing a lot of different
3846s ffar loadouts
3854s and I get to that Madeline
3857s where did it say for oh it's here no
3863s yeah
3866s Rewards
3868s all right man you can fit is it there
3870s yeah
3872s is this this is about to be it right
3878s where's my rewards I want my freaking
3879s rewards bruh
3884s please can I claim all my rewards for
3886s watching my own stream please by the way
3888s chat you get all these rewards for
3890s watching the stream because it's on the
3891s official
3892s card mobile
3895s um
3896s Channel
3898s which one
3901s hmm
3904s yeah I mean I think the calling cards
3906s are probably the best part of this to be
3907s honest so like 60 Minutes is probably
3908s the best one
3911s the cosmic wave I can't really see it
3913s here to be honest
3915s I can't I can't see it but look there's
3918s a chat even in the game on too if you
3920s want to check it out chat if you're
3921s watching over on YouTube you can check
3922s that out so that you can get some
3923s rewards for watching the Stream
3926s foreign
3928s definitely watch it for 60 minutes
3930s because that calling card is pretty sick
3936s oh man that city has three devices I'm
3938s getting it
3939s it's like though isn't it
3943s throwback rewards from 2020 now I don't
3945s remember the cosmic icr
3948s let me see this if it's a throwback
3950s reward then maybe I have it already
3956s it was a rare skin wasn't it it wasn't a
3958s epic
3963s I'm tripping right now
3966s Cosmic Cosmic
3971s oh I do have it oh that is that's a
3974s really old skit isn't it
3977s well if you never got it back then you
3979s can get it now Brusco
3981s ignore this Lodi it is from Mythbusters
3985s it's from Mythbusters Bros okay
3990s throw back
3995s hmm
3997s yeah I recognize it there when I when I
3999s opened up I was like okay yeah I
4000s remember this
4001s I remember this one
4004s from way back in the day
4007s all right we can't find a game so we
4009s will uh
4010s we'll do some customs chat if you want
4011s to join you can
4013s no streamer modes though we're gonna
4014s play search and rescue
4016s where is it
4017s search and risk
4020s uh no spectator
4025s hey tan
4027s I'm asking you play search and rescue on
4030s I'm not a strike
4032s I'm playing on that because I've never
4034s played this map before this was released
4035s in like a recent Call of Duty what what
4037s recent Call of Duty was it
4039s I feel like it was a
4041s in the last like two three years chat
4044s but like
4045s I haven't played PC and console Call of
4047s Duty's since Cod mobile q9 so I haven't
4049s played any of those
4051s because I've just been playing card
4052s mobile
4059s it's at special ops trans yetis that's
4061s the character skin yeah
4064s uh chat by the way the code to join is
4066s top left I do not understand how Madden
4069s gets into these like he gets into these
4070s so much faster than everyone else I
4072s don't understand search and rescue is
4074s hard yeah well that's the thing it adds
4076s like a whole new level of uh complexity
4078s because you can actually revive your
4079s teammates to kind of like Battle Royale
4082s hey if you want to join it's just top
4085s um top left you can't join any more it's
4086s cool all right chat oh
4089s you guys need to download the map that's
4090s okay because I need to make a I need to
4092s make a loadout
4094s grab Dead Silence on
4100s um
4102s you know what I'm actually gonna use the
4105s Dobra
4109s uh I have the thing right yeah I do
4115s yes
4116s I want this
4118s and I don't need that because I want the
4120s fire interval to be juicing
4123s out of my mind honestly
4127s I'd rather have that fire interval not
4129s take a body part damage
4131s thingy
4133s all right
4138s no more it is sadly over for you
4145s surgeon rescue guys ready up
4150s okay two more people can join if you
4152s guys want just the top left of the
4153s screen you can join in
4155s mm-hmm
4157s hopefully we get my server region my
4160s region server
4162s brewski who is not downloading these
4164s Maps though two new people all right
4173s Splash come on I know you want to ready
4174s up
4176s flash all right some people join really
4177s fast anyway
4180s um
4182s and we're in Armada strike chat brand
4185s new map
4186s in a brand new mode
4192s okay
4198s maybe when I'm on greenest obvious it's
4200s all good bro
4204s what's up to Ferg I agree
4207s sad chat
4209s hey yo what's up there also something
4211s the official Call of Duty mobile channel
4212s can I walk up this I haven't played this
4214s map before chat I can't
4217s if you use a sniper you suck by the way
4218s I'm just
4222s oh my God can I fall off the map in this
4224s map
4226s I might be able to
4230s can I get a is that can you get up there
4232s and chat I don't know if you can
4255s revive my teammate you ready
4259s team is getting him
4261s my teammate didn't revive him
4266s you're asking him
4268s look he's gonna come back chat you ready
4271s I don't know where you came back but he
4273s came back I'm telling you he did
4279s hmm
4283s I just don't realize it's the Cod M
4284s Channel and not fergs yup
4286s the official Call of Duty mobile Channel
4288s also
4291s what the hell
4297s hey yo
4306s oh my God I can
4308s no
4314s bro
4316s what how am I meant to get back inside
4319s bruh ain't nobody gonna pick me look at
4322s my dad's gonna try and pick me up look
4324s watch this he's gonna try come on man I
4326s know you want to bro
4327s I know you're trying to you know
4330s pick a brother up Brusque
4332s Hanna
4334s oh he's gonna do it chat look look he's
4335s gonna try and get me back
4338s oh okay well it's okay you can feel it
4341s something in your in your life oh man oh
4343s oh
4345s he's gonna sacrifice he's gonna
4346s sacrifice chat
4348s my none you're a dumbass
4355s bro
4367s what was that
4371s foreign
4392s yeah Sigma
4410s destroyed annihilated
4412s get out of my Lobby
4415s absolutely right clearly right shot I
4418s wrecked him right
4419s I think he totally knew I was there and
4421s he just missed all his shots guys right
4424s that is right
4428s I was gonna rescue him Pat this is a
4430s brand new game called search and rescue
4432s by the way
4434s says room Phil hey killer Ed you need to
4436s like fast forward the stream you're
4437s you're maybe like three four minutes
4439s behind
4442s yeah what happens if I go into the water
4443s did I still lose health
4446s foreign
4504s back up Bobby no
4507s whatever
4510s whatever dude the map is pretty nice I
4512s actually really like the colors I've
4513s used for this like the the color palette
4515s I just like bright colors bro
4518s I'm not a fan of you know boring like
4521s bronze
4522s or like
4524s peel Grays like the Grays in this map
4527s are
4530s are vibrant you know what I'm saying and
4531s it's got a nice big red all over it too
4535s I just gotta make sure not to freaking
4537s jump in there again
4558s I can't get over it
4564s oh I don't have the fhj on I was gonna
4566s freaking try crossmap him
4571s well Dobra
4576s do the strats chat
4578s we got here
4580s hi
4581s did absolutely nothing but Vine
4592s oh
4595s bro I was trying to make the the most OP
4598s strategy of all time and you scream oh
4600s my
4601s God we're not talking to you anymore my
4604s Little Pong champ cat let it be known
4606s that I find that I and it's the Ferg
4607s Strat even though I died right guys it's
4611s the first time right guys
4613s even though I got absolutely shredded by
4614s the me and the me and boyo with his
4616s shobby
4618s shorty
4620s yeah that was kind of sick like Plano
4622s I'm sure if it worked all right people
4623s would be like no way man can't believe
4625s you did that all right Chad I gotta do
4626s again and we're all gonna pretend that
4628s like it was my first time doing it and
4629s everyone's gonna freak out right
4632s this is a brand new map yeah Armada
4636s okay remember Chad this is not a long
4638s range gun you don't need to roast me
4641s because I'm about to need him buying
4644s such a free need so happy that I can
4646s call myself the Kobe of cod mobile okay
4647s nevermind
4648s I missed all my
4656s oh damn oh that's great like I had my my
4659s headset was off
4664s my headset was off man
4668s foreign
4671s Toby I agree shout out to Kobe man rest
4674s in peace
4676s a legend
4678s oh wow we just seen that guy get revived
4680s yo chat did you see that
4684s I seen him get revived
4687s I was sick good job good job man I'm
4690s giving us that oh look at this skin chat
4692s that's a number one skin in the game
4694s seat yo that's the number one best skin
4696s in the game it literally has hashtag one
4700s that confirms that that's the best skin
4702s in the game
4703s need I say more I don't think I did I
4706s need to
4709s mannan killed himself all right that is
4711s how the number one skin does it chat
4715s isn't it
4720s Kobe's gonna cause distraction and then
4721s I'm gonna come up he's watching it I
4723s knew it oh he was watching it Bros game
4735s then you smell you actually smell
4744s man I got so excited he threw himself in
4746s the sea yeah
4749s all right let's try out the Strat again
4750s chant
4751s let's try the Strat we came up with
4752s right here what is what did that guy
4754s just do
4755s you guys see what he just done he was
4757s like
4758s he like made himself green
4760s like you have attack five on or
4762s something
4765s if you're using a sniper you're not
4767s playing next game I'm just saying
4771s and that's on the most heavenliest
4773s glissenberg
4775s nobody likes going against snipers and
4777s search and rescue
4790s he's gonna die watch him die watch him
4793s die
4794s ah see you later rose cake
4799s what was that play by my guy
4804s a rescue
4807s might just run around oh I can I have to
4809s stand still
4813s come on them
4818s yeah Payback
4821s should I get points for rescuing I
4823s didn't even check do I get points for
4824s this
4825s I don't even get points
4828s no I'm the MVP if I'm rescuing all my
4831s teammates like this I need points for
4832s that 50 at least
4835s at least 50.
4844s I don't even think you can get up here
4845s but up on top of that you know
4849s that would have been a sick need if he
4850s was camping back there
4856s oh
4858s can I hit the boat
4868s revives Ferg only in Call of Duty that
4870s is a fact
4874s that was a fact if this Kobe hits
4875s everyone has to subscribe to Call of
4877s Duty mobile
4879s and if it doesn't hit you have to
4880s subscribe to me oh what a [ __ ] him looks
4883s like you have to go to my channel And
4884s subscribe yeah
4886s bro you're sitting at the bike on the
4888s map with a sniper
4895s I did I don't know how I beamed him from
4898s here with an ffar but I did
4919s I want to jump down there but I can
4922s keep killing everyone
4924s um
4928s this is the login bug is fixed yet if
4929s you mean the time my bug I believe they
4931s fixed it this season Alex
4934s all right chat odds on me being able to
4936s jump down here and survive I don't think
4938s it's likely don't you dare Bobby all
4940s right
4941s don't you freaking dare buddy
4945s oh
4947s is this the nick one it is Yo chat
4949s ah I'm pretty sure that's my skins emo
4953s I'll be Bobby
4955s I'll give you the first ever one that
4956s was released instead
4961s giving you my love my little POG champ
4966s all right I just became paid to win by
4968s using my emote to see that guy right
4971s there just became pay to win chat
4973s a science Cloud mobile don't ban me
4984s oh my God
4987s all right guys I'm putting up my own
4989s barrel for defense
4990s don't worry guys
4992s oh I got my own smoke grenade guys this
4995s actually looks so legit because of how
4998s the height is on this box
5000s that was sick
5003s all right oh
5006s chat same rules apply if I hit it except
5009s this time if I hit it you have to
5010s subscribe to me
5014s I hit it you have to sub the mate
5017s the coins even though I didn't kill him
5018s but it counts because I hit it
5024s my first ever time planting the bomb on
5026s Armada
5028s taking it to the bank
5031s my teammate's going around razzing
5033s people like they literally spawn on
5034s their res
5036s you gonna revive me look look he just
5038s spawns up
5042s at first Chief thanks for the help buddy
5048s you can go out of the map I seen that
5049s yeah you can just jump off I'm happy
5051s they did that because in hijacked you
5053s can't just jump off I wish they had
5054s changed it and hijacked that too
5057s this new map add to ranked modes I
5058s actually agree they should add search
5059s and rescued A ranked they should add
5061s search and rescue to ranked over
5062s Frontline
5065s I would probably play search and rescue
5068s I would definitely play overseas and
5069s Destroy that's for sure
5071s I'm just not a fan of s d there's like
5073s very little flow to it
5075s compared to your uh your average respawn
5079s are you mad bro
5082s yo I found a spot
5085s I find a sick spot look at this
5091s I'm here finding spots on the regular
5094s don't challenge me
5097s I've never played this map before
5100s foreign
5110s hardpoint on this we might have to play
5112s a little
5113s little Dom hardpoint on Armada
5116s are you near and I'm Cheyenne
5133s you can sign out of the map to the boat
5135s and survive at the back of it
5137s all right your name is glitching called
5139s M so I'm gonna assume that that is
5140s correct
5141s if you lie to me
5143s slide out the back
5146s slide out of the map to the boat and
5148s survive from the back of it are you
5150s talking about this boat are you talking
5152s about yo Bobby yo I know you
5155s always bro survive in this
5160s can I land on this
5163s oh my God oh my God
5167s yo dude
5169s I played the best spot ever oh well man
5172s it was nice knowing you and Bobby you
5173s too man yo chat what we saying I find so
5177s many spots on this map and this is my
5178s first time playing it
5180s what we saying about this spot huh
5182s ladies and gentlemen
5184s ladies and gentlemen what we saying
5185s about this spot though
5188s oh no hell no please
5195s bro why are you Street sniping bruh
5198s ain't no freaking way he knows I'm there
5200s bruh
5206s before bro let me go up you know what uh
5209s he's at the back of the map oh he's
5210s underneath the freaking boat
5212s yeah right buddy yeah right
5221s thinks he's intelligent or something
5224s or if he thinks he's him
5234s is it that boat
5239s I hate my life I'm just going underneath
5240s but I just didn't ask for this
5244s and ask for this
5248s yo
5252s my dad was like debating going down
5255s there to revive me bro I know exactly
5257s even like I gotta revive frog man
5263s if
5265s if Ferg is undeniably
5267s the best YouTuber ever you have to
5270s sacrifice yourself and jump over to one
5272s of those
5273s votes all right he was gonna do it chat
5276s he was gonna do it but he died before he
5278s could do it
5285s we'll tag it we'll tag that as like
5287s he's joined the third cult go to the rad
5290s place I don't know how to describe it
5291s and slide there glitchy caught up the
5294s entire mop is red
5297s ski we had the whole floor is red
5301s I could mean like where
5304s what
5308s uh these kind of things like finding
5310s spot
5328s finding spots on new maps was like one
5330s of my favorite things to do
5333s okay let's wrap this up and uh one of
5335s the guys left
5336s and try a little respawn on on Armada
5339s a hard point or something
5341s be a domination
5342s hard point probably
5362s I'm just better than you
5366s and then why are you making them come up
5372s [Music]
5385s thank you
5390s yeah Sigma
5394s what'd you drink it's a little it's a
5396s little iced coffee look at it oh baby
5399s see if they sing you doing that and card
5401s Champs
5402s they'd be saying like uh 200 IQ play man
5405s telling you giant you know I'm sure no
5407s you know what I'm saying no we like that
5410s we do Hawks Nest what about him
5412s oh hello chat
5414s top two out of the top three were Ferg
5417s skins you know if you didn't buy it
5419s unfortunate all right let's get new
5421s people in
5423s we'll do a little um
5425s a little respawn on the brand new map I
5427s like switch and rescue though search and
5428s rescues lit
5433s it has to be unlimited timer
5434s unfortunately it's just vibes
5439s no I can't even have a 502 there we go
5442s well I didn't want that many Spectators
5444s zero please
5448s and we're going on Armada
5453s oh it doesn't have it
5457s you're new
5459s ah
5460s oh no way
5463s rosquito
5465s does it happen Dom
5472s new
5476s my day has been ruined I'm just kidding
5481s no I'm gonna check my mail if you know
5482s what I'm saying damn it
5485s I should check if I will see something
5489s yo a little ranked game though cat what
5491s are we saying
5493s I'm gonna find one straight away I
5494s promise you chat watch
5498s or turn on the chat volume what do you
5499s mean Cruise
5500s Rush Oh Yeah we could do a rush game oh
5502s we played rush earlier too oh nice we
5504s find games like straight away
5506s oh well there you go we got Rush
5510s is he reading comments or just playing I
5512s always read my chat when I stream
5513s brisket whether it's on the official
5515s like hold on a second
5517s well this is the wrong class bruh
5520s there we go it's already started up in
5522s here no wonder they added me to this
5523s game I bet you these guys are trash chat
5525s what's this I bet these guys are dookie
5527s because they added to me
5530s I'm gonna get a mid mid join Nook chat
5533s watch
5540s oh
5543s okay I'm gonna get a mid join death
5546s guys all right that's that's what I
5548s that's what I meant you know
5550s you know how it is like join into game
5552s dive straight away you know the Vibes
5554s chat like
5556s get no kills before you die as well like
5558s you already know that's how it goes on
5559s the regular
5561s that's exactly what we won
5569s hey guys I can't climb in this window
5572s I'm not athletic enough
5574s clearly not Dr disrespect unfortunately
5576s I'm just
5577s gonna have the athleticism
5585s nice
5587s excuse me
5589s Mr Krieg Mythic skin
5594s must have missed admit nice choice of
5596s skin
5597s that one is busing
5599s don't know how that guy got over there I
5600s have no idea
5602s we just forget about it look off that
5605s window because that's where I want to go
5608s hey guys I'm popping a kinetic that
5610s means that you guys are not meant to
5611s kill me oh he's annihilator
5616s that was not a very Sigma Scream Of Me
5618s chat was it
5623s no I don't have one hacks you just came
5625s up with my UAV great user
5630s that guy's better than me
5633s everyone in this Lobby has diamond on
5635s their guns I thought when we joined this
5636s match late it like put me in a bad Lobby
5640s of like noobs but clearly not oh man all
5643s right hello
5645s I'm sorry it has to be this way but I
5647s have to betray you
5649s and slay you
5654s I don't have Ian ball
5657s okay clearly because I missed all my
5658s shots on him
5666s it's a wild and I think the heck got in
5668s advance
5675s yeah that was an expertly placed smoker
5686s 's jumping centuries ggs hey oh we
5690s joined late but we took the win
5691s that's all
5694s that matters
5697s remember when are we gonna make another
5698s breaking a map video I miss it
5700s um
5702s I don't know to be honest
5704s I don't know listen I only had 11 kills
5706s because I joined
5707s I only had 11 kills because I joined
5709s Leah all right no roasting me
5712s I mean you can roast me if you want
5715s is this the chat you're reading it is
5717s I'm reading the YouTube chat yes sir
5721s I'll take a w there even though we did
5722s bad but you know we won
5726s you ever has ghost what's up man
5730s whoa
5732s Nuketown we're finding games fast right
5735s now
5736s yo it might have given me an easier
5737s Lobby because I played bad there
5739s bro warm chocolate cold chocolate froze
5743s chocolate
5744s oh my God I said we might get an easy
5746s gamer playing against that we're stuck
5748s ah we're playing against the whole thing
5750s oh these guys are trying to you know
5752s these guys are doing their games chat
5754s these guys are doing their games for
5755s called Champs we're gonna ruin it oh my
5758s God they're gonna be trying so hard yo
5760s they're gonna they're they're playing
5762s the stage it's stage two right they're
5764s playing stage two
5766s they're playing stage two bro oh my God
5768s chat should we beat them Yo chat should
5771s we take them out should we take him out
5775s are y'all playing stage two
5784s should we take him out for dinner chat
5787s shall we take him out for dinner though
5792s I feel like their hell is sweaty bruh no
5795s oh they're not even not even playing it
5797s bruh
5802s I'm telling you they're just saying that
5804s chat they are
5806s well we'll see we'll see by how much
5808s they hop in this objective
5815s oh they went for spawns
5821s okay I missed a lot of shots on him but
5823s we got it
5845s the guy actually in the eyes right there
5856s he didn't come
5861s no I was kinetic I thought they would
5863s spawn there
5875s hell no get away from me nib
5880s s that's behind me
5885s bro I'm telling you chat they're playing
5888s that stage bro I know they are
5891s there's like why else would you play in
5892s a five stack
5894s oh he's over at the freaking window
5897s I'm not peeking that
5907s oh he spawned on the freaking vulture I
5909s needed that dude I don't have ammo
5924s foreign
5937s that was not part of the deal
5949s ow
5958s Ed
5990s laughs
5994s oh dude
6022s no I feel bad for the man
6031s they had to put me in the game bro
6038s no I was 32-0
6050s I'm already here he's cheating what
6053s hey yo as if we're losing a viewer
6055s because he said I'm cheating bro
6057s as if
6060s Joshua I'm Legit I swear
6063s I'm not one-shotting these people I
6065s swear I'm Legit
6068s I'm telling you yo guys can we get off
6069s the hard point and let me double Nick
6070s like what's going on here man
6073s okay I couldn't wall buy I saw
6076s R.I.P on that little POG champ
6080s start of the season now
6082s for this five man
6099s oh my God
6101s I'm billion
6103s I'm actually billion right now
6110s oh bullied on the main stage Prof
6115s [Music]
6120s em and reactions are pig let's go dude
6126s fine sorry Ferg
6128s Josh you stay chat Joshua said
6134s yo Joshua if you've never seen me before
6136s subscribe to the Call of Duty mobile
6138s Channel you know I'm Cheyenne and then
6139s while you're at it subscribe to my
6140s channel too
6142s I Ferg
6144s I feel bad for the Pro Player on their
6146s team dude oh my God 4 and 23 that is
6148s tough
6149s season reset be like chat you know what
6151s I'm saying
6152s those are the games I like to play
6153s though
6155s no time Billy chat Nick times is my best
6157s map like I've nuked two World finalists
6160s in Nook time like 20 different Pro
6163s players
6164s from stage four like Nook time when I
6167s hop in no bro I got a double Nook on
6169s Nook time the first time I ever stringed
6172s on the official called mobile Channel
6173s with that chopper with the chopper lmg
6175s and then we got the first ever double
6177s Nook with without dying on Nuketown like
6179s Nuketown is my
6180s my map chat I love nuktan
6184s it's nothing but a w
6186s uh-huh it's a redeem code for I assume
6189s it's for uh getting skins for watching
6191s the Stream
6192s but uh don't call me at 9 because I'm
6193s not actually too sure
6197s I only went 423 the legendaries go worse
6199s than that that is true
6202s oh yeah the 76-0 record as well yeah the
6204s most the most kills without dying in a
6206s legendary match
6209s I forgot about that one that's actually
6211s a juicer
6213s such an OG record
6215s yeah firing range was the first ever
6217s double Nook but the first ever double
6218s Nook in in the world with are you dying
6221s like where I got two nukes in one game
6223s with out dying which meant at the start
6225s of the second half I switched class and
6226s switched back was uh on nicktown and I
6229s wasn't even live streaming I was
6230s recording for a different video and then
6232s I just managed to double Nook I didn't
6234s even talk in the game and then at the
6235s end of the game when I got the double
6236s Nook I was like what and then I made a
6239s whole video bro I would never do that
6240s now but back then it was just too good
6242s not to
6246s it was just way too good not too bro I'm
6248s surprised at how fast we find games to
6250s be honest
6253s release frog skin I don't think the
6255s first skin will ever be re-released bro
6259s hmm
6262s oh wow who's better than you at this
6265s game Ferg oh there's loads of people
6266s better than me bro I'm not even that
6267s good
6269s ah it's this guy again
6275s I wish we queued faster because we have
6277s to cook it's this dude one
6279s very much I just played a private much
6281s you want to go watch it you can rewind
6282s the stream we played the new Armada
6283s strike map for search and rescue
6285s actually a lip map and uh I like the
6287s mode simply added to ranked this is the
6290s wrong class because it's the class
6291s number one and not like number two
6294s this guy's gonna snipe pretty heavily I
6296s can already feel it coming
6297s with his Locus or thinks he's him or
6300s something yep there he is on the score
6303s why are there two people on this side of
6305s the map
6306s what are these guys trying like trying
6309s hard
6312s for a way I'm watching this
6317s guy Harding for a win
6319s already by like rotating or I don't
6321s understand
6333s no compress
6335s and day
6342s I barely got away with that
6347s thank you
6357s eggs
6368s as much as I dislike that guy I gotta
6370s give him props because he's really good
6380s right there bruh
6382s like if y'all just killed that one guy
6384s from behind we would have that hard
6386s point still let that sink let the sink
6388s in bruh like Elon Musk let the sink in
6392s y'all see that he like brought a sink
6393s into Twitter
6395s that was funny as hell
6398s bro we would have had that hardpoint
6400s locked on if they could just kill one
6402s guy and shoot him in the back if that's
6404s all he had to do was shoot a guy from
6406s behind
6425s foreign
6462s I was doing it last night when I or last
6465s yesterday when I was going for number
6467s one with this gun that was one magging
6470s uavs
6475s dad can you have upload I took that I am
6478s done my site too quick to just live and
6480s then him done
6494s dad you know
6497s switchblade is just better than this
6499s close range
6500s kills quicker
6507s hopefully we lose this quick and get out
6509s of this
6512s going to a new Lobby
6514s A Whole New World
6520s there's a point of me even picking this
6521s because the sniper's just gonna kill me
6539s brother did I or did I not just kill you
6542s out of there
6554s I'm not getting any support for this
6555s game right now
6561s I'm actually intrigued to see the uh
6565s scoreboard after this one
6577s Brown knows exactly where I am all the
6580s time
6581s all right ggs
6588s at the time my issue is fixed by the way
6590s chat
6591s it is fixed
6595s it's being fixed for a minute
6599s my team had two kills 221 bro
6604s talk about feeding my little POG champ
6612s [Music]
6617s ah
6619s it is an altar kind
6622s I wonder why
6629s jump so you can save you I feel like
6631s that's a knockoff of Jesus can save you
6633s the player he got to World Finals why
6638s the heck did bro get a bot lobby
6640s what
6642s how did you get a ball Lobby bruh
6645s oh oh because he lost
6649s oh that was was that after he
6652s I'm confused oh there's me there I was
6654s wondering I was like where am I
6663s Berg's luck is insane for what
6667s am I looking seeing for more custom
6668s games I'll play another after another
6670s ranked game we'll play another search
6671s and rescue maybe we'll do it on a map
6673s that I know a little bit better than
6674s Armada like uh hmm I wonder can you get
6677s it on
6681s uh what map would I like to play a
6683s firing range I would play
6684s search and rescue on firing see what
6686s it's like
6687s try it out this is a really quick cue
6690s which is sus I feel like it didn't find
6692s that other guy a match until I searched
6694s you know Raya Rye I know right sick we
6698s didn't get him
6699s good job
6708s battle pass season one holder
6711s Joshua stop asking me if I'm cheating
6713s bro
6716s we're gonna eat today I had a couple
6717s wraps
6719s a bunch of veggies
6721s and I'm
6722s sorry what's up hash Mac
6726s I'm smoking that so that I can challenge
6727s this
6732s no way
6734s oh he can kill me with a chicken
6736s I'm watching your life thanks Bash
6738s subscribe to the Call of Duty mobile
6739s Channel you already know the vibes
6743s that lock-on was incredible
6747s unlock on was not
6754s behind me
6759s a little surprised by that you know
6764s Bruce hitting on bird
6766s hey man
6767s having haters is better than having no
6768s haters because at least when you have
6770s hitters it means that you're getting
6771s attention you know what I'm saying
6777s but liked by everyone is to be liked by
6779s none
6781s because if you're liked by everyone it
6782s means you have no opinion on anything
6784s Chad
6786s and having no opinion on anything is an
6788s l
6796s I understand
6798s there's a guy on the window I want to
6799s kill him it's a dingo or is he drunk in
6801s that dang Arena
6804s why
6812s see man here they go picking up that CBR
6815s are you ready what oh my God he scared
6818s the crap out of me
6824s there's another guy there
6837s ain't no way there's more people in
6838s coming in there
6845s oh
6853s did he really do that he came around the
6856s same way twice
6860s twice in our otay
6864s no point of taking that fight because
6867s first game will kill me
6883s I know he's here
6901s dude you suck oh come on what street was
6904s I on I was on an oh my God are we being
6908s serious
6910s are we being serious
6914s it wasn't an 18 I think it was under 15.
6917s kind of the Bros keys that were coming
6919s in a doorway
6922s I wanted my Nook
6930s he seen me I know he did
6936s foreign
6942s killer
6945s R.I.P
6967s ad
6977s I need info
6979s bruh what
6982s Ruth playing on low Graphics bro he got
6984s that little golden thing that shines in
6985s my body
6986s I'm telling you
6992s that was terrible accuracy we don't talk
6993s about that
6998s I heard him at least I died
7007s is the dingo user still up there he is
7018s oh that would have been sick if I killed
7020s that person but the CBR just has too
7022s much ammo in a MAG
7031s Dad yeah
7034s here's the dip behind me as well
7039s good point shooting at it because it's
7041s not gonna
7042s do anything
7043s w
7051s ow I'm not having fun this game
7055s I'll be glad when it is over
7081s brother
7086s Reactor Core abuser
7091s oh my God how many smokes we got huh
7095s this guy's doing what I was doing to him
7104s we lost
7119s all right imagine
7123s a permanent man dream you mean permanent
7125s mode
7126s I know man I feel like the Alcatraz is
7128s good because it's not permanent and you
7130s kind of like have to wait for it to come
7131s out it gives excitement to towards it
7133s you know what I mean it was always there
7135s my whole team went negative
7140s what
7142s brother
7145s what the heck is that okay okay well I
7148s need to end
7150s the rank portion on a positive
7152s note chat
7155s please don't vote diesel
7158s I got I know I said I was gonna play
7159s some some customers but I need to end it
7161s on a positive note you know what I'm
7162s saying
7165s the goat of death
7168s sounds like a pretty nutty name
7173s what dude look at that guy's profile
7174s picture
7176s it's got a baby that looks like he's 40.
7179s with his beard
7185s play with you nice bro I've got a good
7187s damn
7190s please collab with Ronaldo oh I would
7192s buy Ronaldo's skin in a heartbeat not
7193s gonna lie
7210s sorry Chad my hacks aren't on yet
7212s I'm missing loads of shots
7216s gotta turn them on man
7228s I'm understanding this spawn system here
7231s they were like spawning behind me but
7232s they weren't feared
7243s killed himself
7247s Grant
7266s I need to make my knee button bigger I
7268s keep screaming it up and not like being
7270s able to hit
7271s to switch my need
7274s you know what I mean to switch to a
7275s different need
7283s I'm sure you'll do it too
7295s oops I still killed him that was an
7297s opinion
7311s I wasn't my teammates respawning here so
7314s of course
7316s the Broski's right there looking at him
7344s shut up chat
7346s I meant to jump
7360s oh my God
7370s dude I smoke
7377s perfect
7396s I hate my life freaking ballista God
7399s damned
7404s that is the most annoying way to die in
7405s this game
7406s right now
7409s I thought that was my teammate
7415s I can't really pinpoint why
7438s I don't really use that Strat anymore
7439s because I'm not smoked from the back oh
7441s there's nobody here anyway
7452s I mean you need to watch your back buddy
7467s I'm already peace
7481s why are these guys coming back for me
7487s what the heck
7498s oh he's got Marty Dom on what a weirdo
7520s hmm
7530s that was a huge play by me not gonna lie
7536s bro
7538s oh it's important Nook bro he came
7540s around the freaking corner pre-firing
7544s oh I was gonna Nick them
7550s freaking free I I hit all my shots too
7552s bro like my accuracy was insane right
7554s there
7561s I'm pissed dude the chicken is actually
7564s good now
7566s that's the guy that that's the only guy
7568s on their team that's killing me he's the
7569s Chicken Guy
7571s it just bursts I'm pretty sure he might
7573s have freaking one versus me last time he
7575s killed me
7577s you're coming so fast
7579s they buffed it into the Oblivion
7583s into New Heights
7587s I should have nicked these guys I just
7589s shouldn't have taken that up an angle I
7591s thought I could get away with it because
7592s I didn't think that somebody would come
7593s around the corner Jump free firing me
7597s not only that but the land all of his
7598s shots like what
7604s okay
7611s MSR is the best gun in the game you
7613s heard it here first little quad feed
7616s I have Tim the ballister
7623s oh my God if I had a quick fix that
7625s would have been sick Jesus
7636s oh the quad feed is right there bro one
7639s mad quad feed chat yeah seen it here
7642s first the tempo last it bro it's bruh
7645s I don't know why I call it the Tempest I
7647s just do all the time all right
7655s [Music]
7662s all right
7667s settings
7670s private
7672s all right search and rescue on a
7673s different map chat I'm thinking firing
7676s range oh you can't even get it in firing
7678s range that's an L uh next on my list
7681s would be standoff
7690s zero
7692s all right you can join by using the code
7694s at the top left
7698s you want to join
7700s chicken buff was good for a gun I agree
7703s the chicken buffers seem to be really
7704s good it's annoying to play against but
7705s yeah it's good
7707s I agree
7710s now done once again coming first chat
7712s you guys are too slow
7714s manly rizzler
7716s the manly rizzler what
7719s which gun was he using brand new ffar
7720s you can get it in the new season five
7723s get wrecked
7726s battle pass
7729s you can unlock it through the free one
7730s or you can get the skin the Epic skin
7732s through the battle pass you pay for
7735s yeah man I've seen the message I already
7736s did it
7740s still already okay Lester you were here
7743s earlier
7744s so
7747s um Splash balls here earlier but he
7749s didn't get to play so we'll let it slide
7754s let's get some big people in you know
7755s I'm sure
7757s take them over the KSP I actually agree
7758s I think the chickens are better than the
7760s KSP by a long shot now I mean you guys
7762s have seen that guy was in a lot of our
7763s games today and he was really
7765s good
7766s with the chicken
7779s let's go
7787s from Bangladesh that's why my Ping's so
7790s freaking high
7792s no wonder
7796s EMS
7804s interesting camping spot
7808s no I did not see him when I moved over
7811s there
7812s what how did I not see that guy
7815s my blind or was he inviz
7819s hmm
7830s you're in sunny California nice Apollo
7836s nice dude
7855s I love you too smiling
7871s nice
7880s SMG this season
7884s ffar
7886s is an assault rifle that you use like an
7889s SMG dude
7905s we all seen him
7920s I am not finding anyone this game
7924s all right I can't find anyone
7931s hmm
7934s what's up Fahad how you doing man
7936s could ever be a Ford 2.0 skin
7939s um probably not
7941s uh maybe in the next Call of Duty on
7943s mobile you know what I'm saying okay I'm
7945s bad
7950s I seen him
7958s there was a guy in Brian I think my
7959s teammate must have got him though
7964s w
7965s ow bro my teammates are just rushing
7969s hmm please say sure
7974s I cannot Smiley unfortunately
7980s hey Tim what's up dude
7984s Papa smoke here because I think they're
7986s gonna go there again oh they did go
7988s there again but
8008s I can't raise him because when you res
8011s it like moves your gun oh there's only
8013s one guy left nice
8018s when you're getting a sports car I have
8019s a sports car
8021s kinda
8023s not gonna lie my interest in cars has
8025s kind of weaned
8027s more so because my interest in making
8029s YouTube videos and stuff has came back
8031s significantly and also making
8034s to our phone content as well yeah we
8037s actually uh reached our most viewed
8039s month ever on YouTube in May last month
8042s like ever
8043s something like 20 it was 28.4 million
8046s views last month and interesting
8048s statistic we got more views on YouTube
8050s last month than every other Cod mobile
8052s Creator combined
8054s which is insane
8069s hmm
8073s every other Cod mobile Creator combined
8075s I think was like 27.7 million
8079s the lambo you wanted to buy
8083s hmm
8084s how much are kill I agree
8091s no man I go through phases with things I
8093s want but the main objective for me right
8095s now is building out the best content
8097s team possible
8099s right now we obviously have the best
8100s content team in Mobile I don't even
8101s think it's questioned
8115s I knew he was in there that's why I
8116s pre-fired it
8118s good job I got the best content team
8120s possible so obviously just in Mobile is
8122s not is not good enough
8124s when you put the ffar on the top 10 list
8127s I just hadn't used it enough yet to
8129s include it to be honest I think if the
8131s ffr wasn't the top 10 it would be really
8133s low down there would be like a nine or a
8134s ten a tenth spot it wouldn't be like top
8137s I don't know man it might even be like
8139s an honorable mention
8143s Giga dog that's my first video what's up
8145s bro
8163s he's in there too man
8173s I lock onto him it's good
8177s what's up new boy two advice doesn't
8179s care for others how I am brisket
8181s yeah chat we outfitted like a whole
8183s shorts team
8185s the shorts are are burning and I were uh
8188s I fit in our long-form content team
8194s in preparation for a new Call of Duty on
8196s mobile
8198s yo that's how I get past it right
8200s College anymore I know
8211s foreign
8224s like a 7.5
8228s the best thing about it's the the fire
8230s skin honestly this I think it's this is
8232s the best thing about it
8264s oh said double it and give it to the
8265s next person with that freaking cryo bomb
8267s am I right though
8276s you know what I'm saying card mobile
8279s we're stepping it up a little Notch for
8281s the next fears of Call of Duty on mobile
8284s you know what I'm saying
8285s we stepping up to new realms
8288s I'm so excited for that chat like
8292s we making we making an Avengers level
8294s team
8296s ffr is good or not yeah I like it it's
8297s really good it's really fun more than it
8299s is good it's just a like a fun gun to
8302s use it's like a hybrid between a Type 25
8304s and an SMG
8307s also chat this is the new game mode by
8309s the way search and rescue
8318s maybe they should add it as a rank code
8319s at the end of this rank or at the end of
8321s the season
8322s you know what I mean you know they did
8323s that once before with kill confirmed
8325s maybe they should do that with this
8348s [Applause]
8350s family real stories behind Jay
8360s this guy I gotta get an invite we're
8362s playing Customs so you can just type in
8363s the custom code at the top left when we
8365s get out of the game and you can join man
8367s we need a Mythic bird I think there's a
8369s Mythic ffar coming this season
8371s new seasonal camera was underrated I
8373s actually think it's one of the best bro
8374s the seasonal free cameras that they give
8376s away in their skin are in this game are
8378s the best skins like the best free skins
8380s out of any game ever doesn't matter if
8381s it's mobile console or PC I've never
8383s seen a game give away that
8385s you would have like a free skin
8387s consecutively in consecutive Seasons I
8390s can't even speak English right now
8391s briska
8401s the new gun is first
8404s it
8425s there's two there
8430s foreign
8438s bullets left
8440s I don't have any bullets chat
8460s he revived that guy
8463s bro this is actually hella tactical
8465s right now I like
8474s go because they keep Reviving
8478s nice teammate let's go yeah I'm gonna
8480s play another one of those
8483s you see the Mythic ffar inspection now I
8485s haven't really watched any of the leaks
8486s I've just heard
8488s that wait we lost the wrong did we win
8489s or lose our mind that's Cod mobile got a
8492s on smiley face in the chat
8494s what was that for
8502s I just heard
8504s multiple
8507s molotovs go down right there in back
8509s alley
8539s ggs
8540s check your mailbox
8543s all right Chad checking our little
8545s mailbox getting a little mailbox session
8547s in here chat
8549s zero out of 10 but he wrote This Gun
8550s easily a nine
8551s easily like it's effective as a prime is
8553s great so it's really good close range it
8555s just lacks versatility
8558s all right chat we're gonna check our
8560s mailbox what we gonna get
8562s oh
8564s go get him bro scary the Call of Duty
8567s mobile team that's what we like though
8570s what is this
8573s what is this
8576s the krieg6 select Chrome
8581s Ash you're ruining it
8583s all right it looks like a cool bronze
8586s kind of skin going on here chant let's
8587s see what it's all a bite though the
8589s first person in the world to receive the
8590s skin chat exclamation mark
8594s question mark
8595s where are you Craig ah
8598s yo the ice strike is a Boston skin too
8600s though
8602s um I'm actually gonna put an x-mag on
8603s this this time I'm gonna X might as we
8605s got here
8608s um
8617s yeah I'll use this one
8619s bullet speed
8624s using that one
8625s all right
8629s this one
8631s always gonna put that one on
8633s I'm I'm not actually gonna no I guess I
8636s will I'm not gonna put an optic on this
8638s but I think I
8640s yes great I'll put an agency suppressor
8641s see what it's like
8645s all right child let's try out in a rank
8647s game though
8649s okay I I just didn't ask I didn't ask
8654s they all lie dude huh why are you giving
8656s me all that for
8657s all the shenanigans
8659s chat we got a brand new krig six skin
8663s and we're gonna give it a reading out of
8665s 10.
8667s I want your readings too chat so you
8669s need to let me know what the ratings in
8670s the chat are when I uh when I get it
8676s hmm
8679s I'm gonna guess it's gonna be like an it
8681s I do like the Chrome gold bronze kind of
8684s look that they've got on it Summit
8686s Summit please some it's a like a really
8688s good map I feel like for the Craig it's
8690s not the best but it's a good one
8692s damn furcates me yes I totally hate you
8695s so much ER yep
8700s again the season one OG
8703s there's ghost
8705s okay
8707s pop
8709s all right chat
8712s wait it has a little dude look at the
8714s little dude on the iron like before the
8716s iron sight
8717s he's got his legs crossed I didn't even
8719s see that guy hold up
8721s let me take a quick look at this why is
8723s there 19 what's the what's the 19
8729s why does it say that the number
8732s I like it I like the inside of it it
8733s looks sick
8735s I wonder what kind of death like we're
8737s working with with this one
8739s yeah I think it gets The Ferg approval
8742s I don't put the iron sight though it
8744s kind of looks like the iron sight from
8745s the Jack 12 skin you know the legendary
8747s one I'm talking about chat
8749s imagine it's the year you joined I was
8751s thinking that like the 19 on the side
8753s that's the that's what eji was when I
8755s first started playing called mobile
8757s was 19.
8762s all right let's check this legendary
8763s kill effect
8767s yeah the dude
8769s they have on the side of this
8772s what the fact is the dude
8775s the death effect is the dude yo
8779s look it's the dude
8781s oh come on
8784s oh man that guy picked up my skin and he
8786s didn't have his resources downloaded
8789s that's unfortunate
8797s foreign
8819s yeah I'm a big fan
8822s I'm a big fan of that the uh
8825s the death effect specifically
8828s iron sight is really giving me jack 12
8831s legendary Vibes though
8834s so I'm not sure how I feel but I don't
8835s want to take that all right I'm dead
8839s he just like played me with his
8840s switchblade
8857s hey guys you know you don't have to kill
8858s me right
8859s hey man you're giving away a position
8867s I feel like shooting this gun signs
8870s different than the normal
8872s gun noise
8911s nope
8921s are we
8930s hell no
8934s no
8936s come on
8938s I was trying to get my nuke why did you
8941s have to have kinetic right there bruh
8944s you suck
8951s oh and then he has the audacity to say
8954s what's up [ __ ]
8965s what
8967s oh my God if I had killed that second
8969s person too yeah I would be to go ever
8971s the go ever a knife greatest of all time
8973s ever
8983s foreign
9012s I don't even like
9016s he's been going in
9019s causing chaos
9032s I like the skin I'm gonna give it like a
9033s I'm gonna give it like an 8.7
9036s out of 10.
9038s and you guys know me like that's a
9039s pretty respectable score for a skin
9041s because I don't really many skins highly
9051s I'm quite the skin connoisseur
9056s bro
9059s oh my Nook dreams are over this game
9069s season one
9071s reinhards
9076s I thought that was my teammate I'm gonna
9078s be real with you
9091s all right
9092s just end this game please
9100s I just don't care
9107s it's not about the challenge krm user
9111s unfortunately
9114s unless I have to
9120s move that to a predator that there yep
9138s switch play is still the best close
9139s range weapon
9144s I've been killing me all game
9150s all right
9154s I'm gonna go on a hardpoint please and
9156s end this
9157s nobody wants to play this
9162s you guys can I get up guys
9177s all right did you thank you
9182s what gun am I using it's the brand new
9185s preg skin
9187s thanks for the card Timmy I was not
9188s enjoying myself there against navic
9191s at the new Krieg it is
9195s what Chrome is it called it's called The
9196s Slick Chrome right
9200s my approval one other guys left all
9202s right hopefully we can get into game
9203s quick and avoid those tits I want to get
9206s a nuke with this
9208s I want to get a Nook pretty sex slick
9210s Chrome chat it's a w I think it releases
9212s tonight I'm pretty sure it comes up
9214s tonight chat
9216s I like it the iron sight is like
9219s it's rubbing me weirdly because of the
9221s Jack 12 comparison like it looks so much
9223s like the Jack 12. what skin is the jack
9225s 12. I forget the Jack 12 skin is called
9230s yeah the molten mirror the the iron
9234s sight for this is so similar I feel like
9236s as the the Slick Chrome prig
9239s even with the iron so it still gets an
9241s 8.7 I like it I like the way it looks
9243s and I like when you um
9244s inspect it you can see inside the gun
9246s that's probably one of the biggest
9248s pros of it
9250s and Pros bought some randoms will skill
9252s based matchmakers in the game so I only
9253s play against the best players in the
9254s world now and that's why it takes so
9256s long for me to find games because
9257s there's not very many people at the top
9261s that's the way the orchestrate ranked
9262s nowadays it's not the same as what it
9263s has always been
9266s you get like put into like a separate
9268s category of player when you're at the
9269s top
9270s but you can only play against other
9272s really great players
9275s and then if you're like a mid-tier
9277s player you'll go against the mid-tier
9278s players and then if you're a low tier
9280s player you'll go against Bad players
9284s his Mythic bikini manta ray coming I
9286s have no idea
9287s you would like that wouldn't you huh
9290s you would like that
9293s thought I miss here in person they are
9295s in the chat yeah they confirmed that it
9297s drops tonight chat so if you want the
9298s slick it's like a chrome you can get it
9303s uh
9306s got the rewards for the rank match nice
9311s I'm boosting side this season for the
9312s Graw but it's not coming out yet seems
9314s like later this month I'm pretty sure
9316s because we're getting two new guns this
9318s month we were getting that in the draw
9320s the ffr and the draw everybody got the
9322s ffr so I'm not excited about it anymore
9323s because I got it and my excitement is
9325s gone but it's a great gun so I'm excited
9326s for the next one
9327s the best pistor dlq honestly bro I don't
9330s even like using it I love the skin but I
9332s don't like the iron sight the way it
9333s looks
9341s our print that's actually false
9344s there's very few people in GM already
9348s hmm
9350s because I have another account and uh
9352s it's in GM which I used to get number
9354s one
9355s on the ffr leaderboards and there was
9357s none
9358s it was the theme as this
9362s it's a girl coming in season six really
9365s why not all the Lakers say that it was
9366s coming this season
9378s all right Nick Tyne I'm playing against
9382s the same people we got mavic in our team
9383s this time though which I'm happy to play
9385s but they got van the one who was the
9386s carry last game which I'm not happy
9388s about
9389s yeah see it's just I just play against
9390s the same people chat because they're all
9392s in the same skill base matchmaking tier
9393s as me so
9395s we just go against each other all the
9396s time
9410s messy on top yeah the messy skin was
9412s cool when they released it I agree I
9413s like the message to skin the most out of
9414s him and Pogba
9419s no that's a real person from Call of
9422s Duty on that kind
9427s real as they come chat
9430s here on ffar I like it
9433s I like it a lot
9435s Nook candy probably not gonna happen to
9437s be honest because uh van and the other
9438s team to try hard with hex
9440s I don't think I'll look at this game bro
9442s hey man should have killed that guy he
9444s was right beside him he just hit him
9446s once so he would have been chilling
9450s I got some weird lag there but we're
9452s chilling
9474s I knew I knew they were gonna come for
9476s me
9477s there's one in front of the back that's
9479s a really bad spot to stay in
9481s for like
9483s even a short period of time because
9487s I'm so screwed here
9489s because people can kill you from too
9490s many different locations is that the
9493s brand new skin that guy was using
9495s um seasonal thing I think it was right
9497s that's sick I really like that one
9504s I like bright and vibrant stuff so
9508s anything vibrant and bright is dope
9511s when it comes to skins
9525s what it was a nid I just popped kinetic
9528s for a need
9531s my died
9537s what a waste
9541s gotta give it to him Chad that need Was
9542s Juicy
9567s of course this guy's just gonna
9569s continually need me under the window
9571s I don't have trophy system on so I can't
9573s really do anything about it
9575s I got smoke on for some reason
9600s oh
9607s how did he know I was there
9609s T-man bruh
9618s good job team man
9629s you're blocking me
9640s I'm not even using the right gun I was
9641s meant to use the Slick drama I just
9643s completely forgot about it
9651s back on the ffr
9672s ont I have no idea what that guy's doing
9679s all right
9694s what
9696s I thought he was gonna above me I played
9707s my teammate has cracked
9710s like
9712s I'm glad this game's over
9714s I knew I wasn't gonna dig it against
9715s these guys because it was van and hex
9717s from the last game
9736s that person's one shot if anyone had hit
9738s that guy we would have been chilling
9747s um
9749s foreign
9780s again I just forgot about it this game
9785s I'm gonna hop in the hardpoint and just
9786s win this
9787s I kind of nuke anyway and by the time
9789s like I get in a streak my teammates will
9791s just hop in the hard point
9792s regardless and I won't be able to get it
9796s there's no real point in extending the
9797s game
9813s nourish I don't know
9819s turtle and Cala were both spectating
9821s that
9824s um
9826s Panasonic's like an SMG yeah
9829s I mean that's how I play I play the FFA
9831s or like it's an SMG
9838s where you give up I mean like when the
9840s score is 140 plus and you're not on a
9842s streak
9843s there's nothing really to play for
9846s I don't know what you want me to tell
9848s you
9850s I don't know what you want me to tell
9851s you
9853s any legendary gun skins
9855s pretty soon or after I have no idea
9857s Karthik
9859s I have no idea
9865s I um
9868s yeah read ffar I mean I've said multiple
9870s times to stream it's probably like a
9871s nine
9871s out of ten
9873s why do you buy the whole paddle pass why
9875s uh I buy the whole battle pass straight
9877s away so I can get number one in the
9878s leaderboards with the ffar
9879s which I did you'll see the video soon
9881s maybe like five days from now it takes a
9883s long time for videos like that to get me
9885s it just because we put so much effort
9886s into them there's a lot of footage to go
9887s through
9889s hmm
9890s yeah sure
9892s you're a go five team that will never
9894s lose a matching cardam including you
9896s because you're the goat if I was doing
9898s five players I don't know bro
9901s perfect for players to play with me I
9903s have no idea
9908s I don't know
9910s right now nice we got new people to play
9912s against let's go oh we also got the good
9914s players from last game on our team
9922s all right chat look okay I don't have
9924s the skin on for the Jack 12 never mind
9926s all right chat here's the creek six
9927s slick Chrome brand new
9930s brand new
9931s not even right yet chat
9947s you guys don't like the flashlight fair
9949s enough
9952s how'd you read the legendary Krieg
9955s hit point seven
9956s out of ten I like it
9959s I like the iron sight like if this
9961s Ironside came out in the Jag 12
9962s legendary wasn't in the game I think it
9964s was sick he just throws me off a little
9966s bit because of the iron sight looking so
9968s much
9968s similar to a shotguns one
9971s hmm
9978s do you mind your Montage on your videos
9980s are awesome thanks dude
9984s please make a cat skin
9990s on mobile write it down man give the guy
9992s what he wants
9999s this build is not made for long range
10002s fights but I'm happy that I killed that
10003s guy
10006s it's too bouncy for long range
10022s yeah
10023s anywhere I went there I was gonna die
10038s I feel like both sides of this Lobby are
10040s playing extremely slow
10042s like everyone's kind of just posted up
10044s like I got absolutely going on
10060s I just knew he was gonna spawn there
10061s that's why I turned around
10063s I don't think they'll spawn here anymore
10065s but I want to get the vulture
10068s oh and okay LK is actually really good
10070s this season
10075s what I mean like they're all playing
10077s super slow
10079s like nobody's coming into the hardpoint
10080s they're all like going for nukes
10083s they all got three kills though
10085s kind of start up a streak or something
10092s I don't know what's that about
10099s wow six smoke bro
10110s okay there
10116s foreign
10128s got the freeze bug thing
10164s where is
10170s hang on the next
10172s we got this a locked down right now I
10174s didn't have to do anything for this
10175s hardpoint
10196s good job too man
10200s I got the next hardpoint locked in bro
10210s look these teams are slightly unfair
10214s what do we think champ
10216s like we're winning 91 to four
10219s oh they got the immune thing going
10225s you're going against
10227s might as well move now
10233s you should jump off the side
10236s oh he did do that
10240s a little bit more range on this
10246s and I'll just hopping on next instead
10252s since I would do it too
10254s because they weren't gonna break the old
10255s one
10272s I'm not gonna have to sit in it I'm
10275s just gonna keep getting kills
10277s if I can
10279s or however long I can
10283s it's like Chrome going in
10285s oh teammate gathered the hard point bruh
10293s I know you want to see me winning by
10294s going on a street my little pug jump
10300s that stuff
10302s we're gonna win you just
10306s these guys got smoked
10313s huh
10317s thanks hex
10318s here you could maybe could have gotten
10319s that game but we were just winning by so
10321s much
10323s laughs
10327s Nigeria is not the biggest game in
10329s content creating Community for COD
10330s mobile I can assure you it's not even
10332s close
10333s but I do agree that it would be nice to
10335s have Nigerian servers
10341s I think the biggest content creating
10342s Community is probably North America
10345s I think North America has the most
10347s content creators
10349s EU is really small
10351s I don't know
10352s there's maybe like four of us from
10354s Europe
10355s actually there's five I know there's
10357s five
10359s 14 kill straight yeah sure 150 to four
10362s you're I mean I had the really good
10364s players in my team for some reason so
10368s but yeah I hope they get you a server
10370s man
10371s you don't need to lie to Mega server
10374s you don't need to put in like
10377s non-factual information into your
10379s suggestion
10380s you say Hey man can I have a server
10384s I asked them about it
10391s we have African servers though I think
10393s it's only for uh South Africa honestly I
10396s don't really know I'm pretty sure it's
10397s only essay
10400s but we'll see
10401s yeah if you if you want rewards you can
10403s watch this stream through the in-game
10404s app
10407s the gunskins on I did have gun skins on
10408s that was the brand new krieg6 slick
10411s Chrome
10412s it does have a different sound am I the
10413s only one that thought that Kieran that
10415s thought it had a different sound
10416s I knew it
10418s I was like does this is this sign
10419s different
10421s hmm
10428s never streaming fans yeah I was playing
10430s custom games earlier
10434s non-factual information
10439s oh dear
10446s I don't even know what that situation
10447s was to speak on it it's my rank in BR I
10449s have no idea because it reset probably
10451s master
10458s it's a crazy legendary look like in
10459s Diamond I don't even have diamond for
10460s the Craig Brandon I don't think so I
10461s don't think I have a diamond for this
10462s gun actually I'm confident I don't
10464s because I've never used it without any
10466s attachments on it
10468s we'll see what I have
10474s you have nothing for it but there if you
10476s want to see it there you go
10478s I don't really go for camos anymore
10483s I did back when they were new but
10487s and
10490s I don't know
10496s are you gonna do another public law but
10497s you know what we'll play one more since
10499s we can't find a game on ranked we'll do
10500s uh one more Armada strike search and
10502s rescue because I actually really like
10503s that map
10509s there we are
10510s Let's uh we'll just keep it six like a
10513s normal one
10514s we'll put everyone down to zero all
10517s right chat you can see the code the top
10518s left if you want to join in
10530s mm-hmm sounds good
10533s play BR more often I'm saving my BR for
10536s uh something for something's coming out
10538s soon
10541s you know what I'm saying
10547s um
10550s oh he even put it in yo Call of Duty
10552s mobile even put in the code themselves
10553s that's a w
10558s looks nice and Diamond too bad I got the
10559s Mythic and Diamond instead yeah I agree
10561s I like the Mythic better than the the
10563s legendary
10564s but it the legendary has a good enough
10567s Ironside to Warrant buying the legendary
10569s if you don't have the Mythic like if you
10571s don't have the Mythic Krieg you should
10572s buy the legendary one if you have enough
10573s money to do so because it's good and the
10575s iron sight's better than they are inside
10576s of the normal one
10577s hmm
10581s sorry man you got stream remote on
10584s all right lots of people don't have it
10587s yeah make sure you have the map
10590s downloaded bro
10593s Aaron Jaeger hey yo I like Attack on
10595s Titan shout out to the collab that they
10597s had on a console with that I wish we got
10599s that collab on mobile
10601s that would have been a sick collab
10605s where is Aaron Jaeger oh sorry sorry
10608s Aaron
10612s all right
10614s support activation
10617s or giveaway hey you're getting free
10619s skins if you watch the stream you
10621s I wonder will it stay up after too let's
10622s use the ffr again
10624s I always call it the ffr but it's
10625s actually the ffar
10635s yeah make sure you have the map stand
10637s loaded
10639s in your shirt
10645s let's do it
10651s fine I wanna make players choose to play
10653s with them introducers that's always nice
10657s yeah I would actually love to play
10659s against emulator users but um
10663s I don't know if I can choose to I
10665s probably would click it to be honest
10668s I just seen that guy kill himself
10672s yeah we just seen that guy die aside
10680s where is everyone
10699s nice name Mike
10702s he's up here
10723s sick smoke guys
10728s foreign
10748s are we ready to break another record in
10750s COD mobile though this month most viewed
10752s months on any Cod mobile Channel ever
10753s are we gonna keep the streak alive
10755s though even though there's only 30 days
10757s this month
10758s I think we gotta keep the streak up bro
10760s we gotta hit 30 million
10770s hey mate can I beat you
10772s Mike
10773s can I beat you
10778s I might have hair piece
10794s I can hear him chat
10796s foreign
10801s bro
10820s hey Raz all right TV2
10826s I'm a pro
10835s let's go baby
10838s it's from Cold War yeah that's where the
10839s map's from there you go
10841s I forgot
10846s hmm
10847s what about Mythic Ghost Skin would look
10849s like probably fire all the Mythic skins
10851s for characters in this game are sick I
10853s can't say that about all the Mythic gun
10855s skins though there's some that were kind
10856s of questionable at least in in my tears
10862s like the uh as Val
10865s wasn't really a fan of it
10873s foreign
10882s [Music]
10892s [Music]
10894s I'm watching your stream right now I
10896s know
10897s I know you're in my stream you wouldn't
10898s be in this game if you weren't
10903s dead
10905s well I can [ __ ] under this I did not
10907s know that
10916s what other guys left
10920s Malachi
10924s was a guy that kept killing himself he
10925s just tipped
10933s all right double knife
10935s well double fist
10939s he said bro
10943s oh here's Quick Fix on you man
10946s team man
10959s look two of our guys died but because
10961s we're playing search and rescue we can
10962s just revive them
10964s so wild
10973s I couldn't get him I tried to be
10976s aggressive about it but it wasn't
10977s working
10978s it was a nice head glitch though I'll
10979s know that for next time Mike Mike
10982s 's dad guys R.I.P GG
10988s hmm
10998s all right let's go
11000s K-9 unit needs nerfing
11003s did the dog I thought the dog died in
11005s one shot it does
11007s if you're getting too short if you're
11010s shooting a dog twice
11011s you're more than likely wall buying it
11014s oh my God
11017s oh my God
11021s how will you team here bringing me back
11025s look at that what's the first time I've
11027s been revived like that
11036s there's a shame when other guys had to
11037s leave
11041s you think he's coming down here again
11044s nope
11046s I think we have a full five stack back
11048s again even though a couple of us died
11052s bonson
11053s you might be camping up in the back
11054s spawn I don't know
11064s did you
11066s no dogs don't do not die from one sniper
11069s shot really
11071s I feel like
11074s I feel like if you have the vlq on it
11076s and you hit a dog it dies
11080s don't think it needs a buff bro or a
11082s Nerf
11083s I Cannon it sucks it's just like nib
11086s players use it because they don't know
11087s how to use normal operators
11089s I feel like it doesn't need a buff
11106s oh
11109s I was high tonight the sloppington
11115s Hey Kevin rewards watching this live
11116s they are they are giving them Rewards
11118s watching this live
11119s I'm getting revived chat look
11122s brand new feature for search and rescue
11124s shush I'm back
11127s I'm back
11129s hold up I've never seen the
11131s the Lifeboat do this
11134s let it be known I was gonna make it
11136s through the window but then it like okay
11138s whatever I was gonna make it through
11139s chat all right I was
11143s all right chat
11147s that'll do that'll do us for today if
11149s you haven't checked out the brand new
11151s season five get wrecked go update your
11153s game go update Call of Duty mobile and
11155s if you've for some reason find this
11156s stream
11158s and you don't have it downloaded Go
11159s download Call of Duty mobile right now
11160s and subscribe to the channel here if
11162s you're watching on YouTube and if you're
11163s watching in the app come on to YouTube
11164s subscribe to the official Call of Duty
11166s mobile channel to get um
11168s new releases like updates new content
11171s anything you want to see within the game
11172s that you haven't unlocked yet you can
11173s find it here on the official Channel or
11175s you can find it online either or but uh
11177s yeah chat thanks for joining me for a
11178s live stream takeover
11180s check me out iferg on YouTube
11183s there'll be a new video sometime soon I
11185s already uploaded the top 10 guns for the
11186s season you can go check out all right
11187s ffar getting number one with that we'll
11189s be out in the next few days
11191s chat thanks for joining me I appreciate
11193s it make sure to live your life for
11194s purpose do something that will help you
11195s mentally physically or financially with
11197s the rest of your day
11199s and I will uh I'll see you guys when I
11201s next live stream or the next video
11202s wherever you see me first
11204s chat love you all see you later
11206s alligator it's been a pleasure
11212s best skater
11215s boy
11217s subscribe
11219s thanks Cod mobile for having me on
11221s gamers