over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link


Happy 1 Year Anniversary Call of Duty: Mobile Community!!! It is October 2nd and our worldwide launch of this massive undertaking was just around one year ago on October 1st (PT). We truly cannot express our gratitude to you all, especially the many players in these communities that have been around since October of 2019! It is amazing that we not only have so many players from all over the world, but that we have had so many players who have been with us throughout the entire year.

We have a lot going on in October and most of it is starting when we launch the next season in mid-October. However, you may have seen this posted yesterday but we are thrilled to share our first look at our Call of Duty: Mobile Anniversary!


Starting this weekend we’ll start having a few social media posts trickle in about our anniversary season and by next week we’ll start going full swing! We know we have said this multiple times about this next season, but we absolutely cannot wait to start sharing the truly ridiculous numbers of videos, trailers, screenshots, and teasers that we are preparing to launch into the world. We are almost there!

On another note, before we jump into the usual, we have another community vote starting today! Last week several different communities voted on their favorite MP maps and modes (with over 50K votes!!!) and this week we are also asking you to help pick something that will be releasing during our upcoming anniversary season.

Help decide what epic weapon millions of players will be able to snag with their hard-earned credits. We’ve combed through every season, all the way back to our original launch, and pulled out a list of Epic weapon blueprints to pick from. Check them out, vote for your favorite, and we’ll be adding the winner to the second credit store update during this next season at 50% off the normal price (10k credits instead of 20k credits). Here are all of the options:


We’ll have this vote live in multiple areas again, including some community channels on top of our official ones, and here is where you can vote for this in your community area:

We’ll be running these polls all the way through the weekend and collecting votes at the start of this next week (PT). Thanks again for all of the eager participation on these polls/votes and have at it 😉.

While we’d love to share what weapons are coming up in the next release, what new maps, what major changes, or any of those other detail’s players are asking after every social post or community update lately haha, let’s hold off for now and jump into this week’s community update!


Here is the full look at most events currently running or coming soon to COD Mobile:

  • 9/25 - 10/08 ~ Hardcore Mode Collection Playlist (MP)
  • 9/25 - 10/08 ~ Attack of the Undead Mode (MP)
  • 9/25 - 10/08 ~ Pine 24/7 Playlist (MP)
  • 10/1 - 10/07 ~ Battle Royale Warfare Mode
  • 10/2 - 10/08 ~ King of the Hill Playlist
  • 10/2 - 10/08 ~ Rapid Fire Mode (MP)
  • 10/2 - End of S10 ~ Technogeek Event
    • Earn the brand-new Hacker Battle Royale class
  • Last Chance ~ All Seasonal Challenges Available
    • Perks, weapon blueprints, characters, and more

*All Dates UTC

This week we’re bringing back some classic limited time modes, like Rapid Fire and BR Warfare, and we’re also offering some new skills to master with the Hacker BR class. You can of course still jump into Attack of the Undead, Hardcore Mode, Pine, or anything else that is still running.

Sadly, The Hunt for Makarov seasonal event has just ended, and we hope you were able to collect all of the rewards or take at least take part in The Hunt in Battle Royale. We have seen a great deal of positive feedback about this event, particularly about how it felt like a mixture of a single player campaign and a live event, and our designers will use that enthusiasm and support to keep trying new rewarding seasonal events like these in the future.

World Championships – Regional Playoffs
Over this last weekend our Call of Duty: Mobile World Championships Regional Playoffs have had our first of the regional playoffs completed. Many teams fought hard as announcers from Japan, Brazil, and LATAM highlighted the fast-paced action, excitement, and competitive spirit displayed! While those three areas were broadcasted, we also have many talented teams fighting in our “other” region, which is a mixture of different regions that didn’t quite fit into the rest.

Most importantly though, there has been many intense matches and a few teams have risen to the top. First off, shout out to the winners of the Japan Regional Playoffs – Team Reject!


While over in Latin America we had team Influence Rage taking home first place in that region!


Lastly, in our “other” region we had many teams battling it out as well with Team Mayhem taking home first place! Congratulations to all three winning teams!


All winning teams will be heading to the grand finals, which have yet to be announced, but we for now we still have two more regional playoffs coming this month.

  • Regional Playoffs Europe: October 17th and 18th
  • Regional Playoffs North America: October 24th and 25th

Those upcoming playoffs will be streamed as well over their playoff weekends and if you want to catch up on any of the recordings of the LATAM or Japan playoffs then look no further than our global YouTube channel and the Regional Playoffs Playlist right at the top.

Technogeek – Hacker Battle Royale Class
We shared earlier in October that a brand-new Battle Royale class was on the way and it is finally here with this Technogeek event! You’ll be tasked with completing up to 12 tasks in Battle Royale, which can range from picking up customized weapons in Airdrops to just straight up dealing a large amount of damage over a number of matches.


If you complete those tasks, you’ll be able to acquire this new class, the character Specials Ops 3 – Iridescent, and a few camos specific to BR classes. This new Hacker class is all about disrupting your enemies and the gadgets, utilities, and abilities they use. It does take a little bit of time to execute and it has a limited range, but it can be incredibly annoying to your enemies 😉. Check it out in action:


If you are looking for some more information on the class feel free to head over to our most recent blog post covering the basics of this class alongside some tips and tricks: https://bit.ly/2So8HFP

Rapid Fire Mode
This bombastic mode has returned once again and is ready to show you that there is no such thing as having too many Scorestreaks on the map at the same time! Rapid Fire turns it all up to 11 by significantly increasing the speed at which Operator Skills, Scorestreaks, and grenades recharge or are acquired. Want to run Purifier 10 times in a single match? Live your dreams! Check it out in-game now.


Cybernetic Stalker Draw
Our Call of Duty: Mobile anniversary season may just be around the corner, but we still have more content dropping for Season 10. This new lucky draw features the legendary Kilo Bolt-Action - Rail Gun, an electrifying version of this relatively new and powerful Marksmen rifle. You can also grab a brand-new character, Siren, among many other unique items and pieces of gear. Check it all out in-game now!


Feedback & Bug Reports
We are keeping it very light this week in general for this update, mainly because it is towards the end of the season and we aren’t ready to share much about the next season yet, but we also had such a hefty feedback and bug report response in the last community update that we don’t have any updates on those topics. However, there is just one bug report to mention this week!

Survival Skills & 10 Men Regiment Issues
Last week after we announced that this issue was fixed, we had dozens of players reach out to say they are still missing the rewards from these events. A few days later our teams sent out those items to manually to each player, but if you are still missing anything from these events please reach out to our ATVI Support channels below. They should be able to easily help replace those missing items on a 1 by 1 basis through any of those areas. Thanks to everyone who reached out.

Support Options
If you are looking to report a bug or need any assistance, please reach out through the following channels to make sure it is being reported into our support system. We do see issues in the community and report those often, but these channels below are preferable:


We have a different kind of community highlight this week, but it is still based on highlighting the creativity of the community and this time a rather excellent drawing of the classic Call of Duty character Ghost! Reddit user _Rudraksh_ took on the challenge of drawing Ghost and showed it to the community with over 1000 people responding to their post. Check it out:


Not only do we love their work, but they of course used the beloved Season 6: Once Upon a Time in Rust theme that over a million people have shown appreciation for in our behind the scenes video. Rudrakash has a variety videos showing them creating art, whether it is Black Panther, Spiderman, or CODM related. Check it all out on their profile: https://www.reddit.com/user/_Rudraksh_/

Ghost was part of our very first season of Call of Duty: Mobile and something that players have been asking for again ever since. Well, with anniversary coming up make sure to keep your eyes peeled for the return of that iconic character 😉.

That is it for this light and celebratory community update, but just to reiterate what we said at the beginning we haven’t even gotten started yet on our anniversary. Yesterday may have been our anniversary day, but to us it an anniversary month and our teams are all working extremely hard right now in order to surprise and delight you with this next update.

Keep an eye out for news on all of that and thank you for joining us in this celebration! Be safe everyone and see you next week.

-The Call of Duty: Mobile Team

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over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Hatedndepressed

Any hint that standoff Halloween is coming in this week

Check our social channels tomorrow and you should like what you see! However, we aren't releasing anything Halloween related until about a week before Halloween.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by thervssian

Thank you for making this the best mobile game ever. I started playing in on global launch day and love how far this game has come 1 year later. Can’t wait for the anniversary content, I’m sure it’s gonna be an absolutely phenomenal season.

You have been with us since launch?! It is a pleasure to meet you and to be able to say thank you for being such a long-term fan of the game. We are honored and grateful for your support, especially that you also recognize just how much we've improved, expanded, and added to the game since launch. It has come so very far and we still have so much more planned!

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Mum_Spaghetti5

any news on zombies maybe it is a surprise?

No news on that front!

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by OmegaXesis

Add the top 2 winners instead of just 1 winner. It's so hard to choose haha! I cannot wait for the Anniversary update! The game is so different than when it first came out, and so many positive improvements have been made. Cheers to another year! :]

Haha, sorry. We almost went with two but we have so much going on during this next season that we wanted to narrow this down to just one winner.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by _xEsoteric

Thank you for the continuous support! The game right now is as good as it ever has been and I can't imagine how much better it can get with the next season(thought with this dev team I know I will be surprised)! This is such a minor detail that it feels inconsequential to say, but are there any plans to get the season schedule back to how it used to be (with new seasons coming on the first of every month)? In my opinion I used to be far more excited for the new seasons when they came on the new day of the new month - everything felt novel!

Thank you for the kind words, for the support, and for interesting piece of feedback. The short answer is that yes, ideally we'd also love to get it back to the beginning of each month, but that would just require us slowly pushing it back that way month after month since we don't want to shorten or stifle any of the upcoming seasons.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by KalmiaLetsi

They said they have alot going on next season meaning they'll be more content you can acquire as such only giving away 1 weapon

Yeah, we just have a pretty huge number of events going on top of a variety of giveaways or contests that will taking place during that season. We are trying to make it seem like a wealth of content without it feeling like it is overwhelming.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by 503dev

Same here. As a gamer who confirmed mobile games you have convinced me otherwise. Hands down this is my favorite game. I don't mind spending time nor money. I am happy to see battle royale getting attention lately. This game also turned me into battle royale. It has been an insane ride since launch and even pre-launch, thank you.

That is lovely to read and thank you so much for the support! It has absolutely been insane to look at our original game one year and to see how it has grown. Also, if you are a fan of BR then you should have a lot to love in this next update.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Demi-Fiend

That is a lot of days and sorry for missing your previous post. The issue sounds pretty clear, so thanks for the write-up last time. Let us check and see if this on that current list of fixes coming in this next update.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by demonslayer_

And that's also a crate weapon. I'm not gonna complain it's a win win for me since Im a bp only person XD

Yeah those are all actually all specifically not from Battle Passes. The only one that is kind of breaking that rule is the Arctic. 50 - Steel Blue, which is from a Battle Pass crate (back when we had those) and not the BP itself. We generally don't bring back anything from BPs since part of the point of the BP each season is that those unique items are only available there.

Of course, there is some wiggle room to all of that, but don't wouldn't expect to see anything from a BP return in general unless it is some special or incredibly unusual event or situation.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Striker00018

I was in the global launch of the game now 1 year later im still enjoying the game, i only can say thank you.

Right back at you, thank you very much for sticking with us the whole time and it is a pleasure to be able to interact with such a loyal player like you here in the community. Thrilled to hear you are still enjoying it. We hope some of these unique things coming in this next season will be a delightful and invigorating surprise for you.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Usual_Primary_6628

More levels would be great. Been here since day one and been level 150 forever now

Yeah, that's one we've pushed a few times from a community perspective and it ended up kind of getting wrapped into Gunsmith, since both your profile levels and Gunsmith are all about adding new ways to progress. A level cap increase still might come at some point though!

Regardless, thank you for sticking with us since day one and for your support! We hope you love this next season coming up for anniversary.

over 4 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by resperas

Great. Thank you. Questions:

  1. Will the graphics engine receive a major overhaul in the near or far future?

  2. Last week, you mentioned taking in feedback regarding draws/bundles/crates. Can you share the kinds of discussions you had with the team regarding the feedback you’ve read?

Hey hey, those are both unfortunately not something we have great answers for, but nevertheless:

  1. There isn't any specific plan in the near future to do any major overhaul, but there are always little pieces being worked on and pushed to various updates, like when we overhauled water and reflections back in Season 7.
  2. We are afraid that all of those discussions are very internal and we cannot share that information elsewhere, but there has been many discussion around it and there are some short term plans to improve various aspects bundles and crates.