over 1 year ago - Call of Duty: Mobile - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s another day another adventure for our
3s goofy Squad in the Call of Duty mobile
5s Multiverse today finds our players
8s choosing their uniforms from some of the
10s most badass intimidating player skins
13s the world has ever seen I don't know
16s does this make my butt look big
19s all right ladies one minute till
20s Showtime hit that Runway let's go let's
23s go
24s there are just way too many options here
26s it's like too much fly what are you
29s gonna wear
32s foreign
35s [Music]
45s hold it right there I sent you dopes
48s down here to unbox the squad uniforms I
51s designed for you
51s [Music]
54s oh my word
56s [Music]
57s I can't read it what is it the doggy
61s bags what the hell is that supposed to
63s mean
64s oh I like it wait what damn it I wanted
69s something tough I told that cross I'd
72s get at The Print Shop to write body bags
74s it should save body bags on it ah the
77s printer screwed it up
79s doggy bags oh this just gets better and
83s better
85s you know what you're right Bob they're
88s actually pretty cool all right that
90s settles it doggy bags it is now pack up
93s your crap and load it back into the bus
95s our next stop is the clubhouse where
98s you're gonna learn the true meaning of
100s fear
101s is he gonna kill us
104s just like that the doggy bags are armed
108s and dressed for better only thing left
110s for our crew is some serious training
112s but what's all this talk about the true
114s meaning of fear this Christian and so
117s many more will be answered in the next
119s true packed episode in the Call of Duty
122s mobile Multiverse