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Have had two issues since around the last update, not sure if they are on purpose or just another in the long string of glitches in this game. I would contact customer service, but I didn’t want to wait until the third full moon of the month when the service phone is manned. First is in Arms Race. I bought my gear set and only got my primary. My secondary was a pistol, not the rifle that is assigned in the set and is shown when I bought it. The other one is the death machine, it still says it persists through death until you run out the ammo but now it disappears on death. Anyone else having these?

UPDATE: Arms Race one solved….Thank you!

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almost 3 years ago - /u/SledgehammerGames - Direct link

Glad to hear you've found the fix for your Secondary Weapon slot! Regarding the Deathmachine Killstreak, are you experiencing this issue with a Deathmachine earned via Kills or a Care Package?