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Yesterday on SHG patch notes they stated that they fixed the seasonal challenges that were not tracking:

Seasonal Challenges

  • Addressed an issue that prevented the completion of the following challenges in Warzone from being correctly reflected in the Vanguard UI.
    • Hyper Attack (Win match mvp 5 times)
    • Menacing Fire (60 seconds on patrol point in a game 5 times)
    • Soldier On (100 Bullet pen kills with piercing vision perk)

I was already finished with the soldier on challenge when the issues started but even after the patch yesterday the other two challenges are at 0/5 for me and are making no progress. Has anyone else had any luck? We only have like 10 days left before this season ends :/.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/SledgehammerGames - Direct link

Thursday's game update addresses one issue we're tracking regarding Seasonal Challenge progression. Immediately after these lines in the Patch Notes and on both Twitter and Trello, we've shared that we will continue to work toward a fix for the remaining progression issue(s).