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EDIT 2: I was rewatching the zombies segment of COD Next and when talking about the Aether Storm they never actually said that's the limit, in fact they're pushing the whole "player options" thing, saying stuff like "Do we go into the storm to cleanse it, do we avoid it, do we get out of dodge" etc. From what I can gather they are definetely encouraging you to exfil within those hour long sessions to get better gear for more progress, however nowhere in that section did they ever say you are locked to that one hour, it's up to the player what they want to do, corroborating the Aether Storm info written below.

EDIT: TLDR; The timer does not indicate the end of the game but when a debuffing storm engulfs the map and makes zombies stronger, you start with a maximum of 6 players squad but you can assimilate every other squad with no limit.

Source: MWIII Vondy on the COD discord, who claims that CodeNamePizza divulged this info in his 4 hour and a half COD Next stream.
CodeNamePizza visited Treyarch shortly before COD Next and got some zombies info that NoahJ and others either didn't know or didn't play enough to find out.
This info is:
The 1 hour time limit IS NOT A TIME LIMIT FOR GAME OVER! It is the time before the Aether Storm engulfs the entire map, however, the storm does not kill you, it applies debuffs to you if you lack a gas mask but you won't take damage, and the zombies will be stronger inside of it.
We already know that the tiered zones are basically like rounds, so think of the Aether Storm engulfing everything as Round 50 or something.
He claims because of this, matches can at least (that means minimum) be stretched to 2 hours, but skilled players, players that find exploits or areas and have good weapons and most likely world record holders can probably stretch it to multiple hours.
CodeNamePizza has also said Treyarch devs insinuated to him that we would be getting round based in some form in MWZ to a limited extent from a small Treayrch team collaborating with an Infinity Ward branch in Austin.
He was also told that assimilation has no cap to it, you start with a 6 player squad maximum, however, you can assimilate other squads with no limit, theoretically, one could put together an entire 24 player squad.
The reasoning why it isn't a 24 player squad by default is because it'd make it harder to coordinate, revive, do quests etc.
If you're planning to take on huge bosses you can assimilate any squads you like and work together without ever leaving the initial lobby, gotta say this is cool!
I saw a lot of people complaining about the timer and wondering how the assimilation would work so I thought I'd share this info here too, mostly the timer is what people wanted to know as well as round based.
Hope this helps.

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7 months ago - /u/TreyarchCM - Direct link


Just want to clarify a few things here!

The 1 hour time limit IS NOT A TIME LIMIT FOR GAME OVER! It is the time before the Aether Storm engulfs the entire map, however, the storm does not kill you, it applies debuffs to you if you lack a gas mask but you won't take damage, and the zombies will be stronger inside of it.

Players have 45 minutes until the Aether Storm begins to expand. Once the storm starts expanding, you have 15 minutes to exfil. Once the Aether Storm has engulfed an exfil location, you can no longer extract there. Plan accordingly to make it out of the match with your loot!

He was also told that assimilation has no cap to it, you start with a 6 player squad maximum, however, you can assimilate other squads with no limit, theoretically, one could put together an entire 24 player squad.

Players can enter a match as a squad size of three, two, or one and then choose to assimilate in-game to a maximum squad size of six players. You can still work with all the other players in the match if they choose to cooperate with you. Some players may have a different goal for the match, so they may not join in on your current activities.

If you're planning to take on huge bosses you can assimilate any squads you like and work together without ever leaving the initial lobby, gotta say this is cool!

Assimilation takes place in-game and in any zone. So you can party up with other players, visible on the map, at any point in the match.

7 months ago - /u/TreyarchCM - Direct link

Originally posted by Lemon64k

I very much appreciate the clarifications! Though it's still unclear how the Aether Storm works.
You mentioned 45 minutes before it expands, then 15 minutes to exfil, but what if you do not exfil? Do you instantly die or do you just stay stuck there, unable to exfil, until you inevitably get overwhelmed?

I very much appreciate the clarifications! Though it's still unclear how the Aether Storm works.

You mentioned 45 minutes before it expands, then 15 minutes to exfil, but what if you do not exfil? Do you instantly die or do you just stay stuck there, unable to exfil, until you inevitably get overwhelmed?

If you do not exfil, you will die.
Players slowly take damage inside the Aether Storm regardless of its expansion. If you're running from the storm and get caught inside, you can exit to regenerate health and then extract out. You'll want to move quickly, as the Aether Storm will buff enemies inside its perimeter.

7 months ago - /u/TreyarchCM - Direct link

Originally posted by Lemon64k

That was the answer I was looking for! Thank you so much for giving the clarification I needed!
Personally, I'm fine with the timer but many people would like to have more time to stay in the Outbreak Zone, are there talks of extending the timer or is there a way to extend it more yourself? CodeNamePizza did say you can extend it another hour by doing an "endgame contract".

CodeNamePizza did say you can extend it another hour by doing an "endgame contract".

Players who embark on a special private story mission will have an hour to complete it. So, this effectively allows a player to "extend" a play session beyond an hour which I think may be creating some of the conversation I've seen here. Players will also need to extract at the end of a story mission.

Regarding extending the amount of time: I don't have anything to share at this moment, but we're tracking conversations (which is why I showed up here :D) and looking forward to players experiencing the mode on November 10th.

For anyone that may have missed CODNext, here's a link to the Zombies portion.

7 months ago - /u/TreyarchCM - Direct link

Originally posted by Eponymous__

Is there any chance we can see a blog post on MWZ in the next week or so? It feels like a lot of the confusion around the mode is mostly because of how scattered official details on it are, so personally I feel like a condensed place for all officially released information would be really nice.

We have some blogs in the works that will do just this. Current timing is TBD.

7 months ago - /u/TreyarchCM - Direct link

Originally posted by BavarianAndy

Hello dear Mr. TreyarchCM
As a loyal and long-time fan since COD:WaW of Zombie Mode.
I have a side question while we're talking about zombie mode, it would be great
if you could take a few minutes on it.

The MWZ zombie mode (time limit and open world)
is the counterpart of the
classic zombie mode (turn-based and linear level)

How did the zombie content creators react to this first decision?
And to what extent are the zombie content creators are participating in the dev. creation / making of the zombie mode in general?

It would be very nice if you could please give me an comment on this, pls.

Thank you for your attention.
Have a nice week.

How did the zombie content creators react to this first decision?

And to what extent are the zombie content creators are participating in the dev. creation / making of the zombie mode in general?


Play sessions were fun, and from what I watched, there was a lot of excitement and coordination. The feedback we received was positive and open to the open-world concept of Modern Warfare Zombies. Many felt like it was the step up from Outbreak that was wanted some time ago. Overall, it was a positive experience, and we did receive constructive feedback about the mode.

Content creators are not employees, so they aren't directly working on or developing the mode. They did have the opportunity to send feedback our way, which makes its way to our developers through various channels.

Have a nice week too!

6 months ago - /u/TreyarchCM - Direct link

Originally posted by Eponymous__

Good to hear! Thanks sm for everything you guys do.

Good to hear! Thanks sm for everything you guys do.

Just wanted to come back and drop the first blog of a few that is coming out over the next few days in the leadup to launch.
