Original Post — Direct link

Same story as this post

I'm posting as well in the hopes that this bug gets noticed more. I tried changing my zombies HUD in the profile settings and it ended up booting me to the main menu. After this I was no longer able to access the zombies HUD tab from both the profile settings or the interface settings (it kicked me to the main menu each time). Now loading into any zombies map causes massive stuttering and you essentially spawn already dead because you haven't been able to control your player. I have uninstalled and am re installing now to see if it gets fixed but this is beyond ridiculous. Zombies is completely unplayable for me until this gets fixed.

External link →
about 1 month ago - /u/TreyarchCM - Direct link

Originally posted by YourAveragePaki

u/TreyarchCM This needs to get addressed as soon as possible. Everyone experiencing this is unable to play zombies right now.

Hello! We have a fix scheduled for this issue.
