about 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s at last Game Developers Conference in
2s 2018 we got together with the the guys
5s from fun come we basically kind of
6s pitched it as though we want to kind of
8s do a stronghold meets their billions
12s everybody got exciting goes well you
13s know we could use what do you guys think
14s about using the conan world for this and
17s oh my gosh and we have really exciting
18s because we love and we didn't think of
20s it we just got into town got off the
22s plane once at the hotel throw our bags
24s down and went to the meeting and talked
25s and pitched this idea that we had you
28s know for this game and and they're like
31s this is fun i yeah we really like it
32s let's let's uh let's follow up right
34s after GDC and we're like okay and we
36s went through GDC and then monday morning
38s it's like let's have a conference call
40s we want to make this game typically you
42s come back from GDC as a developer and
44s you know months and months go by before
46s the publishers figure out what they
47s really want to do you know and
49s eventually they kind of go yeah we don't
50s want to do it or yeah let's do it these
53s guys looks like it was the Monday after
54s Game Developers Conference it's like
56s yeah we like let's do it it was awesome
58s [Laughter]