almost 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s everyone this is Ren here at petroglyph
11s on the designer my name's ed Morris I'm
13s the producer on Conan Unconquered and
15s today we're here to talk to you about
17s challenge links and what are they
19s challenge links are a way for me to
21s compete against other people online
23s yeah yeah it's true what happens is the
25s game will give you a special code you
27s share that code with friends you can
28s share it on YouTube or Twitter on
30s Facebook and challenge friends to play
32s against you in the same exact map
34s settings that you played on so you know
36s what I think we're gonna start doing
38s these officially I guess the question is
39s can you beat us at our own game
44s you