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Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
14s [Applause]
17s everyone I am getting from Lancome my
22s name is Jeanette Tatiana and I'm a
24s designer from petroglyph and we're here
26s in London and it is early morning right
29s before the EGX rezzed show floor opens
32s and we're gonna give you a quick
33s playthrough of some of the things that
35s you can come to expect in Conan
36s unconquered Conan on conker is a
38s survival RTS and we both each get it
41s here I'll be playing malaria well
43s playing Conan's out oh this is me right
46s here right there and yeah and then for
48s the most part the gameplay just can't
49s have advances like you would in solo
52s play except we're gonna have to talk it
54s out more so you like for example I'm
56s gonna build on the right field there I
59s swear I will go but I would little
62s overlap so thank you you call it a
64s survival RTS what makes it survival now
67s the part that makes it survival is that
69s you are going to be constantly assaulted
72s by enemies right and if you guys could
74s see kinda at the top of the screen
75s you'll see a tracker right and that
77s generally tells you like what's coming
79s at you so when the when the wave icon
82s reaches the left hand side that's when
84s the waves will gather at the edges of
85s the map and they would come at what also
88s makes it survival is that you're on a
90s randomly generated map and part of this
93s is like kind of like what I'm doing now
95s is that I'm exploring trying to figure
96s out where the resources are right
98s because since each map is different you
100s kind of have to get a lay of the land in
102s order to look out some dudes know in
105s order to kind of like think about the
107s strategies you're gonna play out and
109s that's what these hero units are for
111s early on in the game because you start
113s off with it's not off with absolutely
115s nothing you have your fortress and you
116s have your your units and mainly what you
119s want these uh you want your here's to
120s level up yeah right basically each year
123s has a unique ability and they won't be
126s able to access it until they at least
127s reach veteran sea level one so that's
130s also kind of part of it right so these
131s here are units can be sent out to
133s explore the map and that's probably a
134s good idea in the beginning because then
136s you can you can run into creeps I guess
139s you call it yes we concrete yeah and
140s another house build more hollow to
142s happen you can also get more
143s you can get resources by destroying
145s creeps and by destroying creeps bars
147s okay
148s I'm gonna fall back now because as you
149s can see by the tracker that wave is
151s incoming all right sweet you build a
153s little healer thing so we got a shrine
155s because me truck you know is he's
158s blessing us he's blessing us with his
160s blessings well I wasn't under Rotundo so
162s when you're playing co-op what resources
164s are shared and what resources belong to
168s each individual player for the most part
170s the if you can kind of see on the
173s right-hand side of the screen the
175s resources that go from gold all the way
177s down to the star metal the little purple
179s icon those are gonna be shared so every
181s time that I build a hovel you're gonna
183s receive half but we're both gonna split
185s the gold from that so kind of uh
187s be uses to work together so but that's
189s that's the gold income per pair take so
192s we don't it's like if I click here on
193s this button like you have more gold than
195s I do
196s yes but every turn we both get 146 gold
199s yes yes and we also share things like
202s upkeep right like later on certain
204s buildings will actually get have will
207s have a cost associated with them being
209s out in the field we had a beautiful
210s they'll have a cost associate that we
213s beat on the field and will also split
214s that for the most part you should only
217s have two things that you don't share
219s will be like yeah your units right there
222s come back inaudible kind of a dope yeah
226s so they're going after healing fine but
227s luckily our hero units are pretty strong
230s right now
230s oh they're also coming from the north
233s our hero units are pretty strong so :
236s for example if I get him in a crowd he
238s will just do like a big swing with his
240s sword and he should be able to take out
243s a lot several enemies across yeah
245s they're able to do some damage
246s especially to our hollows which are
248s mostly pretty defenseless and I couldn't
251s also see that my hunter Shack repair is
253s getting so there your mother Shack sorry
255s ah this is a lot of enemies so are the
258s waves I assume the waves are more
259s difficult when you're playing co-op
261s uh yeah they are yeah alright so we
264s survived the first wave and we took some
265s hits right also you can see that there's
267s like a lot of bodies scattered now
269s that's kind of that becomes kind of a
271s thing later on like when you
272s more enemies because they've bought too
274s many bodies pile up you'll actually
275s start generating disease right so what I
277s did right now is that I hit the repair
279s all button because you know just to kind
281s of start repairing all our stuff I'm
283s gonna continue building cobbles because
285s it's important to kind of keep that
286s floor another thing I'm gonna do right
288s now is I'm gonna expand our our build
290s area so I'm gonna use our battle
291s standards in order to kind of expand it
293s and then we'll be able to build up we'll
294s be able to build out further yeah now
296s this has its benefits as well as it has
299s a downside like the benefit is that
301s command battle standards provide you a
304s resource a resource call command right
307s and it's ID from also expanding the area
310s the downside is that you expand the area
313s now you have more to defend yes right
315s which makes it all lit you know now
317s you're running from base to base you
319s know whenever there's an emergency but
321s what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to
322s basically expand out in order to kind of
326s find a choke point and maybe start
328s building some defenses all right I'm
329s gonna build the training grounds
330s potatoes yeah so I've been building up
333s some units here and as you can probably
334s sees the buildings are colored based on
337s our respective colors so we each control
339s our own party so there's there are
340s certain things that are shared and those
341s certain things that are sort of not
345s split between a hood which belongs to to
347s one of us yeah rather than both ways how
350s about you pay for the marketplace
352s I am research market extender I also
356s built a farm because we need I need more
359s food but yeah I know it's gonna eat up a
361s bunch of how much of our Gold cost
362s counter that by building more novels
364s yeah actually if you could upgrade to
366s dwellings now I can't start doing that
368s and I will just start job start doing
371s that for as many as I can
373s so what I did there was I selected a
375s hovel I double clicked it and then I
377s click the button to upgrade now what did
379s the double-clicking do that click that
381s selected every every building all that
384s type yep and then the upgrade button
385s will try to upgrade as many as were
387s selected and then we'll do it in the
389s order that they were touched so the
391s oldest buildings get upgrade wow that's
392s really neat and then of course that will
394s give me a bit more Thrall resources it
396s will give me some more gold as well as
398s you can see of me once you hover over
401s each of your resources to tell you tells
403s you where everything is
404s from an how much that you you have left
407s now we are waiting for wave six of 25 as
411s you could tell that since we're in Texas
412s spend it that give us a little time to
414s kind of like plan our strategy so it's a
416s kind of nice thing to have some of the
418s things we've done so far is we've built
420s up a bit of an economy he's built up a
422s training ground to Train units we've
424s built up some some research we've made
426s it - I think it's like they're mostly
427s the second tier in the tech tree roughly
430s yeah roughly and we're gonna see if
432s we're able to survive against wave six
434s which is a lot of nomad spearmen a lot
436s of no men javelin ears and once - gen
438s record necromancer right because you
440s know you always need skeletons and yeah
441s so the stage of necromancer can bring
443s dead warriors back to life which isn't
446s great I mean it's great for him I mean
449s I'm sure his mom is pretty proud that
450s you're all the dudes come so Conan has a
454s special ability that allows me to take
455s out bunch of units at the same time but
458s now
459s Conan unfortunately has fallen in battle
461s what yeah and he's gonna take about a
464s minute to respond so we'll see if see if
468s any of my ax my dudes here gonna make it
471s through it does not look like it
474s I'm sorry random if you're on your own
475s are you serious TI reaches getting some
478s of your diamond ears are helping me out
480s how is he doing them how they did an
483s emotional oh I see right now that I'm
485s you're not helping yeah okay thanks
486s alright so I'm gonna put them in the
487s tower there they have to kind of give
489s you a help a little but how did you lose
492s your dudes I just sent the men them them
494s you know all the all the javelin ears
497s just sort of carved up my at mine yeah
498s again that's there that them there is
500s the RPS right like some mainly a range
504s will be male and yes but I think we're
506s almost there we survived so I'm gonna
507s let you clean those there's a couple of
509s dudes down here I think there's a red
511s spot yeah there we go this one's gonna
514s take care of those yeah who's gonna cut
515s his head off
516s boom done oh that's the wave done zone
519s so there's three groups now coming from
521s the north from the north from the
523s northwest and southeast and right now
527s we're not we're not looking too hot
529s because we don't have all that I don't
531s have that many people around right but I
533s did better end up some of them a
535s javelins like
536s one yeah so again that's kind of one of
539s the things that you want to do here like
540s your units are not really throw away you
542s know you want to make sure that they get
544s experienced by killing things and that
545s they will level up there there's a
548s little rest of the way and you know what
549s I'm not saying that you didn't do your
551s job I didn't do my job but Conan's
554s coming in just go down to wreck fool's
556s wreck fools please oh yeah like I said
558s like units are and thought I can some
560s other real turn strategy games where you
562s just you just build up a bunch of dudes
563s and you sort of send them in sort of
566s like lambs to the slaughter
567s style there's no like there's not like a
569s stack of doom here or didn't seem like
571s that you need to really think things
574s through on how you strategize what kind
575s of an units you're building
577s what kind of units they're attacking
579s because you have a rock-paper-scissor
582s combat setup with range unit being
586s stronger versus mailing units and
587s mailing it as being strong it's cavalry
589s units and then I assume cavalry units
591s are good against ranged units yeah
594s because they can get there quicker yeah
599s um the seventh wave is gonna make qu us
604s pretty soon okay so this one has
606s horsemen it's also got fire javelins
610s this is gonna be a tough wave now
612s horsemen again if you have any swordsman
615s bit out or let's start filling some
617s swords and because they will definitely
619s cut through that cavalry okay cool and
621s you're building those at the Mart no
622s that's the command tents I'm researching
624s command tents yeah it can do so so all
627s of these resources I'm just pausing time
629s again any time you want you can just
630s pause time suspend it completely and
632s then take a breather take a moment start
634s building things start training things
635s and then hit space again
637s sure the for resources on top here they
639s are flat resources meaning that if I
640s spend them then I will have to build
643s something in order to get them back
644s again
644s whereas all these other resources here
646s they will I will get some of them I will
649s get them back as time passes yeah time
652s passing right here so gold for example
655s and animals would and then stone and
658s iron star metal will eventually
660s replenish if I have the necessary
661s buildings to replenish those resources
664s as time flows bodies I'm gonna place
667s since tone a corner I want to place it
670s there and so certain buildings that
673s provide you with resources need to be
675s near those resources like so this farm
677s for example in order to provide us with
678s food needs to be near water a lumber
680s camp needs to be near lumber in order to
682s provide us with Julie comment oh yeah
686s top right and the top left do you want
689s me to send them some people yeah I
690s should be well if you have people yes if
693s not take care what you got because those
694s flamethrowers no no it I got ya I got I
697s mean you got people I got push coming in
700s that's what they're called right there a
702s horseman yeah alright so here we're
706s gonna lose my swords meant to kind of
708s aggro and give some give my javelins
711s time to get into the tower get in there
713s girl oh that I'm surrounded by horsemen
717s and my poor spinner sort of struggling
721s remember like don't keep them in a group
723s right let you can move around
725s yeah I'm trying to do that look like I
727s think I'm still using like the old way
729s of playing strategy games where you just
731s sort of push people in that you hope for
733s the best
733s well that's why you can pause time and
735s you can give them orders right I do that
738s you kind of like push some guys back so
740s I kind of found that kind of neat right
741s because generally your micro would have
743s to be on point
744s yeah when you're playing this you could
746s actually pause right take a breather and
749s then my curl all right I'm gonna unpause
752s get Boop
755s hilarious doing her best the walls are
758s holding off some of the enemy however
759s the North has been breached and the
761s horses are no no I don't want to lose
764s this tower because it's not only at the
766s same time being besieged but it's also
768s high ouch yeah fire bath because fire
771s spreads yes I look a little too nice
775s yeah : is getting there as well so units
778s have the veterans see and so when they
780s go into combat and they're able to start
781s killing dudes then they will
783s eventually start leveling up and get
785s more get stronger the the waves get
787s pretty gets pretty hairy I think we've
791s done pretty well so far
792s relations like wait we feed it ma you
794s made it through seven waves sighs pretty
796s pretty good butt clenching should we
801s maybe build a stock yard so we can
805s cattle inaudible Ozzie here but we're
807s under attack like the waves are incoming
809s they are yes so there are more guys
812s coming in from the north so I'm going to
814s take care of those and we've got people
815s attacking mine oh yeah Oh your your bow
822s maybe blow that off all right what do
825s you mean I am we are we are sorry I'm
828s come on up I got 14 seconds until my
831s ulti
831s so I'm gonna need some backup here
833s friend oh yeah i Conan's coming I'm
834s sending out some okay Oh started raising
839s the devs you can see we got the
841s Harryhausen type skeletons coming up
844s just hopefully hopefully Conan is able
846s to hear some of these necromancer hears
848s then you might want to fall back or spin
851s impossible yeah I already use Conan's
854s gonna fall whoops rip I'm gonna kick
859s this dude's ass well oh well we actually
861s have a wall breach again oh yeah I see
864s one dot okay sorry parent cuz the next
867s wave is falling upon this this is wave 9
869s this has okay this has winged demons
871s that's bad that's so bad and it's so bad
874s that's so so bad we may have made things
876s a little time different hours hours you
878s need some towers you're gonna need some
880s jabs you need to put it in those towers
881s because those those stupid wing demons
885s just wreck everything they fly over
886s walls because they're flying jerks so
889s I'm gonna try to repair here the north
890s we're gonna try to wall this up as
893s quickly as possible I don't know if
895s that's gonna be a thing that battle
898s steiner is finishing building oh hey
900s maybe I can do
902s okay but I think I was able to kind of
906s cover up this area here there a little
909s bit oh no people coming in because I
911s understand the spiders
913s you got spider than a walnut snack break
915s fully built huzzah
917s and you're sending this dude here come
919s and just get out there Conan alright
921s yeah we got a bridge boys we got a
925s breach can actually wall us off before
929s maybe these are so maybe
931s Conan's just gonna go try to cut people
935s all right so I try to wall off now what
937s an important thing here is that like
938s even though even though I had in you
941s know command all the way out to a
943s certain point right enemies will
944s actually push back your command until
946s they're destroyed so you can't like
947s build right on top of the dudes yeah so
949s what I tried to do was fall back and
951s kind of build the wall wasn't able to I
953s was able to build some sort of like
954s chill zone like that's what I'm gonna
956s call it now that I'm like hitting my
958s ability in the starting to shred
959s everybody but Valerius gonna die dude so
961s I don't know how you're doing now
962s there's down south there there it's
965s coming along
966s and I'm done I just okay oh yeah bring a
968s döner up top there up top all right I'm
971s gonna bring my my dudes up they're
973s reaching fortress prime it's alright I'm
976s gonna see if I could create some more
977s units mekong yes coming up this isn't
980s good
982s yeah they're taking down all our lumber
985s camps they are going after our
987s marketplace but Kona has joined the fray
990s do a marketplace has been destroyed go
992s spin get this gentleman get him get him
995s just get in there and just like just
997s dance boom that's good but now cause the
1001s most problems I know everyone down all
1007s right I'm gonna try to pump out some
1008s more spearmen and see if something
1010s happens but we've got another wave
1011s coming in and it's pretty good but oh no
1014s I'll stand stones we have I think I
1017s think maybe this next wave is what
1019s that's gonna do it on us unfortunately
1022s oh and there comes the weather Chauncey
1024s I have the storm sitting and all my
1026s goodness
1027s oh my gosh so I think this is it this is
1030s gonna be it this is gonna be the last
1031s one right let's just let's just see how
1033s far we make it if we beat the if we beat
1036s the wave awesome if we don't then at
1039s least we went down fighting right that's
1040s right
1040s we made it to 10 waves on 25 waves calm
1043s that is pretty in my opinion that is
1045s pretty good yes sir
1047s ah they're already here oh you found all
1049s of them I did oh god there's over people
1053s all right holding all the balls my my
1057s javelin ears are doing their best but
1059s it's not very much I have malarious
1062s you're gonna help you on the other wall
1063s we're gonna take these horses and put
1065s some jabs behind the braziers and now
1067s there are things guys are laid off you
1068s got necromancer's and you got a cowboy
1070s oh god necromancer's getting the
1072s necromancer screw everything else then
1073s they're commands in your opinion Conan
1075s is just carving people up with a sword
1077s the sandstorm alone through and they
1079s have to nurse a bunch of treasure chests
1081s or resource chests Conan has fallen amaz
1084s malaria is you we also have neck cancers
1088s coming in raising the dead raising
1091s skeleton warriors I think maybe there's
1094s the end of the kingdom oh you're back
1096s then
1097s come on go there you just need a couple
1100s spins II to have a good feeling about
1101s this time to check your medicine all on
1103s black and then spin that roulette wheel
1105s I'll take care of the necromancer just
1106s kill it nice
1107s alright necromancer's yes this is that
1110s time you have to do those speeches where
1112s it's like look we didn't come here to
1114s download I've got three soldiers left
1116s that's fine you know what I have an area
1118s and I'm gonna ginzu these voices you
1120s can't stop me I'm gonna it just makes so
1122s much roast beef right now okay if you
1124s think even though I think something
1126s is Oh are we in a bad position because
1129s the next wave actually has cattle it has
1131s a corpse catapult okay so you actually
1132s have a catapult that will launch dead
1134s things inside your base and that's a
1136s very busy expresses yeah you know cuz
1138s what disease does it slows your people
1140s there
1140s [Music]
1147s we barely scratched the surface
1150s I feel when it comes to things that we
1152s can lease we can build and use we can
1155s train the like I'm so yeah I hope you
1156s enjoyed this look at Cornell and Concord
1158s thank you very much - bad luck for
1160s joining week
1161s hiya jetty Kakaako and
1164s [Applause]