about 1 month
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Language update
We're often cited as one of the games that popularized the genre, first launching for web browsers in 2013. As such, we couldn't afford to miss out on celebrating with everyone.
Cookie Clicker is 66% off on Steam until February 10th! That's a historical low! It's the perfect time to gift Cookie Clicker to a friend or foe who could stand to see their productivity plummet. Spread the good word! Send it to your northern friends and single-handedly lower Norway's GDP!
Don't forget to check out all the other games on offer for Idler Fest too! There's some really good ones in there and we couldn't be prouder that some of them mention us as an inspiration.
What's next We're still making progress on the dungeons minigame, UI overhaul, and QoL changes. Stay tuned!
- Patch 2.053 adds support for the Norwegian and Danish languages on PC and Mac.
This brings the game's language selection to 15 languages!
We're often cited as one of the games that popularized the genre, first launching for web browsers in 2013. As such, we couldn't afford to miss out on celebrating with everyone.
Cookie Clicker is 66% off on Steam until February 10th! That's a historical low! It's the perfect time to gift Cookie Clicker to a friend or foe who could stand to see their productivity plummet. Spread the good word! Send it to your northern friends and single-handedly lower Norway's GDP!
Don't forget to check out all the other games on offer for Idler Fest too! There's some really good ones in there and we couldn't be prouder that some of them mention us as an inspiration.
What's next We're still making progress on the dungeons minigame, UI overhaul, and QoL changes. Stay tuned!