@kianamosser if i'm not mistaken about the numbers steam is giving me, about 95% of people who bought the game launched it at least once! seems awful high, glad to find out we're not backlog fodder
played too much Noita so i've been catching myself pressing down to drink/eat stuff in Terraria. did it on a worm in the rain earlier, not even sure what i was trying to accomplish. just had a moment of "after all, why not?"
@moffmoth1 you can, but to import a save it needs to be from the same or an older version (ie. it won't work currently as the beta is on a higher version than live)! the beta version isn't really intended for actual progression in general
@Mossworm1 if i'm not mistaken there's a system where roughly every 6 or 7 minutes the game throws a random encounter your way, and one time i saved right before one and could infinitely reload the save to find a wizard duel, an imperial squad, an escaped bandit, etc etc
me going "what if i'm not living out my potential as a procedural generation enthusiast with Cookie Clicker" as if 95% of the non-pixel art graphics in the game aren't stuff i generated in Filter Forge
one of my favorite things about Baba Is You is how anything can be and do anything; save for cosmetic properties game objects have no intrinsic rules. walls and robots and stars are only what you make of them. it's very non-essentialist