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Crowfall The Calling Update
Development Build 5.125.0

To report any issues or bugs, please go here: 5.125 TEST Bug Reports
To report feedback, please go here: 5.125 TEST Feedback
For an up-to-date list of known issues please go here: Known Issues


High ranking Wartribe NPCs should now spawn correctly.

Siege weapons can once again only be placed on a siege parcel during that parcel's active siege window.

God Shrine buffs no longer play their VFX and SFX when you respawn with the buff applied.

Wood Elf females armed with bows should now animate correctly.

Fixed an issue where Barracks stronghold building practice dummies would occasionally spawn on top of the building.

The Caravansary turn-in Guinecean now stands on top of his cart at all times.

Fixed an issue with z-fighting textures on destroyed Keep walls.

Eternal Kingdom:

Fixed an issue where you could not place the Stronghold Building: Lodge Throne Room on the Shire Parcel.


Fixed a number of broken text strings.

Fixed an issue where tooltips would sometimes remain visible through logout and appear in the lobby.

Fixed an issue where the Campaign Details pages (Siege Schedule/Scoreboard/Conquest) would overlap with one another.

Fixed an issue where the siege ending UI would reflect neutral siege status instead of the information for the winning guild.

Fixed an issue where the map grid lines would appear incorrectly and overlap with one another.

Banks and refineries map pins have been updated and will now display more information.

Raised Urgu NPC nameplates.


Fixed a number of broken power animations that appeared as T-Pose (Fae glide, Confessor Immolation, Stealth).

Updated the tooltip for Frostweaver Ice Weave Volatile Ice to reflect the correct damage inflicted (95 + 95% Weapon Damage).

Minotaur Dodge should now only hit a target twice, rather than 4 times.


Rallying Banner (granted by the Standard Bearer major discipline) will now properly heal up to 5 group members in the radius each second while they are under 35% health.