over 3 years ago - mdonley - Direct link

If you have a client crash, please contact [email protected].

To report any issues or bugs, please go here: TEST Bug Reports and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported
To report feedback, please go here: TEST Feedback


  • You can now create an Archetype character with customizations (hairstyle, body type, etc.)
  • Adjusted the level curve of the Swamp Hotzone in Skypoint to have level 25-27 enemies instead of 31-32.
  • Archetype Clerics now start with a ranged weapon
  • Fixed several initial Archetype quests that were failing


  • Fixed holding enter or / when input controls change causing powers to not respond to input until chat is activated
  • Pressing / activates chat and prefills it with "/" instead of preventing power input until chat is used