over 3 years
ago -
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Update 7.100
If you have a client crash, please contact [email protected].
To report any issues or bugs, please go here: TEST Bug Reports and Legend for ACE feedback on Bugs reported
To report feedback, please go here: TEST Feedback
- Archived campaign's collect rewards button now properly opens the campaign results UI
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the Campaign Results screen would display endlessly
- Fixed an issue where sometimes a stronghold would lose the sockets attached to it.
- Dying near a war table will no longer prevent you from releasing your crow.
- Fixed a bug where the Crafting Window would sometimes cause players to be unable to move
- Risk Management granted via crafting belts now also grants 5 to Partial Re-roll Cost Modifier
- The UI Setting, Reopen Auto Closed Windows, will reopen to Personal Crafting instead of the last Station
Eternal Kingdom
- Fixed an issue where public EKs sometimes wouldn't stay open for three hours if the setting had just changed from private to public
- When attempting to name an EK and the same name is already used with different capitalization changes, the name cannot be used.
- Updated the description of Guiding Light Aura to indicate it buffs Bonus Damage: Holy and Bonus Damage: Fire
- Resource usage shows more properly in the Flytext
- Fixed a bug where the crow release prompt wouldn't be shown while bleeding out if the player was next to an interactable stronghold table during a siege
- Sound for Barrage now better matches the length of the animation