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#Paladin are #strong, #bold and #courageous! Check out the new Templar Guild Paladin for #Crowfall #crowswhoknow
Amazing 24 hour stream last night. Thank you so much for the follows, subs, and support! Welcome all of our new The Meta Cartel guild members & TY so much to @CrowfallGame for all the beta keys. I played test server & upcoming patch is snappy, tight, and beautiful. SO EXCITED! https://t.co/J0mNb46JEf
@CrowfallGame @CSlashin Hi... I have a question on the starting an account phase... Can you send me a msg or email me or something pls??? I know this isnt the q&a or the right way but im fairlly new to your site and cant find a way to communicate with you.... >.<