almost 4 years ago - thomasblair - Direct link

Now that the initial Factory implementaiton should all be on Live, we are looking for feedback from everyone who has used them.

almost 4 years ago - thomasblair - Direct link

Great post @neven!
I appreciate the effort that went into this, and some of these things are in the works (Factory Tables), and some of them this is the first time hearing about it, and will take some thoughts how to alter things like dust costs. Right now we have 1 cost per recipe, which is why we baked the costs of things like treated steel/seals into all armor even though at the point of use in the Factory, we have no idea if it was used in the original craft or not.
Hearing feedback on the number of copies per template is great, because if that number is too high, there are all kinds of ripple effects to the economy and players who just want to craft.

almost 4 years ago - thomasblair - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback in here! Some things will be tweaked because of it.
First on the stop is a tweaking of resource costs. We are shooting for the baseline cost to be what the template item is + normal additives +- a few resources. In the case of armor, it is baselined at the resource cost of the armor + treated steel + specialty seals. What is currently on Live, most recipes are short about 14 dust and a Billet or Two.
We are still figuring out how we can bake in the polish costs to the recipes. More than likely we will put a cost multiplier on the dust cost based on the rarity of the template being copied. The logic being if you are using blue, purple, orange resources, the odds are really high you polished every stage.
A request is in to keep the name of the Crafter from the item template on the copies, and UI is figuring something out so you can see if an item is a copy from the account vault without needing to tooltip each item.
Where we put the number of copies is still up for debate, currently in the 15-20 range and there is lots of feedback that is a tad too high.
Keep the feedback coming!

almost 4 years ago - thomasblair - Direct link

@Yoink Could you explain why you want this one? There is functionality you lose with with bypassing the take screen if we change this is why I ask. You also risk someone else making factory copies off of items you crafted and changing the name.